Scholarship Winners 2013

Click here to view a Powerpoint Presentation of the 2013 Scholarship Winners.

Alexa Brewster

Alexa Brewster, a four-year varsity volleyball letter winner at Streetsboro
High School, plans to attend Kent State University to study athletic training
physical education. She has been active in student council, National Honor
Society, Rocket Rowdies and Leadership Committee. Her English teacher and
senior class advisor says, "She is highly motivated and sets a great example
for the entire student body." Commenting on her numerous activities, her
U. S. Government teachers noted, "She has succeeded brilliantly in balancing
the delicate dilemma that is time management."

Samantha Cooper


Field High School valedictorian, Samantha Cooper, values the relationships
she has developed with her teachers as the driving force to select a career
in education. Her experiences on church mission trips, working with children
 as a Junior Achievement instructor, and working on community service projects
have urged her to become a teacher. Her teachers have noticed, "She is always
 in a good mood and has a great sense of humor," and "She is a leader among
 her classmates."

Sarah McClure

Sarah McClure
has had numerous experiences working with young
children through church events, camp, mission trips, and babysitting.
She will graduate from Kent Roosevelt High School and has been
chosen for Bowling Green State University's prestigious President's
Leadership Academy. Her career path will be either elementary education
 or Spanish education. One of her teachers says, "Her personality is
engaging. She knows the meaning of teamwork. Her persistent work
ethic enables her to find success and balance her goals in extra-curricular 
involvement and academics."

Melody Smith


Because music has always had a positive impact on the life of Melody Smith,
 she plans to share her love of music through teaching. She has participates
in choir, drama and band at Field High School and has been involved in music
organizations in the community. She will study both vocal and instrumental
music at Kent State University where she has been a post-secondary option
student. Her pastor says, "She displays a roundedness of person that continually
surprises." One interesting surprise is that she is a professional

Ashley Spangler

Ashley Spangler
, valedictorian at Waterloo High School, will study art
education at Kent State University. Her passion for all things painted,
drawn, sculpted, designed, and otherwise created has piqued her interest
in teaching. Her math teacher believes that "Ashley possesses both the
knowledge and the communication skills to make an excellent teacher."
Her school experiences include art club, drama club, pep club, poetry club
and active involvement many church and community organizations.


Ashley Tuma

 As a cheerleader and class president for four years at Streetsboro High
School, Kayla Tuma is positive, enthusiastic and spirited. Her class advisor
 calls her "intelligent, motivated, independent, honest and dependable." 
With a near perfect GPA, she finds time to participate in many school activities
 and also volunteers extensively in community organizations. She plans to
attend Kent State University to earn a degree in early childhood education
and hopes to teach in Portage County. 

How the Scholarship Recipients Are Chosen 

Are you curious about how the recipients are chosen? This year we had 16 applicants from 8 schools: Crestwood-2; Field-3; Kent Roosevelt-2; Ravenna-1; Rootstown-2; Southeast-1; Streetsboro-4; and Waterloo-1.

Jim Montaquila is the chair of the Scholarship Committee and he works very hard to see that all the Portage County Schools are contacted about the scholarships. Information is sent to the guidance counselors, with reminders sent to them before the deadline.

Once the applications come in, Jim sends a packet of each student's information to each of the people on his committee: Dave Gynn, Norm Park, Jan Fencl, Kay Wise and Lowell Myers and they go through each one individually, ranking the students according to a rubric. Next the committee meets, they total the scores and determine the top six students. Jim then contacts all applicants and provides information and pictures for the newsletter. He contacts the families and makes arrangements for them to attend the luncheon.

Jim says he wants to thank Edith Scott and all the NEOMED proctors who earn the money to present these scholarships. Some scholarships also come from donations as well as bequeaths from past members' families. 


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