Ruth Weigand
Recording Secretary

Executive Committee Mtg. Minutes


Members present: Kay Wise, Jim Montaquila, Barb Cribbs, Edith Scott, Darlene Fetterhoff, Dave Gynn, Connie Evans, Pat Gynn, John Kerstetter, Judy Morgan, Georgia Darrah, Helena Parry, Ron Snowberger, Ruth Weigand, Dee Smith, Judy Hendershot, Mary Ann Brockett

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order and announced that Pat Gynn has an ad hoc position as PCRTA photographer.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth said that she emailed the January minutes to everyone that has an Email address. Kay Wise made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Connie Evans. Motion passed.

New Membership Chair - Judy Hendershot

Judy said that she did not receive the minutes. Ruth apologized and said that she forgot to include her. Ruth said that she needs a new roster of the 2014 board members.

Treasurer - Dave Gynn

                         TREASURER’S REPORT - March 13, 2014

BALANCE - January 28 Checking Accounts          14,322.31


          PCRTA Dues                                               120.00

          ORTA Dues                                                 300.00

          Scholarship 10.00                                       430.00


          ORTA Dues                                                  90.00

          Bank Fees                                                     6.00

          Scholarship transfer 10.00                          103.00

BALANCE - March 13 Checking Accounts          14,649.31

  First Merit Checking

          (includes $8,473.58 scholarship)            14,229.31

  Kent Credit Union Checking                                420.00


New accounts have been opened at Kent Credit Union for Portage County Retired Teachers and Portage County Retired Teachers Scholarship because IRS requires separate financial activities.  Features are:

  • No monthly service charge 

  • The Credit Union paid for checks, notebooks, and endorsement stamp.

  • Online access to view accounts

  • Online availability to transfer funds

  • CDs linked as subaccount

 Old accounts need to be changed:

  • Close out First Merit checking account

  • Create new Stifel Nicholaus account and transfer scholarship funds to a separate accounts

                         OTHER TREASURER ACTIVITIES

Taxes - Change address with Ohio and IRS after 990 is filed

Bylaws - Investigate bonding as required in bylaws

Dues - 86 members have not paid 2014 dues.

Mama Mia Reservations - $30 due (6 parking passes)

Cookbooks - 65 books ordered, 56 books paid

Audit - President Helena said that the treasurer’s report would be filed for audit.

Darlene is in charge of PCRTA scholarship monies and Dave is in charge of PCRTA’S regular treasury.

Assistant Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

                         ASSISTANT TREASURER’S REPORT

                               PCRTA Scholarship (501c3)

                                       1/29 t0 3/14/14


  First Merit Bank


       Checking Account

            Part of 501c4 account temporarily              $8,473.58


        Savings Account

            Need to transfer                                      $14,845.87

  Kent Credit Union 

        Checking Account                                               $30.00

        Savings Account - Donated to join                         $5.00


   NEOMED-to be deposited                                     $1,875.00

   Stifel Nicholaus as of 2/19  

  (45.72% 0f $40 K)                                     $22,237.06


   State of Ohio - To be paid                                          $50.00

Darlene requested that any scholarship money that is donated be directed to PCRTA Scholarship. At the end of December, 20 letters were sent out to members who gave scholarship donations. She said she will send one statement at the end of the year unless it’s a large one with a letter of thanks for donations to scholarships.

Darlene praised Alan Balog for all he does for PCRTA.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah

Georgia passed out the this year’s calendar and said that it has been confirmed.

                         2014 CALENDAR



January 9 - 9:30 Organizational Workshop (Kent Library - 2nd floor)

February 1 - Newsletter Deadline

March 13 - 9:30 Executive Board Meeting

March 20 - 12:00 Luncheon Meeting

    • Program – George Sleigh: “Surviving The 91st Floor on 9/11”
    • Memorial Service

April 1 - Newsletter Deadline

May 8 - 9:30 Executive Board Meeting

May 15 - 12:00 Luncheon Meeting

    • Program - Ron Snowberger / Trip to China

June 1 - Newsletter deadline

July 10 - 9:30 Executive Board Meeting

July 17 - 12:00 Luncheon Meeting

    • Program - Scholarship Winners

August 1 - Newsletter Deadline

September 11 - 9:30 Executive Board Meeting

September 18 - 9:30 Luncheon Meeting

    • New Retirees

October 1 - Newsletter Deadline

November 13 - 9:30 Executive Board Meeting

November 20 - 12:00 Luncheon

    • Installation of Officers

    • Program - Mike Kerrigan / NEOMED

December 18 - 12:00 Luncheon Christmas Party

    • Program - Falcon Academy 6, 7, 8th Grade Choir

      Directed by Laura Goldman

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

Ron said that ORTA’S long range planning is on finance and vision.

He announced that the ORTA spring conference is on April 8. He said that he and Dave will attend.

It was decided to have just one conference this year. It will be at the Columbus Historical Society and will be limited to 300 people.

Ron said that he will mention the planned trip to China by NuVu Traveler at the general meeting.

President Helena said that 10 new rosters have been printed, but are probably outdated by now.

Board members can get it online by using their password.

Helena said she assumes that Norm Park is no longer doing Archival.

Preretirement Planning - Richard and MaryAnn Brockett

She said that the Preretirement Workshop is on April 17 from 5 - 7 P.M. at Channels 45/49. Reminders have been sent to the schools. Volunteers are needed for helping with registration and the food.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

For May, members are to collect paper goods such as paper towels, toilet tissue, paper plates and cups, and napkins. Liquid hand soap also would be appreciated.

There is a request from Big Brothers and Sisters for June for gift cards for summer activities.

Dave suggested that we find out what denomination and what place.

July collection will be for school supplies for Portage County Clothing Center to distribute.

Membership - Judy Hendershot

Judy said that she is just getting acclimated. It would be helpful for her to have an updated list of new retirees and Portage County administrators.

President Helena asked if there were any more brochures or if there needed to be new ones made.

Memorial & Sunshine - Pat Mazzer & Dee Smith

Pat said there is nothing new and the info was in the newsletter. 

There were three deaths of PCRTA members in 2014, the most recent being Ken Cardinal. Pat Mazzer sent sympathy cards to their families. 

She said there would be a 5 minute memorial presentation at the meeting and there would be a display of pictures and info about the deceased.

Kay said that Pat’s daughter had the prints and memorial cards made and that PCRTA should send a thank you to her.

NEOMED Proctoring Organizer - Edith Scott

Edith said that a proctor is needed on Mar. 20 on the day of the luncheon meeting. A few proctors are needed for April and May.

President Helena said that she put a special report about PCRTA proctoring in the ORTA report for a four month period documented and put in the newsletter.

President Helena thanked Edie.

Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay said that AARP SMART DRIVER PROGRAM - 2014 will be on May 22, August 21, and November 20, 2014 at the Tallmadge Community Center, 80 Community Road, Tallmadge, Ohio 44278 330-633-5610 from 9:00 to 1:00 P.M. Course Fee: $15.00 for AARP member, $20 non-member. She said that fliers will be made available at the general meeting.

St. Patrick’s Book Sale will be at Reed Memorial Library in Ravenna on Thurs. for members at 1:00 P.M.

There is a new librarian. Fri. 11-5; Sat. 11-4; Sun. Take as many books as you want -hardbacks 50 cents.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said the article about the luncheon meeting was in the Record Courier. She said that the article

about scholarship applications should be in the paper soon.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that he has been personally distributing scholarship info and meeting with counselors. A week ago he sent reminder post cards. He said that he has not received any applications yet and the deadline is April 4.

Mon., April 21st is the selection date.

He praised Norm, but he was unable to help this year. Lowell Meyers, Kay Wise, and Jan Fencl are the committee members. Darlene Fetterhoff said that she would like to be on the committee.

$1500 is the amount agreed upon for each scholarship. Jim said that since we have the money, he requested that the scholarship amount to be awarded be increased to $1500. Darlene said it would be fine.

Dave made a motion to accept 6 applicants, seconded by Judy Hendershot. Motion passed.

Jim said that all applicants would receive a letter of congratulations or not.

Social / Travel- John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that there are 24 signed up to see MaMa Mia on May 7th.

He said the Western Reserve Community Band will perform on April 5 at 7:00 P.M. at the Hudson Middle School. The music will be Broadway shows and musicals. Ken Granville is in the band.

John said that a flier will be placed on the tables at next week’s meeting asking members if there would any interest in a backstage tour of all the theaters and a preview of the fall shows at the Cleveland Playhouse.

Mary Ann Brockett asked for a chance to talk at the next meeting to promote the Portage County Parks and Recs levy.

Pat Gynn said she will be taking pictures for PCRTA and if anyone has some pictures about PCRTA to try to know the date.

Webmaster - Connie Evans

Connie said that Karen Balog spent an afternoon with her and helped with the web.

Pat Gynn suggested to Judy Hendershot maybe she would like to attend the ORTA meeting on April 8.

Old Business

John questioned why 86 members have not paid their dues.

Darlene said she used to wait till April and send reminder post cards. July 1st is the deadline.

Dave said that it would be better to get people to pay by the end of December.

President Helena asked for a motion to adjourn.

Connie Evans made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Pat Gynn.

Meeting adjourned.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting, March 20, 2014

Greeters were Judy Hendershot and Ruth Weigand.

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order and thanked the greeters.

She asked if there were any guests.

Janet Wojnaroski, Connie Moir, and Carole Tosenberger, guests of Carol MacLean; Diane Roberts, retired school secretary and guest of Georgia Darrah, Phyllis Cettomai, retired from Reed Memorial Library, guest of Kay Wise; James and Jay Rhodes, retired from Hiram College; Nancy Smith, guest of Wendy Cooley; Barb Watkins, guest of Norma Jackman; Gene Sanford, guest of Geraldine Radcliff; James Wemyss, guest of Shirley Wemyss; and David Danesi, guest of Gail Danesi.

President Helena led the pledge of allegiance with the members.

Membership chair, Judy Hendershot, said she needs a list of Portage County Teachers and KSU who are thinking of retiring.

Richard and Mary Ann Brockett have scheduled the Preretirement Seminar for April 17th from 5:00 - 7:00 P.M. at channel 45/49 in Kent on April 17.

It was stated that retirement benefits are critical with lawmakers and there is a need to recruit younger retirees to bring new expertise.

District XI Director for ORTA, is Jean Slicker. She is a liaison between you and ORTA.  She tries to visit the retiree groups.

The ORTA spring conference is April 8, 2014.

Coummunity Service Chair, Judy Morgan, thanked everyone who brought things for Akron Children’s Hospital today. She said that paper goods for the Portage County Clothing Center will be collected for the May 15th meeting.

She asked members to list their community service hours on the sheet that is being passed around.

NEOMED proctoring organizer, Edith Scott, said that she needs people to sign up for May and June.

Richard and MaryAnn Brockett talked about the funding crisis for the Portage County Park District.

The park district’s present funding already comes from 50% donations. There are 1300 acres of park and 14 miles of trails. They requested members to sign a sheet for a newspaper ad to encourage voting for the ½ mill levy that will be on the ballot on May 6th for maintenance and development of park trails.

Darlene Fetterhof announced that there will be a free concert by the Western Reserve Band on April 5 at 7:00 P.M. at the Hudson Middle School at 77 Oviatt St. off Rt. 303. The music will be from movies and Broadway.

ORTA Trustee Ron Snowberger said that Dave Gynn, himself, President Helena Perry, and Judy Hendershot will be attending the ORTA spring conference on April 8th.

He said members should give their concerns to him or Dave.

Ron led the meditation, entitled “Mastering Emotions”.

Carol Kates Cotton won the 50/50 drawing in the amount of $42, half of the $84, collected by Ron Snowberger from attendees.

The Memorial Service was led by Dee Smith and Pat Mazzer.

One of them read “A Tribute to a Teacher” by Myra Beth Lambert.

Copies of the tribute with the list of seven deceased members for 2013 & 2014 were placed on each table. Also at the back of the room was a table with pictures of the deceased along with info about their lives; namely, Barbara T. Geisey, Phyllis Hecker, Orson E. Ott, Hilda Gwendolyn Rohlf, Lucy Huston Warner, Ruth White, and Kenneth E. Cardinal.

President Helena thanked Dee and Pat for doing the Memorial Service and stated that both of them are retiring from the job because of health reasons.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah introduced George Sleigh, who related his experience,

Surviving the 91st Floor on 9/11”.

George said that he grew up in England and was a naval officer. He was offered a job opportunity in Canada in shipping and met a Canadian lady whom he married. Then he worked in Cleveland in shipping design. In 1968 till 1983 he worked in the head office in Manhattan for the American Bureau of Shipping and lived in New Jersey to raise his family. 1989 a new company president transferred 1500 employees to Houston, but George along with 149 employees were left in New York on the 106h floor of the south tower of the World Trade Center.(He said that when you looked out the window from the 106th floor, you were above the clouds).

In 1991 25 employees were left and were moved to the 91st floor in the North Tower.

On Sept. 11, 2001 it was a clear morning and by this time there were only 10 employees in their office.

Their office worked on uniformity on decisions for shipping around the world.

George said that he was on the phone when he heard a loud roar and an airplane was flying towards the building at 600 mph. His office collapsed with light fixtures falling and book shelves. (he showed a photo of the entry of the plane 25 ft. directly above his office with smoke billowing out).

(He said that he was in the south tower in 1993 when there was an explosion in the basement, broke a door, hid under a ledge for two hours till the smoke cleared, and walked down 110 floors in complete black.)

On 911, he said that as he walked down, he knew nothing about other planes . There are 2 flights of stairs for each floor but two of them were blocked on his floor so they started down the third flight. People were calm and had to back up when firefighters were coming up the stairs with all their equipment. As they walked down, they were getting soaked by the sprinklers. He eventually made it to the concourse below the building which is connected underground with 7 buildings and has shops and eateries as well as a train that enters there. He said that it was very dark except for one light, but he eventually found a door and made it to the street above. He said his guardian angel helped him get to the street.

He showed a picture, taken by a British photographer, of himself walking with two survivors, all of whom were smoke covered. As they were walking away, he heard a second explosion around 10:00 A.M.

He ended up in the ER and was treated for injuries, called his wife by pay phone from the hospital, and called a driver in NJ, who came to get him later that day.

The picture of him and those two other men was put on the news in England almost immediately, so one of his sons who worked there knew that his Dad made it out safely.

George Sleigh retired in May, 2003 and he and his wife moved to Hudson where they had friends and have lived there ever since.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah thanked George Sleigh and said she can’t imagine his experiencing two world trade center bombings.

Georgia announced that Ron Snowberger will be giving his talk on his trip to China at the May meeting.

Meeting adjourned.




Members present: Richard Brockett, Mary Ann Brockett, Connie Evans, Judy Hendershot, Darlene Fetterhoff, Dan McCombs. Georgia Darrah, Helena Parry, Ruth Weigand, Jim Montaquila

President Helena welcomed Judy Hendershot as the new membership chair and said that Judy is a national certified teacher, Lion's Club member, author of some children's books, Akron U part-time teacher, and church organist.

She thanked everyone for coming.

Recording Secretary -Ruth Weigand

Helena asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dan made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed.

By-laws committee member Jim Montaquila said that the by-laws are pending due to IRS acceptance of both sets of revised by-laws.

Treasurer-Darlene Fetterhoff

Darlene said that she is treasurer for Dave Gynn till he gets back in March.

Darlene submitted the 2014 budget.

2014 PCRTA Budget 1/9/14

Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Ass't Treasurer



Carryover from‘13                                   6854.73

Anticipated income from 92 renewals         920.00

Total                                                      7774.73


Beginning Balance Carryover 13               8423.73

NEOMED (proctoring)                              7,500.00

Total                                                  15,923.73


6 scholarships                                       6,000.00

Outstanding expenses 18 lunches              234.00

Dec ‘13 luncheon                                   1,053.00

office expense                                          250.00

Dec' 13 bank fee                                          3.00           

total unpaid                                          1,056.00

Actual Amount for Budget                     6,718.73


                                                Budget 2013                          Actual 2013                               Budget 2014

Newsletters and mailings               2,000.00                               1,478.77                                     2000.00

Printing of directories                        70.00                                    11.13                                         15.00

Office supplies/postage/copying       400.00                                   124.15                                       150.00

Sunshine fund                               200. 00                                   123.06                                       125.00

Auditing /990N fees                       250.00                                    670.00                                       270.00

Bank fees                                       36.00                                      36.00                                         36.00

Box of checks                                 30.00                                      31.00                                         30.00

Retirement planning workshop                                                                                                       150.00

                 (even yr only)                                                                                 

Membership                                 500.00                                    104.27                                        200.00

Speakers and entertainment          600.00                                   300.00                                         500.00

Website ($220 every 2 years)        110.00                                   134.38                                         150.00

Auto calls                                    100.00                                       0.00                                           50.00

Miscellaneous                              371.09                                      50.00                                         341.73

(Gifts to outgoing officers,

charitable donations,

ORTA area meeting costs,

Board approved items)

                                               4667.09                                  3031.76                                       4017.73


1) Actual amount brought in was $2,559.00 Membership Summary for 2013

2) Actually spent $3,031.76. ($400 for IRS) 1) 11 non-renewals

3) Continued need for "tightening the belt" as we did in 2013 2) 5 deaths

3) 16 NEW

4) 431 reported to ORTA as dual members

Darlene made labels for the next newsletter and will make 10 new directories.

Mary Ann Brockett made a motion to accept the budget, seconded by Ruth Weigand. Motion passed.

Vice -President Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that all programs except for November are set for next year.

It was suggested to ask someone from NEOMED to speak at that meeting.

She said that our March speaker survived the 91st floor in the World Trade Center bombing and PCRTA will give him a $100.

President Helena said that she contacted Tim Ryan's office and spoke to his aide and told him that she didn't like the military budge cut down by 1%.

She also said that ORTA sent a letter to the statehouse about the Social Security mandate.

She gave the website for officers to accept the membership directory.

Connie said that the PCRTA website online is easy:

President Helena said that she was able to do one ORTA report and included the community service and membership, etc.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that our state lawmakers are not doing anything right now because they are preparing for the next election.

He said he was upset with the governor over the extension of Medicaid without the General Assembly ‘s approval.

He said that new retirees will not receive a COLA increase for five years, but the other STRS retirees will receive an increase after July 1, 2014.

Membership - Judy Hendershot

Judy said that she was gathering materials and procedures and time-lines to follow for membership.

Dan said that legislative is critical for membership.

He said that we need to keep enough members to have an ORTA Trustee. He said there are 185,000 STRS retirees.

There was some discussion about the difficulty administrators and teachers are having with the new requirements.

Sunshine - Pat Mazzer & Dee Smith

It was stated that 5 members passed away, but only four need to be honored, because one of them was honored this year.

Georgia said that Pat Mazzer wants to do a slide show to honor them in March.

NEOMED Proctoring - Edith Scott

January 15, 2014 is the date for orientation for new proctors.

There were 47 tests for the 4 months from September to December using 133 proctors for 412 hours.

$1,875 is paid to PCRTA quarterly.

Edie requests that proctors call to get on the schedule to proctor.

Newsletter - Helena Parry

Helena said she'll have the newsletter ready by mid-February.

Pre-Retirement Richard & Mary Ann Brockett

Mary Ann said that the second letter to superintendents have been written and are ready to be mailed the last week of January.

Letters to each school containing copies of fliers will be mailed the first of March.

All speakers and contacts at Western Reserve Media will be contacted again the third of March.


Follow with up with a phone call.

President Helena said that there will be an STRS rep, an insurance rep, and an attorney present.

Mary Ann suggested that the membership chair be present to sign them up for membership.

Darlene suggested that some of the newer members help to recruit.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Helena thanked Georgia for all her hard work.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that the schools would receive the scholarship info by the end of January.

Jim requested that $1500 scholarships, rather than $1,000 be awarded.

Darlene said that the IRS is making students get a receipt from the bursar's office.

After some discussion, Kay Wise made the motion to award $1500 scholarships, seconded by Georgia.

Motion passed.

Social/Travel John & Sandy Kerstetter

The plans for the Mama Mia show for May 6, 2014, at the E. J. Thomas hall in Akron are in place. There are 25 members and friends who have signed up.

With our 25% discount, each ticket costs $39.00. Parking passes are $5.00 At this time, there are no other plans in the making. The early sign-up was necessary to receive the discount.

New Business

Darlene possibly needs to buy office software for Dave and herself with a price range: $80, $100, $200.

Kay Wise made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff. Motion passed.

President Helena thanked Judy Hendershot.

PCRTA Executive Board Meeting, Nov. 14, 2013, Ruth Weigand, Secretary

Barb Cribbs reported that the NEOMED staff gave money to the PCRTA Scholarship in memory of Barb Geisey, our deceased member who proctored many hours at NEOMED.  It was announced that Nancy Boomhower, President Elect of ORTA, recently passed away after another occurrence of cancer. 

Pre-Retirement: Richard and Mary Ann Brockett , Co-Chairpersons - Letters were sent out to allage County Schools.  Our workshop is April 17, with speakers John Buch from STRS; Ray Kline of Kline Investments in Stow; and John Flynn, attorney from Kent.

Treasurer: Darlene Fetterhoff - Working account balance as of Nov. 12, $6,080.19

By-Laws: Ron Snowberger, Chairperson - To avoid the confusion between Executive Committee and Executive Board, after discussion the board, recommended we change the word Executive Committee to OFFICERS.  The vote on this matter would be taken of the membership at the next luncheon meeting. The By-Laws for the 501-C3 PCRTA Scholarship were accepted by the PCRTA Executive Board, pending the approval of the IRS. This motion was made by Dave Gynn and seconded by Mary-Ann Brockett.

 Scholarship: Jim Montaquila, Chairperson - Jim Montaquila suggested that perhaps we, in the future, increase the scholarship given each selected student to $1500.00.  No action was taken.

Nomination: Jan Fencl, Chairperson - Jan read the letter from Ria Mastromatteo stating her resignation as Assistant Treasurer for the PCRTA. The board accepted the resignation of Ria and appointed Darlene Fetterhoff to fill Ria's unexpired term.  Jan Fencl made the motion for this action, which was seconded by Edith Scott. Jan announced that elections occur in odd-numbered years for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer.

Programs: Georgia Darrah, Vice President  Georgia announced that Ron Snowberger would present his program about his trip to China in 2014 rather than in Nov. 2013.  Georgia asked for greeters and people to do the luncheon meditations for 2014. The November meeting will be a presentation by Bob Grau, who will share his experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Archival: Norm Park, Chairperson - Norm announced that he turned 90 years of age.  Norm places the PCRTA news and publicity into the Portage County Historical Society collection.

Community Service: Judy Morgan, Chairperson - Judy announced that the PCRTA has recorded 9,800 volunteer hours. Canned goods and money for turkeys are requested for Thanksgiving for the Center of Hope. Gift certificates totaling $95.00 and $120.00 in checks, along with thread, yarn, and fabric, were donated to the Giving Dolls at the September Luncheon Meeting.   Gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats are requested for the December meeting. 

NEOMED Proctoring Organizer: Edith Scott, Chairperson - Edith requested that proctors sign up for December due to the great need.  She stated that Barb Geisey is really missed.  

Newsletter Editor: Pat Gynn - Pat reported that 314 newsletters were printed and sent out to 298 single mail-outs with 105 people on email newsletter.  We are still asking for you to receive your newsletter via email to help save on costs.  If you have not done so, and are willing to get your newsletter via email, please contact Helena at  or Judy Kirman at

Protective Services: Kay Wise, Chairperson - Kay reported that Dr. Stacey Schneider and two of her students will be taking blood pressures of members prior to the Nov. Luncheon. 

Social/Travel: John and Sandy Kerstetter, Co-Chairpersons - John announced that the government shut down caused the PCRTA trip on the Cuyahoga RR Train to be cancelled. He announced the Western Reserve Band will perform on Dec. 15 at 4p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Hudson.  Then, attendees will meet at Zeppe's for dinner.  Mama Mia will be at E. J. Thomas on Tues. ,  May 6, 2014.

Luncheon Meeting November 21, 2013

President Helena Parry welcomed ORTA President Elect, Don Ullman; his wife, Delores, ORTA webmaster; and Bob Grau, the program speaker. She welcomed Len Suzelis, Denise Cole, Nancy Smith, Ray Sheets, and Jeri Thompson from Southeast and Nancy Smith from Kent. Marty Hatcher from Southeast recruited five new members from Southeast whom she brought to the meeting.

Ron Aeschelmann made the motion to approve the 2014 slate of officers of Georgia Darrah for Vice-President, Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary, and Dave Gynn for Treasurer; seconded by Pat Farley. The motion passed by vote of the membership present.

The 2014 PCRTA officers as pictured are Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer; Barb Cribbs, Corresponding Secretary; Dave Gynn, Treasurer; Georgia Darrah, Vice President; Ruth Weigand, Recording Secretary and Helena Parry, President.

Dave Gynn made the motion that we adopt the IRS 501c4 bylaws to promote legislation with one change in section V that every reference to Executive Committee be changed to Officers, seconded by Saroj Sutaria. The motion passed by the vote of the membership present.

Connie Evans, Webmaster, reported a new web email address:

Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, introduced Bob Grau, author of Five Million Steps on a Journey of Hope: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail. Bob traveled fourteen states from Georgia to Maine in 170 days in 2011 on a trail of 2,181 miles. 

Luncheon Meeting, December 1, 2013

President Helena Parry welcomed everyone including new member, Marilyn Sorrick. Community Service chairperson, Judy Morgan, announced that PCRTA has 11,000 community service hours reported. Edith Scott, NEOMED Proctoring Scheduler, thanked everyone who proctored and asked everyone to pick up their schedule before leaving today. She announced that the next orientation would be on Jan. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at the NEOMED.

Dave Gynn suggested that members do not leave STRS health insurance by being tempted by other lower cost insurance. He warned if you do leave STRS health insurance that you can't come back unless it is a life changing situation.

President Helena announced that Judy Hendershot will be the Membership chairperson in 2014.

Georgia introduced our program entitled, "A Musical Holiday for You," with pianist Richard Worthing, flutist Michelle Worthing, and vocalist Sara Burkey. Towards the end of their program, they asked the audience to join in singing a couple of Christmas carols.

PCRTA Executive Board Meeting, Nov. 14, 2013, Ruth Weigand, Secretary

Barb Cribbs reported that the NEOMED staff gave money to the PCRTA Scholarship in memory of Barb Geisey, our deceased member who proctored many hours at NEOMED. It was announced that Nancy Boomhower, President Elect of ORTA, recently passed away after another occurrence of cancer.

Committee reports:
Pre-Retirement: Richard and Mary Ann Brockett , Co-Chairpersons - Letters were sent out to all Portage County Schools. Our workshop is April 17, with speakers John Buch from STRS; Ray Kline of Kline Investments in Stow; and John Flynn, attorney from Kent.
Treasurer: Darlene Fetterhoff - Working account balance as of Nov. 12, $6,080.19
By-Laws: Ron Snowberger, Chairperson - To avoid the confusion between Executive Committee and Executive Board, after discussion the board

recommended we change the word Executive Committee to OFFICERS. The vote on this matter would be taken of the membership at the next luncheon meeting. The By-Laws for the 501-C3 PCRTA Scholarship were accepted by the PCRTA Executive Board, pending the approval of the IRS. This motion was made by Dave Gynn and seconded by Mary-Ann Brockett.

Scholarship: Jim Montaquila, Chairperson - Jim Montaquila suggested that perhaps we, in the future, increase the scholarship given each selected student to $1500.00. No action was taken.

Nomination: Jan Fencl, Chairperson - Jan read the letter from Ria Mastromatteo stating her resignation as Assistant Treasurer for the PCRTA. The board accepted the resignation of Ria and appointed Darlene Fetterhoff to fill Ria's unexpired term. Jan Fencl made the motion for this action, which was seconded by Edith Scott. Jan announced that elections occur in odd-numbered years for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer.

