Dave Gynn

Treasurer's Report 




March 2014



Income:       PCRTA Dues           160.00

                   50/50 Drawing        43.00

                   Luncheon                52.00  (1,105 received, 1,053 paid NEOMED)

Total Income                            255.00


Expenses:     Newsletter             335.00

                   Directory                 10.00

                   Speaker                 300.00

Total Expenses                          445.00


March 31 Checking Balance    14,486.31



Checking accounts have been opened at Kent Credit Union for the PCRTA treasury and also for the PCRTA Scholarship treasury.  Separate accounts are required by the IRS.  We appreciate the Credit Union paying for our checks and not charging a service fee.


A new investment account with Stifel Nicolaus has been opened for PCRTA Scholarship with a transfer of funds from the PCRTA investment account.  This is also an IRS requirement. 


Many of our members are life members and do not need to remember to make the annual dues payment.  Members who have not paid 2014 dues are urged to do so now.  Newsletter mailing labels indicate your dues status.  Members who receive their newsletters by email can check their dues status by calling 333-678-8423.  Send just one check made payable to PCRTA; we will forward your dues to ORTA.


Treasurer's Report Nov 13, 2013, through Jan 28, 2014

Prepared by Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer

Begin. Checking Account Bal.       $14,100.77

Income Total                                  $5,418.00
Local dues                                            576.00
State dues                                         1,190.00
Scholarship                                           453.00
Mama Mia                                             985.00
Luncheons                                          2,184.00
Ck for County Clothing by member            10.00
Cookbooks                                              20.00


Expenses                                        $5,196.46
D. Fetterhoff stamps &postage                 26.79
ORTA dues                                        $1310.00
Nov. and Dec. bank fees                            6.00
Bob Grau-speaker                                  100.00
G. Darrah (gifts)                                      50.00
US Treasury                                          400.00
NEOMED luncheons                             2,249.00
P. Farley office supplies                            29.67
County clothing(replaced ck.)                   10.00
EJ Thomas (Mama Mia)                       1,015.00

Checking Account Balance           $14,322.31
Scholarship Total in Ck Account   $ 8,473.58
Working Amount in Ck Account    $ 5,848.73


Treasurer's Notes:

A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Hilda Rohlf by Dave and Pat Gynn.
A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Barbara Geisy by NEOMED Office of Academic Affairs.
A Memorial contribution was given in memory of Barbara Geisy by Ruth Weigand.


Thanks to all of you who were so kind to me during the last 9.5 years that I have been treasurer. Sometimes we had to work out some kinks in the system and your patience was appreciated. 

To those of you who wrote thank you notes in your membership payments recognizing my time and efforts, you were so thoughtful. A few words of kindness often kept me going.



Treasurer’s Report October 13, 2011: 

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance  $11,193.61

Expenses:                                                       $  1,340.60
ORTA dues                                                360.00
NEOMED luncheon                                     871.00 
D. Fetterhoff—Newsletter labels                     9.60
Giving Doll Speaker                                   100.00

Income:                                                             $  2,282.00
Local Dues                                                170.00
ORTA Dues                                               360.00
Scholarship                                               147.00
Luncheon                                                  844.00
50/50                                                         81.00
Train Trip                                                  590.00

Ending Balance                                $12,135.01

Scholarship Funds in Checking       $  5,578.58

Working Amount in Checking          $  6,345.43



I would like to encourage you to pay your 2014 dues now. No need to wait until the 2014 calendar year begins. Check your address label for your status. If you receive your newsletter by email notice, please call me for the information you may need.

And now for the bad news, nearly twenty memberships will be canceled if they are not paid before December 31. Their last payments were in 2012. Consider what your professional organizations are doing to support your retirement benefits. We could very well lose a Trustee from Portage County, who represents us at ORTA and has involvement in legislative concerns in Columbus if our membership declines so drastically. In the past we only lost about four people a year. 

To keep us strong we need everyone to help us. Please encourage a friend to join. Often I have heard, "I can't or don't want to come to meetings." It is nice to have our local function as a social unit, but it doesn't have to be that for everyone. Numbers behind our collective voice matter. Strong support = strong benefits.  