Programs: Georgia Darrah, Vice President - Georgia announced that Ron Snowberger would present his program about his trip to China in 2014 rather than in Nov. 2013. Georgia asked for greeters and people to do the luncheon meditations for 2014. The November meeting will be a presentation by Bob Grau, who will share his experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Archival: Norm Park, Chairperson - Norm announced that he turned 90 years of age. Norm places the PCRTA news and publicity into the Portage County Historical Society collection.

Community Service: Judy Morgan, Chairperson - Judy announced that the PCRTA has recorded 9,800 volunteer hours. Canned goods and money for turkeys are requested for Thanksgiving for the Center of Hope. Gift certificates totaling $95.00 and $120.00 in checks, along with thread, yarn, and fabric, were donated to the Giving Dolls at the September Luncheon Meeting. Gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats are requested for the December meeting.

NEOMED Proctoring Organizer: Edith Scott, Chairperson - Edith requested that proctors sign up for December due to the great need. She stated that Barb Geisey is really missed.

Newsletter Editor: Pat Gynn - Pat reported that 314 newsletters were printed and sent out to 298 single mail-outs with 105 people on email newsletter. We are still asking for you to receive your newsletter via email to help save on costs. If you have not done so, and are willing to get your newsletter via email, please contact Helena at or Judy Kirman -

Protective Services: Kay Wise, Chairperson - Kay reported that Dr. Stacey Schneider and two of her students will be taking blood pressures of members prior to the Nov. Luncheon.

Social/Travel: John and Sandy Kerstetter, Co-Chairpersons - John announced that the government shut down caused the PCRTA trip on the Cuyahoga RR Train to be cancelled. He announced the Western Reserve Band will perform on Dec. 15 at 4p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Hudson. Then, attendees will meet at Zeppe's for dinner. Mama Mia will be at E. J. Thomas on Tues. , May 6, 2014.

Summary of the November 21, 2013, Luncheon Meeting
President Helena Parry welcomed ORTA President Elect, Don Ullman; his wife, Delores, ORTA webmaster; and Bob Grau, the program speaker. She welcomed Len Suzelis, Denise Cole, Nancy Smith, Ray Sheets, and Jeri Thompson from Southeast and Nancy Smith from Kent. Marty Hatcher from Southeast recruited five new members from Southeast whom she brought to the meeting. Ron Aeschelmann made the motion to approve the 2014 slate of officers of Georgia Darrah for Vice-President, Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary, and Dave Gynn for Treasurer; seconded by Pat Farley. The motion passed by vote of the membership present.
The 2014 PCRTA officers as pictured are Darlene Fetterhoff, Assistant Treasurer; Barb Cribbs, Corresponding Secretary; Dave Gynn, Treasurer; Georgia Darrah, Vice President; Ruth Weigand, Recording Secretary and Helena Parry, President.
Dave Gynn made the motion that we adopt the IRS 501c4 bylaws to promote legislation with one change in section V that every reference to Executive Committee be changed to Officers, seconded by Saroj Sutaria. The motion passed by the vote of the membership present.
Connie Evans, Webmaster, reported a new web email address:
Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, introduced Bob Grau, author of Five Million Steps on a Journey of Hope: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail. Bob traveled fourteen states from Georgia to Maine in 170 days in 2011 on a trail of 2,181 miles.

Summary of the December 1, 2013, Luncheon Meeting
President Helena Parry welcomed everyone including new member, Marilyn Sorrick. Community Service chairperson, Judy Morgan, announced that PCRTA has 11,000 community service hours reported. Edith Scott, NEOMED Proctoring Scheduler, thanked everyone who proctored and asked everyone to pick up their schedule before leaving today. She announced that the next orientation would be on Jan. 15 at 9:30 a.m. at the NEOMED.
Dave Gynn suggested that members do not leave STRS health insurance by being tempted by other lower cost insurance. He warned if you do leave STRS health insurance that you can't come back unless it is a life changing situation
President Helena announced that Judy Hendershot will be the Membership chairperson in 2014.
Georgia introduced our program entitled, "A Musical Holiday for You," with pianist Richard Worthing, flutist Michelle Worthing, and vocalist Sara Burkey. Towards the end of their program, they asked the audience to join in singing a couple of Christmas carols.

PCRTA Executive Officers Meeting Nov. 14, 2013

Members present: Kay Wise, Jim Montaquila, Barb Cribbs, Richard Brockett, Mary Ann Brockett, Georgia Darrah, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, John Kerstetter, Connie Evans, Judy Morgan, Norm Park. Evelyn Park, Jan Fencl, Edith Scott, Dave Gynn, Pat Gynn

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order.

President Helena asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes.

Recording Secretary Ruth Weigand stated that Darlene Emailed a correction about the statement whether monies should be transferred from the checking account to a First Merit Business Account when we already have a First Merit Business Account.

Also donations in memory of Les Bennett and Alice Foldessy were made by friends and not family as was stated in previous minutes and that Marleen Strebler resigned effective in October and will not do the Nov. and Dec. reservations.

President Helena asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Kay Wise made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Richard Brockett. Motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary Barb Cribbs said NEOMED staff gave money to PCRTA Scholarships in memory of Barb Geisey.

President Helena announced that the state reports to ORTA are due in January.

ORTA Trustee Ron Snowberger is home from the hospital recovering from blood clots and sinus infection. She said our May speaker will speak at next week's meeting and Ron's talk will be in May.


Treasurer's Report Oct. 2 to Nov. 12, 2013 by Darlene Fetterhoff

Beginning Checking Account Balance $12,135.01

Income Total                                         $3,750.00

Local Dues                                                   $679.00

State Dues                                                  $840.00

Scholarship (includes NEOMED #2)               2,231.00

Expenses                                               $1,784.24

D. Fetterhoff stamps & postage                         31.14

ORTA dues                                                     840.00

Mat Leedom newsletters                                  292.10

Sept and Oct bank fee                                        6.00

Total train refunds                                          645.00

Checking Accounts Balance                 $14,100.77

Scholarship total in Ck Account                   $8,020.58

Working Amount in Ck Account                   $6,080.19

Financial Investments

First Merit Business Savings Account

Total $14,843.57 contains scholarship funds only with subcategories of-

      PCRTA General Scholarship 29.04%

      Gene Newton Memorial 28.36%

      Wendall-Mary Memorial 42.85%

No update on 501c3 and 501c4 as of this date. Alan Balog called the IRS but the call was not returned. We still owe for the 501c3 and 501c4 as of this date,

Stifel Nicholaus Funds Short History

Oct 31, 2013      $47,916.61 (Life amount =$26,009.14; scholarship amount=$21,907.47)

Sept 30, 2013    $46,324.94

August 31, 2013 $45,156.16

July 31, 2013     $46,210.95

Membership Records

At this time there are 12 who have not paid dues since 2012 and whose membership be cancelled on Dec 31, 2013.

New members Deaths

Nancy Bubenzer (Kent 2013) Hilda Rohlf 10/7/13

Charles Klamer (Garfield 2013) Barbara Geisey 10/1813

President Helena announced that the Treasurer's report will be filed for audit.

By-Laws Chairman Dave Gynn said that the changes in the bylaws were in the latest PCRTA newsletter

for all members to read. He said that the proposed scholarship bylaws need to be approved only by the Executive Officers. It is a single purpose set of bylaws containing eight articles with some subheadings only for administration.

During the discussion, one person objected to Article 1 NAME and PURPOSE subheading B. 3 which stated "To raise funds for the PCRTA Scholarship through requests from individuals, estates, corporations, and foundations."


A. The word Committee was discussed.

MaryAnn Brockett recommended to change the name of the Executive Committee to Officers in Article IV. part A., seconded by Georgia Darrah. Motion passed.

Article IX. Dissolution

The word Committee was discussed and changed to Officers.

Dave made a motion to accept the 501c3 bylaws pending approval of the IRS of changing the word Committee to Officers in Article IX, seconded by Mary Ann Brockett. Motion passed with one abstention in Art I B.2. and Art. VIII part B.

Jim Montaquila, Scholarship chairman, said the first scholarship of $100 was awarded in 1994 and gradually increased in amount to $1,000 by 2008.

Jim requested that the amount be increased to $1500 and will ask for it in January 2014.

Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, said that due to Ron's illness, Ron Snowberger's presentation on his trip to China will be switched to one of our 2014 programs.

For the November meeting, Bob Grau will be presenting his experiences while hiking the Appalachian Trail. For December, we will be celebrating the holidays with a musical program.

A survey will be given at the November luncheon asking members to volunteer to be greeters and to do the meditations for the 2014 meetings. Members will be asked to recommend any programs they would like to see at future luncheons.

Dave Gynn volunteered to do the meditation for next Thursday.

Georgia read a thank you note from Jan Householder of the "Giving Dolls" to the board in which she said thank you for being a part of "our" mission.

Georgia said that she joined the Silver Lake group.

President Helena said she recently requested some dolls to be sent to Idaho for families of disabled veterans and volunteered to pay the shipping.

It was announced that ORTA President - Elect Nancy Boomhower passed away after a reoccurrence of cancer.

There is a need for Membership chair and Newsletter chair for 2014.

Associate Treasurer Ria Mastromatteo sent a letter of resignation.

President Helena asked approval to accept Ria's resignation as assistant treasurer and to appoint Darlene Fetterhoff to fill her unexpired term.

Jan Fetterhoff made the motion to accept Ria's resignation as assistant treasurer and to appoint Darlene to fill her unexpired term, seconded by Edith Scott. Motion passed.

Norm Park, Archival Chair, said he has turned 90. Everyone applauded. He said that he wished to resign.

Judy Morgan, Community Service Chair, said PCRTA has 9800 volunteer hours. She said canned goods and money for turkeys are requested for Thanksgiving for the Center of Hope.

She said 4 gift certificates totaling $95 and $120 in checks along with thread, yarn, and fabric was donated to the Giving Dolls at the September luncheon meeting.

She said gloves, mittens, scarves, and hats are requested for the December meeting.

Dave Gynn, Membership chair, said that 146 teachers in Portage County retired this year. Letters were sent to 89 and there were only three responses. The info included a letter, a brochure, question and answer list, and a free lunch ticket.

It was decided that the complimentary lunch ticket would be good for one year and a complimentary ticket for those who have never been a member and joins.

Edith Scott, NEOMED Proctoring scheduler, requested that members sign up for December because there are many needed. She said that Barb Geisey is really missed and that some of the NEOMED staff donated money to the PCRTA Scholarship fund in her memory.

Pat Gynn, Newsletter editor, said there were 314 newsletters printed and 298 single mail-outs with 105 people on email newsletter.

Cost of printing was 49.5 cents per copy with a total of $155.43, cost of bulk mail was $49.17 and cost of processing(collate, fold, seal, label, & bulk assembly) was $87.50. Total cost was $292.10.

The printer is Excel Graphics, 17800 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls 44203 440 543 5547.

The processor is Matt Leedom, P. O. Box 727, Middlefield, OH 44062, 330 281 9331

Jan Fencl, Nominations chair, said that we accept with regret the resignation of Assistant Treasurer

Ria Mastromatteo. Her unexpired term will be filled by Darlene Fetterhoff.

Elections occur in odd numbered years for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer.

Elections take place in November. Officers take office on January 1, 2014. They are eligible for reelection.

Our November 2013 nominations include:

Vice President: Georgia Darrah, Treasurer: Dave Gynn, Recording Secretary: Ruth Weigand

We accept, with regret, the resignation of Darlene Fetterhoff. We commend her for her over-the-top service. Thank you, Darlene.

Richard & Mary Ann Brockett, Preretirement co-chairs

Letters were sent to all Portage County Schools.

All schools responded and indicated they will post fliers. Speakers will be John Burch from STRS, Ray Kline of Kline Investment in Stow, and John Flynn, attorney from Kent. Each Executive Committee member will receive a copy of the flier.

The Preretirement workshop will be April 17, 2014.

Kay Wise, Protective Services chair, said that Dr. Stacey Schneider and two of her students will be in the great hall at 11:30 to take blood pressures before the meeting. Call 330 325 6395.

John, Kerstetter, Social/Travel chair, said that the government shutdown caused the PCRTA trip on the Cuyahoga RR train ride to be cancelled.

He said the Western Reserve Band will perform on Dec. 15 at 4:00 P.M. at the First Congregational Church in Hudson. Then attendees will meet at Zeppe's for dinner.

John said that Mama Mia will be at E.J. Thomas on Tues., May 6, 2014. Minimum number of prepaid tickets is 10 at $39( a 25% discount) with 15% down to be paid by Dec. 30.

Connie Evans, Webmaster, said to notify PCRTA for any change in Email.

Kay Wise made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jan Fencl. Motion passed.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting November 21, 2013

Greeters: Mark Stahl and Charles Morgan

PCRTA President Helena Parry led the Pledge of Allegiance.

She welcomed ORTA President Don Ullman and his wife Delores, ORTA webmaster,

and Bob Grau, today's speaker.

She welcomed Len Suzelis, Denise Cole, Nancy Smith, Ray Sheets, and Jeri Thompson from Southeast and Nancy Smith from Kent. Marty Hatcher recruited a new member.

President Helena said that PCRTA is in need of a Membership Chair and Newsletter Chair.

Membership Chair, Dave Gynn, said there are 146 2013 new retirees and hoped new people would join to give strength to our membership. He said thank you for one person bringing in one new member.

He said that there is a need to keep our STRS defined benefit along with our health care.

The American Legislative Council has spent billions for Americans for Prosperity in Ohio to change our pensions to defined contribution.

Dave said if you value your pensions, join ORTA. He suggested that everyone should read ORTA

Quarterly . Dues must be paid by Dec. 30, 2013 for 2014 ORTA membership.

He thanked Marty Hatcher for bringing 5 people from Southeast.

Dave announced that in the absence of Ron Snowberger, bylaws chairman, the need to revise the bylaws for the IRS 501c3 scholarship fund to be a separate entity.

To have our organization to be able to promote legislation, PCRTA will also have 501c4 with the IRS.

Dave made the motion that we adopt the IRS 501c4 bylaws to promote legislation with one change in section V that every reference to Executive committee be changed to officers., seconded by Saroj Sutaria.

Motion passed.

Ron Aeschelmann, made the motion to approve the 2014 slate of officers of Georgia Darrah for Vice-President, Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary, and Dave Gynn for Treasurer, seconded by Pat Farley. Motion passed.

Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, asked everyone to estimate their volunteer hours for December and to turn them in. She thanked everyone who already turned in their hours.

John Kerstetter, Social/Travel chair said that the government shutdown caused our Cuyahoga Valley train ride to be cancelled.

He announced that on Dec. 15 at 4:00 P.M. there will be a holiday Christmas concert at the First Congregational Church in Hudson.

Anyone who is interested in eating at Zeppe's afterward, please let him know so he can make reservations.

He said that the yellow sheet being passed around is for signing up to see Mama Mia at E.J. Thomas on Tues. May 6, 2014. 15% down of the $39 has to be paid by Dec. 30 to hold the minimum of 10 tickets.

Edith Scott, Proctoring scheduler, said she is begging members to sign up for 55 positions, of which she has 23 scheduled.

Members are asked to sign up with Pat Gynn to receive newsletters by Email.

President Helena presented Pat a gift for doing the newsletter for 7 years and helping with it for two years.

Retiring Treasurer, Darlene Fetterhoff said that she is very happy that the 501c3 and 501c4 are in the final stages. She said that with the 501c3 makes it possible for members donations to be tax deductible.

Connie Evans won half of the $98 in the 50/50 drawing in the amount of $49 and donated it back.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah said that Ron Snowberger will do his China trip in May.

She said fill out the forms on the table for 2014 volunteering to be a greeter or to do the meditation at our meetings and to fill out the interest surveys and leave them on the tables.

Dave Gynn led the meditation titled Thanksgiving Address and subtitled Greetings to the Natural World with the help of 15 members.

ORTA President, Don Ullman, said he lives in Belle Valley near Cambridge, OH and is Eastern Area VP.

He said that Dave Gynn did a super job as ORTA president last year.

He said that for 48 years he was teacher, coach, HS principal, transportation supervisor, and administrative assistant. He said that his wife, Deloris got him interested in ORTA.

She is ORTA webmaster.

He congratulated PCRTA on our website and said that Connie does a wonderful job.

He said that he's working to get all 90 chapters online with only 50 now.

ORTA is the voice for us with strength in numbers.

He said that the reports can be filled online now.

Pat Gynn did the installation of new officers and thanked Ria for her work.

Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, introduced Bob Grau, author of Five Million Steps on a Journey of Hope: Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail.

He traversed 14 states from Georgia to Maine in 170 days in 2011 on a trip of 2,181 miles.

He talked about the cairns, the rock pyramids that help mark the trail, the shelters, his tent and supplies,

And the people who delivered water and food (people who sometimes had southern hospitality).

He learned not to carry too much weight. He completed his hike with one injury.

His preparation included reading hiking books, exercise, and day hikes along with getting sponsors for Alzheimers, Lymphoma, Leukemia, and Melonoma Research.

President Helena said that Bob will sign his book for anyone who purchases one.

President Helena said that she hopes to see everyone in December.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting December 19, 2013

President Helena Parry welcomed everyone. It was stated that Kay Wise's guest, Kaitlyn Alesci, one of our scholarship recipients, had planned to attend today but had to be elsewhere. New member Marilyn Sorrick was welcomed along with our three entertainers, Richard and Michelle Worthing and Sara Burky.

President Helena led the pledge of allegiance.

Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, said that PCRTA has 11,000 community service hours and to turn them in today. She thanked everyone for turning in their hours. She said she received a check for $39 for Portage County Clothing Center as well as the gloves, mittens, hats, and scarves that members donated today.

She made a plea for someone to be on her committee to give ideas and suggestions for community service.

President Helena said she needs the other committee reports and requested help with the newsletter.

Edith Scott, NEOMED proctoring scheduler, said thank you to everyone that proctored, asked everyone to pick up their schedule before leaving today. She said that Jan. 15, 2014 at 9:30 A.M. the next orientation is scheduled for new proctors.

Dave Gynn, Membership chair, said that membership is from Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st.

He thanked all the life members and said for all others to pay before leaving today if you have not renewed for 2014. He said of the 15 or 16 who had not renewed that all but four joined.

Dave suggested that members do not leave STRS health insurance by being tempted by other lower cost insurance. He warned if you do leave STRS health insurance that you can't come back unless it is a life changing situation.

President Helena announced that Judy Hendershot will be Membership chair in 2014.

Social Committee chair, John Kerstetter, said that a round of applause was needed for all those who proctored last Friday, because there were 14 proctors that day.

John said that the Christmas concert in which one of our members Ken Granville participated at the First Congregational Church in Hudson on Sun. Dec. 15th was well received. Some attendees met at Zeppe's for dinner afterward.

He said that the yellow sheets on the table are for members who wish to attend Mama Mia on May 6th, 2014. Those interested should fill out the yellow sheet including the deposit and leave it on the table.

Dan McCombs was in charge of the 50/50 drawing in the amount of $126. Georgia Darrah won the $63 and donated it back to PCRTA.

President Helena thanked the greeters, Paul and Joyce Naujoks.

Dottie Emerick gave the meditation. She read a Bible quote and said the thing she was thinking most about was that we help and give to others by using our time and talents.

Vice President Georgia Darrah thanked Helena for the beautiful table centerpieces.

Georgia announced that today is Dottie Emerick's 49th wedding anniversary.

She said that the program for March, 2014, will be a talk by a gentleman who survived the World Trade Center bombing and was on the 91st floor.

It was announced that anyone who makes a reservation by Email to make sure to put PCRTA for Pat Farley; otherwise, her computer will kick it out.

Georgia introduced our program entitled, "A Musical Holiday For You" with Richard Worthing, pianist, Michelle Worthing, flutist, and Sara Burkey, vocalist. Towards the end of their program,

they asked the audience to join in singing a couple of Christmas carols.

Meeting was adjourned.

Upcoming events:

December 30th - Mama Mia reservations due to Sandy Kerstetter

March 20, 2014 - Luncheon meeting / NEOMED


President Helena Parry called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary Ruth Weigand corrected the July 11 meeting minutes to add scholarship contributions from friends, not family, of Les Bennett and Alice Foldessy to the bank account. Corrected minutes were approved.

Vice President Georgia Darrah distributed the 2014 calendar of PCRTA events.

Corresponding Secretary Barb Cribbs received additional past scholarship recipient responses.

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff reported a checking account balance of $11,193.61 ($5,642.58 scholarships and $5,551.03 working amount). She reported $14,842.43 in the First Merit account and $45,156.16 ($24,510.56 scholarship and $20,645.40 life membership) in the Stifel Nicholaus account.

Darlene reviewed the 501(c)3 application. She and Alan Balog will apply for a 501(c)4 designation for our organization and form a scholarship organization with a 501(c)3 designation.

Georgia Darrah said that Jan Householder, founder and executive director of the Giving Dolls program, will speak at the September 19 meeting. She announced that we would donate $100 to the program. Georgia will distribute a survey at the November meeting.

Pat Gynn moved to accept the 2014 dates for the PCRTA calendar. Seconded by Ron Snowberger. Motion passed. Executive Committee meetings: January 9, March 8, July 10, September 11, November 13. Luncheon meetings: March 20, May 15, July 17, September 18, November 20, December 18.

ORTA Trustee Ron Snowberger said he will be attending the ORTA fall meeting on October 24.

President Helena Parry asked if anyone was interested in running as the ORTA District Director. She said the Scholastic Book Fair is looking for volunteers. Information is on our website. A member request for financial assistance was discussed; the member was referred to community resources.

Legislative Chair Dan McCombs announced that the 12.5 percent rollback has been eliminated only on new tax levies. He said STRS has launched an updated, interactive website.

Membership Chair Dave Gynn moved that ORTA give Alan Balog a complimentary ORTA/PCRTA membership in appreciation of his work with our treasurer. Seconded by Connie Evans. Motion passed. Each retiree has received a packet with a welcome letter and brochure. Twenty 2012 members did not renew. Dues for 2014 are due by the end of 2013.

Memorial and Sunshine Chair Dee Smith reported that cards have been sent for illness, sympathy, 50th anniversary, congratulations and cheer.

Proctor Scheduling Coordinator Edith Scott said there were five new proctors at the most recent orientation.

Newsletter Editor Pat Gynn reported 320 newsletters were printed and 310 were mailed. The $237.72 cost is lower than usual because the newsletter was only eight pages. There are 101 email newsletters sent by Judy Kirman. Pat said she would not continue as editor, but would help the new editor.

Nominations Committee Chair Jan Fencl sent a report of nominees for officers and said Pat Gynn would arrange the installation at the November meeting.

Pre-Retirement Chairs Richard and Maryann Brockett scheduled the workshop for April 17 at Channels 45/49. Preliminary letters will go to superintendents. An STRS representative, attorney John Flynn, and a financial planner will present a program much like last year.

Public Relations Chair Georgia Darrah commended Laura Nethkin for a good article in the Record Courier about our scholarship luncheon.

Scholarship Chair Jim Montaquila said the Scholarship Committee met to revise the current criteria. Darlene Fetterhoff moved that we accept the new criteria for submitting a PCRTA scholarship. Seconded by Barb Cribbs. Motion passed.

Social Committee Chairs John and Sandy Kerstetter sent information to Darlene Fetterhoff to announce the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RR Train Ride is on October 10 and will cost $15.

Webmaster Connie Evans said that the proposed bylaws are on the website.

Bylaws Committee Chair Ron Snowberger presented proposed revisions to our bylaws. After much discussion and rewording the proposal, Dan Mc Combs moved we accept the proposed bylaws. Seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff. Motion passed. Maryann Brockett moved that the bylaws changes to printed in the next newsletter. Seconded by Pat Gynn. Motion passed.

LUNCHEON MEETING - September 19, 2013

Before the meeting, a Power Point presentation from ORTA was scrolling on the screen for member information about the benefits of joining ORTA.

Kay Wise announced the Ravenna Library's book sale and said this weekend was the Balloon Affair's 35th year.

President Helena led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Helena announced that JoAnn Stikes could not take the job as Reservation Chairman. Pat Farley and Ehrman Armstrong have volunteered to be Reservation co-chairs.

Darlene announced for John Kerstetter that the information for the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RR Train Ride was on each table. The cost is $15, not $5. The tour will be narrated one way. There will be a car for handicapped persons. Plan to bring a pack lunch and get your reservations in to Darlene by September 24.

There is a need for a Membership chairman, since Dave Gynn will become Treasurer in 2014. 

There is a need for a newsletter editor, since Pat Gynn is resigning at year's end. Judy Kirman will continue E-mailing the newsletter.

Dave Gynn said that there are 94 retirees in Portage County and addresses are needed for nearly half of them. He asked everyone to look at the names on the chart and let him know if anyone has addresses for them. He said that a packet with a free lunch ticket and a pamphlet with info about ORTA and PCRTA had been sent.

Judy Morgan, Community Service Chair, asked members to record their hours on the form being passed around. PCRTA has 7,000 community service hours so far.

Dottie Emerick won the 50/50 drawing, winning $38 of the $76 collected.

Nancy Schubert gave the meditation. She showed her 25-year old Amish doll that her 3-year old granddaughter decided on her own that it should have a face.

Helena Parry had brought some of her own doll collection for centerpieces on the tables.

The speaker, Jan Householder, explained how the Giving Dolls started with a doll she created for a little girl going through chemo. The dolls are not sold. They are given when someone requests one for a child who is in need of special comfort. Later they started making small blankets and a tote bag to go with the dolls. The first doll was made 2006; and number 15,000 was made in April, 2013.

Guests at the luncheon were: Susan Adair, guest of Sally Hershiser; Connie Liston, guest of Carol Penn; Pat Moore, first time attendee with Kathleen Latimer; Diana Kentner, guest of Mark Stahl; and Martha Ward, guest of Judy Morgan.

PCRTA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Emergency Meeting August 19, 2013


Members present: President Helena Parry, Vice President Georgia Darrah, Recording Secretary

Ruth Weigand, Corresponding Secretary Barb Cribbs, Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff , 2014 Treasurer

Nominee Dave Gynn, Legislative Chairman Dan McCombs, and Scholarship Chairman Jim Montaquila

Also present - Alan Balog, CPA

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff introduced Alan Balog, CPA, who prepared the 501(c)(3) and submitted it to the IRS in August 2012 for PCRTA. Alan presented everyone copies of the four-page response from the IRS, prepared by Joanna Yawney from California, which stated “Your Attachment 5 states that Legislative concerns of retired teachers has always been included as topics of interest.”

PCRTA is a chapter of ORTA and our August 2011 newsletter states “We have had a trustee on the ORTA board for about 20 years.” Article III of PCRTA bylaws states “Only dual membership of ORTA and PCRTA” and Article II states that “These bylaws shall in no way conflict with the constitution and Bylaws of the OHIO RTA. The mission of ORTA is described on its website,, as “the voice

of Ohio’s retired public educators."

Please be aware that ORTA is exempt under Code section 501(c)(4), not 501(c)(3).

Generally, an organization which has chapters is exempt under the same code section as its chapters. However, you are a chapter seeking exemption under a different Code section.

Despite the fact that your charitable and educational activities are substantial, it is unclear if classification under Code section 501(C)(3) is appropriate due to your significant legislative activities.

However, on the basis of the limited information provided, I am unable to determine whether your legislative activities constitute a “substantial non-exempt Purpose” as discussed below.

In addition to your legislative activities, your social/travel activities do not serve 501(c)(3).

Please consider the following tax law: Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(a)(1) of the income regulations and Section 1.501(c)(3)-1(c)(1) of the Regulations and the Supreme Court in Better Business Bureau V. United States, 326U.S. 279, 66CT.112, 90 L Ed. 67.


In all three, an organization has to be tax-exempt for all activities.

Alan Balog spoke to Joanna Yawney, the IRS agent in California, for about a half an hour.  The solution seemed to be for PCRTA to file a 501(c)(3) under a new tax I.D with new name for PCRTA scholarships and file a 501(c)(4) charged with legislative issues for the benefit of the membership, not for charitable purposes. Two separate fees will have to be paid for (501)(c)(3) and (501(c)(4).  Joanna gave us an extension of two weeks past the August 28, 2013 deadline.

Georgia Darrah made a motion to file a (501(c)(3) for scholarship monies and to file 501(c)(4) to cover non-scholarship activities and to cover any application expenses, seconded by Barb Cribbs. Motion passed.

Then it was suggested that since two names were needed and another tax I.D., so PCRTA Scholarship and PCRTA could be used with the executive committee as officers for both.


Dan suggested that the by-laws committee needs to meet. President Helena will call the members.  Helena thanked Alan Balog.

Dan McCombs made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff.

Meeting adjourned.

PCRTA Executive Committee Meeting July 11, 2013


Members present: Helena Parry, Georgia Darrah, John Kerstetter, Pat Gynn, Dave Gynn, Ron Snowberger, Darlene Fetterhoff, Barb Cribbs, Dan McCombs, Judy Morgan, Connie Evans, Jim Montaquila, Kay Wise, Jan Fencl, Mary Ann Brockett, Edith Scott, Ruth Weigand. 

Guests present: Phil Faluotico, Ametek director of engineering and Stephanie Rummel from United Way President Helena Parry asked the guest speakers to say a few words before starting the meeting.It was explained that United Way hands out for local needs and works with these groups by reviewing that the money is spent wisely. The fund distribution is handled by requesting each agency to have a budget and there is a need for volunteers. 

The Campaign Committee requests volunteers such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and retired teachers. They need to make decisions. President Helena Parry asked Connie to put the info on the PCRTA website. United Way can be contacted by face book or by phone 330 297-1424.Fri., July 12, 2013 at 9:00 A.M. will be the organizational meeting and on August 29, 2013 the goal for this year will be announced.

Helena requested if anyone present who is interested should contact United Way.  Dave Gynn also urged members to think about it. 

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand 

Helena ask if there were any questions about the May minutes. Kay Wise made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mary Ann Brockett. Motion passed. Ruth Weigand requested members to please hand her a written report to make her job easier.
Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs
Barb said she sent out 40 letters to former scholarship recipients and received 7 or 8 responses. She said that last year she placed these replies on the table at the scholarship luncheon meeting. 

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff 

Treasurer's Report 6/1 13 to 7/10/13
Beginning Checking Account Balance                            $15,826.38

Income total                                                                    320.00

Local dues                                                                         90.00

State dues                                                                       210.00

Scholarship                                                                        20.00 

Expenses                                                                    6, 451.22

Pat Gynn website fees                                                         24.98

5 scholarships                                                                5,000.00
(Brewster, Tuma, Spangler, Smith, Cooper)

May luncheon                                                                    910.00

Newsletters                                                                       300.24

Bank fees May and June                                                         6.00 

Checking Account Balance                                          9, 695.16

Scholarship Total in Ck Account

($850 transferred from scholarship to checking for 501c3) 3,881.50

Working Amount in Ck Account                                        5,813.66 


First Merit Business Account (Scholarship)                     14, 841.85


May 31, 2013                                                              45, 466.57

June 30, 2013                                                            $44,616.03 

Darlene said that the $850 transfer was to cover the cost of the filing fee for the 501c3. She said that First Merit offers a business account and asked if we should invest in it for memorial scholarships. President Helena said the treasurer's report will be filed for audit. 

Vice-President Georgia Darrah 

Georgia said that next week's meeting is the scholarship luncheon and September will be the giving dolls. Judy and Georgia went to the giving dolls headquarters and found out the whole thing started with one doll.


President Helena said Gary DeVito from AMBA will be at next week's meeting and ORTA President-Elect Nancy Boomhower will attend out September meeting. 

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

 Ron said that ORTA has a slide presentation available to encourage new members. He said the Public Relations meeting has been canceled three times and Legislative hasn't met. Ron said that Connie has been helping him with his slide presentation on China for the November program.

Community Service -Judy Morgan 

Judy said that members have been asked to bring school supplies for next week's meeting. She said that PCRTA members have accumulated 3,900 volunteer hours so far this year. 

She said that members are requested to bring supplies for the giving dolls in September. It was suggested that teddy bears for Akron Children's Hospital could be brought to next year's March meeting.

Yarn, woven cotton, cotton blend, muslin, lace, gift cards for Joann Fabric, Michael's, Walmart, & Visa, postage stamps, poly-fill, thread, trims, and elastic were among the things suggested. 

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that legislation for the GPO/WEP for social security has been reintroduced. He said that the state budget was 1500 pages. The 12 ½ % on property tax has been eliminated so the taxpayers will pay it only on new levies. He said that will be much harder for schools to pass levies, although it will only happen to newly passed levies.  

He said that Medicare expansion is to be reconsidered. Also the bill includes teacher evaluations and increased money for charter schools, even though they are failing. 

Membership - Dave Gynn 

Dave said that membership is a tough topic. PCRTA has 20 people who did not renew their membership for 2013. He said that our ORTA trusteeship is terminating this year, so it is important to keep our membership up. It has become harder and harder to acquire the names of retiring teachers from the schools. He said he has contacted STRS directly and his committee follows up with phone calls. Darlene sent 80 post cards at the end of May or June.

 Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott
Edie thanked Georgia and Pat for the wonderful coverage of the Proctor Appreciation Reception at NEOMED at May, 16th. Edie would like help in recruiting 6 or 7 more people to replace those who will no longer be available to proctor.For the August 14th orientation, interested members are to meet Edie at the door at NEOMED. 

President Helena thanked Edie for her efforts. 

Newsletter - Pat Gynn 

325 newsletters printed

314 newsletters mailed Total Expense $300.24

98 member Email list

10 on trying list

4 said yes

2 said no

4 waiting to hear from 

Pat will encourage more members to sign up for Email at the next meeting. Judy Kirman will take over Email distribution.

Pat asked if we should invite Sue Hricko to our scholarship luncheon. The answer was yes. Edie volunteered to call her. 

Nominations- Jan Fencl
Jan said that elections for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer occur in odd-numbered years for PCRTA. Elections take place in November. Officers take office on January 1, 2014.Our nominations for 2013 include: 

Vice-President: Georgia Darrah

Treasurer: David Gynn

Recording Secretary: Ruth Weigand 

Jan said that we accept, with regret, the resignation of Darlene Fetterhoff. We commend her outstanding, over-the-top service. Thank you, Darlene. 

Dan McCombs, a member of the nominating committee, will take care of the installation. Jan said another person is needed on the nominating committee. Georgia asked if we should get someone who would do the PR to get others involved. 

Preretirement - Mary Ann Brockett 

Mary Ann said that she thought there should be shorter presentations at the preretirement seminar. She said that perhaps the STRS speaker should speak first; then, Attorney Flynn should be second. 

Dave said that ORTA has a power point presentation to be sent to all chapters.
The preretirement seminar will be April 13th from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00P.M. at Western Reserve Media. Edie suggested doing some of the important info as a commercial. 

Protective Services - Kay Wise
Kay said that she will call Dr. Stacy Schneider to remind her to have students there before the meeting to do blood pressure checks. 

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah 

Georgia said that there will be a notice in the Record Courier for next week's meeting. She said that she will take pictures at the luncheon meeting to submit to the Record Courier. 

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that Connie and Georgia are putting together a power point presentation of the scholarship recipients for next week's meeting.

There will be posters on the wall and table tents on the four tables where the recipients, their families, and some of the scholarship committee members will be seated.

Sarah McClure attended the last meeting. Also Dave Gynn presented her scholarship at Kent Roosevelt. 

Jim said that the recipients will participate in a question and answer session.He said that PCRTA received a thank you from Kent Roosevelt and stated that more than 40 of their students were awarded scholarships.

Jim handed out a chart that showed that our first scholarship of $100 was awarded in 1994. The chart listed the names of all the Portage County schools. The records from 1994-1999 do not indicate what school our scholarship recipients were from. From the beginning of the PCRTA Scholarship Program through 2013, a total of $49,200 has been awarded to 87 deserving students in Portage County.

The first scholarship awarded in 1994 was for $100 and has progressed to awarding scholarships of $1,000.

Darlene said that the Teresa Bica family has faithfully donated to the scholarship fund at Christmas time in Teresa's name. Also the families of Les Bennett and Alice Foldessy have donated. Edie suggested calling Norm Park about this. 

It was stated that after we receive our 501c3 we will be able to offer grants. ( Edie said that Kent Roosevelt awarded their first scholarship of $100 after having a Country Western concert there)

 Social/Travel - John Kerstetter

The social committee met and reviewed the interest survey. After discussion, it was decided that we would plan three events for next year - a museum or park event for fall, the Christmas Band Concert in Hudson followed by dinner at Zeppe's, and a spring theater production. 

The three that are being planned are the following: 

Thursday, October 10 - A Fall Ride on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic RailroadDepart from The Canal Visitor's Railroad top  at 12:55 and returning there at 3:55.  It will be a guided tour telling about the history of the park and other highlights.  Cost: $5.00 per person.  Final count and payment due September 26th.

December Band Concert in Hudson followed by dinner at Zeppe's.  Time and place TBA

EJ Thomas, Akron  Mama Mia - Musical Tuesday or Wednesday, May 6 or 7, 2014. 7:30 PM 

John said that Harry London Chocolate factory is still being considered.  

Unfinished Business
Pat Gynn's credit card is used for our website. This year the fee was for our domain name and privacy. Next year the fee will be for the company that services our website which is charged every two years. 

The By-laws review committee are Jim Montaquila, Jan Fencl, Saroj Sutaria, Ron Snowberger, Dan McCombs and Dave Gynn. Ron will be chairman.  It was suggested that the committee meet in the library in the STEMM School. 

Kay Wise made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Georgia Darrah. Motion carried.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting July 18, 2013
President Helena Parry welcomed everyone and introduced Gary DeVito , Regional Vice-President for AMBA, the insurance company that ORTA recommends for retired teachers. 

Helena thanked the greeters, Pat Mazzer and Fran Pruschenko. 

She welcomed scholarship recipients, their parents and guests; namely, Alexa Brewster and her parents, Jay and Michelle; Samantha Cooper and her parents, David and Kathy; Ashley Spangler and her mother, Tammy and her grandmother, Linda Carlin; Kayla Tuma and her parents Ed and Michelle. 

A power point presentation of the scholarship recipients scrolled on the screen for everyone to enjoy. 

President Helena announced BP checks before the meeting and said that Dan McCombs is selling tickets for the 50/50 drawing. 

John Kerstetter placed fliers on the tables for signup for the Cuyahoga Valley RR trip on Oct. 10 from 12:55 -3:55 for $5.00 and members should sign up by Oct. 3. 

Corresponding Secretary Barb Cribbs placed info with comments of past scholarship winners with a request Tell Us Where They Are Now. 

Kevin White, 2007 recipient graduated from KSU in 2011and has been a teaching assistant for 2 yrs. 

Kera Lemaster, 2008 recipient, graduated from University of Mount Union in 2012 and is a math intervention instructor at Salem Jr. High School and tutor OGT Prep for HS students.

2009 scholarship recipient, Courtney Spellman, 2013 KSU graduate, will be a Mathematics teacher and cheerleading advisor at Southeast High School this fall. 

Kelly Christensen, 2008 recipient, Bowling Green magna cum laude graduate in 2012, has directed three bands and tutoring grades 5-8 band students, and worked at band camps. She has substitute taught at Rootstown, Southeast, and Ravenna Schools. She is planning to pursue a graduate degree in musicology at Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music.Miranda Titko, 2010 recipient, in KSU Honors College for her senior year this fall majoring in Integrated Mathematics with a Mathematics minor and will be student teaching at Stow-Munroe HS next spring.

 Kelsey Stummer, 2012 recipient, has completed her first year majoring in elementary education and minoring in French and global studies, and studied in India as a part of a study abroad with other education majors. She is involved in Project Citizen, Colleges against Cancer, Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma, the Purdue Student Education Association, and will be a College Ambassador next semester. 

Lauren McBride is majoring in Special Education with concentrations in Mild-Moderate Math and Reading and Moderate-Intensive Education Needs at KSU. She is currently working at a Christian summer camp in Warsaw, Ohio that serves people of all ages with various types of disabilities.
Karlie Lieberth made the dean's list both semesters at University of Akron this year, ran cross country, indoor, and outdoor track. She qualified for the conference championships in the 800 meters for indoor track. She has been admitted into the college of education and her classes will start this fall. 

Sarah Briggs has completed her first year at the University of Mount Union on the Dean's List and was awarded the full tuition Presidential Scholarship and is in the Honors College. She took her first education class and spent 30 hours observing in a second grade classroom at Marlboro elementary. She will major in Early childhood and double minoring in Intervention Specialist and Music.She is a member of the concert choir, a member of Kappa Phi, a Christian sorority, and will be serving as the active chaplain next year. She is leading a worship at a new church in Alliance.

Barb listed the names of 45 recipients and requested that PCRTA members who know them to contact her with their address. 

President Helena thanked the greeters and requested that the scholarship recipients come forward to help her lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Then Helena asked everyone to join in "The Star Spangled Banner".
Helena asked guests to stand and give their names:
Kathy Cavalier
, Ravenna; Dan introduced Barb Springer , KSU Communications and Journalism; Jan Zimmerman introduced Judy Moilitors and Diane Caslin from Crestwood, Connie Evans introduced Karen Balog from Ravenna, Gerald from N. Olmstead, Barb Geisey introduced Sondra Rorabach and Goldie Seitz, Jan Snowberger introduced new member Kathy Chappalear, Kent.

Dan McCombs announced that the 50/50 drawing will be half of $98. 

Membership chair Dave Gynn asked everyone to think of one of person who is retired that you could invite to attend our next meeting.

He said that STRS will have the list of recent retirees for us by next meeting. 

Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, thanked everyone for bringing school supplies to the meeting and said that members are requested to bring materials for the "Giving Dolls" next meeting.
She said that a flier is being passed around for members to write their community service hours. 

John Kerstetter, Social Committee co-chair, said that he followed the interest survey from last meeting to schedule our upcoming events. Darlene will collect the money for the Oct. 10 Cuyahoga Valley RR trip. 

He said that the Western Reserve Community Band Concert in Hudson in December will be followed by a meal at Zeppe's and next May, Mama Mia will be at E.J. Thomas in Akron. The Harry London/Fanny Farmer trip hasn't been forgotten.Edie Scott, proctoring scheduling chair, asked all proctors to raise their hands and announced that the next orientation is scheduled on Aug. 14th and she will meet people at the door. 

She introduced Suzanne Hricko, NEOMED person in charge of proctoring. 

President Helena asked Ruth McKay to come forward to give the meditation. 

Ruth read the ABC's of a pastor and then led a prayer for grace.
Ken Granville won the 50/50 drawing in the amount of $49(half of $98). 

Gary DeVito, AMBA representative, said that he placed cards on all the tables for people to mark what interested them and he would come around to collect them. He would draw one of them to award a $25 gas gift card. 

President Helena introduced Jim Montaquila, scholarship chair.Jim welcomed everyone to our scholarship luncheon. He said that the scholarship committee members Dave Gynn, Jan Fencl, Lowell Myers, Norm Park, and Kay Wise met with him in early spring. He thanked Connie Evans, Georgia Darrah, Edith Scott, and the proctors. 

He said that PCRTA has been awarding scholarships since 1994 and have awarded 87 scholarships to deserving students, amounting to a total of $49,200.  Dave thanked NEOMED, Sue Hricko, Edith Scott, proctors, and people who contribute to the fund in memory of M. Alice Foldessy, Streetsboro, Les Bennett, Tallmadge-music, vocal KSU, PCRTA treasurer and song leader, and to honor Teresa Bica, an early advocate who even spearheaded the flea market idea to earn money for scholarships.

He said two of this year's recipients are not present today: Sarah McClure from Roosevelt who will attend Bowling Green to study elementary education or Spanish education and Melody Smith from Field, who will attend KSU to study vocal and instrumental music.

Georgia Darrah introduced Alexa Brewster from Streetsboro who will attend KSU to study athletic training and physical education.

Kay Wise introduced Samantha Cooper from Field who will attend University of Mount Union and will study early childhood education.

Jan Fencl introduced Ashley Spangler from Waterloo who will attend KSU to study art education.
Norm Park introduced Kayla Tuma from Streetsboro who will attend KSU to study special education as well as elementary education.

Jim Montaquila said that this would be round robin questions, ones the recipients received earlier.

First - What college are you attending and why?

Alexa KSU - excellent phys ed program

Samantha - Mt. Union 98% placement rate

Ashley - KSU excellent in art education

Kayla  -KSU excellent  inspecial ed 

Second question - What was the most memorable high school experience? 

Kayla -helped save one of her teachers jobs which was to be eliminated because of the economy

Ashley - won first place at a KSU poster conpetition

Samantha - was in the cast of the play Our Town - a good experience

Alexa - played volleyball in the All-Ohio 

Third question - Which teacher had the greatest positive influence?

Alexa - her 7th and 8th grade health teacher

Samantha - Her 5th grade teacher had her very own Boston Tea Party, attends her choir concerts.

Ashley - her well-respected math teacher
Kayla - Her Spanish teacher said to shoot for her dreams and to work hard no matter how hard it is.

Fourth question - Why education? 

        Answers varied with love in helping people, most influential teachers, loved learning and tutoring and helping others 
        to understand differences in life lessons, with self esteem, and being well rounded.   

Fifth question - Why of your chosen field? 

One answer was what a teacher is - is more important than what she teaches them -

Another answer was being the best role model. 

Sixth question - Why choose teaching and not something else?

A couple of them said that they wanted to be a teacher since they were little girls.

Another said that Nelson Mandela said that education is the most powerful weapon to change

the world and to get where you want

Reading opens up your world and so does education.
Knowledge is powerful and so is knowing the difference between right and wrong .

Jim said that he is inspired to know that American education is in good hands with good people. He told the recipients that a member of our group will thank you for your good work.  

President Helena said that Gary will collect the cards. She said thank you to Jim and the Scholarship Committee.

Georgia said that Jan Householder from Living Dolls will be here at the next meeting and PCRTA members are asked to bring fabric, thread, needles, gift cards for JoAnn, Michaels, etc.  

Helena thanked Georgia and asked for a show of hands for the scholarship recipients..

She thanked Marleen for handling the reservations and said that Marleen will be resigning in September.
Gary DeVito, the AMBA VP, had the drawing for the $25 BP gas card and Ruth Weigand won.

Meeting adjourned.


PCRTA Executive Committee Meeting May 9, 2013

Members present: Georgia Darrah, Helena Parry, Ruth Weigand, Kay Wise, Dave Gynn, Jim Montaquila, Darlene Fetterhoff, Barb Cribbs, Pat Gynn, Judy Morgan, Ron Snowberger, Edith Scott, John Kerstetter, Sandy Kerstetter, Jan Fencl

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

President Helena Parry asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Georgia Darrah said that the minutes stated that Connie Evans, not Georgia, will prepare a sheet for members to download adobe reader to help members to read the newsletter by Email. Kay Wise made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Georgia. Motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Barb said that she sent letters to past scholarship recipients asking what they're doing now, but she received no responses.

Treasurer's Report 4/3/13-5/7/13

by D. Fetterhoff

Income Total              $15,093.92

Local dues 120                  437.00

State dues                        270.00

Scholarship                         35.00

Luncheon                            12.00

Expenses                  $  1,829.54

ORTA dues                                                            $ 300.00
Newsletters - Matt Leedom                                        302.38

March Luncheon 69 X $13                                         897.00

Bank fees March and April 6

Federal 990, 2012 audit Alan Balog                            220.00

OH registration fee for assets report Attorney General   50.00

Mailing labels D Fetterhoff                                           23.07

Mailing of forms and postcards-D Fetterhoff                  31.09

Checking account balance                                     13,701.38

Scholarship total in CK Account                               8,807.50

Working Amount in CK Account                               4,893.88

Business Savings Account 2013 as of 04-05-13     $14,840.14

Total  all scholarship funds
(PCRTA Scholarship 29.04%)
(Gene Newton 28.36%)
(Wendall-Mary 42.855)

Stifel Nicholaus Funds Short History

March 31, 2013          $44,881.44
Jan 31, 2013              $43,465.52

February 28, 2012 $     43,624.71

Dec 31, 2012             $41,662.07

Stifel Nicholaus Funds

Stifel Nicholaus Funds

Initial Investment


Amended Investment $40,000

March 2013











Explanation of amended investment: $1875 was added to scholarship and subtracted from life.

Percentages were amended to reflect that change. This in accordance with passage of motion made in March Executive meeting.

Growth figures will be based on the new percentages as is shown in this table.

Stifel Nicholaus


$3624.71 growth based on


Amended due to new percentages



Life Membership










Audit, 990, OH Fees, status of 501 c3

The 2012 audit has been completed by Alan Balog. Everything balanced to the penny. Copies will be filed and some are available for your inspection. 990 was filed with the federal gov’t. I registered with the OH attorney general’s office and all fees were paid. The status of our 501c3 is still pending, On the federal level it has become a very slow process.


Members who still owe 2013 dues were either contacted via email or with a postcard (72 or 74). Nearly 90 contacts were made. Payment needs to be made prior to June 15 and submitted to ORTA before July 1.


A reminder that a Theresa Bica Memorial Scholarship will be given. Also our general memorial scholarship should include specific mention of Les Bennett and Alice Foldessy since contributions were made in their names.

Darlene said that PCRTA had to absorb a $1 per person (=$69) because the increased price was not made known to members.

She said that she paid the $50 registration fee, based on our assets, to the Ohio Attorney General.

The charts in the notes reflect the history of our savings growth.

She said that the books balanced to the penny and there are copies of the audit and no word on 501c3.

President Helena said that the report would be filed for audit.

President Helena Parry asked for discussion to use the 50/50 fund for the general fund.

Edith Scott asked if we could award more scholarships.

Dave Gynn made a motion to use the 50/50 drawing for PCRTA operating funds, seconded by Jan Fencl. Motion passed.


Vice-President - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said Randy Overbeck, author of Leave No Child Behind, will be our speaker at next week's luncheon meeting. Dave Gynn will introduce him. He wants a recommendation to do this in other states. She said she will be using table decorations that she saved from last year.

She talked to Dawn at NEOMED to use room 1 for our meetings since it has a stage.

She reminded everyone about the NEOMED reception at 10:00 A.M. for all the proctors.

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

He said that there were 4 district reports and 5 chapter reports at the ORTA convention. He said Dave showed a large chart with the number of volunteer hours for each chapter and wanted the chart in the newsletter and on the website. Twenty-five chapters had no reports.

The ORTA newsletter editor did a power point with 36 slides for preretirement.

Ron requested a disk of his slides and his commentary.

Ron read and discussed his PCRTA Trustee's report for ORTA. He said our holiday luncheon at NEOMED concluded with a productive 2012 at which we welcomed our new president Helena Parry

and members donated hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens for Portage County Clothing Center.

He said in 2013, he would be serving as past president for PCRTA and participating in the ORTA Legislative, Public Relations, and Vision/Goals committees. He said ORTA continues to review and update the 2006 Strategic Plan.

He also explained that PCRTA has 6 officers and 16 committees with reports on progress and concerns for the organization. He mentioned that the luncheon meetings are held at NEOMED and our March program featured veterans and a speaker from Honor Flight who provides trips for vets to Washington , D.C. Other programs this year include: Randy Overbeck, shining the spotlight on heroic teachers, six future teachers who will be receiving our scholarships; "Giving Dolls" program for hospitals; and Ron's recent trip with retired teachers to China which included teaching opportunities for both elementary and secondary schools.

He stated that our community service committee collects goods and money for different community organizations at each luncheon meeting.

With the ORTA focus on membership and volunteer hours, PCRTA was proud to report 10,874 hours for 2012. Our high volunteer project is for our members to proctor tests for NEOMED students. He concluded by saying as his term as trustee ends that PCRTA strives to continue to boost our membership. Our website and our newsletter are outstanding and are exceptional sources of information for members and potential members. We encourage our members to visit our website ( and click on the newsletter tab.

Dave received a request from Florida for a copy of the skit, performed at the Dec. luncheon meeting by a few PCRTA members. (A picture of the actors in the skit appeared in the ORTA quarterly.)

PCRTA president Helena Parry and Dave Gynn attended the April 19th ORTA meeting for president, and vice-president and/or membership chair with this year's goal being membership.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

Judy said that members are requested to bring items for the animal shelter to the May 16th luncheon

meeting. She announced that that the GED graduation at Maplewood Career Center will be June 6th.

She said that PCRTA members have turned in 1700 hours from Jan. to April.

When it was suggested to honor members for volunteer hours, Judy said that most do not want that.

School supplies will be collected in July and materials and/or money donations for the giving dolls in September.

Membership - Dave Gynn

The committee meeting members delivered membership packets to the schools. ORTA will give one free membership per year(not a life membership). PCRTA will also add a PCRTA membership.

Memorial & Sunshine -Pat Mazzer & Dee Smith

Pat Mazzer had eye surgery. Dee Smith would be asked to send her a card.

Proctoring Scheduler - Edith Scott

Edith said there are 45 proctors on the list but it varies with 35. She said she is pleased.

She said the reception for proctors is at 10:00 A.M. on May 16 in Meshel Hall.

Newsletter -Pat Gynn

328 newsletters printed $162.36

318 newsletters mailed     52.52

                                           $ 214.88

Supplies                                     2.50

Labor                                        85.00

Total for April-June Newsletter $302.38

85 Email people

Pat requested that all newsletter info be in by June 1.

Nominations -Jan Fencl

Jan said that 2013 election would be held at the November luncheon meeting.

Officers to be elected are Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.

Preretirement - Richard & Maryann Brockett

It was reported that the preretirement meeting for active teachers will be in April instead of March in 2014.

There will two presentations, one from STRS and one from ORTA.

Financial planning was suggested for a separate meeting.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay said there would be blood pressure checks on July 18th before the luncheon meeting.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that the notice for the May luncheon meeting and the article about the KSU Fashion

Museum attended by some PCRTA members appeared in the Record Courier.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that the Scholarship Committee members; namely, Dave Gynn, Jan Fencl, Norm Park, Kay Wise and Jim Montaquila met April 15 to read the applications. He said rubrics were used to rate and to make a composite for the selections. It was still difficult to make choices.

Those selected were invited to our next meeting.                                             .

Letters were sent to scholarship recipients, guidance counselors, and rejection letters.

After July, Jim suggested the scholarship committee meet to discuss changes for scholarship

applications and present them to the by-laws committee.

By-laws committee was appointed by the president; namely, Dave Gynn, Pat Gynn, Jan Fencl, Saroj Sutaria, Ron Snowberger, and Jim Montaquila.

Jan will chair if Saroj doesn't.

Social & Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said there were 45 responses from members for social activities which included theater, music, Paskey tours, and museums. To help promote activities, it was suggested to try to schedule shortly after the luncheon meetings so it would be fresh in everyone's mind.

 Webmaster - Connie Evans

Connie changed the purpose of the PCRTA website to explore subjects of interest to retirees, to inform members of changes coming to health care and retirement benefits, to serve the community in many ways, and to provide scholarships to deserving students.

Unfinished Business

At the last meeting, suggestions were discussed to earn monies for our general fund.

We already use scholarship fund monies to pay for guests at the scholarship luncheons.

It was stated that the $850 fee for filing the 501c3 would be taken from the scholarship fund.

Since Sarah McClure cannot attend the July luncheon, it was suggested to invite she and her parents

to the May luncheon, rather than present her scholarship at her school.