Report for July 11, 2013 to July 31, 2013:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:                 $ 9,695.16

Income:                                                         1,266.00 
Local Dues                                                           50.00 
State Dues                                                         150.00  
Scholarships                                                       113.00
Luncheon                                                            819.00
50/50                                                                 114.00
Cookbooks                                                            20.00

Expenses:                                                    $ 1,408.59
ORTA Dues                                                         150.00
Jim Montaquila-Scholarship                                  107.92
Dave Gynn-Membership                                       104.27
Barb Cribbs-Supplies & postage                              19.40 
July luncheon                                                   1,027.00

Ending Balance:                                          $ 9,552.57

Scholarship Funds in Checking                  $ 3,717.58

Checking Working Balance                         $ 5,834.99


Check your address label for 2012. Over 20 members have not renewed memberships in 2013 and 2012 appears on their address labels for state dues, local dues or both.

On December 31, 2013 memberships will be cancelled if you have not paid since 2012. Please renew before then so that we have a chance to keep our trustee whose strong, direct voice in Columbus helps us in many ways, especially in maintaining our benefits.

Anyone paying at this point is paying for 2014.
Don't hesitate to call me at 330-673-8164 if you have any questions.


Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff 

Treasurer's Report 6/1 13 to 7/10/13
Beginning Checking Account Balance                            $15,826.38

Income total                                                                    320.00

Local dues                                                                         90.00

State dues                                                                       210.00

Scholarship                                                                        20.00 

Expenses                                                                    6, 451.22

Pat Gynn website fees                                                         24.98

5 scholarships                                                                5,000.00
(Brewster, Tuma, Spangler, Smith, Cooper)

May luncheon                                                                    910.00

Newsletters                                                                       300.24

Bank fees May and June                                                         6.00 

Checking Account Balance                                          9, 695.16

Scholarship Total in Ck Account

($850 transferred from scholarship to checking for 501c3) 3,881.50

Working Amount in Ck Account                                        5,813.66 


First Merit Business Account (Scholarship)                     14, 841.85


May 31, 2013                                                              45, 466.57

June 30, 2013                                                            $44,616.03 

Darlene said that the $850 transfer was to cover the cost of the filing fee for the 501c3. She said that First Merit offers a business account and asked if we should invest in it for memorial scholarships. President Helena said the treasurer's report will be filed for audit. 


Treasurer's Report 4/3/13-5/7/13 by D. Fetterhoff

Income Total              $15,093.92

Local dues 120                  437.00

State dues                        270.00

Scholarship                         35.00

Luncheon                            12.00

Expenses                  $  1,829.54

ORTA dues                                                            $ 300.00
Newsletters - Matt Leedom                                        302.38

March Luncheon 69 X $13                                         897.00

Bank fees March and April 6

Federal 990, 2012 audit Alan Balog                            220.00

OH registration fee for assets report Attorney General   50.00

Mailing labels D Fetterhoff                                           23.07

Mailing of forms and postcards-D Fetterhoff                  31.09

Checking account balance                                     13,701.38

Scholarship total in CK Account                               8,807.50

Working Amount in CK Account                               4,893.88

Business Savings Account 2013 as of 04-05-13     $14,840.14

Total  all scholarship funds
(PCRTA Scholarship 29.04%)
(Gene Newton 28.36%)
(Wendall-Mary 42.855)

Stifel Nicholaus Funds Short History

March 31, 2013          $44,881.44
Jan 31, 2013              $43,465.52

February 28, 2012 $     43,624.71

Dec 31, 2012             $41,662.07

Stifel Nicholaus Funds

Stifel Nicholaus Funds

Initial Investment


Amended Investment $40,000

March 2013











Explanation of amended investment: $1875 was added to scholarship and subtracted from life.

Percentages were amended to reflect that change. This in accordance with passage of motion made in March Executive meeting.

Growth figures will be based on the new percentages as is shown in this table.

Stifel Nicholaus


$3624.71 growth based on


Amended due to new percentages



Life Membership










Report for March 9, 2013 through April 3, 2013:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:         $ 13,938.63

Income:                                               $ 1,522.50   

Local dues                                                  121.00  
State dues                                                  330.00
Scholarship                                                 177.50 
Luncheon                                                    924.00

Expenses:                                               $ 367.21

ORTA dues                                                  120.00
Pat Mazzer-Memorial                                    129.06
Darlene Fetterhoff-Postage & printing                8.15
Dues overpayment refund                               10.00 
Honor Flight Cleveland                                  100.00

Ending Balance:                                 $ 15,093.92

Scholarship Funds in Checking            $ 8,772.50

Checking Working Balance                  $ 6,321.42

Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer

Report for January 1, 2013 thru January 27, 2013:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance: $ 12,217.09
Income: No Activity                                0.00
Ending Balance:                             12,217.09
Scholarship Funds in Checking           
Checking Working Balance             $  3,737.09