Kay made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jan. Motion carried.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting May 16, 2013

President Helena Parry welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order.

Dave Gynn led the pledge of allegiance.

She welcomed Sarah McClure and her parents and also Elaine Lumley, guest of Kathy Lilley and

Kathy and Bill Wilen, guests of Kathy Latimer.

It was noted that Elaine Lumley and Kathy Wilen PCRTA became members today.

It was noted that the names of Kathy Lilley and Kathy Latimer would be in a drawing today for

having recruited new members.

Kay Wise announced a book sale of military and history books would be at the Ravenna Library.

Helena said that Portage County Gardeners would have a plant sale on Fri. 4:00-7:00 P.M.

and Saturday 9:00 -2:00 P.M.

President Helena announced that the Executive Committee decided that 50/50 drawing

will go to the general fund rather than the scholarship fund.

Pat Gynn would be going from table to table for a signup sheet for Email of the newsletter or let her know if you still prefer to receive it by mail.

John Kerstetter from the social committee said that the social activity survey showed a high interest in theater productions, musical events, and Paskey tours. He said 20 signed for Harry London factory.

Dave Gynn, membership committee chair, asked members to look at the chart on the table to see if you know anyone and pick up a brochure for them.

The drawing for a gift certificate to Laziza's was between Kathy Lilley and Kathy Latimer for having brought a new member to the meeting. Kathy Lilley won.

Judy Morgan, community service chair, said there is a chart going around for members to write down their number of volunteer hours.

She said June 6th is the GED graduation at Maplewood Career Center. She would like members to sign up to help and/or bake cookies,

It was announced that 3 good spellers are needed this Saturday from 10:30 - 1:00 with free lunch at Maplewood Spelling Bee.

Edith Scott said that she is very proud of our team of proctors who respond positively.

She started with 19 proctors in 2007 with 57 tests and 141 proctors with 435 hours.

For 2011 - 2012, there were 114 tests with 292 proctors with 869 ½ hours.

She said the proctors attended the appreciation meeting by NEOMED this morning.

She said the NEOMED vice-president thanked us.

Everyone gave Edie a hand for the scheduling and calling the night before.

She said that there is a need to recruit more proctors with 150 freshman coming in.

There will be an orientation in August. If you want to do it, attend the orientation.

Proctors covered all the tests except two in the last two years.

She said today the NEOMED staff did the proctoring so PCRTA members could attend today's meeting.

Dan McCombs said the 50/50 drawing had $116 with $58 won by Ruth Weigand, part of which was donated to the animal shelter and for the purchase of Leave No Child Behind.

President Helena thanked Marleen for doing the reservations and Darlene for handling the money.

She thanked Georgia for the program and the decorations and Kay Wise and Connie Evans for being greeters.

Barb Geisey gave a short meditation from Baha'i writings accompanied by musical whistling

before and after the meditation by James Geisey.

Scholarship Committee Chairman, Jim Montaquila, said that the committee met in April and found it difficult to choose candidates from better and best. There are 6 scholarship winners and each will be awarded $1,000.

One winner, Sarah McClure, could not come in July, so she is here today with her parents. In July, she will participate at bowling Green State University in the President's Leadership academy. Jim presented her certificate and her money.

Sarah said that she always wanted to teach. At age 5, she taught her animals and at age 10 she used a chalkboard and a dry erase board.

She was inspired by her first grade teacher as well as some of her other teachers. She praised her parents.

She was a camp counselor from grades four through six, helped at church and with soccer.

She liked the teachers who challenged her. She plans to study early childhood education.

She thanked PCRTA for her scholarship.

Dave Gynn said a hero is a model and today's teacher is a hero. There is a National Leadership Award .

Teachers are the real American heroes.

Dave introduced Randy Overbeck, author of Leave No Child Behind, a book about teachers as heroes when their students were threatened by a person or persons who threatened or committed an act of terror.

He said there is a need to change the image of heroes in America. Heroes should be people who share care and concern and believes in the worth of every individual, and one who works without fanfare or flash; rather than sports heroes, movie stars, beautiful people, elected officials, and those in power.

Randy's book is in its second printing and has received the silver award. He gave everyone two bookmarks, one to keep and to share with a friend.

PCRTA members and guests were able to purchase his book at a discounted price.

Randy autographed the books for those who purchased one.

President Helena thanked Dr. Overbeck and said hope to see everyone in July.

PCRTA Executive Committee Meeting March 14, 2013

Members present: Jim Montaquila, Barb Cribbs, Judy Morgan, Richard Brockett, Dan Mc Combs, Darlene Fetterhoff, Pat Gynn, Kay Wise, Edith Scott, Norm Park, Evelyn Park, Connie Evans, John Kerstetter, Sandy Kerstetter, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, Georgia Darrah, Pat Mazzer

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order.

She asked If there were any additions or corrections to the minutes from the last meeting. Darlene Fetterhoff made the motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Darlene distributed copies of the dissolution statement for addition to the by-laws from the July 12, 2012 Executive Committee Meeting which was signed by PCRTA President Ron Snowberger, Vice-President Georgia Darrah, Secretary Ruth Weigand, Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff, Corresponding Secretary Barbara Cribbs.

Treasurer's Report for March 9, 2013 through April 3, 2013:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:         $ 13,938.63

Income:                                               $ 1,522.50   

Local dues                                                  121.00  
State dues                                                  330.00
Scholarship                                                 177.50 
Luncheon                                                    924.00

Expenses:                                               $ 367.21

ORTA dues                                                  120.00
Pat Mazzer-Memorial                                    129.06
Darlene Fetterhoff-Postage & printing                8.15
Dues overpayment refund                               10.00 
Honor Flight Cleveland                                  100.00

Ending Balance:                                 $ 15,093.92

Scholarship Funds in Checking            $ 8,772.50

Checking Working Balance                  $ 6,321.42

The financial committee (D Fetterhoff, D Gynn, J Montaquila, H Parry, R Snowberger) met on Feb 10 to discuss financial concerns due to declining operational funds. The likelihood that our income would not support our expenses in 2013 was realized. Our decision is to put $1,875 (the most recent check from NEOMED) into general funds and not into scholarship funds at this point. We agreed not to withdraw funds from the Stifel Nicholaus account. Helena will discuss the cost saving measures that were discussed.

Business Savings Account 2013 First Merit

Feb. 12, 2013 ($10 account maintenance fee withdrawal)

Total $14,839.56 which is all scholarship funds:

PCRTA Scholarship 29.04%

Gene Newton        28.36%

Wendall Mary        42.85%

Stifel-Nicholaus Funds

February 28, 2013         $43,624.71

Jan 31, 2013                 $43,465,52

Dec 31, 2012                 $41,662.07

Initial total investment:  $40 K

Initial Life Membership portion       $23,498.34     58.75%

Initial Scholarship portion              $16,501.66     41.25% 

Stifel-Nicholaus Value Growth Allocation as of 2/28/13

Total growth                                   $3,624.71

Life Membership:                            $2,129.52

Scholarship:                                   $1,495.19

Discussion over the financial committee decision of Feb. 10 ensued

Dan McCombs made the motion that the latest scholarship NEOMED check be placed in the general operating fund and at the same time internally transferring from Stifel-Nicholaus Life Membership to Scholarship which will change the percentages of Life membership and Scholarship in those funds, seconded by Connie Evans. Motion passed.

The 2012 books will be given to Alan Balog for audit.

President Helena Parry presented suggestions from the finance committee for increasing our spendable money. Some suggestions were using the 50/50 drawing, a book sale each month, mini-Chinese auctions, some donations of books as prizes, or pass a $1.00 donation basket each month.

Pat will personally go to each table to ask members to sign up to receive the newsletter by Email to save money.

Georgia will prepare a sheet for members to download adobe reader to help members to read the newsletter by Email.

Vice-President - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that our program on Mar. 21 will be Honor Flight, a program presented by Janet Merrick, which pays for veterans to visit the WWII Memorial in Wash., D.C.  Janet will accept a $100 donation to help the veterans.

For September, the speaker will accept a donation.

In Dec., Michelle Worthington plays the flute.

Georgia said that she has stored table decorations from last year, but has none for Christmas. 

It was suggested that someone from STRS and OPERS talk about insurance.

Community Service -Judy Morgan

Judy said that an appeal for community service hours is needed.

For the March meeting, members are asked to bring toilet tissue, paper towels, drinking cup, and liquid hand soap for the Portage County Clothing Center.

For the May meeting, members are requested to bring used blankets and towels for the Portage County Animal Protective League.

Darlene suggested bringing school supplies for the July meeting, rather than September . There is also a request for supplies for Giving Dolls.

For November, it will be canned goods and money donations for turkeys for Center of Hope.

For December, it will be hats, scarves, gloves, and mittens.

Darlene read a card from Kathy Morris, an STRS retiree who lost her disability a few years ago and was given $500 from PCRTA a few years ago. She receives a partial pension from STRS. She's been sick, but wants to live in her own home. She is looking for 10 people to give $10,000 for a land contract to buy her own home.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said watch for many changes this year. He said Tom Sawyer is on the education committee.

Membership - Dave Gynn

Pat gave Dave's report and said there are 1200 STRS members in Portage county, but only 400 of them are members of PCRTA. Pat passed a jar of peanut M & M's and asked all board members to open the jar and take any amount you like. After everyone chose their M & M‘s, she said that number is the number of people you should bring to the next general meeting.

Then she explained the display board that she brought to the meeting. It showed a list by schools of the most recent Portage County retired teachers. All the new retiree members who are members of PCRTA have smiley face stickers. Board members were asked to look at the chart to invite any of those you know to the meeting. She said that Dave is trying to get names from people in different schools.

Memorial/Sunshine - Pat Mazzer &Dee Smith

Pat thanked everyone for replenishing the sympathy cards.

She said Dee Smith's father is in a nursing home.

Then she explained that they put the names of the deceased honorees of this past year along with some of their info in a printed booklet by Kinko's.  She said there would be votive lights on each table along with a few booklets for members to read.

She said she will read some of the info about each one at the meeting.  Darlene told Pat to turn the bill in, because there is a budgeted amount of $200 for that purpose.

NEOMED Proctoring Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith said there were 5 members at the recent proctor orientation.

She said that there have been many problems and a few dropped out.

Edith thanked everyone present who have been proctoring.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said there were 329 newsletters at the cost of $301.33 @ 91 and ½ cents per issue.

She said 81 members received newsletters by Email. The cost of 10 directories was $11.13.

Pre-Retirement: Richard & Mary Ann Brockett

Richard said they will start in September with the planning of the next Pre-Retirement seminar

to be held in March, 2014.

Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay said that she took the memory test at Robinson. She said there will be 30 memory screening pamphlets available from the Alzheimer‘s Foundation of America at the luncheon next week.. Also there will be 50 File of Life kits available.

Dr. Stacey Schneider will be available with her students to take blood pressures at the July and November


In the name of PCRTA, Kay sent $25.00 to WRAPPS Western Reserve Association for the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling). Donna Kuczynski forwarded an e-mail about an 8 yr. old named Patrick who had been chosen to participate in a storytelling festival in Florida and who needed financial assistance. If we ever wanted him to do storytelling for us, he would oblige us. I haven't heard him, so I couldn't speak for his expertise.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia submitted the article to the Record courier announcing the final date for scholarship applications and the date of our upcoming meeting.

Reservations - Marleen Strebler

Marleen said that she has 57 luncheon reservations for the March meeting.

It was announced that Bob Stein and Fanny Everson from STRS, candidates for election to the STRS board will talk at the meeting.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said he met at the end of January with Evelyn and Norm Park. They divided up the county and delivered in person letters and scholarship applications to all the schools.

This week Jim sent reminder post cards to all the schools, stating that the due date is April 5.

The scholarship committee members; namely, Jim Montaquila, Kay Wise, Dave Gynn, Norm Park, Lowell Meyers, and Jan Fencl will meet April 15 to select the winners.

Social & Travel- John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that interested PCRTA members will attend the KSU Fashion Museum on April 11. Afterwards, the plans are for everyone to eat at Laziza's.

John said that there will be surveys for suggested social activities for members to filled out at the meeting.

Webmaster - Connie Evans

It was mentioned that the newsletter can be located on the front page of the website.

if you couldn't click on the address that Pat had on her email.

There was a request for the volunteer hours for community service to be posted on our website.

Meeting adjourned.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting March 21, 2013

Kay Wise announced that members could pick up a file for life from the fire department on the table.

She said that she took the memory screening test from Alzheimer's Association at Robinson .

Anyone interested could pick up a flier on the table also.

Helena announced that Bob Stein, STRS Board member, and his wife Sandy Anderson were present.

Then Helena requested that all veterans present should come forward to help lead the pledge of allegiance.

President Helena Parry announced that PCRTA is in need of suggestions to increase spendable cash.

Edith Scott, proctoring scheduler, announced that she is in need of proctors for a couple of Saturdays,

plus some proctors for April and all of May.

Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, said that PCRTA members acquired over 10,000 volunteer hours last year and requested that members turn in their 2013 hours today or by Email.

Newsletter editor, Pat Gynn, said that 82 members receive their newsletters by email and with use of her

I-Pad she will go from table to table to demonstrate how to get to the link to read the newsletter by Email.

Helena said that there are 215 PCRTA life members and the rest pay $10 yearly.

PCRTA spends around $4,000 yearly.

Dan McCombs announced that Bonnie Shimmel won $47 out of $94 in the 50/50 drawing and was donating part of her winnings to Honor Flight.

Dan announced that members need to stay vigilant with our legislators and to keep copies of their addresses from our newsletter.

Dave Gynn, membership chair, said that there are 400 PCRTA members out of 1200 STRS members in Portage County. Dave said that membership matters and there is strength in numbers. He suggested that those present today take a look at the display on the table. He said that he requested in the last newsletter that members invite a new member to join and to bring them to today's meeting.

He said there would be a drawing at the May meeting for those members who bring a new member to the meeting. He said that Randy Overbeck, who talks about teachers as heroes in his book, Leave No Child Behind, would be the speaker at the May meeting.

Social Committee chair, co-chair, John Kerstetter, requested that everyone fill out the survey for suggestions for social activities that were placed on each table. He said that the next activity will be a tour of the KSU Fashion Museum on Thursday, April 11 at 10:00 A.M., followed by lunch at Laziza's. There will be 5 displays to see.

He said there's a glass collection from the Roman era till now, pandemonium showing fans spanning 3 centuries, vestments that Catholic priests wear, fashion timetable--a whole era of fashions, such as tie-dye and undress --underwear.  He said that the museum is located on the corner of Lincoln and East Main.

Bob Stein, a candidate running for reelection to the STRS board, spoke to PCRTA members He said that Jim McGreevy was also running for reelection. He said that there were a lot of changes for STRS retirees for this year, one of which was no change in COLA for this year which was due to the delay in pension bill being passed because the unfunded liability had to be paid. He said the new retirees will not receive a COLA increase for five years after they retire. He said those who are in the middle of their careers have more time to prepare for retirement than those who will soon retire. He said many states lost pensions and/or health care. For STRS, the present changes in health are good till 2016.

He said for his reelection that he has been endorsed by OEA and OFT. His fliers have his phone number and members may call him.

Norm Park gave the meditation. He said he was able to spend the whole day in Washington, D.C. when he went with Honor Flight to see the WWII memorial and said it was a time for remembering. He said he had a chat with Senator Bob Dole, a veteran who suffers from injuries.

Pat Mazzer, Memorial & Sunshine co-chair, said that each table has a couple of booklets with the names and info on this past year's PCRTA deceased members. She said Dee Smith will review each one of the 12 lives and said that half of them were in their nineties.

Karin Shipley taught for 33 years; Virginia Kichin taught in Kent and Rootstown; Lois Stewart who lived 100 years and taught in Brimfield, Garretsville, and Lordstown and was interviewed for PCRTA'S 40TH Anniversary celebration( copy on DVD); Marian Gussett, a field teacher; Pat Pownall a Crestwood home economics teacher; Les Bennett, a veteran, true calling in MI, taught in Toledo and Tallmadge and was PCRTA assistant treasurer and song leader; Helen Holbrook, during WWII one of the Rosie riveters, taught second grade at James A. Garfield; Dave Moulton, vocational agriculture teacher at Maplewood Career Center as well as Waterloo School wrestling coach and Rootstown football and wrestling coach, and liked farming; Hazel S. Cunningham Hanning, Southeast elementary teacher; M. Alice Foldessy, a Streetsboro elementary teacher; Harvey Shumaker, a history and English teacher; Betty Jean Pierson, elementary teacher in Kent Schools.

Before Vice-President Georgia Darrah introduced the speaker for Honor Flight, she said she saw a group of Honor Flight veterans when she was in Wash., D C. and talked to some of them.

Then she introduced Janet Merrick, who is the Board Secretary for Honor Flight Cleveland.

It was noted that Norm Park and John Lilley have enjoyed the Honor Flight and were asked to sit and face the audience, while Janet explained the mission of Honor Flight. In 2005 Earl Morris worked at VA hospital and heard about the WWII Memorial being dedicated. Earl mentioned it to some of the WWII veterans who came for appointments and they were embarrassed because they hadn't seen it. Earl thought it was an atrocity that they waited 63 years for their memorial, were up in age, could not travel, and hadn't seen it. Earl contacted a flying club in Cincinnati and the VFW who collected $2,000, and the first flights included 5 planes with one veteran and one pilot on each plane.

Presently, Honor Flight Cleveland, takes two planes with 25 veterans and 25 guardians along with 25 wheelchairs on each plane for one day in Wash., D.C.(Guardians are able-bodied volunteers who will push the wheelchairs and assist the needs of the veteran -they fill out an application, go for some training and pay $250 for their own flight). Veterans do not pay. The veterans get a goody bag with a disposable camera, which the guardians are supposed to help the veteran in taking some pictures in front of the memorial.

John Lilley and Norm Park shared their joys about the trip. John shared some of the things in his bag.  While there, there is a ceremony with TSA color guard, national anthem, and a military priest or chaplain who gives a prayer. Active duty military salute the veterans. Buses drive past all the other memorials and take them to Arlington Cemetery for the changing of the guard and laying a wreath. Afterwards, they personally talked to them and answered questions.

A cookie lady brings them cookies and thanks them for their service.  Any veteran who is terminally ill and can still travel gets placed at the top of the list.  Janet thanked PCRTA members for their donations to Honor Flight which amounted to $450.

President Helena Parry thanked all the veterans who were present at the meeting.  Helena said that Art Fesemeyer and Tom Campana have also made the honor flight.  She thanked Bob Winkler for acquiring a flag for the pledge of allegiance today.

She thanked Community service chair, Judy Morgan, for handling the donations of paper products for the Portage County Clothing Center. She thanked Pat Gynn, Newsletter editor, for going to each table to demonstrate the way to receive the PCRTA newsletter online.

She also thanked Dave Gynn, membership chair, for the chart showing the most recent Portage County retired teachers who have not joined PCRTA.

President Helena Parry adjourned the meeting.

Note: Several members were handed invitations with one teabag included from the Portage County Literacy Coalition. This invitation invited a person to stay at home to celebrate National Reading Month by grabbing a book and a having a cup of tea on March 1. Then you fill in your card and send a donation to the PCLC. The problem is the card is always received after March 1, the designated day for participation.


Members present: Darlene Fetterhoff, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, Georgia Darrah, Jim Montaquila,
Kay Wise, Ron Snowberger, Barb Cribbs, Evelyn Park, Norm Park, Richard Brockett, Mary Ann Brockett, John Kerstetter, Dee Smith, Connie Evans

President Helena Parry called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth Weigand asked if everyone received their minutes by Email and then distributed copies of the November and December minutes to those who did not receive them. Connie Evans made the motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff. Motion Passed.

Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Barb said that she received a Christmas card from Matt Leedom who prints our newsletters and directories with a note thanking PCRTA for the business.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff
11/08/12 -12/31/12
Beginning Checking Account Balance   $  9,113.97
Income Total: dues, donations, luncheon 6,488.50
Expenses                                            3,385.38
Deborah Easton -speaker Nov                  100.00
Nov and Dec bank fees                               6.00
DFetterhoff-postcards &postage                12.64
ORTA dues                                         1,140.00
Refunds                                               48.00
Ck to Center of Hope (replacement)           10.00
15 cookbooks                                         90.00
G Darrah-Supplies12.80
NEOMED Nov luncheon                             816.00
Forever Harmony Chorus                           50.00
Dfetterhoff-Snowberger gift card               25.00
G Darrah candy                                      18.94
NEOMED Dec luncheon                         1,056.00
Checking Account Balance                12,217.09
Scholarship Total in Ck Account          88,480.00
Working Amount in Ck Account             37,737.09
Business Savings Account Dec 31, 2012
PCRTA Scholarship 29.04%              4,315.09
Gene Newton 28.36%                    4,214.34
Wendall-Mary 42.85%                    6,315.52
Total  all scholarship funds14,858.46
Stifel-Nicholaus Funds
Dec 31, 2012 Not available yet 
Initial investment:                         40,000.00
Life Membership                                58.75%23,498.34
Scholarship                                         41.25%16,501.66
Working amount in CK account               42.85%$3,737.09
2013 PCRTA Budget:  1/10/2013 
Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer
INCOME Checking Scholarship
Carrying over from 2012 Checking account                                                                                                         3,737.00
Anticipated annual renewals 93 x $10= 930.00
  Total:                                                $4667.09
Income - Scholarships
Carry over 2012                               8,480.00
NEOMED                                             7,500.00
  Total                                                 15,980.00
EXPENSES - Scholarships
5 scholarships                                       5,000.00
Bica scholarship                                1,000.00
18 lunches                                               234.00
supplies/printing                                       150.00
   Total                                               6,284.00
2014 Carryover  (includes $50 from BICA    9596.009,596.00
General Expenses
Newsletters and mailings                      2,000.00
Printing of directories                             70.00
Officesupplies/postage/postage/copying    400.00
Memorial service flowers and supplies         100.00
Sunshine fund                                       100.00
Auditing/990N fees                                250.00
Bank fees and box of checks                      66.00
Retirement planning workshop
  (even yr only)
Membership                                          500.00
Speakers and entertainment                   600.00
Website($220 every 2 years)                  110.00
Auto calls                                            100.00
Miscellaneous                                      371.09
 (Outgoing officers, awards, 
  charitable donations, ORTA area meeting 
  costs, Board approved items)
TOTAL                                             4,667.09

Concerns and observations:
1. Dropped 10 dual members for year. Most in past eight years has been four or less.
2. Anticipated income from current members if all renew is $930.
3. Total income $$23,321.50 and total expenses $22,966.89 Gain is $354.61 for year.
4. Areas with greatest expenses are mailing newsletters ($1620.25) and
    Speakers/entertainment ($498.43)
5. Office supplies total is $216.97 that includes all postage, printing, copying, labels for
newsletters mailings and ink.
6. Lunches for scholarship recipients and relatives, printing and mailing costs, and other
miscellaneous items turned in by scholarship chairman are taken out of scholarship funds.
7. If we need to withdraw funds which were originally in Life membership CD, for chapter
management, all are in Stifel-Nicholaus account.
8. 501c3 has not been finalized. IRS letter indicated a long waiting list which probably
Means more than 6 months before they indicate problems. Cost was $850.

Suggestions to initiate some thinking on about how to improve our weakening financial
condition: These are my personal thoughts which are meant to stimulate your though

1. Increase revenue with big membership drives but take minimal funds out of budget.
Develop creative ways to handle costs.
2. Find creative ways to handle speaker/entertainment costs. Perhaps add a minimal fee to each lunch
reservation. Use more talent of membership when possible for entertainment speaking. Help by
offering to create audio/visual presentations. Example "My Best memory of Teaching" or "My
Interesting Trip" with numerous people contributing. Incorporate Social committee ideas in
luncheon meetings.
3. Form committee to contact by phone each member to initiate more electronic newsletters. Shorten
newsletter or have fewer. Reservations could be made for 2 luncheons if fewer newsletters.

After Darlene gave a summary for the year's end, she stressed that years ago our CD's were our cushion for our yearly operation and now these 3 CD's are in our business account.
Barb Cribbs made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Dee Smith. Motion passed.

President Helena Parry said that the treasurer's report would be filed for audit.
Darlene read the IRS letter about the status of our 501c3 application which states it will be delayed.

Darlene said that there were 10 non-renewals of memberships this year.

Darlene proposed the with the goals to approve or change the budget,
to have a ways and means committee, and to review all financial aspects for the stability of our treasury. Ron Snowberger, Helena Parry, and Jim Montaquila volunteered to be on the committee. It was suggested to ask Dave Gynn to be on the committee also.
Connie suggested the need to keep good speakers. It was also stated that receiving the newsletter electronically would save money.
Ron Snowberger made a motion to accept the proposed budget, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed.

Vice - President - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that the surveys resulted in enough members signing up to be greeters and/doing the meditation for our meetings. She tried to choose people who did not do it in 2012.
Program for March will be Janet Merrick who will explain Honor Flight which pays for a Washington DC trip to visit the WWII memorial for vets who apply. Janet requests a donation, not a fee.
March program will honor 11 deceased PCRTA members of 2012 and one from 2008.
July program will be to award and honor the 6 scholarship recipients.
September program will be Paul Stutzman who has bicycled the Appalachian Trail and across America.
Members decided that Ron Snowberger should give a talk on his travels in China for November.
For December, it was discussed that some PCRTA members would present another play, followed by a Christmas carol sing-along.
Table decorations for the meetings was discussed and deemed possibly unnecessary to save money.

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

Ron thinks he's on publicity this year at ORTA and said there is a need to watch ORTA's expenditures.
He said they wish to do things by Email to save expenses.

Membership - Dave Gynn
Helena presented Dave's report in Dave's absence as follows:

Membership Matters. Membership should be everyone's concern.
Membership matters in the Ohio Legislature. The recent pension reform legislation guarantees what we will continue to receive our defined benefits - for now. Legislators listened to the ORTA members who contacted them with personal stories of the importance of this pension reform. They listened, and responded in a bipartisan way. ORTA will continue to monitor proposed changes to insure the pension benefits remain.
Membership matters at ORTA. Only the ten chapters with the highest membership can appoint trustees to the ORTA board. We must continue to maintain and increase membership to retain a trustee. Our trustee helps form ORTA policies and activities.
Membership matters in Portage County. PCRTA members volunteer a huge number of hours for local organizations as well as provide support through community service projects to local agencies.
Membership matters for scholarships. We can be pleased with our efforts to offer scholarships to high school seniors who will be future teachers.
Helena said that Dave requested us to look at our goals and mission and to bring ideas in writing or Email them to him.
Ron said that Dave will have a membership meeting at the end of February.

Telephone/ Communications - Evelyn Park
Evelyn will do communications and Norm Park will do archival on his own.

Community Service - Judy Morgan
Ron Snowberger gave Judy's report in her absence.
Ron said that 92 PCRTA members completed 10,678 community service hours in 2012.
Ron said that there is a request for donations by Portage County Clothing Center for toilet tissue, paper towels, drinking cups, and liquid hand soap since their funding is less now.
Ron made a motion that PCRTA members should bring these items to the March meeting, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed.

Memorial/Sunshine - Dee Smith
Dee said that she sent 25 cards for hospitalized members, for joy, and for deaths of family members.
PCRTA deceased members who will be remembered at the March meeting are as follows: Harvey Shumaker. Betty Pierson, Karin Stohl Shipley, Virginia Kitchin, Lois Stewart, Marion Gussett, Les Bennett, Patty Pownall, Helen Holbrook, Dave Moulton, Alice Foldessy, and 2008 Hazel Hanning.

NEOMED Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott
Edith was having a proctor training session today at NEOMED for some PCRTA members to be proctors.
Edith says she still needs more people.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn
Helena said that Pat requested that all info for the newsletter be in to her by Feb. 1.

Pre-retirement - Richard & Mary Ann Brockett

Mary Ann says that preparation for the 2014 Pre-retirement meeting will start this fall in 2013.
Mary Ann suggested that a PCRTA member give a testimonial talk.
Richard said that the meeting is tight with time because the goal is to be finished in two hours.
It was suggested that perhaps Connie could prepare something to project on the wall as participants are arriving and sitting down with their snacks.
Ron suggested to include becoming a life member with PCRTA and ORTA.

Informative &Protective - Kay Wise
Kay said she will contact Dr. Stacey Schneider at NEOMED about having blood pressure checks a half hour before the March meeting.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah
Georgia said she will have a notice in the Record Courier before the March meeting and an article after the meeting.

Reservations- Marleen Strebler
Marleen said she has a concern about late reservations.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that the printed letters for scholarships will be sent to the principals and guidance counselors on Jan. 31.
The scholarship applications will be due at the end of the first week of April.
Jim said he would be contacting members of the committee.
Darlene mentioned that the Bica family is trying to continue the Teresa Bica scholarship memorial.
Jim asked if there were any suggestions for the program for the recipients.
Georgia will do the news release for the program.

Social/Travel John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that 20 people attended the Christmas concert in Hudson and 15 ate at Zeppe's.
John said for the February bowling, there is very little interest.
April 11, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. there will be a guided tour of the KSU fashion museum, followed with lunch at Lazizi's downtown Kent.

Webmaster - Connie Evans
It was suggested to look at our mission on the front page of our website.
The updated roster of PCRTA members will be Emailed to Connie to put on our website, although
only Executive committee members can access the info.

Mary Ann Brockett made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned.


Members Present: Jim Montaquila, Dan McCombs, Dee Smith, Pat Mazzer, Darlene Fetterhoff, Connie Evans, Pat Gynn, Jan Fencl, Helena Parry, Sandy Kerstetter, John Kerstetter, Georgia Darrah, Ron Snowberger, Ruth Weigand

Ron called the meeting to order.

He announced that PCRTA member, Les Bennett passed away. Darlene suggested that members may wish to donate to the scholarship fund to remember him.

There is a proposed calendar for PCRTA with NEOMED for 2013 and the Kent Library room has been reserved for the Executive committee meetings.

Ron said the ORTA reports need to be done. He said that he already has Mary Ann Brockett's report for Retirement Planning.

He said Barb Cribbs is on vacation, Dave Gynn is in Columbus, and Kay Wise is in Hawaii.

He said Judy Morgan has 7,000 community service hours from PCRTA members and hopes to receive more from members at the meeting on Nov. 15.

He said that Marleen has 56 reservations for the Nov. 15 meeting and 35 for the Dec. 13 meeting.

Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth announced one addition to the Sept. 8th minutes; namely, Pat Gynn's newsletter report for Sept. 8 stated that there were 360 newsletters printed, 350 mailed, and 72 sent by Email at a cost of $313.31.

Darlene Fetterhoff made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Helena Parry. Motion passed.

Treasurer-Darlene Fetterhoff

Report for 10/8/12-11/7/12

Beginning Checking Account Balance     $9,130.73

Income Total: dues, donations                 850.00

Expenses                                              866.76

D. Fetterhoff-labels, paper, envelopes        17.52

Oct. bank fee                                           3.00

ORTA dues                                           540.00

Matt Leedom-newsletters                       306.24

Checking Account Balance                  $9,113.97

Scholarship total in Ck Account           $5,640.00

Working Amount in Ck Account           $3,473.97

Summary of Investments 

1. Closed matured CD (Gene Newton) at $4.214.34 on Oct. 22.

2. Deposited that amount in Business Savings Account which also earned $.47 interest.

    New total is $14,857.32.

3. Stifel -Nicholaus remains as reported earlier at $40,514.30 (Aug. 31).

Treasurer's Notes 

Nearly 30 post cards to those who have not paid 2012 dues were sent Sat. Nov. 3.

I requested that dues be paid by Dec. 15 to meet the Dec. 31 deadline. At that time, membership will end if not paid.

Using the STRS list sent to us by ORTA, seventeen hours was spent comparing that data with my records and then rectifying discrepancies with Judy Durst's records at ORTA. Task has been completed.

No information has been received from IRS concerning 501c-3 at this time.

Ron said that the treasurer's report would be filed for audit.

Vice-President & Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

For the Nov. 15th meeting, the speaker will be Debra A. Easton, speaking on "Combating Negativity in Today's World".

Nancy Boomhower, ORTA Eastern Area Vice-President, will conduct the installation of officers.

Georgia said that the 2013 programs are scheduled through July.

At this week's meeting, there will be a survey for members to offer program suggestions and greeters.

Georgia said that the Record Courier published the article about PCRTA member, Adele Fussner, who recently participated in her first triathlon at age 75 and also had the notice for next week's luncheon meeting.

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

Ron said that he was in China during the ORTA fall conference and was not allowed to send a substitute, so our chapter report did not get published.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

Ron requested members to Email their community service hours to Judy real soon.

He said members have been to asked to bring canned goods and to donate money for turkeys for this meeting and for the December meeting to bring hats, neck scarves, and gloves/mittens.

Legislative-Dan McCombs

Dan said that he invited four candidates to attend our Meet the Candidates on October 22, but only one candidate, Kathleen Clyde, showed up. Dan said that he helped process about 20,00 absentee ballots. It was a close election.

Helena thanked Dan for helping with membership and thanked Darlene for her input.

STRS sent the list of recent Portage County retirees. Helena sent PCRTA info to retirees who have retired in the past two years

There was a discussion about why members drop out and how to keep members.  It was suggested that March be membership month for PCRTA.

Memorial - Pat Mazzer & Dee Smith

Pat said that members are contacting her for sending cards.

Proctoring - Edith Scott

Ron said that recently 138 M1 and M2 students and 110 in another room were being tested, needing many proctors.

Ron said that Edith has a very hard job.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said she mailed 345 newsletters and emailed 78 at a cost of $306.24. It's budgeted

for $400.

Nominations - Jan Fencl

President - Helena Parry; Assistant Treasurer - Ria Mastromatteo; Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Informative & Protective - Kay Wise

Ron announced that members may have their blood pressures checked at the meeting.

Social/Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

Social committee members are Darlene Fetterhoff, Saroj Sutaria, Ken Granville, and Nancy Granville.

Proposed Activities:

Christmas Concert Sunday, December 16, 2012 around 4:30 PM

Western Reserve Band Concert 1st Congregational Church, Hudson

Dinner following at Zeppe's or Yours Truly or Aladdins

Bowling at the 11th Frame Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:00 AM

March --Interest Survey to be handed out at General Meeting

KSU Fashion Museum Guided Tour, Thursday, April 11, 2013 10:00 AM

Lunch at Lazizi's following tour around 12 noon

Webmaster - Connie Evans

Connie said that there have been over 5,000 hits on the PCRTA website.

Ron adjourned the meeting after he told about his great trip to China.

Minutes of the Portage County Retired Teachers Association

Luncheon on Nov. 15, 2012

The luncheon at NEOMED was attended by around 80 people.

All enjoyed a delicious baked turkey dinner with several sides.

Before the luncheon began, blood pressure was offered to be taken by those who desired it by Dr. Stacy Schneider's NEOMED students.

Cookbooks were sold at the registration table. Extras can be purchased by calling Jan Snowberger. A membership sign and membership forms were available at the registration table.

President, Ron Snowberger welcomed everyone and then had Dan McCombs handle the motions for new officers. Helena Parry for President was motioned by Richard Dorr with a second by John Kerstetter. Sam Rico made the motion to accept Ria Mastromatteo as Asst. Treasurer with a second by Adele Fussner. Connie Evans gave the motion to accept Barb Cribbs as Assistant Secretary with a second by John Kerstetter. All motions passed. Later Nancy Boomhower of ORTA installed the above officers to serve for a two year term. The other officers for 2013 include Georgia Darrah, Vice President, Ruth Weigand Secretary, Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer, Ron Snowberger, Past President. Nancy thanked those who had served as officers for 2012.

Gerogia Darrah asked for members to fill in green sheets available on the dinner tables if one could be a greeter or give the meditation.

Ron mentioned that there was a fantastic collection of canned goods donated for the Center of Hope, and that next month PCRTA would collect hats, scarves and mittens. Ron also reported that there were over 8,000 volunteer hours given by PCRTA members for 2012.

Edith Scott thanked those proctors who called her to let her know that they could proctor and asked for more proctors for the month of Dec. 2012. She gave her phone number 330-297-1812 for others to call her if they could proctor.

The Social Committee activities were reported by John Kerstetter as follows:

a Christmas concert by the Western Reserve Band at the 1st Congregational Church, Hudson on Sun.Dec.16, 2013 at 4:30 PM; Bowling at the 11th Frame Thurs., Feb. 7, 2013; KSU Fashion Museum Guided Tour at 10 AM on Thurs., Apr. 11, 2013, followed by lunch at Lazizi's around noon.

Richard Dorr announced that on Dec. 9, 2012 at 4p.m. the Hudson Community Chorus will hold their Holiday Concert at the Hudson High School Auditorium. Among the selections sung by the chorus is Dormi Jesu, with classical, traditional music and a sing- along. The Wood Elementary Students from Hudson will also be featured. Tickets from Rick are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children up to 12 years of age. Tickets at the door are $12.00 and $6.00. For more information, check

Pat Schubert gave the meditation.

Edith Scott donated her half of the 50/50 drawing ($52.50) back to the Scholarship Fund in memory our late Les Bennett.

Ron Snowberger mentioned his trip to China that was sponsored by the Shaker Heights Retired Teachers Association. There will be more forthcoming trips for next season.

The Luncheon Meeting was completed with Debra Easton of KSU speaking about Combating Negativity in Today's Society. In an interactivity, one should have discovered that a problem needs to be viewed by those involved as to what was their part in the problem as they themselves could have accountability as well. She mentioned the late Dr. Ray Heisey of KSU asking one to bring two solutions to the table in their department for any problems that arose. Debra ended her talk by singing a humorous song about excuses that her students give as to why they couldn't accomplish something.

The minutes for this meeting were recorded by Helena Parry in Ruth Weigand's absence.

The next luncheon meeting will be Dec. 13th at noon.


Members present: Ron Snowberger, Georgia Darrah, Saroj Sutaria, Dan McCombs,

Norm Park, Judy Morgan, Jim Montaquila, Darlene Fetterhoff, Edith Scott, Connie Evans, Barbara Cribbs, Jan Fencl, Evelyn Park, Helena Parry, Dee Smith, Richard Brockett

President  - Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand  

In Ruth's absence, these minutes are being taken by Barb Cribbs, Corresponding Secretary

Several more past scholarship awardees have responded. Their letters will be sent to Connie for inclusion on the web page.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

July 2, 2012- September 13, 2012

Beginning Checking Account Balance                    $7004.52

Income                                                            $2515.00

Expenses                                                          $ 861.26

Ending Checking Account Balance                         $8658.26

Scholarship Total (Deposited in Checking Account)  $5452.00

Actual Working Amount in Checking Account           $3206.26

We will lose 31 members if they do not pay their dues by December 31. This could put us in danger of losing a trustee. They have been contacted, but we will try again.

Darlene reported that our application check for the 501C3 has been cashed, the application is in review, but it will take about 3 months to get a response.

Ron spoke on a change in our investment strategy. We have four funds, but one, the American High Income fund, is an all bond fund. Bonds are predicted to lose value, on the advice of our financial advisor that money was moved to Nuveen Santa Barbara Dividend Growth fund.

Ron also asked that we make a $35 payment to the Silver Sneaker's trainer who will present at our September luncheon. She doesn't charge, but will be missing a class to be with us.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah

Georgia presented the proposed 2013 calendar. Moving the January organizational meeting from the 2nd Thursday to the 3rd Thursday was discussed. It was also suggested that the Christmas luncheon be moved from December 19th to December 12th. It was pointed out that moving the luncheon would put it just 2 weeks after the November luncheon. Moving these meetings would also be a break in routine, so it was decided to leave the organization meeting on January 10 and the luncheon on December 19.

ORTA Trustee - Ron Snowberger

Ron reiterated the need to retain our members so that we do not lose out trustee.

Archival Committee - Norm Park

Norm shared the Record Courier's full page "spread" of the scholarship luncheon. Thank you to Georgia Darrah who arranged for the coverage. Darlene commented how she enjoyed Norm's newsletter article about his summer jobs. He will make index cards available at the luncheon for members to report on their college/summer jobs and will follow up with another newsletter article.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

Judy is still reminding people to turn in volunteer hours. We are not yet at Ron's goal of 10,000 hours. We will be collecting school supplies at the September luncheon. In November we will collect foood and turkeys.  In December we will collect hats, scarves,and gloves.  Judy commented that she sometimes feels we could be more "creative" in our collections, but it was felt that there is a comfort level with our pattern of collections and we have targeted organizations with ongoing needs.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan was pleased to report that the pension legislation has passed. All that is needed is the Governor's signature, which should be forth coming. With this the pension fund should be solvent for the next 30 years. The changes will go into effect January 2013, but most will not be implemented until July or later. This legislation was critical. Without it, the state could have taken over out pension system.

Dan has arranged a Meet the Candidates meeting for October 22, at 11:00 at the Kent Library.

Membership - Helena Parry

Helena is continuing to target recent retirees. She will mail information to other recent retirees as soon as she gets the list from STRS.

Memorial /Sunshine- Dee Smith

Fifteen cards have been sent, 9 for illnesses, 3 sympathy cards and 3 congratulation cards.

NEOUCOM Proctoring Project - Edith Scott

Edie recently held a training session, but needs "gobs" of proctors. She only has about twenty that she can count on, but needs to 127 for the year.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat needs information by October 1st. Helena Parry complemented Pat on the newsletter. She said she showed it to a friend an all they could say was, "WOW!"

Nominations - Jan Fencl

Jan accepted Ron's resignation as President and commended him for his service. As stated in our by-laws the election of the following officers occurs in even-numbered years. The slate as follows: President - Helena Parry, Assistant Treasurer - Ria Mastromatteo and Corresponding Secretary - Barbara Cribbs. Dave Gynn has agreed to replace Helena Parry as Membership Chair.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Richard Brockett  No report

Informative and Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay was not present at the meeting, but sent word that blood pressure readings would be taken at the Novemberr meeting. She has also suggested a possible program about two Portage county brothers who had climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia plans to ask Adele Fussner about submitting an article about her participation in the Triathlon. She did submit the article on the scholarship luncheon.

Reservations - Marleen Strebler

Marleen reports that we currently have about 75 reservations for the September luncheon. Ron and Georgia will be meeting with the NEOMED staff to set up menus and reservation dates for next year.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim shared thank you notes he had received from scholarship awardees. He was thanked and congratulated for his presentation. Georgia Darrah Jim Montaquila, and Connie Evans were also commended for the visual presentation they prepared.

Social/Travel - John and Sandy Kerstetter

John and Sandy were not at the meeting; however they reminded us of the "apple pie tour"

Telephone/Communications - Saroj Sutaria

No report. Saroj announced that she would be resigning from her position.

Website - Connie Evans

Connie has added a site map to the web page.

New Business

Edie Scott donated an autographed copy of a book from last fall's ORTA regional meeting to be used as a door prize.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:57

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting. September 20, 2012

President Ron Snowberger welcomed everyone and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

He said Ohio retired teachers have a strong voice in Columbus because the legislators passed the bill sponsored by STRS keeping defined benefits for 30 years in both houses (the governor still has to sign it).

Ron thanked Virginia Buckley and Kathy Lilley for acting as greeters.

He asked everyone to bring a non-member to the next meeting and stated that some members still need to pay their dues.

He welcomed new member, Ehrman Armstrong, KSU and Ruth Seton.

He thanked members for the school supplies.

Social Committee co-chair, John Kerstetter, announced that the Beckwith Orchard tour will be Oct. 18 at 2:00 P.M. at a cost of $5.00 for fresh apple pie and ice cream. The tour includes a trolley ride through the orchard and a tour of the sorting room and the sale/ tasting room. If interested, please call 330-673-0129 and make a reservation and pay at the door.

Legislative Chair, Dan McCombs, said this a serious time with a bipartisan suppport to protect our pensions for 30 years. Dan thanked Dave Gynn for testifying in Columbus and going around Ohio to promote this plan.

Dan thanked PCRTA member, Norm Parks, who was his seventh grade teacher, for his inspiration and his dedication.

Dan said he was inviting all on October 22 to a legislative session with four legislators for Meet the Candidates at the Kent Free Library at 11:00 A.M.

He thanked members for their Emails, letters, and personally attending meetings.

Ron announced for Informative and Protective committee chair that there blood pressure

would be taken at the November 15 luncheon meeting.

He said give a call to the sunshine committee chair if you know a member needs a card.

He said that Barb Geisey is helping Edith Scott today and to sign up for proctoring.

He thanked members who volunteer and to give their community service hours to Judy Morgan.

Ron stated that our organization was the only one in the state of Ohio to give seven scholarships.

Dan announced that half of 50/50 drawing is for scholarship.

Ron said that there will be installation of officers at the November meeting.

Nominations chair, Jan Fencl has Ria Mastromatteo for assistant treasurer, Barb Cribbs for corresponding secretary, and Helena Parry for President.

Ron will be ORTA trustee next year.

Dee Smith gave a short history of Johnny Appleseed, stating that Johnny owned 1200 apple orchards with apples being used for cider. He spread religious teachings , was an animal activist, a vegetarian, and a hero in the war of 1812. Then Dee gave the meditation.

Ron introduced the guest speakers for the Silver Sneakers, Health and Fitness for Seniors:

Debbie Tatro and Margo Terry. Debbie is coordinator for Assuremed Corporate Fitness in Twinsburg and Margo Terry is a Fitness trainer for Tallmadge Recreation Center.

Deb Tatro stressed strength training and range of movement for people past 50. She said that Healthways has developed the Silver Sneakers program and Summa has adopted it.  For everyone, the hardest part is motivation in addition to health issues and family.

She suggested trying new things. She showed a short film on Aging, Exercise, and Metabolism that stressed strength training for people past 50.

Training muscle, the engines of our body, can increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, improve blood pressure, increase metabolism, physical strength, bone mineral density, glucose metabolism, and speeds up food transit. It also can improve lower back health and reduce arthritic pain. She recommended 30 min. of strength training 2-3 times per week. She said to work hard while doing it: exercise intensity, not duration. She suggested that people can go to when out of town.

Ron thanked Mary Evelyn Shabino, Judy Morgan, and Georgia Darrah for helping set up for today's meeting.
Janet Zimmerman won the 50/50 drawing receiving $74 out of the $125.

Jim Montaquila won the second drawing, a novel, entitled Leave No Child Behind.

The program continued with Margo Terry, Tallmadge Recreation Center trainer, who humorously had members get involved with doing some simple exercises that can be done while watching TV. She recruited Ron Snowberger to demonstrate on the other side of the room. She demonstrated exercises that improve muscles in the arms, legs, abs, and back. She showed how not to do some things that can hurt you neck and back and not to do too many repetitions.  She stressed challenge your self, but don't overexert.  She recommended a book, Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman.

Ron announced that Adele Fussner recently won in a triathalon competition.  In August, Adele participated in the Girl's Tri-Two in the age 75 and up age group. She swam, rode a bike, and hiked. 

The cookbooks will be in at the end of September. 

Ron said see you in November(15).

Then he reminded everyone about the Meet the Candidates at the Kent Library on Oct. 22.

The meeting was adjourned.


Members present: Jim Montaquila, Judy Morgan, Kay Wise, Georgia Darrah, Dan McCombs, Saroj Sutaria, John Kerstetter, Richard Brockett, Barb Cribbs, Drema Smith, Connie Evans, Marlene Strebler, Jan Fencl, Darlene Fetterhoff, Ruth Weigand, Edith Scott. (Dave and Pat went to Columbus)

Vice-President Georgia Darrah
called the meeting to order and said that she is presiding for Ron

since he is on vacation.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Connie Evans made a motion to accept the minutes for the May meetings as recorded by Barb Cribbs in Ruth's absence, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed. Georgia thanked Barb and Ruth also thanked Barb for recording the May and March minutes.

Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Barb said that there are 84 past PCRTA scholarship winners and she mailed notices to 34 of them and received 5 responses with one returned.

Vice -President - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that the programs are set for the rest of this year

ORTA Trustee -Ron Snowberger, as reported by Dan McCombs

Dan said that the Ohio legislature has adjourned. Dan said that the ORTA Quarterly had a good report about the study of the Defined Benefit Plan. Dan suggested that members should send a note to thank Senators Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown for sponsoring Senate bill 342 and to let them know that they need to get this done this year.

He said that STRS members received COLA this year, but will not receive it in 2013.

He said the GPO/WEP, the government offset for social security, never gets out of committee.

Reservation Chairman - Marlene Strebler

Marlene said that she has 66 reservations including scholarship recipients and their families for the July 19 luncheon.

Corresponding Secretary Barb Cribbs said that she made robocalls for PCRTA meeting reminders.

There was a discussion about the necessity for meeting reminders and it was decided to leave it up to Ron.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

6/11/12 thru 7/10/12

Beginning Checking Account Balance 14,623.11

Income total:                               Dues 80.00

Expenses                                       5,336.57

Sarah Briggs                                   1,000.00

Jesseca Greene                               1,000.00

Karlie Lieberth                                1,000.00

Lauren McBride                               1,000.00

Abigail Wemhoff                             1,000.00

May and June bank fees                         6.00

Matt Leedom-newsletters                   320.57

Pat-Gynn-yearly public domain fee         10.00

Checking Account Balance               $9,366.54

Scholarship Total in Ck Account       $4,391.00

Working Amount in CK Account       $4,975.54 

2012 Investment Summary (updated July, 2012)





Interest yr to date

1st Merit: Wendall-Mary CD





1st Merit: Scholarship CD





1st Merit : Gene Newton CD





1st Merit Business SavingsStifel-Nicholas Mutual Funds

Initial Investment

Feb 15, 2011

Dec 31, 2011

Jan 31, 2012

Feb 29, 2012

March 31, 2012

10,641.15From Life CD:


From Scholarship:




(fees withdrawn)









Created on 6/12/12

Darlene said she closes each CD as it matures due to such low interest return and transfers the money to the newly opened business account.

Darlene handed 5 envelopes enclosed with a $1,000 check in each to Jim Montaquila, Scholarship chairman, so he could present them to each scholarship recipient at the luncheon meeting.

Dave Gynn had asked Darlene to discuss forming a resolution statement in the event that PCRTA had to dissolve and should have a plan for distribution of the monies in our treasury.

Darlene said that Alan Balog completed the paper work for PCRTA to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization for a tax-free status by the Internal Revenue Service.

After some discussion, the PCRTA Executive Committee asked for a motion. Darlene made the following motion: In the event of dissolution of PCRTA, the Executive Committee shall, after paying and making provisions for the payment of all liabilities, distribute all the assets of PCRTA over to an organization dedicated to charitable and/or educational purposes and which has been recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service.

The motion was seconded by Barb Cribbs. Motion passed with 16 members present.

It was stated that the motion would become an addendum to the PCRTA bylaws.

Darlene said she would prepare a document with the above resolution as adopted by the Executive Committee and would bring it to the July 19th meeting for the Executive Committee officers to sign.

Darlene said presently the Lowell Myers is the only designated scholarship.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

Judy said that she received a thank you note to PCRTA for the five members who helped serve refreshments at the GED graduation at Maplewood Career Center in Ravenna.

Judy said PCRTA members are asked to bring school supplies to the September meeting.

Judy stated that PCRTA members completed 2,087.5 volunteer hours so far for 2012.

She said that Portage County Clothing Center needs volunteers.

Membership - Helena Parry

Darlene said that there are over 35 members who still owe dues.

Ron will call these members and Darlene will send them post cards reminders.

NEOMED Proctoring Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith said that there would be an orientation session for new proctors at the end of August or the first part of September. She said four people are interested and she would make a plea at next week's meeting.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Georgia read Pat's report stating that 370 newsletters were printed, of which 358 were mailed for the June/July issue and around 70 were Emailed. A few newsletters were sent to the scholarship recipients and a few will be distributed at the meeting.

The cost for printing, collating, folding, and bulk mail assembly and postage was $320.57.

Judy Kerman who retired from Kent Roosevelt volunteered to help Pat with the newsletter.

Memorial & Sunshine - Drema & Pat Mazzer

Edith thanked Drema for the nice memorial program at the May meeting.

Nominations - Jan Fencl

Jan said that she is planning to ask Ron to appoint a standing committee of three members to help prepare a slate of nominees for President, Assistant Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary.

Dan McCombs volunteered to be on the committee.

Pre-Retirement Planning Committee - Richard and Mary Ann Brockett

Richard said that he sent the final report to the state. He volunteered along with Ron to contact people

who haven't renewed their membership.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that she hopes Record Courier will allow a full page to cover the PCRTA scholarship


Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that PCRTA received 12 applications from 8 different schools.

He said that a power point presentation was prepared with Connie and Georgia and will be running during next Thursday's meeting. He said five awards will be presented at next week's meeting, while Kelsey is in Europe with her family. He thanked Norm Park for presenting her award at her school.

One of our scholarship committee persons will be seated at the tables with the recipients families.

There will be table tents and posters of a few of past recipients and info about what they doing now.

Jim said that he received thank you notes from Lauren, Abigail, and a second letter from Kelsey.

Jim thanked Norm Park for presenting Kelsey her award at Aurora's honors awards.

Jim said that PCRTA has awarded 84 scholarships totaling $43,200 with the first one as a fundraiser.

Barb Cribbs sent thank you notes to individuals who made donations and to NEOMED proctors. Jim thanked his committee members; namely, Dan McCombs, Lowell Meyers, Kay Wise, and Jan Fencl.

Social Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that PCRTA only had two social events this past year and wants suggestions. He also requested

committee members. Darlene volunteered.

Kay suggested a trip on the Cuyahoga Valley train.

Webmaster - Connie Evans

She said there would be a PDF slide show and a google map of where our meeting is located on the website.


Portage County Election Board needs poll workers.

Kay said that poll workers get paid, so it could not be counted as volunteer work.

Edith thanked Connie for her hard work on the PCRTA website.

It was suggested that PCRTA ask NEOMED to furnish a cake for the luncheon meeting, but some were of the opinion that NEOMED already supplies a variety of desserts.

Edith said she would call Sue Hricko on Monday.

Darlene made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kay Wise. Georgia adjourned the meeting.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting July 19,2012

President Ron Snowberger welcomed everyone and led the pledge of allegiance.

He thanked Joann and Ken Cardinal for being greeters.

He elcomed new member Mark Stahl and guest Linda Foster from Suffield along with

Dave Gynn and Ruth Weigand, both of whom have had recent health problems.

Finally, he welcomed Sue Hricko, the NEOMED testing coordinator.

Ron announced that Judy Morgan, Community Service chair, would be passing sheets for members to record their community service hours. He said that PCRTA has 3,000 hours with the goal to be 10,000.

Edith Scott, PCRTA scheduling coordinator, announced that there would be an orientation session in late August or early September.

From last meeting, Ron said the Regina Brett books that sold for a total of $262 plus the $200 donation for Regina's favorite charity, one which gives help to families dealing with cancer totaled $462.

Ron thanked reservation chairman, Marlene Strebler for taking the reservations.

Ron acknowledged Alan Balog for completing the paperwork for the IRS 501(c)(3) tax free status.

He also said that it is time to pay the annual dues.

There was a sheet being passed for members to order the ORTA 60th anniversary cookbook, for which PCRTA is charging $10 per book with $4 going for scholarships.

Representative Kathleen Clyde was invited, but couldn't be present for today's meeting.

Social Committee chair, John Kerstetter, said that he needs some committee members and some ideas.