Dues Reminder

2013 dues should be paid if your newsletter address label contains a 2012 for ORTA and/or PCRTA memberships. ORTA is $30 annually and PCRTA is $10.
Also, a reminder to help us save money- if you could receive your newsletter via email that would save us nearly $5 yearly per person. That is half your annual dues. You can print it from the website if you want a paper copy. Just let Pat Gynn or me know.
Any questions, call me at 330-673-8164. Darlene

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff
11/08/12 -12/31/12
Beginning Checking Account Balance $
Income Total: dues, donations, luncheon 6,488.50
Expenses 3,385.38
Deborah Easton -speaker Nov 100.00
Nov and Dec bank fees 6.00
DFetterhoff-postcards &postage 12.64
ORTA dues 1,140.00
Refunds 48.00
Ck to Center of Hope (replacement) 10.00
15 cookbooks 90.00
G Darrah-Supplies12.80
NEOMED Nov luncheon 816.00
Forever Harmony Chorus 50.00
Dfetterhoff-Snowberger gift card 25.00
G Darrah candy 18.94
NEOMED Dec luncheon 1,056.00
Checking Account Balance 12,217.09
Scholarship Total in Ck Account 88,480.00
Working Amount in Ck Account 37,737.09
Business Savings Account Dec 31, 2012
PCRTA Scholarship 29.04% 4,315.09
Gene Newton 28.36% 4,214.34
Wendall-Mary 42.85% 6,315.52
Total all scholarship funds14,858.46
Stifel-Nicholaus Funds
Dec 31, 2012 Not available yet
Initial investment: 40,000.00
Life Membership 58.75%23,498.34
Scholarship 41.25%16,501.66
Working amount in CK account 42.85%$3,737.09
2013 PCRTA Budget: 1/10/2013
Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer
INCOME Checking Scholarship
Carrying over from 2012 Checking account 3,737.00
Anticipated annual renewals 93 x $10= 930.00
Total: 4667.09
Income - Scholarships
Carry over 2012 8,480.00
NEOMED 7,500.00
Total 15,980.00
EXPENSES - Scholarships
5 scholarships 5,000.00
Bica scholarship 1,000.00
18 lunches 234.00
supplies/printing 150.00
Total 6,284.00
2014 Carryover (includes $50 from BICA 9596.009,596.00
General Expenses
Newsletters and mailings 2,000.00
Printing of directories 70.00
Officesupplies/postage/postage/copying 400.00
Memorial service flowers and supplies 100.00
Sunshine fund 100.00
Auditing/990N fees 250.00
Bank fees and box of checks 66.00
Retirement planning workshop
(even yr only)
Membership 500.00
Speakers and entertainment 600.00
Website($220 every 2 years) 110.00
Auto calls 100.00
Miscellaneous 371.09
(Outgoing officers, awards,
charitable donations, ORTA area meeting
costs, Board approved items)
TOTAL $4,667.09


Treasurer-Darlene Fetterhoff

Beginning Checking Account Balance       $9,130.73

Income Total: dues, donations                    850.00

Expenses                                                  866.76

D. Fetterhoff-labels, paper, envelopes           17.52

Oct. bank fee                                               3.00

ORTA dues                                               540.00

Matt Leedom-newsletters                           306.24

Checking Account                                  $9,113.97

Scholarship total in Ck Account               $5,640.00

Working Amount in Ck Account                 3,473.97

Summary of Investments

1. Closed matured CD (Gene Newton) at $4.214.34 on Oct. 22.

2. Deposited that amount in Business Savings Account which also earned $.47 interest.

    New total is $14,857.32.

3. Stifel -Nicholaus remains as reported earlier at $40,514.30 (Aug. 31).

Treasurer's Notes

Nearly 30 post cards to those who have not paid 2012 dues were sent Sat. Nov. 3.

I requested that dues be paid by Dec. 15 to meet the Dec. 31 deadline. At that time, membership will end if not paid.

Using the STRS list sent to us by ORTA, seventeen hours was spent comparing that data with my records and then rectifying discrepancies with Judy Durst's records at ORTA. Task has been completed.

No information has been received from IRS concerning 501c-3 at this time.

Ron said that the treasurer's report would be filed for audit.


To $50 Scholarship Club member Virginia Mills-Thank You!