Ron announced that Dave Gynn and Diane Bowman are selling 50-50 tickets.

The program for September 20 will be Silver Sneakers.

RSVP needs volunteers.

Board of Elections needs poll workers and there is material on the tables for voting and registration.

Portage County Clothing Center needs volunteers.

Ron suggested that PCRTA members thank our senators for getting the STRS bill passed and suggested that members read about it in the ORTA Quarterly.

Ruth McKay read an Irish blessing for the meditation.

Ron noted the power point presentation about the scholarship recipients scrolling the screen.

ORTA President Dave Gynn thanked everyone for the phone calls and the get well cards.

Dave said that he is back to doing visits to other chapters, but Pat has to drive him there.

As a response to notes sent by Corresponding Secretary, Barb Cribbs, 5 responses from former PCRTA scholarship recipients were returned with info about what they're presently doing.

This information has been placed on some of the tables and should be passed for members to read. Responses are from Rachel Baughman-2008, Brandon Broadwater, Jessica Grabnic - 2007, Alex Wolfe -2010, and Lauren Stevens - 2011.

After lunch, Jim Montaquila welcomed five of the six scholarship recipients, their parents, and everyone in attendance. Jim said that it was hard to choose, so winners were chosen between the good and the better. He thanked Edith Scott and all our members. He said that PCRTA has awarded $43, 200 for 84 scholarships since 1994. He said Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff received anonymous congratulatory notes with $50 enclosed , which he will present along with the PCRTA scholarship today.

Jim said that according to a study by the New York Times, the value of a teacher lasts a lifetime due to their influence, effort, and knowledge.

He said that he received a thank you note from scholarship recipient, Kelsey Stummer, stating she would be attending Purdue University and she is passionate about teaching. She is in Europe with her family.

Norm Park presented Kelsey's scholarship to her at Aurora High School Awards assembly.

Vice-President, Georgia Darrah, introduced Sarah Briggs who likes to take things to the fullest extent.

Lowell Myers, who in the name of his wife, Carol who taught 27 years at Crestwood and Streetsboro,

awarded a scholarship to Jesseca Green, an all-around girl who works and plans to teach seventh grade math.

Norm Park introduced Karlie Lieberth, who will attend Akron U and plans to teach middle school.

Dave Gynn introduced Lauren McBride, Ravenna valedictorian, who plans to teach special education.

Jan Fencl introduced Abigail Wemhoff, who has a summer job window washing and will play basketball at the University of Mount Union.

Jim Montaquila conducted a round robin question and answer session with questions recipients received beforehand. The questions included: what college and why, most memorable high school experience, most rewarding high school activity, the teacher with the greatest positive influence, why you want to be a teacher, area of teaching and why, and what they hope to be 30 years from now.

The graduates all reflected the desire to be a positive influence with their students by the example of former teachers as follows: Sarah's 7th & 8th grade teacher, Jesseca's 7th grade social teacher, Karlie's third grade math teacher & her freshman history teacher, Lauren's band director & family friend, and Abigail's English/basketball coach. These future teachers chosen fields are: Sarah, grades 4 & 5; Jesseca, middle school math; Karlie, middle school math; Lauren, special ed.; Abigail, high school math.

Jim thanked the parents and the scholarship committee for the good work and said he thinks education is safe in America.

(The scholarship members were: Jan Fencl, Dave Gynn, Jim Montaquila, Lowell Myers, Norm Park, and Kay Wise).

Ron thanked Georgia for the decorations and NEOMED for the fine facility.

Edith Scott won $77.50 out of $154 collected in the 50/50 drawing and donated it to the scholarship fund.

Ron said that PCRTA wants to keep our numbers in membership.

Nancy Granville won the name tag drawing for a free lunch.

Ron asked members to see Edith about proctoring.

Ron adjourned the meeting.


Corresponding Secretary, Barb Cribbs, submitted the minutes from the last meeting and will be taking the minutes until Ruth Weigand is able to return. The minutes were approved with one correction/clarification from Marleen Strebler: Members should make advanced luncheon reservations rather than paying at the door.

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff gave the financial report. There is $5,417.26 in the checking account plus $8,342.00 designated for scholarships. Dan McCombs made a motion that as the CD's mature they be moved into a business account. Georgia Darrah seconded the motion and it passed.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah reported that Regina Brett, our luncheon speaker is accepting a donation to her favorite charity, The Gathering Place, a community that supports people touched by cancer through free programs and services. Ron Snowberger moved that we donate $200 from our treasury plus the profit we make from the sale of her books. Mary Ann Brockett seconded the motion and it passed.

We will have 40 copies of Regina Brett's new book, Be The Miracle, and 10 copies of her old book, God Never Blinks. We paid $16 per book which usually sell for $22. Dan McCombs suggested we sell them for $20, with the $4 to be used as a donation to The Gathering Place as well.

Georgia reported she has two possible programs for next year: the Honor Flight, a program that takes WWII vets to Washington, D.C. and The Giving Doll program that provides dolls to sick or lost children and children of service men and women.

ORTA Trustee Ron Snowberger said he has been to Columbus four times. They have been reviewing the chapter yearly reports. He complimented Judy Morgan on her report for Community Services. Our chapter is second in the state for the number of volunteer hours.
Pat Gynn reported that ORTA President Dave Gynn said he is proud of our chapter. He said that the Trustee report Ron Snowberger gave to ORTA was outstanding.

Community Services Chair Judy Morgan reported she received a letter thanking us for our donation to Safer Futures. We will collect diapers for the Clothing Center at the May luncheon. She asked for ideas for other groups to help. Georgia Darrah suggested stuffed animals for hospitals. Pat Gynn mentioned the APL.

Judy also announced volunteers are needed to make cookies for the GED Graduation June 7 at Maplewood.

Membership chair Helena Parry reported that Connie Evans had designed a new flyer printed in black and white on colored paper for 18 cents each. Darlene Fetterhoff said we just got two new members, but we have more than 40 dual members who have not rejoined for 2012 as of this date.

Legislative Chair Dan McCombs told about the changes STRS is suggesting: no increase in employer contributions; member contributions increased by 4%, phased in over 4 years; Final Average Salary based on the highest 5 years as of August 2015; eligibility for full benefits increased to 35 years service by 2023 with a minimum age of 60 as of 2026; no COLA is 2013, 2% COLA thereafter; new retirees receive no COLA for 5 years; and no increase in benefits with 35 years service. ORTA supports the STRS plan.

Pat Mazzer and Dee Smith will be co-chairing the Sunshine Committee. They send get well, sympathy, and congratulations notes to members. They will conduct the memorial service at the May luncheon. There will be six members honored. Only one family member wished to attend. Pat suggested the practice of inviting family members to be discontinued.

Newsletter Editor Pat Gynn is looking for someone to help with the newsletter. Saroj Sutaria suggested that the names and phone numbers of board members should be in the newsletter. Connie Evans questioned having the phone numbers on our website. Georgia Darrah suggested eliminating the phone numbers on the website edition.

Nominations Chair Jan Fencl says she needs someone to replace her as she is often out of town.

Richard and Mary Ann Brocket reported that only one other chapter had more attendees at their pre-retirement program. Ron congratulated them on the program.
Reservations chair Marleen Strebler wants to stress advance reservations and no paying at the door.

Scholarship Chair Jim Montaquila reported we had 12 applications from 8 schools. Six scholarships will be awarded at the July luncheon.

Evelyn Park will aid Saroj Sutaria in taking requests for rides to the meeting.

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff reported on the filing of the 990 Form. Our accountant, Alan Balog, suggested we consider applying for 501(c)3 status. This would designate us as a not for profit/ tax exempt organization and anyone donating money to PCRTA could claim a tax deduction. After lengthy discussion, Darlene Fetterhoff moved that we proceed with trying to attain 501(c)3 status. Jan Fencl seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.


Pat Farley and Margie Miller were the greeters.

Dottie Emerick read the meditation written by Adele Fussner, who had been called out of town.

President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge. He thanked members who had brought diapers for the County Clothing Center or had donated money to the cause.

Ron commented that our chapter's Trustee report to ORTA is being used as a model. He urged members to check legislative websites and contact legislators as the discussion of pension changes continue.

Ron mentioned that 10 PCRTA members will attend the Regional ORTA meeting next Tuesday in Canton.

Edith Scott made an appeal for more proctors.

Dee Smith and Pat Mazzer led a Memorial Service for six of our members who passed away this year. These members represent a total of more than 207 years as role models, leaders, guides and friends. They were: Margaret Matjunas, 32 years in Ravenna; Kay Shutler, 40 years in Tallmadge, Mesopotamia, Randolph, and Kent; Robert Stokes, 39 years in the Kent State Biological Sciences Department; Betty Theiss, first grade teacher in Ravenna for over 30 years; Douglas Bennett, 33 years in instrumental music at Old Trail School and Ravenna; and Marjorie Butler, 33 years in Garfield Schools.

Regina Brett, New York Times best-selling author and award-winning Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist was our speaker. She shared memories of some of our members who were her past teachers. Copies of her books were available and after the program, she graciously held a book signing.

A donation, as well as proceeds from the sale of the books will go to Regina's favorite charity, "The Gathering Place, a community that supports, educates, and empowers individuals and families touched by cancer through programs and services provided free of charge."



The meeting took place at the Kent Library with 11 members in attendance.

Barb Cribbs, Recording Secretary, took the minutes in the absence of Ruth Weigand.

Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer, was absent recovering from surgery.  She emailed her report to Ron Snowberger via email, but he was not able to open the file.  Her    report will be addressed at the May meeting.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah reported that Safer Futures will make a presentation at the March luncheon.  Since they do not charge, she asked if we should make a donation to the group in addition to the items collected.  Judy Morgan said there are usually cash donations from members, so it was felt a further donation would not be necessary.

Georgia also reported that Regina Brett will be our speaker for the May meeting.  Knowing that we cannot afford her usual $3500 speaker's fee, she has asked that we donate to The Gathering Place in her name.

Regina Brett's book will be on sale at the luncheon.  The price is still under consideration.  It may be available at a reduced price for our members.

Ron Snowberger said a Silver Sneakers instructor will speak at the September luncheon.  She doesn't charge, but will be missing a class to meet with us.  He asked that we set aside $50 to compensate her lost earnings.

Ron said he has been to two ORTA meetings since we last met.  They looked through the chapter committee reports to determine the "best practices" from the various chapters. He said when reporting volunteer hours to include travel time in your report.

Ron reminded everyone of the ORTA Regional meeting on March 20 in Canton.

Ron reminded everyone to submit recipes for the ORTA Cookbook project, "Easy Recipes for Busy Volunteers." 

Community Services Chair Judy Morgan said the charity for May will be the County Clothing Center.  We will be collecting children's diapers and adult Depends.

Legislative Chair Dan McCombs asked if we should host a "lunch with the candidates" before the election.  The response was affirmative, and based on last year's high turnout, he will look for a larger venue.

Dan reported that ORTA has asked for a member to be our contact with each legislator.  He will put the details in the next newsletter.

Dan noted that new actuarial assumptions will have a negative effect on pension funding:  inflations has been reduced from 3% to 2.75%; retirees are living longer, increasing our liability; investment return has dropped from 8% to 7.75%.  He is pretty sure there will be no legislative action until after the election, but they are still looking at increasing the retirement age and reducing the Part B Medicare reimbursement.  It will be nearly impossible to retain the COLA at the current level.

Membership chair Helena Parry was absent, but Ron and Kay Wise reported that had made phone calls to   prospective members.  Several cited the $30 ORTA fee as an obstacle.  Ron said we need a new brochure.  Connie Evans said she would make up a new one.

We still need someone to serve as Memorial and Sunshine Chair, and also Public Relations. Georgia is currently doing the PR in addition to Vice-President.

Richard and Mary Ann Brockett said 38 teachers were registered to attend the Pre-Retirement Workshop on March 13.

Jim Montaquila reported the scholarship applications are due on April 6.  The committee will met on the next Monday to review them.  Georgia said she would put an article in the paper emphasizing the April 6 deadline.

Marleen Strebler said she will take reservations by phone and will accept payment at the door.  She has made some reusable nametags for members to wear.

Saroj Sutaria thanked Georgia for including her name and number in the newspaper article so anyone needed transportation could contact her.

Edie Scott reported that the interoffice newsletter at NeoMed included an article about PCRTA and the   proctoring project.  It was titled, "Portage County Retired Teachers-Our Most Valuable ‘Employees.'"  She stressed the need for more proctors.  For the first time, there was a test scheduled on a Saturday that we were unable to cover.

Pat Gynn reported the newsletter costs nearly $1 and stressed the need for more people to take it on line. 


Greeters Millie Keller and Ruby Nance wore their St. Patrick's finery to greet members at the luncheon.

Dave Gynn filled in when President Ron Snowberger was called away.  After welcoming new and first-time members, he thanked everyone for their donations to  Safer Futures.  He announced that Judy Morgan was circulating signup sheets so everyone could record their volunteer hours.

Edith Scott made an appeal for more proctors.

Dave thanked Richard and Mary Ann Brockett for their work in organizing the Pre-Retirement Workshop.  Over 30 teachers attended.

Legislative Chair Dan McCombs reported that things in Columbus are changing daily, but he doesn't expect any action until after the election.

Dave mentioned that 10 PCRTA members will attend the Regional ORTA meeting next Tuesday in Canton.

He said that as ORTA President he has declared this the Year of the Volunteer" and has asked members to submit "quick and easy recipes for the busy volunteer."   To be included in the new ORTA cookbook, recipies are due by April 15.

Georgia Darrah announced that Regina Brett will speak at the May meeting.  She asked for a count of those who would be interested in purchasing a copy of Regina's new book.

Dottie Emerick gave the meditation.  She spoke on St. Patrick's life and on the history of St. Patrick's Day.

Ken or Gary Moss won $60 in the 50-50 drawing.  They were sitting next to one another and weren't sure who the winning ticket belonged to.  They donated their winnings to the scholarship fund!



Members present: Marlene Strebler, Sandy Kerstetter, Edith Scott, Dave Gynn, Georgia Darrah, Ron Snowberger, Darlene Fetterhoff, Ruth Weigand, John Kerstetter, Jim Montaquila, Kay Wise, Helena Parry, Pat Gynn, Evelyn Park, Norm Park, Connie Evans, Mary Ann Brockett, Richard Brockett

President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.

Ron mentioned that he and Georgia met to discuss this year's programs.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth said that she knew there was a correction to be made for the November 2011 minutes.

Darlene said that it should have stated that Darlene, not Marleen, spent $60 on labels, but Darlene and did not turn in the bill.

That statement should be deleted from the minutes.

Darlene made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by John Kerstetter. Motion passed.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Treasurer's Report Nov. 10, 2011 thru Jan. 12, 2012 by D. Fetterhoff

Jan. Exec. Meeting

Beginning Checking Account Balance $8,195.10

Income Total: NEOMED, dues and 
     donations                                   $6,276.00

Expenses                                          2,698.62

Nov bank fee                                           3.00

Dec bank fee                                           3.00

ORTA dues                                           450.00

R. Snowberger (printing)                          42.60

Gene Easter                                           75.00

Center of Hope                                       20.00

TRZ calls                                               56.46

NEOMED Conference                            2,400.00

D. Fetterhoff(stamps)                                8.56

Checking Account Balance                 $11,772.48

Scholarship Total in Ck Account           $6,187.00

Working Amount in Ck Account            $5,585.48


1st Merit: Wendall-Mary





1st Merit: Scholarship





1st Merit: Gene Newton





Mutual funds Summary

Feb. 15, 2011  $40,000.00

Sept. 31, 2011 $34,535.10

Oct. 31, 2011   $37,024.03

Dec. 31, 2011   $37,185.27

Ron said that the report would be filed for audit. Darlene recommended to wait till February.

Darlene that ORTA shows that PCRTA has 429 dual members, in Dec. 2011 we had 443 dual members. Darlene asked Helena, membership chair, to check on one person who said he was going to join.

Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer 

Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer 


Carry over from 2011 checking account  $11,862.48

Anticipated annual renewals       99 x     10,990.00

Anticipated associates renewals  11 x         555.00

Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM      7,500.00

TOTAL                                                       20,407.48


General Scholarships funds (in checking account)  4,437.00

Carole Myers Scholarship(in checking account)      1,000.00

Teresa Bica Scholarship (in checking account)          750.00

Newsletters and mailings                                   2,000.00

Printing of directories                                             70.00

Office supplies/postage/copying                             400.00

Memorial Service flowers and supplies                     100.00

Sunshine fund                                                      100.00

Auditing /990N fees                                              250.00

Bank fees and box of checks                                    60.00

Retirement planning workshop                                200.00

Lunches for 6 scholarship winners and parents          216.00

Membership                                                         500.00

Speakers and entertainment                                   600.00

Website                                                                30.00

Miscellaneous                                                    9,694.48

(decorating for luncheons, gifts for

outgoing officers, awards, charitable donations,

additional scholarships, ORTA area meeting

costs, other board approved items)

TOTAL                                                                      20,407.48

The amount for speakers and entertainment was increased from last year, as suggested by Ron. 

Dave asked about the printing of directories. 
Darlene said there were some left over from last year. It was decided that perhaps fewer copies should be printed this year. Webmaster Connie Evans said that she was placing the directory on our website for access by board members only, so board members were given a password along with a disclaimer for use of the directory for PCRTA business only.

Ron announced the dates for info by the newsletter deadlines as follows: Feb. 1st, Apr. 1st, June 1st, and Oct. 1st.

The Executive Committee meeting will be March 8, and the luncheon meeting will be March 15.  Ron read the proposed menus for all the luncheon meetings and asked for approval and/or suggestions.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

In Dan's absence, Ron stated that on Jan. 26 at 7:30 P.M., there will be a meeting at Streetsboro High School to discuss HB 136 on vouchers. He said that State Senator Tom Sawyer, Representative Kathleen Clyde, and Brian Williams from the State Board will be there for questions.

All members received a flyer with the Ohio Apportionment Plan for 2012-2022 for Portage County showing the congressional districts, the Ohio Senate Districts, and the Ohio House Districts.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

In Judy's absence, Ron said that for 2011 PCRTA members had 6,608hours.

Ron said that since ORTA President, Dave Gynn, has named 2012 as the Year of the Volunteer

that our PCRTA goal is to achieve 10,000 hours.  Dave said that travel time to and from volunteering can be counted.

Vice-President Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that the surveys from the December meeting resulted in some members volunteering to be greeters and to do the invocation.  Georgia said the September speaker would be discussing Silver Sneakers.  She stated other program ideas and a few board members gave some helpful suggestions. 

ORTA President - Dave Gynn

Dave received a $20 Staples gift card in a random drawing by NRTA & AARP for Create the Good, whose purpose is to raise awareness about the need for school supplies and to celebrate the volunteer spirit of retired educators and others.

Dave stressed that we need to know our candidates, especially for the retirement bill and the school voucher bill HB 136.

He also said there is another important bill, GEO/WEP for social security fairness HR1332/SB2010.

Social/Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said the deadline for the money for KSU's Ragtime is Feb. 1 for PCRTA members to attend as a group for the Feb. 17 performance.

Then he was asking for suggestions from members for a trip, one of which he was trying to contact; namely, the Portage County Historical Society. Members thought that was a good suggestion.

NEOMED Proctoring Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith announced that there would be an orientation for new proctors on Wed., Jan. 25th at 10:00 A.M. and persons should enter at the main entrance to get a name tag. There are 10 people signed up.

Reservations - Marleen Strebler

Marleen said members will have permanent name tags at the luncheon meetings from now on.

There was discussion about finding out who the guests are as they arrive. It was finally decided that perhaps a third greeter could do that.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Richard & Mary Ann Brockett

Richard and Mary passed flyers around announcing that the Pre-Retirement Workshop which includes light refreshments will be Tues., March 13, 2012 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm at Channels 45/49 Building at 1750 Campus Drive off State Rt. 261. The workshop is free for Portage County educators and their spouses.

Three flyers will be placed in each of the 53 school buildings in Portage County. Attorney John Flynn, Financial advisor Chris Perme, and STRS representative John Vuch will be the speakers.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat Gynn said that a volunteer, Carolyn Nome, will help her with the newsletter.

She also said that there are 74 newsletter E-mails.

Membership - Helena Parry

Helena received 68 coded pages from STRS to acquire addresses of Portage County retired

teachers, but it did not include names of last July's retired teachers.  Helena mailed 174 letters in November with a free lunch ticket included.

She asked for volunteers to call a few of these people. She said that Dave sent talking points for phone callers to use. Darlene, Pat, Kay, Adele, and Marlene have volunteered to make calls.

Helena said to check membership info in the directory, because some STRS codes are wrong.

Ron reminded everyone that our goal is to persuade them to join PCRTA and ORTA.

Informative & Protective - Kay Wise

Kay said that it was disappointing that only two people signed up for the flu shots, because Giant Eagle had prepared for more than that for the November luncheon meeting.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

It was stated that NEOMED is willing to give a tour of the facility.

Jim said that all the necessary info for the PCRTA scholarship applications have been printed on letters, posters, and the scholarship applications with the due date of April 6th, all of which was mailed to all the high school guidance counselors in Portage County.  The scholarship committee of Dave, Jan, Norm, and Lowell Myers will meet with Jim on April 20th to review the applications and to choose the winners.  Norm and Jim will hand-deliver some of the applications.

Scholarships will be awarded at the July 19th luncheon meeting

Dave said that this year Jan Fencl wishes to offer a scholarship.

Helena congratulated Dave Gynn whose picture appeared on the front page of the recent ORTA Quarterly announcing Dave Gynn as 2012 President of ORTA. Dave received a call from Dr. Stanton.

Dave said he would be attending 12-14 chapter meetings and monthly executive committee meetings.

PCRTA is in eighth place with ORTA memberships in our district.

Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Edith. Motion passed.


Members met at the Ravenna Public Library.

Members present: Ron Snowberger, Ruth Weigand, Georgia Darrah, Norm Park, Evelyn Park, Helena Parry, Connie Evans, Dan McCombs, Jan Fencl, Mary Jane Brannon, Edith Scott, Marlene Strebler, Nancy Granville, Ken Granville, Barb Cribbs, Kay Wise, Saroj Sutaria, Jim Montaquila, Dave Gynn, Pat Gynn, Darlene Fetterhoff, Mary Ann Brockett, Richard Brockett

Ron called the meeting to order.

He announced that Judy Morgan would like all members to call her to give their number of service hours.

He announced that Georgia Darrah is accepting the nomination for Vice President with Jan Snowberger as assistant vice-president. He asked for a motion.

Darlene made the motion to accept the nomination of Georgia Darrah as Vice President and Jan Snowberger as assistant Vice-President, seconded by Kay Wise. Motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Ron thanked Barb Cribbs for making the automated calling on Thurs., Nov. 3rd, to remind PCRTA members of the change of location to NEOMED on St. Rt. 44 in Rootstown for the November 17th and December 8th luncheon meetings, change of cost to $12, and Nov. 9th luncheon reservation deadline for the Nov. 17th meeting and Nov. 30th luncheon reservation deadline for the Dec. 8th meeting. Reservations should be sent to Marlene Strebler, St. Rt. 183, Atwater, Oh 44201. For more details , see your newsletter. Also there was a reminder that the Board members would meet at the Ravenna Library at 9:30 on Nov. 10.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Treasurer's Report Nov 9, 2011 by D. Fetterhoff

Beginning Checking Account Balance            $6,126.65

Income Total: NEOMED, dues and donations $2,785.00

Expenses                                                      716.55

Oct bank fee                                                     3.00

Sept bank fee                                                   2.00

ORTA dues                                                    390.00

Newsletters: Matt Leedom                               321.55

Checking Account Balance                             8,195.10

Scholarship Total in Ck Account                      2,697.00

Working Amount in Ck Account                     $5,498.10


1st Merit





1st Merit





1st Merit





Mutual Funds Summary

Feb. 15, 2011   $40,000.00

Sept. 31, 2011  $34,535.10

Oct 31, 2011     $37,024.03

Darlene said her report shows and abbreviated version of the mutual funds and to take notice of the interest rate for the Gene Newton CD, which could not be changed to a better rate.

Ron said her report would be filed for audit.

Vice-President's - Ken & Nancy Granville

Nancy said that our program would be Gene Easter presenting science concepts.

Ruth Weigand, Ken Granville, and Dave volunteered to be greeters and Dan McCombs will sell the 50-50 raffle tickets.

Ron will ask at the Nov. 17th meeting if members want to play bingo at the Dec. meeting; if so, someone needs to volunteer to call bingo.

ORTA Trustee - Dan McCombs

Dave, Pat, and Ron attended the ORTA meeting in Columbus. Ron is the ORTA trustee for PCRTA.

ORTA President Dave Gynn said that ORTA has named the upcoming year the Year of the Volunteer.

All members need to keep a major focus on the legislature for the pension reform bill.

This last quarter has shown a poor investment return, but for the whole year there was a 22% increase. STRS pensions need to keep the defined benefit, but there is a lot of pressure to switch us to defined contribution.

He said AMBA is willing to send a representative to one of our meetings to explain the benefits they offer.

ORTA President - Dave Gynn

Dave said he is trying to get members to serve on the ORTA legislative committee. He said the current retirees need to understand the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution. There is no support to give current retirees COLA and support for health care.

Dave read a letter that was Emailed to PCRTA from a former student of Ruth Weigand, stating her student's education to become a teacher, her years of teaching, and high praise and gratitude for Ruth, her third grade teacher.

Ron introduced Marlene Strebler, who volunteered after the last meeting to be PCRTA reservations chairman.

Ron announced that Richard and Mary Jane Brockett are the Pre-retirement co chairpersons.


Nominations - Jan Fencl

Jan stated that the following have accepted nominations: Vice-President - Georgia Darrah,

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand, and Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff.

Jan made a motion to accept the nominations, seconded by Pat Gynn. Motion passed.

She said at our Nov. 17th meeting, nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Then election and installation of officers will take place at the November meeting.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

372 newsletters @ 49.5 cents each

356 mailed

postage and handling @ 38 cents each 15.8 postage & 22 folding & collating

87.5 cents per mailed newsletter

Total cost $321.55

54 on email list (saves $47.25)

Archival - Norm Park

Norm said that the Oct. 27th PCRTA Beckwith apple orchard tour article appeared in today's Record Courier.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that Ken Cardinal and Dan Gunyula will become legislative co-chairs.

Dan thanked everyone who supported the controversial State Issue 2 with a no vote.

He said that it is critical for all members to watch our defined benefit and we need to be looking for fairness in the redistricting. Presently everything is on hold.

Ron announced that there is a need to decide upon a future meeting place for the Executive Committee meeting. Ravenna Library charges a fee for use of the room, plus a fee for setting up chairs and tables and putting them away.

Kent Library opens later but allows free use of the room with a fee for setting up and removing tables and chairs.  Helena Parry made a motion that the PCRTA Executive Committee meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Kent Library and do our own setup and removal of tables and chairs for future meetings, seconded by Jan Fencl. Motion passed.

Membership - Helena Parry

Helena said that Ron and Adele helped her put info in the envelopes that were mailed to prospective new members. There were 170 letters mailed which netted three new members.

Helena asked everyone to try to help recruit new members.

Darlene suggested personal phone calls. It was suggested that Dave Gynn would develop a list of talking points for phone volunteers to use.

Darlene, Ron, Pat, Helena, Nancy, and Dave volunteered to make phone calls.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

It was suggested that Mary Jane send cards to Richard Dorr and Les Bennett.

NEOMED Proctoring Scheduling Edith Scott

Edith said she is going to set up another orientation for new proctors.

She is in need of many proctors for the first three weeks of December.

Pre-retirement Planning - Richard & Mary Jane Brockett

Mary Jane announced that the tentative date for the pre-retirement seminar is March 13th, 2012.