To an anonymous donor who sent a card with a monetary gift to each of our six 2012 scholarship recipients. PCRTA and the young ladies thank you for your expression of kindness and generosity.

To Alan Balog for donating his time and expertise to complete, along with Darlene Fetterhoff, our 501(c)(3) application. Darlene commented, "Alan turned the task from a frightening nightmare into an annoying nightmare."


Members who still owe for 2012 have been contacted recently by phone or by letter. Please pay as soon as possible. When you pay, your membership will be credited through 2013. If not paid before December 31, your membership will be dropped.

Think how much ORTA does to support our pensions. At $30 annually that is $2.50 per month. PCRTA is less than $1 per month.
Our collective voice is essential! Now that you realize what a bargain our membership is, ask a friend to join!

Seriously, we need to keep our ORTA trustee and that is done through our membership numbers. If we lose members, we lose our trustee. Only the ten counties with the largest dual membership (state and local) are represented on the ORTA Board.
PCRTA has had a trustee for many years. Many of you realize the excellent job Dan McCombs has done in the past as trustee, and currently Ron Snowberger continues doing a fine job. We remain strong because we are well represented!

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

6/11/12 thru 7/10/12

Beginning Checking Account Balance 14,623.11

Income total: Dues                              80.00

Expenses                                      5,336.57

Sarah Briggs                                  1,000.00

Jesseca Greene                              1,000.00

Karlie Lieberth                               1,000.00

Lauren McBride                              1,000.00

Abigail Wemhoff                            1,000.00

May and June bank fees                        6.00

Matt Leedom-newsletters                  320.57

Pat-Gynn-yearly public domain fee        10.00

Checking Account Balance              $9,366.54

Scholarship Total in Ck Account     $4,391.00

Working Amount in CK Account      $4,975.54

2012 Investment Summary (updated July, 2012)





Interest yr to date

1st Merit: Wendall-Mary CD





1st Merit: Scholarship CD





1st Merit : Gene Newton CD





1st Merit Business SavingsStifel-Nicholas Mutual Funds

Initial Investment

Feb 15, 2011

Dec 31, 2011

Jan 31, 2012

Feb 29, 2012

March 31, 2012

10,641.15From Life CD:


From Scholarship:




(fees withdrawn)









Created on 6/12/12

Darlene said she closes each CD as it matures due to such low interest return and transfers the money to the newly opened business account.

Darlene handed 5 envelopes enclosed with a $1,000 check in each to Jim Montaquila, Scholarship chairman, so he could present them to each scholarship recipient at the luncheon meeting.

Dave Gynn had asked Darlene to discuss forming a resolution statement in the event that PCRTA had to dissolve and should have a plan for distribution of the monies in our treasury.

Darlene said that Alan Balog completed the paper work for PCRTA to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization for a tax-free status by the Internal Revenue Service.

After some discussion, the PCRTA Executive Committee asked for a motion. Darlene made the following motion: In the event of dissolution of PCRTA, the Executive Committee shall, after paying and making provisions for the payment of all liabilities, distribute all the assets of PCRTA over to an organization dedicated to charitable and/or educational purposes and which has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

The motion was seconded by Barb Cribbs. Motion passed with 16 members present.

It was stated that the motion would become an addendum to the PCRTA bylaws.

Darlene said she would prepare a document with the above resolution as adopted by the Executive Committee and would bring it to the July 19th meeting for the Executive Committee officers to sign.

Darlene said presently the Lowell Myers is the only designated scholarship

Report for June Newsletter May 10 - June 10, 2012

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance       $13,759.26

Dues, luncheon, donations, Neomed   $  3,895.00

Expenses:                                      $  3,031.15
ORTA Dues                                            240.00
NEOMED luncheon                                1,440.00
J Montaquila - Scholarship                         76.15
G. Darrah, Deocrations                              36.97
K Stummer, scholarship                         1,000.00
Gathering Place Charity                            200.00
Dee Smith, Memorial Program                     19.11
Pat Mazzer, Memorial Program                    15.92
April Bank Fee                                            3.00

Ending Balance:                                 $ 14,623.11

Scholarship Funds in Checking             $   9,391.00

Checking Working Balance                  $   5,232.11

NOTES FROM THE TREASURER: Please check your newsletter address labels to determine your membership status. If 2011 appears, then you still owe for this year. For example, S2011P2011 indicates that $40 is due-$30 for ORTA and $10 for PCRTA. Some may just owe for one organization rather than both. Please call me if you have questions: Darlene at 330-673-8164.