It was suggested that she call channel 45/49, the place where PCRTA has held it in the past.

Informative & Protective - Kay Wise

Kay said that Dr. Schneider would have students taking blood pressure of PCRTA members before the Nov. 17th meeting.  At 2:00 P.M., members can go across the street to Giant Eagle to get their flu shots.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Georgia said that she is able to submit pictures online for news articles to Record Courier. She said the picture of the PCRTA orchard tour is in today's paper.

Reservations - Marlene Strebler

She said that she has 77 November luncheon reservations and 35 December ones.

Darlene spent $60 for a backup system for the printing of name tags.

It was stated it would be nice to know those who are guests.

Social/Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that the orchard trolley tour was cancelled due to bad weather, but PCRTA members enjoyed inside activities.

Telephone - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj asked Evelyn Park to be co-chair because she goes out of town.

Webmaster - Connie Evans

Connie wanted to know if there were any additions or corrections.

Kay said that PCRTA has good minutes and a good website.

Ron said that the Portage County chapter is one of the highest in count and one of the most active, especially with Dan's influence.

Ron reminded everyone to stay informed with the legislature.

Darlene made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Helena Parry. Motion passed.

Ron adjourned the meeting.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting November 17, 2011

Ron called the meeting to order at NEOMED.

Ken Granville led the pledge of allegiance.

Ron thanked the greeters: Dave Gynn, Ken Granville, and Ruth Weigand

He announced that Edith Scott needs many proctors for December.

New members are Janet Fox, Community Education, Linda Little, Tappan School in Ravenna, and Gary Motz, Streetsboro mathematics,.

Ron requested that members turn in community service hours to Judy Morgan.

Judy said that we have close to 4,000 hours.

Kay Wise said that the robocall resulted in three people registered for flu shots today and if anyone else was interested to please let her know so that Giant Eagle can have the vaccine ready.

First time attendees were Norma Jackson and Barb Watkins from Green Local Schools, and Stan Christenson, KSU retiree.

Ron thanked everyone who participated in the 50/50 drawing today.

He said that there would be no door prizes today, but there will be at the December meeting.

He said that our chapter is the eighth largest in the state of Ohio.

Ron said that he is our ORTA trustee.

He announced that Dave Gynn is President of ORTA.

He said to stay aware of what is going on in Columbus and that the state is rewriting what was in issue 2. He said that we want to keep defined benefit.

He praised Pat Gynn for our newsletter and Connie Evans for our website.

John said 25 people enjoyed the Beckwith Orchard tour and had pie and ice cream.

John said that he and Kay Wise had the most corny jokes that day.

Our next event will be KSU's performance of "Ragtime", which includes interactions between WASP, Jewish immigrants, and African Americans along with ragtime music.

Perhaps members may enjoy going to dinner at Pufferbelly before attending the show.

Nancy Granville led the meditation with a poem, entitled "Leaves" by Elsie Brady.

Ron thanked Marlene Strebler for handling the luncheon reservations and asked that members get their December reservations in ASAP.

He also announced that we may acquire permanent name tags that we wear around our necks and return them before leaving at the end of each meeting.

He asked everyone how many were interested in bingo for next month with the result that there weren't enough interested members.  He suggested that members bring a wrapped gift $5- $10 or a gently used item.

Ron called for nominations from the floor. Saroj made a motion to accept the slate of Georgia Darrah for Vice-President, Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary, and Darlene Fetterhoff for Treasurer, seconded by Donna Hajek. Motion passed.

Dave Gynn spoke about plans for next year as ORTA President. He mentioned that ORTA is celebrating its 65th year and PCRTA is celebrating its 45th year.  He explained defined benefit and defined contribution and how it could effect us as retirees.

Dave installed the three officers.

Dan announced the 50/50 drawing was worth $128 and the winner would receive $64.

Judy McKinney donated the $64 for Thanksgiving food.

Ken Granville introduced Gene Easter, who has been a Streetsboro High School Teacher for 40 years, has also been affiliated with Kent State University and Western Reserve University, and instructor for Summer Science Workshops. He brought a collection of stuff to demonstrate some of the principles of physics with audience participation and his wife Linda acted as his assistant. He demonstrated some of Newton's Laws of physics; namely, inertia, pressure, and sound with audience participation. All in all, it was very entertaining and he asked the audience to help clean up.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting December 8, 2011

PCRTA President Ron Snowberger welcomed everyone.

Ron asked everyone to keep their gift at their seat.

He thanked the greeters, Nancy Granville and Ginger Murphy.

He also welcomed today's entertainers, Ray Harcar, Sam Mayes, and Ken Granville.

Ron announced that the PCRTA Executive Committee would meet at Kent Free Library at 9:30 on Jan. 12 for the Executive Committee yearly planning session. He said that the March Luncheon meeting would be the third Thursday in March at NEOMED. He requested that members get their reservations in early.

He thanked members for their donations of hats and gloves and/or canned goods. He said our Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, would deliver the items to the Portage County Clothing Center and food banks.

Ron said that PCRTA members turned in 4,485 volunteer hours plus nearly 1,000 hours will be turned in today. Ron offered a challenge to PCRTA members to try to help accomplish 10,000 volunteer hours in 2012.

ORTA President Dave Gynn could not attend today. Dave tries to attend other chapter meetings.

Vice-President, Nancy Granville, gave thank you notes with a small stipend to the three musicians.

Then Ron asked everyone who brought a gift today to get up and trade it with someone.

Social Committee Chairman, John Kerstetter, offered an invitation to attend KSU's Fri., Feb. 17th performance of Ragtime. A group ticket will cost $7.00 payable to John Kerstetter and must be paid by Feb. 1. He said to fill out the flier today or it would be on our PCRTA website.

He said it's about life in the U.S. with issues of immigration, racism, and others of the day.

Also members are invited to meet at the Pufferbelly before the show for dinner. He asked interested parties to call him for the group reservation and to show up with one lousy joke.

Informative & Protective chair, Kay Wise, announced that Reed Memorial Library in Ravenna would be having a Friends of the Library book sale this coming Sat., Dec. 10 from 9:00 - 4:00.

Hardbacks will be four for a dollar.

Ron announced that ORTA is in need of Legislation and Publicity chairpersons.

Dan McCombs said HB 136 has legislation pending to expand the voucher program.

He asked members to contact their representatives to stop this bill, because it will be detrimental to all our school districts in the state.

He said that the present redistricting plan needs to be stopped and redone.

Ron said that the free ticket would be for door prizes that he collected. Then he asked everyone to trade their gift once again and this time they will keep that gift.

Joanne Seitz shared a turkey trivia. Then she read a poem.

After lunch, Ray Harcar(Waterloo) on the trombone, Ken Granville(Streetsboro) on the Euphonium, and Sam Mayes(Wadsworth) on the bass trombone entertained with Christmas carols.

Dan McCombs said that the 50/50 raffle was $154 with Adele Fussner winning $77.

Then Ron had the drawing for the door prizes.

Edith Scott, proctor scheduling chair, put out a plea for help for proctors needed for next Tues., Thurs., and Fri. for 14 tests.

She asked members who were interested to attend the January orientation session by signing up today.

Ron asked everyone to please fill out the surveys and turn them in.

He said to check out our website and to have a nice holiday.

He said thank you to Ken Granville for bringing his group to entertain us today.

Ron announced that our next meeting is in March.


                                                                          Executive Committee Minutes     
                                                                                      September 8, 2011

President Ron Snowberger introduced Brad Cromes, We Are Ohio field organizer, who asked for canvassers or phone bank volunteers to work encourage people to vote NO on state issue 2 to repeal SB5.

Secretary Ruth Weigand corrected the last minutes as follows:  Nathan Dreger was a Rootstown graduate, 10 membership brochures were sent to Ravenna, and there were 782 volunteer hours for the 2010-11 school year at NEOMED.

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff reported a checking account balance of $5,330.45.  $40,000 has been invested with Stifel-Nicolaus mutual funds.

ORTA Trustee Dan McCombs reminded the committee that he is completing his final year as trustee and his replacement should be named by September.

Past President Dave Gynn said there is a need for volunteers to work to repeal SB5.  He said 2012 will be the 45th anniversary for PCRTA and the 65th year for ORTA.

Webmaster Connie Evans will attend an ORTA workshop and hopes to get information to set up a members-only page on our website.

Social/Travel Committee Chairs John and Sandy Kerstetter have planned a trip to Beckwith Orchard on October 27.  John is planning a trip to the Ravenna Arsenal.

Jim Montaquila was commended for the excellent scholarship program, and Edie Scott was thanked for coordinating the proctoring schedule.

Georgia Darrah, the Public  Relations Chair, thanked the Record Courier for the excellent coverage for our scholarship program.

Protective Services Chair, Kay Wise, informed us that Dr. Schneider will be unable to come to our next luncheon to talk about shingles. PARTA will bring a bus to promote the use of the transportation system.

Jan Fencl, Chair of the NominationsCommittee, nominated Ron Snowberger as ORTA Trustee for 2012-2014. It was seconded by Ken Granville and the motion passed.  The position of ORTA District IX Director is open.

Pat Gynn, Newsletter Editor, said there were 375  newsletters printed and 359 mailed at a cost of $312.57.  Newsletters were emailed to 62 people.

Edith Scott, Proctor Scheduling Chair, said more volunteers are needed for proctoring.

Membership Committee Chair, Helena Parry, announced that an updated list of new retirees and others receiving STRS benefits should be received soon.

Legislative Chair, Dan McCombs, said that the ORTA leadership states that the news people are very negative about public employees.  We need to keep our defined benefits and need to avoid becoming negative ourselves.  He spoke about HB194 which restricts voting rights; members suggested we should put all our efforts toward repealing SB5.    

Judy Morgan, community Service Chair, said our September service project will be school supplies which will be donated to Portage County Clothing Center.  Maplewood Career Center sent a thank you note for our serving cake and cookies to GED graduates.  It was suggested the APL needs volunteers and could use old towels.  The November project will be collecting items for the food banks of Portage County.  We received a $20 donation for Safer Futures.

First Book Portage County has given many new books to kids.  They are requesting a artistically decorated book case for a fundraiser.

After a discussion about our luncheons at the Methodist Church, Kay Wise moved that we hold our November and December luncheon meetings at NEOMED; seconded by Ken Granville.  Motion passed.

PCRTA LUNCHEON MEETING - Sept. 15, 2011                 

President Ron Snowberger thanked greeters Ginny Buckley and Bob and Kathy Latimer.                       

Anna Russo, PARTA Community Coordinator, told about public transportation.  Passengers may travel on an existing route or register for door-to-door service.    

Les Bennett is in assisted living and PCRTA needs someone to take the job of Reservations Chair.

First time attendees were introduced:  Pat Yountz, Jane Donnell, Debbie Stress from Streetsboro, and Terry Sheffler from Cleveland.

Ken Granville led the Pledge of Allegiance; Ruth McKay read a poem (see page 12) and gave the invocation.

Announcements:   Give Mary Jane Brannon names of members who need cards, give community service hours to Judy Morgan, the monthly service project is school supplies, Dr. Schneider was unable to come to the meeting to inform members about shingles shots, and remember the Ravenna Library book sale. 

All members are needed to recruit some new members.

NEOMED proctors are needed; call Edith Scott.

John Kerstetter, dressed as an apple picker, announced a trolley through Beckwith Orchard on Thursday, October 27 from 2:00 to 3:30.  The cost will be $4 and will include coffee and a piece of pie.  Members are requested to bring a lousy joke

Dave Gynn asked members to vote NO on Issue 2 in   November to repeal SB5 and asked members to visit the website to volunteer to make phone calls or canvas homes.

Vice President Ken Granville introduced our speaker, Ralph Pfingsten, author of The History of the Ravenna Arsenal.  Ralph is a retired science teacher and has done biological surveys on the site. He said that during WWI there was a dire need for a munitions plant.  The Arsenal was started by workers digging by hand in 1940.   He described the munitions buildings and storage bunkers that were built as well as the sleeping quarters used every eight hours by a different worker.  Today the facility is a major training center for the Army National Guard from the Youngstown Air Reserve Station. There has been a major cleanup which is still ongoing.

                                                                     Executive Committee Minutes

                                                                                 July 14, 2011

Highlights from the last Executive Committee and luncheon meetings are provided below.  Many meeting details are included in other reports in this newsletter.  A complete set of detailed minutes is available to any PCRTA  member.  Call Ruth Weigand (330-673-4788), email, or locate the minutes on our website (


-Eighteen members of the Executive Committee were present at the meeting.  President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order and asked Secretary Ruth Weigand to read the minutes of the July meetings.

-Ron welcomed Mary Ann Brockett and announced that she and her husband, Richard, will be the new chairs of the Preretirement Committee.

-Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff gave the treasurer's report and the Investment Summary of all PCRTA funds.  She also gave updates to the membership directory.

-VPs Nancy and Ken Granville reported that NEOMED will furnish a cake honoring the scholarship recipients for the July 21 meeting.  Nancy said Dr. Schneider will bring some students to do BP checks.  She also reminded the board to bring books to trade at the luncheon meeting.

-ORTA Trustee Dan McCombs thanked everyone who had worked on increasing our membership because it guaranteed that PCRTA would continue to have a Trustee. 

-Dan announced that ORTA will conduct free half-day leadership workshops on September 19 and 20.  Two members can attend with one free member for the webmasters workshop from each local chapter.

-Past President Dave Gynn reported that President Ron Snowberger had attended the Henry County chapter with him.  Wood County has a medical college and is trying to set up proctoring exams for scholarship money like we do.

-Dave is also ORTA President-Elect and is looking for ways to celebrate ORTA's 65th anniversary.  He was considering a statewide recipe book, but he would be interested in any other ideas from our members.

-Webmaster Connie Evans said we have had 2500 hits on our website.  It was suggested that a private section could be added for board members using a password.

-In John Kerstetter's absence, Ron announced that John and Sandy Kerstetter, Social/Travel chairs, are still working on a tour of the Ravenna Arsenal.  They will also be scheduling a date for a pie and coffee tour of Beckwith Orchard.

-Public Relations Chair Georgia Darrah said she is still trying to get our information on the Portage County   website.  It was suggested that whenever she puts any information in the paper that she include our website.

-Informative and Protective Chair Kay Wise said that the osteoporosis machine is under repair so it will not be at the meeting.  Dr. Stacy Schneider will discuss flu shots/shingle shots with interested members.

-Nominations Chair Jan Fencl announced that Michael Bridge has volunteered to be our new ORTA Trustee.

-Newsletter Editor Pat Gynn reported that there are now 62 people who have opted to go paperless, receiving their newsletter by email each issue.  Each printed copy costs almost 50 cents, not including the mailing costs.

-Proctor Scheduler Edith Scott reported she now has 40 proctors.  Sue Hricko of NEOMED will attend our July luncheon and provide a cake for dessert.

-Memorial and Sunshine Chair Mary Jane Brannon announced that Kathleen Shutler died on June 6, 2011.  Ria Mastromatteo had back surgery.  Darlene Fetterhoff asked Mary Jane to inform her of any member deaths so she can keep our membership lists up to date.

-Membership Chair Helena Parry said we have had 4 new members since January.  She sent out 75 membership packets to the new 2011 retirees in the county.

-Legislative Chair Dan McCombs thanked everyone for signing the petition to get SB5 on the referendum this November.  He said there were 19,000 signatures from Portage County and 1.2 million for the whole state.

-Dan said this fall SB3 and HB69, the retiree bills, will be discussed.  He encouraged everyone to write to their legislators to ask them to keep the Defined Benefit Plan we now have.

-Scholarship Chair Jim Montaquila reviewed plans for the Scholarship Luncheon.  The students will answer some questions to help us know more about each of them.  It was noted that their pictures appeared in the ORTA Summer Quarterly.


-Jim said that he presented the awards at the honors  assemblies at Kent, Rootstown, and Southeast Schools.  Kay Wise presented the award at Ravenna.

-Ron Snowberger distributed the annual report forms to the six committee members who are required to have them ready at the end of 2011.


-President Ron Snowberger thanked Kay Wise and Jan Fencl for acting as greeters.  Ken Granville led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Les Bennett led the music, with piano accompaniment by Adele Fussner. Nancy Granville gave the meditation.

-Ron announced that Representatives Kathleen Clyde and Todd McKenney were unable to attend today.  Kathleen Clyde sent  congratulation letters to each of the scholarship recipients.

-There were three first-time attendees:  Margie Miller from Field Schools and Bev Cole from Tallmadge Schools and her husband, Larry Cole.

-Community Service Chair Judy Morgan asked members to record their volunteer hours on the sheet she passed around.  She reminded everyone to remember to bring school supplies to the September luncheon. 


-Kay Wise thanked Dr. Stacy Schneider from NEOMED for doing blood pressure checks.  She reminded members to select books from the book exchange, and told them the remainder of books would go to the Ravenna Library.

-Mary Jane Brannon, Sunshine Chair, placed sheets on the tables for members to write the names of people needing a get well, sympathy, congratulations, or thinking of you card.

-Dan McCombs, ORTA Trustee, said that ORTA now only has 10 trustees.  We all need to work to keep our membership numbers high to keep having a trustee.

-Ron Snowberger thanked Edith Scott for acting as the scheduler for the NEOMED Proctor Project.  She thanked Sue Hrico and Lisa Morris of NEOMED who attended the luncheon and supplied the Thank You Cake.  Edith also gave a short history of the Proctor Project and how it has grown.

-Dan McCombs won the 50/50 raffle of $61, his share of the $122 collected and returned it to PCRTA. Kay Wise won the autographed David Baldacci novel, Fear No Evil, and Mary Ann Brockett won the Entertainment Book.

-Lowell Myers awarded the Lowell Myers Scholarship in honor of his deceased wife Carol to Joshua Foerst.  Jim Montaquila awarded the remaining scholarships to Nathan Dreger, Melissa Mellinger, Lauren Stevens, Kayla Titko, Brittany Woodard, and Jasmine Wriston.

                                                                Executive Committee Minutes

                                                                                 May 12, 2011

Highlights from the last Executive Committee and luncheon meetings are provided below.  Many meeting details are included in other  reports in this newsletter.  A complete set of detailed minutes are available to any PCRTA member.  Call Ruth Weigand (330-673-4788), email, or locate the minutes on our website (


-Nineteen members of the Executive Committee were present at the meeting.  President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order and asked Secretary Ruth Weigand to read the minutes of the March meetings.

-Darlene Fetterhoff reported a treasury balance of $10,148.58 ($3,991.09 scholarship and $6,007.53 working balance).  There was income from dues, donations, and luncheons.  Expenses included the newsletter, audit/990 form fees, labels and postage, and ORTA dues.

-Darlene said she sent out 35 postcard reminders for members to pay their dues by June 15.

-Vice-President Nancy Granville said that Jane Bissler will be the speaker at our memorial luncheon.  Mary Jane Brannon and Joanne Cardinal will set up displays for the 16 deceased members, and Mary Jane will read a short synopsis of each person's life.  Georgia Darrah will deliver the meditation.

-ORTA Trustee Dan McCombs said that he had received official notice from Ann Hanning stating that our chapter qualified to have a Trustee because we were one of the ten largest chapters in the state.  Dan is finishing his term, so we need to get a new Trustee.

Past President Dave Gynn was attending another chapter meeting, but he sent a message encouraging PCRTA  members to use the ORTA and PCRTA websites and go into the Members Only area for up-to-date information.

-Dan McCombs asked members to sign the petition to put the repeal of SB5 on the ballot.  He and Dave Gynn would both have petitions at the luncheon meeting.

-Community Service Chair Judy Morgan said there were many items donated, plus $94 and Acme cards donated for Freedom House at the March meeting. We will collect items for Safer Futures at the next luncheon.

-Judy Morgan, JoAnn Stikes, and Ruth Weigand were judges at the Future Educators Association conference at KSU on March 25.

-PCRTA members will help serve refreshments at the GED Graduation at Maplewood on June 9.  Let Judy know if you can bake some cookies or help (614-309-4893 cell).

-Legislative Chair Dan McCombs gave a synopsis of the many bills now pending: US HB 1332 for the GPO/WEP has 62 sponsors; HB 153 budget bill passed the house and may be placed in the pension bill, reducing funding for K-12 and higher education; HB 21, Teach for America for education licensure passed; HB 36 restores two calamity days; HB 136 for state vouchers allows money left over to be put into a college account.  He said that the ORTA Executive committee and ORTA legislative committee both support placing SB5 on the ballot for referendum.

-Helena Parry, Membership Chair, reported she sent out 34 packets for prospective members, which is about half of the teachers retiring this year.

-Pat Gynn reported that the number of newsletters emailed has nearly doubled.  387 stamped newsletters were mailed.

-Jan Fencl, Nominations Chair, said the offices up for   election this year are Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee.

-Kay Wise reported that the AARP Safe Driving Program will be May 17 at Ravenna HS.  Dr. Schneider from NEOMED will bring students to check blood pressures at the July meeting.

-Georgia Darrah, PR Chair, said she is trying to get our  notices on the Portage County list of activities online.

-Jim Montaquila, Scholarships Chair, said there were 22 applicants from ten schools who applied for this year's scholarships.  Seven $1000 scholarships will be awarded.

-John Kerstetter, Travel co-chair, said he is working on planning tours at the Ravenna Arsenal, a return tour of Beckwith Orchard, and a Cuyahoga Valley National Railroad trip.

-Webmaster Connie Evans reported that there are now downloadable membership and luncheon reservation forms available on our website at



-Ann Spence and Ken and Nancy Granville were the greeters.

-New attendees at the luncheon were Phyllis Spangler and Michael Bridge.                                                                         

-Georgia Darrah read a meditation entitled "Sea Shells" and Les Bennett led the group in singing.

-Judy Morgan announced she needs volunteers to bake cookies and to help serve cake and punch at the GED graduation party on June 9 at Maplewood.  Call her at 330-653-8174 if you can help.

-Dan McCombs thanked the Membership Committee for recruiting enough new members to move PCRTA from  11th place to 8th place for ORTA membership, thus qualifying our chapter to have a Trustee.

-Several members had petitions for people to sign to put SB 5 referendum on the ballot.

-Edith Scott, NEOMED Proctoring Coordinator, asked proctors to sign up for tests before the end of the meeting.


-Mary Jane Brannon, Memorial and Sunshine Chair, led the group  in honoring the 16 deceased members:  Robert Dunn; Victoria Germaine Gunther; J. Arthur and Martha Herrick; Arthur L. Kaltenborn, Jr.; Mary Lou Kosar;  Craig Lucas; Carole Joyce Meyers; John James Michaels; Frank Mills; Jane C. Osborne; Judith Richards; Glen C. Ruttan; Alfred Saupe; Eloise  Seacrest; and Anthony A. Silvidi.

-Two guests were in attendance to help honor their loved ones-Eunice Michaels, wife of John James Michaels, and Lowell Meyers, husband of Carole Joyce Meyers.

-Georgia Darrah introduced the speaker, Jane Bissler, the founder and clinical director for wellness in Kent and who also does grief counseling. She spoke about remembering and forgetting-using a special memory to help bring joy to life.

-A brass trio of Ken Granville, Sam Mayes, and Ray Harcar entertained us with special music.

-The winner of the 50/50 drawing received $73 out of the $147 collected.  Dan McCombs was the winner and he donated it to the Scholarship Fund.  Georgia Darrah also won in the drawing-two tickets for "Chicago" at the Porthouse Theater.



March 10, 2011

Members present: Ron Snowberger, Dave Gynn, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, Pat Gynn, Nancy Granville, Kay Wise, Jim Montaquila, Georgia Darrah, Darlene Fetterhoff, Edith Scott, Mary Jane Brannon, Norm Park, John Kerstetter, Saroj Sutaria, Connie Evans

President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth read the minutes to everyone. There were three corrections, two of which had been corrected before the minutes were emailed to all committee members on May 15. The AARP Safe Driving course will be on May 17th, not May 19th.

Barb Cribbs will mail copies to Mary Jane and Edith; Norm said that he doesn't mind waiting until the newsletter comes out.

Ron announced that the NEOEA Spring conference would be in Garfield Heights on April 13 at 9:00 A.M., which includes a continental breakfast and lunch for $20. He said legislative updates, pension reform, health care, and navigating face book and skype will be some of the topics discussed. He said the registration forms have to be in by April 4th.

Ron announced that the NEOEA Spring conference would be in Garfield Heights on April 13 at 9:00 A.M., which includes a continental breakfast and lunch for $20. He said legislative updates, pension reform, health care, and navigating face book and skype will be some of the topics discussed. He said the registration forms have to be in by April 4th.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Jan. 27 - Mar. 9, 2011

Beginning Checking Account Balance $48,636.36

Income Total                                    $1985.00



ORTA                                                     90.00

B Cribbs postage                                     59.38

D Fetterhoff office supplies                       15.48

M Leedom newsletters                            351.82

M Leedom directories                               70.00

Stifel-Nicolaus Investment                  40,000.00

  (from Life cd and scholarship monies
   in checking account)

Bank fee - Feb.                                         2.00

Total Expenses                               $40,588.68

Checking Account Balance                  $10,032.68

Scholarship Total in Ck Account            $3,723.59

Working Account in Ck Account             $6,309.00

Investment Summary



Maturity date


1st Merit:Wendall-Mary


6/3 /11


1st Merit: Scholarship




1st Merit: Gene Newton





Mutual Funds


(checking account)

From Life CD:23,498.34

From Scholarship: 16,501.66

Begin date:


Darlene asked what her duties about the investments in the mutual funds should be.

Ron suggested that she make a quarterly report on the investments.

Darlene announced that she received 30 invitations, all of which had been addressed to her. She passed them to everyone whose names appeared on the invitation. The invitations were for a tea sponsored by the Portage County Literacy Coalition to celebrate National Reading Day on March 2. The problem was that the invitations arrived on March 2, the day of the tea. The invitation included a teabag. Participants were supposed to sit in the comfort of their own home and read a book with a cup of tea. The RSVP included a request for a donation to this non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to educating adults on the awareness of illiteracy in the county. The contribution will help recruit tutors and purchase materials.

Darlene said the 2011 directories were ready. Executive Committee members informed everyone of recent changes in their Email addresses.

Vice President - Ken & Nancy Grandville

Nancy said that she will do the meditation for the March 17 luncheon meeting.

She said that Gerald Payn, the guest speaker will portray Abe Lincoln.

She said that May is our memorial meeting and Ralph Pfingsten will speak about the history of the Ravenna Arsenal at the Sept. meeting.

Dave said that he acquired two Applebee's gift certificates to put in the 50-50 drawing to encourage more people to participate. So there will be three chances in the drawing; namely, money and/or the gift certificates.

ORTA Trustee - Dan McCombs

In Dan's absence, Dave Gynn said he would give the report under Legislative. Dave and Ron attended the STRS Pensions Champions meeting.

It was stated that PCRTA will not know if we have a trustee until May 25. It was also stated that Dan McCombs has served two terms as trustee, so he could not serve next year.

ORTA trustees are required to attend ORTA meetings twice a year, are also required to attend the committee meetings in which they are involved, and give reports to their local organization and to ORTA.

(The district director represents those organizations who do not have a trustee).

Archival - Norm Park

Norm said that he has nothing new, but has something to place in our archives which are stored at the Portage County Historical Museum.

One of the committee members presented Norm with a news item that about Ashley Bolt, one of PCRTA's 2008 scholarship recipients, who was recognized for being outstanding in sports at Marietta College.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

In Judy's absence, it was reported that Judy said that she has enough volunteers for judges for the Future Educators Association Ohio State Conference at KSU on March 25.

Ruth Weigand said that she enjoyed judging posters last year by following the FEA Ohio Chapter rubrics.

Dave Gynn judged speeches according to the rubrics (A timer was also used in that judging).

The March service project will be for Freedom House, a transitional shelter in Kent for male veterans who may also be homeless.