LOSING MEMBERS: Believe it or not, we lose members. You know the obvious ways, but there are members who try to hide from us. They have moved and now we have no forwarding addresses. Even ORTA can't find them. If you know where Elaine Ochwat or Patricia Pownall are living or their phone numbers, please call me at 330-673-8164. Thanks. Darlene


Membership Dues
Recently postcard reminders were mailed to those who have not paid 2012 dues. If you paid ORTA directly, please, just send in $10 for PCRTA with a note that ORTA has been paid.  ORTA does not notify me so this needs to be done in order to keep accurate records.  Also we are  asking that dues be paid by June 1.

If you have questions, please call Darlene at 330-673-8164 or email me at darfett@yahoo.com. Thank you.                                                                                                     


Report for April Newsletter:                       March 7 thru March 26, 2012         

Checking Account Balance                          $13,761.00

Income:                                                         $  1,310.00  
Dues, donations, luncheon

Expenses:                                                     $     448.60   
ORTA                                                          420.00   
D. Fetterhoff: postcard postage                        28.60

Ending Checking Balance                           $14,622.80     

Scholarship Funds/Checking                      $ 8,291.00 

Checking Working Balance                         $ 6,331.80

Report  for March Executive Meeting:       January 13 thru March 6, 2012

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:          $ 11,772.48

Income:                                                  $  2,425.00
NEOMED, dues, donations

Expenses:                                             $      436.00
January Bank Fee                                               3.00   
February Bank Fee                                              3.00  
Check Order Charge                                           30.90    
Matt Leedom: 368 Newsletters                          318.41  
Matt Leedom: 35 Directories                               56.00 
D. Fetterhoff: Address Labels                              24.77

Ending Checking Balance:                        $ 13,761.40

Scholarship Funds in Checking                  $   8,107.00

Checking Working Balance                       $   5,654.00


Report for November 10, 2011 thru January 12, 2012:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:    $   8,195.10

Income:  NEOMED, dues, donations     $   6,276.00

Expenses:                                       $   2,698.62

NEOMED luncheon                                  2,040.00      

Speaker-Gene Easter                                  75.00

ORTA dues                                              450.00 

Bank Fees for Nov/Dec                                 6.00   

Stamps-D. Fetterhoff                                   8.56 

Center of Hope                                          20.00  

Printing-Ron Snowberger                             42.60 

TRZ calls                                                  56.46

Ending Balance:                              $ 11,772.48

Scholarship Funds in Checking          $   6,187.00

Checking Working Balance               $   5,585.48


Dues Update

Please check your newsletter address label to determine your current membership status. Dues need to be paid for 2012 if your label contains a 2011 for state or  local dues.

State dues (ORTA) are $30 per year and local dues (PCRTA) are $10.  If you have paid ORTA directly, call me so records can be updated.  If you have any question, please call Darlene at 330-673-8164.

It is our goal to increase our membership each year to strengthen our collective voice.  If you know someone who may be interested in joining, please give them a call and direct them to any officer or  membership chair for further details.

Just think how much difference we could make if each one could reach one!



Report for October 1, 2011:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:     $   5,885.45

Expenses:                                        $   1,675.80     

Luncheon, United Methodist                     1,000.00

Speaker-R. Pfingster                                    75.00

Bank Fee                                                     2.00

ORTA dues                                               570.00 

Stamps-D. Fetterhoff                                     8.80 

Safer Futures                                              20.00 

Income:                                             $   1,917.00

Luncheon, dues, donations

Ending Balance:                                $   6,126.65

Scholarship Funds in Checking            $      702.00

Checking Working Balance                 $   5,424.65

Treasurer's Report August 2, 2011:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:               $  6,207.85

Expenses:                                                $  1140.54
ORTA dues                                                      120.00   
U M Church-luncheon                                        860.00
J. Montaquila-scholarship expenses                    160.54

Income:                                                  $     957.00
Dues, luncheon, 50-50, donations

Ending Balance:                                        $   6,024.31 

Scholarship Funds in Checking                     $      485.00

Working Amount in Checking                       $   5,539.31


Please check your newsletter address label.  If 2011 is listed, then now is the time to renew for 2012,  If 2010 is listed, your membership will end in December.  Remember, your support of the local and state organizations is greatly appreciated and needed in these changing times.  Please call me if you have any question-330-673-8164.  Also, your dues payments for 2012 are welcome at anytime now.

THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY:      Scholarship Donations of $50 or more donated at one time:  Jane Hostler

Report for April 8, 2011 to May 26, 2011:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:                                  $ 9,998.62

Expenses:                                                                  $ 1,171.04

ORTA dues                                                                       150.00

U M Church-luncheon                                                          760.00

MJ Brannon-memorial expenses                                           103.76

Safer Futures                                                                    127.00

AARP Class Refreshments—Kay Wise                                     30.28

Income:                                                                     $ 1,301.00

Dues, luncheon, 50-50, donations

Ending Balance:                                                         $ 10,128.58

Scholarship Funds in Checking                                        $ 6,205.09

Checking Working Balance                                             $ 3,923.49


Please check your newsletter address label to determine if you have not paid your 2011 dues. If S2010, P2010, or A2010 is listed, then please submit your dues as soon as possible. Your continued support is needed and much appreciated.


Thanks to everyone who donated supplies and money to Safer Futures. Besides the many bags of donations, we were able to give Safer Futures $237 in cash donations!                      


Nov. 11, 2010 - Jan 26, 2010
 Dues,Luncheon,Scholarship             Donations$4,419.00  
 Transferred funds from CD 23,498.34  
 Total Receipts   $27,917.34
 Political Luncheon 32.72  
 Informative Services 33.31  
 Retirement Planning 31.00  
 Tree City Toastmasters 50.00  
 Luncheons 1,680.00  
 ORTA 1,020.00  
 Membership Brochures 160.00  
 Officer Gifts 75.00  
 Dec. Entertainment 50.00  
 Bank Fees 6.00  
Total Expenses    3,138.03
Total Receipts Less Expenses    24,779.31
Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:   
Ending Balance:    48,636.36
Restricted Funds     
   Scholarship Funds in Checking   18,350.24
Checking Working Balance   $30,286.12


Dues for 2011 should have been paid by December 31, 2010, but will still be accepted until June, 2011.

Check your newsletter address label for your current status.

Call me at 330-673-8164 if you have any questions.

Note:  Income, Transferred funds from Life CD will be reinvested.                              

2011 PCRTA Budget: 01/27/2011

Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer

Carryover from checking account 2010   $ 25,220.02
Transfer from Life CD into checking account     23,498.34
Dues renewal of anticipated annuals 23x$10    230.00
Dues renewal of anticipated associates 9x$5    45.00
Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM    7,500.00
     TOTAL INCOME $ 56,493.36
General Scholarships funds (in Checking account)  $ 15,950.24
Carol Myers' 2 scholarships    2,000.00
Teresa Bica    400.00
423 mailings of 5 newsletters   2,000.00
Printing of directories    100.00
Office supplies/postage/copying    400.00
Memorial service flowers and supplies    100.00
Sunshine fund    100.00
Auditing/990N fees    250.00
Bank fees and box of checks    53.00
United Methodist Church meeting room    50.00
Retirement Planning Workshop    200.00
Lunches for 6 scholarship winners and parents    180.00
Membership    500.00
Speakers and entertainment    300.00
Website    30.00
Possible investment of Life CD funds    23,498.34
Additional Scholarship funds    7,500.00
Miscellaneous(decorating for luncheons gifts for    
outgoing officers, awards, charitable donations)    2,881.78
     TOTAL EXPENSES   56,493.36

Darlene presented the 2011 budget along with the 2010 budget for comparison.

She said the audit info has been turned over to Alan Balog and he will also do the 990 N report.

She said the new membership brochures that Art Fesemyer had made are in color.

Darlene has to arrange bonding for herself according to our bylaws.

President Ron Snowberger said the treasurer's report is approved for audit.

October 1 - November 11, 2010

Beginning Checking Account Balance $21,409.49

Income $3,470.00

Expenses $1,022.44:  Bank fees (2months) 4.00, ORTA 660.00, Newsletters-Matt Leedom 358.44

Ending Checking Account Balance $23,857.05

Scholarship Total (deposited in checking account) $17,611.24  Carole Myers Memorial Scholarships $2K) included

Actual Working Amount in checking Account $6,245.81

September 8 to September 30, 2010

Beginning Checking Account Balance














     Speaker - Nancy Granville




     Bank Fee




     Membership - D Gynn




     Membership - A Fesemyer




Total Expenses


_ 979.76


Receipts Less Expenses



Ending Balance




Restricted Funds
     Scholarship Funds in Checking,
     including Carol Myers' Scholar-
     ships for 2011 and 2012



Checking Working Balance




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