Freedom House has requested the following items: canned fruit, pancake or waffle mix, pillowcases, plastic containers with lids, and money donations for meat.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff requested permission to write a check, because a PCRTA member donated one check with instructions to give a certain amounts to Freedom House and to Scholarship.

Jim said that Norm worked with him in getting the PCRTA scholarship info to the Portage County Schools.

To date, He said that there has been only one scholarship application submitted which was from a Rootstown student. Jim stated that he sent post card reminders about the April 1 deadline to the guidance counselors in all of the Portage County Schools.

Mon. April 11, the Scholarship Committee will meet to choose the scholarship recipients.

Dave suggested Georgia Darrah put an article in the newspaper to advertise the deadline.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dave reported that HB69 and SB3 concerns the pension funding of the retired teachers and SB 5 for active teachers.

Retired and active teachers wish to see the Defined Benefit plan for funding pensions continue and for the five-point plan to be adopted. The defined benefit plan has not been discussed by lawmakers.

STRS Ohio plan:

Change in Eligibility for Retirement Beginning Aug. 1, 2015 Age and service requirements for retirement would increase to a minimum age of 60 with 35 years of service beginning Aug. 1, 2015. (Members may still also retire at age 65 with a minimum of five years of service.)

Change in Benefit Formula Beginning Aug. 1, 2015 New formula would be 2.2% for all years of service and the current 35-year enhanced benefit formula would be eliminated . Teachers retiring with 35 years of service at age 60 or older would receive 77% of their final average as a pension. Those who have 30 years of service; who are age 55 with 25 years of service; or who are age 60 with five years of service as of July 1, 2015, would receive the greater of: (a) The benefit as of July 1, 2015, under the current formula; or (b) The benefit upon retirement under the new formula.

Increase in Final Average Salary (FAS) with Years Beginning Aug.1, 2015 --FAS calculation would be based on the five highest years of earnings; the current FAS period is three years.

Reduction in Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) beginning July 1, 2012 Current retirees would receive an annual 2% COLA; members retiring Aug. 1, 2012, and later would also receive a 2% COLA, but it will not begin until 60 months after the date of retirement.

Increase in Member Contributions Beginning July 1, 2012 Increase member contributions by 3%, phased in 1% per year beginning July 1, 2012, through July 1, 2014.

Dave said they met with Todd McKinney, one of five on the subcommittee, and suggested some of us should go as an individual and try to get on the schedule of testimony for HB 69 in Columbus.

He said that Kathleen Clyde who is on the SB5 subcommittee will hold office hours in Kent from 11:00 A.M.-12:30P.M. this Fri., Mar. 11 at Scribbles Coffee Co. and on Sat., Mar.12 Todd McKinney will be at the Waterloo Restaurant in Akron from 7:30 - 8:30 A.M.

Darlene suggested that Record Courier has many negative opinions on the subject. She suggested that PCRTA needs to prepare a letter to the editor with correct information and present it to the general meeting next week, personalize it, and then submit it to the newspaper editor.

Dave said that one of the real problems is the composition of the 5 active teachers on the STRS board who do not need a COLA and the 2 retired teachers on the board don't seem to have a voice.

Membership - Helena Parry

Ron, Dave, and Helena met at a restaurant brainstorming ideas for new membership: how to contact schools and perhaps a committee go to talk at the schools. Saroj and Adele are willing to help.

It was suggested that perhaps we should have a pre-retirement seminar this spring due to the possible changes for pension funding and maybe include a membership drive at the meeting.

Memorial - Mary Jane Brannon

Mary Jane said that Jane Bissler will be the speaker for the May 19 Memorial meeting.

She said that there are10 deceased members to be recognized.

NEOUCOM Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith announced there will be an orientation for new proctors on April 4 at 9:30 A.M. at NEOUCOM.

She said there is a new security policy at NEOUCOM. Proctors should enter at the first door on the left and will go to the Academic Affairs office for a guest badge.

Edith said that the schedule for Feb.-July had 6 pages and cost 61cents per copy to mail.

The cost for 25 copies was $32.14 and she requested to be reimbursed.

Since there was nothing listed in the budget for proctoring, Edith was told to turn it in as an expense. donation.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said there were 396 newsletters mailed and 9 extra ones at the cost of $351.82.

Pre-Retirement Planning

Ron said that a chairman is needed for pre-retirement planning.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay said that the 4 hour AARP Driver Safety course is scheduled for May 17 at the Methodist Church.

There needs to be at least six signed up.

Ron said that he recently had shingles and it was miserable. He suggested that members check in to getting the shot. One member said she was counseled by a nurse before it was to be administered and was told that you can not be around pregnant women and small children for six weeks because the shot can possibly cause you to develop a light case of shingles.

Publicity- Georgia Darrah

Georgia said she submitted the Mar. 17 luncheon meeting notice to the Record courier ten days before the meeting and it appeared in the paper on March 9.

She was told to contact Connie to also put it on the website.

She needs info from Vice-President Nancy Granville for the meetings.

Reservations- Les Bennett

Always contact Les for luncheon reservations at least one week before the luncheon meeting.

Social & Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that a few members signed up for the Hamlet study groups.

The play Hamlet starts April 13 and will be performed on multiple dates.

In looking for a spring tour, he would like to schedule a tour at the Ravenna Arsenal and have lunch in Newton Falls. It was mentioned that the National Guard conducts the tours and does very few of them.

Telephone - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj said that she hasn't had any requests for transportation.

It was mentioned that Bob Stanton might come if someone offered to bring him to the meeting.

It was noted that Dick Roberts might also attend if someone offered to bring him.

Website - Connie Evans

Connie said that she added to the website a way to click on to copy the mail-in form to copy for the luncheon reservation.

Helena Parry requested that she put a click for copying the membership form.

Nancy Granville said that she needs to get greeters for next week's meeting. Someone suggested she choose a new member.

Ron requested a motion to adjourn.

Kay Wise made the motion to adjourn, seconded by John Kerstetter.

Meeting was adjourned.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting

March 17, 2011

Newly elected President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.

He thanked Adele and Bill Fussner for being greeters.

He said that this was the biggest attendance in awhile with over 90 people present.

He offered a challenge to all those present to bring a friend to the May meeting and to bring them back as a member at the July meeting.

He thanked Public Relations chairman, Georgia Darrah, for the two announcements in the Record Courier.

He thanked everyone for the great amount of donations to the Freedom house for Community Service.


NEOUCOM proctoring CHAIRMAN, Edith Scott, thanked all the proctor volunteers and announced that the next orientation session would be Mon., April 4 at 9:30 A.M.

She said to enter the building at the Security office to the left of the main entrance and go to the Academic Affairs office to get a badge.

Ron announced that the fliers for becoming a Legacy Corp volunteer are on the table and are also on the website.

Connie said they are on the PCRTA and ORTA websites.

It was announced that there would be two Applebee's gift certificates in the 50/50 drawing in addition to the money drawing.

Ron announced that the Northeast Ohio Education Association- Retired (NEOEA-R) spring conference would be in Garfield Heights on Wed. May 13. Interested attendees will be learning how to use face book and skype. Ron said that he and Dave Gynn will be in attendance.

Community Service Chairman Judy Morgan said the Ohio Future Educators Association will have a competition for posters, displays, and speeches by future educators at KSU on Fri., Mar. 25. She said some PCRTA members are going to be judges.

Informative & Protective Services chairman, Kay Wise, announced that there is an AARP Safe Driving course being offered here at the Methodist Church if six people sign up and four have already signed up. She said there is a discount on auto insurance by some companies.

She said there is a Friends of the Library book sale at the Ravenna Library on Friday and Saturday.

Social Committee Cochairmen, John and Sandy Kerstetter, announced that KSU will present the play, Hamlet, which will open on April 15. John said, "To be or not be" "To attend or not to attend".

He said he would like some of our members to meet at the Pufferbelly restaurant in Kent and then to attend the play as a group some evening. He said the details are on our website.

Ron said that Legislative chairman, Dan McCombs, is on vacation.

Ron said that he and Dave Gynn spent the whole day in Columbus yesterday.

Dave Gynn gave testimony to the subcommittee hearing comments on HB69. He encouraged the legislature to the adopt the January recommendations from STRS which will strengthen the STRS system.

Dave said that STRS has taken responsible and prudent steps with the five-point plan that shows everyone has to give a little due to the present dire situation with the pension system.

STRS has information kits stating the facts.

HB 69 and SB3 is for retirees.

Dave stressed all PCRTA members should be informed and be active.

Dave said that it was suggested at last week's Executive Meeting that PCRTA present their own letter with correct facts to the editor of the Record Courier.

He said that copies were being passed around for members to sign.

The letter reads as follows:

Retired teachers in Portage County are concerned about our retirement. We endorse the recommendations of the State Retirement System to amend pending legislation House Bill 69 and Senate Bill 5 govern Ohio's Five public employees' retirement systems.

STRS operates the retirement program for 470,00 active and retired teachers. This is the first time in 90 years that the system is recommending reduced benefits which are necessary to stabilize the system.

The STRS system is funded by contributions from active teachers, school boards, and investments. It is not funded from the Ohio budget.

Historically 75 percent of benefits are paid from investment income. Teachers do not pay into Social Security and will not receive Social Security benefits.

STRS recipients in Portage County received $81.5 million in pension benefits in 2010. Much of this earned pension was spent in Portage County, making retired teachers an important economic influence.

We support the recommendations to change our retirement system, even though it will reduce our annual cost of living adjustment, because it is necessary to stabilize the system. Our website ( has links to the details of the proposed legislation.

70 members signed the letter to be sent to the Record Courier.

He announced that the legislative testimony would be on our website Tues. at 7:00 p.m. and at 2:30 P.M.

He said if we can't agree on a plan, the legislature will develop a worse plan.

Ron introduced newly-elected ORTA president, Karen Butt.

Karen said that she was from Johnstown, close to Newark and 23 miles north of Columbus, in Licking Co.

and she retired from Greenville County Schools.

She praised Dave Gynn, Dan McCombs, and Ed Hall who have been very active in ORTA.

Karen said Ann Hanning, Executive Director, attends all the meetings.

She suggested that ORTA members read the ORTA Quarterly and to go to the ORTA website.

The phone number for ORTA is free.

She stated that she's concerned about what's going to happen to active older teachers who stayed in teaching because they loved it and we should tell them that we're really behind them.

Contact legislators with a short message by writing Emails and letters.

Keep diligent.

Ron mentioned that PCRTA needed to stay in the top ten in number of ORTA members in order to keep an ORTA trustee.

Les led the music, accompanied by Adele Fussner.

Ken Granville led the pledge of allegiance.

Nancy Granville led the invocation.

Adele and Bill Fussner dismissed the tables for lunch and handed each person a raffle ticket for a chance to win an Applebee's certificate and/or the 50/50 drawing.

Ron asked who were first time attendees and new retirees.

New members present were Bob and Carole Stokes from KSU and Kathy Lawson from Streetsboro.

First time attendees were Diana Cain and Neil Jennings.

Ron announced that two more people are needed to sign up for the AARP Driver Safety course to be held here at the church and PCRTA is in need of a committee chairman for Retirement Planning.

There were fliers on all the tables for the PCRTA dinner at 5:30 on Tues., April 19 at the Pufferbelly and the Hamlet production at KSU Curtis Theater at 8:00 P. M. at a cost of $7.00 prepaid for no reserved seats. If interested, please mail your money and reservation to Kerstetters by April 4.

Vice-President Ken Granville introduced Ralph Payn, guest speaker, who portrayed our 16th U. S. president.

"Abe" said that his father kept him home on the farm and he only attended school a few weeks here

and a few weeks there. He said the Civil War was a terrible war with Americans against Americans and sons against sons. When Abe ran for president, his name was not on the ballot in the southern states.

When Abe was elected president, a departure crowd saw him off on Feb.11, 1861 and it took him two weeks to arrive at Washington City. His train car was pulled by an "iron horse" and made many stops to get water. Abe gave talks at many of these stops with the basic theme that "we do not to go to war and promised not to interfere with slavery in the south".

His stops in Ohio were in Alliance, Ravenna(Feb. 15), Hudson, and Cleveland. During the Ravenna stop, the cowcatcher got caught on the platform. A salute to Abe broke the train window when someone overloaded the cannon.

Abe said he was the first president to communicate with generals on the field with the telegraph. The Pony Express carried news out west.

A lady wrote to him that since his face was so thin, he should grow chin whiskers (ladies did not vote at that time). When he was in Westfield , PA, he asked Grace Bedell in the crowd how she liked his chin whiskers.

The home of Frederick Loudon, one of the two slaves freed by Lincoln, is still in Ravenna.

General Grant, General Sherman, and General Sheridan were all from Ohio.

After his talk, "Abe" answered questions and returned to being Gerald Payn for personal questions.

Mr. Payn's wife was present dressed in costume of the day.

Mr. Payn said that he was a junior high science teacher. Once he became interested in being a Lincoln presenter, he visited everywhere Lincoln lived and the civil war sites. He is a member of the Association of Lincoln Presenters, attends conventions, and is a member of the Wayne County Historical Society.

Ron asked everyone to bring a friend in May and return in July with a new member.

Ken announced that Sylvia Armstrong won $92.50 from the 50/50 drawing.

Judy McKinney and Michelle Worthing won the Applebee's gift certificates.

Ron adjourned the meeting.


March 10, 2011

Members present: Ron Snowberger, Dave Gynn, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, Pat Gynn, Nancy Granville, Kay Wise, Jim Montaquila, Georgia Darrah, Darlene Fetterhoff, Edith Scott, Mary Jane Brannon, Norm Park, John Kerstetter, Saroj Sutaria, Connie Evans.

President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ron asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. The minutes were accepted as written.

Ron announced that the NEOEA Spring conference would be in Garfield Heights on April 13 at 9:00 A.M., which includes a continental breakfast and lunch for $20. He said legislative updates, pension reform, health care, and navigating face book and skype will be some of the topics discussed. He said the registration forms have to be in by April 4th.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Jan. 27 - Mar. 9, 2011

Beginning Checking Account Balance                $48,636.36

Income Total                                                   $198.00



ORTA                                                                   90.00

B Cribbs postage                                                   59.38

D Fetterhoff office supplies                                     15.48

M Leedom newsletters                                          351.82

M Leedom directories                                             70.00

Stifel-Nicolaus Investment                                40,000.00

(from Life cd and scholarship
monies in checking account)

Bank fee - Feb.                                                        2.00

Total Expenses                                              $40,588.68

Checking Account Balance                                 $10,032.68

Scholarship Total in Ck Account                           $3,723.59

Working Account in Ck Account                            $6,309.00

Investment Summary:



Maturity date


1st Merit:Wendall-Mary


6/3 /11


1st Merit: Scholarship




1st Merit: Gene Newton





Mutual Funds


(checking account)

From Life CD:23,498.34

From Scholarship: 16,501.66

Begin date:


Darlene asked what her duties about the investments in the mutual funds should be.

Ron suggested that she make a quarterly report on the investments.

Darlene announced that she received 30 invitations, all of which had been addressed to her. She passed them to everyone whose names appeared on the invitation. The invitations were for a tea sponsored by the Portage County Literacy Coalition to celebrate National Reading Day on March 2. The problem was that the invitations arrived on March 2, the day of the tea. The invitation included a teabag. Participants were supposed to sit in the comfort of their own home and read a book with a cup of tea. The RSVP included a request for a donation to this non-profit organization of volunteers dedicated to educating adults on the awareness of illiteracy in the county. The contribution will help recruit tutors and purchase materials.

Darlene said the 2011 directories were ready. Executive Committee members informed everyone of recent changes in their Email addresses.

Vice President - Ken & Nancy Grandville

Nancy said that she will do the meditation for the March 17 luncheon meeting.

She said that Gerald Payn, the guest speaker will portray Abe Lincoln.

She said that May is our memorial meeting and Ralph Pfingsten will speak about the history of the Ravenna Arsenal at the Sept. meeting.

Dave said that he acquired two Applebee's gift certificates to put in the 50-50 drawing to encourage more people to participate. So there will be three chances in the drawing; namely, money and/or the gift certificates.

ORTA Trustee - Dan McCombs

In Dan's absence, Dave Gynn said he would give the report under Legislative. Dave and Ron attended the STRS Pensions Champions meeting.

It was stated that PCRTA will not know if we have a trustee until May 25. It was also stated that Dan McCombs has served as trustee, so he could not serve next year.

ORTA trustees are required to attend ORTA meetings twice a year, are also required to attend the committee meetings in which they are involved, and give reports to their local organization and to ORTA.

(The district director represents those organizations who do not have a trustee).

Archival - Norm Park

Norm said that he has nothing new, but has something to place in our archives which are stored at the Portage County Historical Museum.

One of the committee members presented Norm with a news item that about Ashley Bolt, one of PCRTA's 2008 scholarship recipients, who was recognized for being outstanding in sports at Marietta College.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

In Judy's absence, it was reported that Judy said that she has enough volunteers for judges for the Future Educators Association Ohio State Conference at KSU on March 25.

Ruth Weigand said that she enjoyed judging posters last year by following the FEA Ohio Chapter rubrics.

Dave Gynn judged speeches according to the rubrics (A timer was also used in that judging).

The March service project will be for Freedom House, a transitional shelter in Kent for male veterans who may also be homeless.

Freedom House has requested the following items: canned fruit, pancake or waffle mix, pillowcases, plastic containers with lids, and money donations for meat.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff requested permission to write a check , because a PCRTA member donated one check with instructions to give a certain amounts to Freedom House and to Scholarship.

Jim said that Norm worked with him in getting the PCRTA scholarship info to the Portage County Schools.

To date, He said that there has been only one scholarship application submitted which was from a Rootstown student. Jim stated that he sent post card reminders about the April 1 deadline to the guidance counselors in all of the Portage County Schools.

Mon. April 11, the Scholarship Committee will meet to choose the scholarship recipients.

Dave suggested Georgia Darrah put an article in the newspaper to advertise the deadline.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dave reported that HB69 and SB3 concerns the pension funding of the retired teachers and SB 5 for active teachers.

Retired and active teachers wish to see the Defined Benefit plan for funding pensions continue and for the five-point plan to be adopted. The defined benefit plan has not been discussed by lawmakers.

STRS Ohio plan:

Change in Eligibility for Retirement Beginning Aug. 1, 2015 Age and service requirements for retirement would increase to a minimum age of 60 with 35 years of service beginning Aug. 1, 2015. (Members may still also retire at age 65 with a minimum of five years of service.)

Change in Benefit Formula Beginning Aug. 1, 2015 New formula would be 2.2% for all years of service and the current 35-year enhanced benefit formula would be eliminated . Teachers retiring with 35 years of service at age 60 or older would receive 77% of their final average as a pension. Those who have 30 years of service; who are age 55 with 25 years of service; or who are age 60 with five years of service as of July 1, 2015, would receive the greater of: (a) The benefit as of July 1, 2015, under the current formula; or (b) The benefit upon retirement under the new formula.

Increase in Final Average Salary (FAS) with Years Beginning Aug.1, 2015 --FAS calculation would be based on the five highest years of earnings; the current FAS period is three years.

Reduction in Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) beginning July 1, 2012 Current retirees would receive an annual 2% COLA; members retiring Aug. 1, 2012, and later would also receive a 2% COLA, but it will not begin until 60 months after the date of retirement.

Increase in Member Contributions Beginning July 1, 2012 Increase member contributions by 3%, phased in 1% per year beginning July 1, 2012, through July 1, 2014.

Dave said they met with Todd McKinney, one of five on the subcommittee, and suggested some of us should go as an individual and try to get on the schedule of testimony for HB 69 in Columbus.

He said that Kathleen Clyde, who is on the SB5 subcommittee, will hold office hours in Kent from 11:00 A.M.-12:30P.M. this Fri., Mar. 11 at Scribbles Coffee Co. and on Sat., Mar.12 Todd McKinney will be at the Waterloo Restaurant in Akron from 7:30 - 8:30 A.M.

Darlene suggested that Record Courier has many negative opinions on the subject. She suggested that PCRTA needs to prepare a letter to the editor with correct information and present it to the general meeting next week, personalize it, and then submit it to the newspaper editor.

Dave said that one of the real problems is the composition of the 5 active teachers on the STRS board who do not need a COLA and the 2 retired teachers on the board don't seem to have a voice.

Membership - Helena Parry

Ron, Dave, and Helena met at a restaurant brainstorming ideas for new membership: how to contact schools and perhaps a committee go to talk at the schools. Saroj and Adele are willing to help.

It was suggested that perhaps we should have a pre-retirement seminar this spring due to the possible changes for pension funding and maybe include a membership drive at the meeting.

Memorial - Mary Jane Brannon

Mary Jane said that Jane Bissler will be the speaker for the May 19 Memorial meeting.

She said that there are10 deceased members to be recognized.

NEOUCOM Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith announced that there will be an orientation for new proctors on April 4 at 9:30 A.M. at NEOUCOM.

She said there is a new security policy at NEOUCOM. Proctors should enter at the first door on the left and will go to the Academic Affairs office for a guest badge.

Edith said that the schedule for Feb.-July had 6 pages and cost 61cents per copy to mail.  The cost for 25 copies was $32.14 and she requested to be reimbursed.   

Since there was nothing listed in the budget for proctoring, Edith was told to turn it in as an expense and list it as a donation.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said there were 396 newsletters mailed and 9 extra ones at the cost of $351.82.

Pre-Retirement Planning

Ron said that a chairman is needed for pre-retirement planning.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay said that the 4 hour AARP Driver Safety course is scheduled for May 19 at the Methodist Church. There needs to be at least six signed up.

Ron said that he recently had shingles and it was miserable. He suggested that members check in to getting the shot. One member said she was counseled by a nurse before it was to be administered and was told that you can not be around pregnant women and small children for six weeks because the shot can possibly cause you to develop a light case of shingles.

Publicity- Georgia Darrah

Georgia said she submitted the Mar. 17 luncheon meeting notice to the Record courier ten days before the meeting and it appeared in the paper on March 9.  She was told to contact Connie to also put it on the website.  She needs info from Vice-President Nancy Granville for the meetings.

Reservations- Les Bennett

Always contact Les for luncheon reservations at least one week before the luncheon meeting.

Social & Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

John said that a few members signed up for the Hamlet study groups.  The play Hamlet starts April 13 and will be performed on multiple dates.

In looking for a spring tour, he would like to schedule a tour at the Ravenna Arsenal and have lunch in Newton Falls. It was mentioned that the National Guard conducts the tours and does very few of them.

Telephone - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj said that she hasn't had any requests for transportation.  It was mentioned that Bob Stanton might come if someone offered to bring him to the meeting.  It was noted that Dick Roberts might also attend if someone offered to bring him.

Website - Connie Evans

Connie said that she added to the website a way to click on to copy the mail-in form to copy for the luncheon reservation. Helena Parry requested that she put a click for copying the membership form.

Nancy Granville said that she needs to get greeters for next week's meeting. Someone suggested she choose a new member.

Ron requested a motion to adjourn.  Kay Wise made the motion to adjourn, seconded by John Kerstetter.  Meeting was adjourned.


PCRTA Luncheon Meeting

March 17, 2011

Newly elected President Ron Snowberger called the meeting to order.  He thanked Adele and Bill Fussner for being greeters.  He said that this was the biggest attendance in awhile with over 90 people present.

He offered a challenge to all those present to bring a friend to the May meeting and to bring them back as a member at the July meeting.

He thanked Public Relations chairman, Georgia Darrah, for the two announcements in the Record Courier.

He thanked everyone for the great amount of donations to the Freedom house for Community Service.


NEOUCOM proctoring CHAIRMAN, Edith Scott, thanked all the proctor volunteers and announced that the next orientation session would be Mon., April 4 at 9:30 A.M.  She said to enter the building at the Security office to the left of the main entrance and go to the Academic Affairs office to get a badge.

Ron announced that the fliers for becoming a Legacy Corp volunteer are on the table and are also on the website.

Connie said they are on the PCRTA and ORTA websites.

It was announced that there would be two Applebee's gift certificates in the 50/50 drawing in addition to the money drawing.

Ron announced that the Northeast Ohio Education Association- Retired (NEOEA-R) spring conference would be in Garfield Heights on Wed. May 13. Interested attendees will be learning how to use face book and skype. Ron said that he and Dave Gynn will be in attendance.

Community Service Chairman Judy Morgan said the Ohio Future Educators Association will have a competition for posters, displays, and speeches by future educators at KSU on Fri., Mar. 25. She said some PCRTA members are going to be judges.

Informative & Protective Services chairman, Kay Wise, announced that there is an AARP Safe Driving course being offered here at the Methodist Church if six people sign up and four have already signed up. She said there is a discount on auto insurance by some companies.

She said there is a Friends of the Library book sale at the Ravenna Library on Friday and Saturday.

Social Committee Cochairmen, John and Sandy Kerstetter, announced that KSU will present the play, Hamlet, which will open on April 15. John said, "To be or not be" "To attend or not to attend".

He said he would like some of our members to meet at the Pufferbelly restaurant in Kent and then to attend the play as a group some evening. He said the details are on our website.

Ron said that Legislative chairman, Dan McCombs, is on vacation.

Ron said that he and Dave Gynn spent the whole day in Columbus yesterday.  Dave Gynn gave testimony to the subcommittee hearing comments on HB69. He encouraged the legislature to the adopt the January recommendations from STRS which will strengthen the STRS system.

Dave said that STRS has taken responsible and prudent steps with the five-point plan that shows everyone has to give a little due to the present dire situation with the pension system.

STRS has information kits stating the facts.

HB 69 and SB3 is for retirees.

Dave stressed all PCRTA members should be informed and be active.

Dave said that it was suggested at last week's Executive Meeting that PCRTA present their own letter with correct facts to the editor of the Record Courier.

He said that copies were being passed around for members to sign.

The letter reads as follows:

Retired teachers in Portage County are concerned about our retirement. We endorse the recommendations of the State Retirement System to amend pending legislation House Bill 69 and Senate Bill 5 govern Ohio's Five public employees' retirement systems.

STRS operates the retirement program for 470,00 active and retired teachers. This is the first time in 90 years that the system is recommending reduced benefits which are necessary to stabilize the system.

The STRS system is funded by contributions from active teachers, school boards, and investments. It is not funded from the Ohio budget.

Historically 75 percent of benefits are paid from investment income. Teachers do not pay into Social Security and will not receive Social Security benefits.

STRS recipients in Portage County received $81.5 million in pension benefits in 2010. Much of this earned pension was spent in Portage County, making retired teachers an important economic influence.

We support the recommendations to change our retirement system, even though it will reduce our annual cost of living adjustment, because it is necessary to stabilize the system. Our website ( has links to the details of the proposed legislation.

70 members signed the letter to be sent to the Record Courier.

He announced that the legislative testimony would be on our website Tues. at 7:00 p.m. and at 2:30 P.M.

He said if we can't agree on a plan, the legislature will develop a worse plan.

Ron introduced newly-elected ORTA president, Karen Butt.

Karen said that she was from Johnstown, close to Newark and 23 miles north of Columbus, in Licking Co., and she retired from Greenville County Schools.

She praised Dave Gynn, Dan McCombs, and Ed Hall who have been very active in ORTA.

Karen said Ann Hanning, Executive Director, attends all the meetings.

She suggested that ORTA members read the ORTA Quarterly and to go to the ORTA website.

The phone number for ORTA is free.  She stated that she's concerned about what's going to happen to active older teachers who stayed in teaching because they loved it and we should tell them that we're really behind them.

Contact legislators with a short message by writing Emails and letters.  Keep diligent.

Ron mentioned that PCRTA needed to stay in the top ten in number of ORTA members in order to keep an ORTA trustee.

Les led the music, accompanied by Adele Fussner.

Ken Granville led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Nancy Granville led the invocation.

Adele and Bill Fussner dismissed the tables for lunch and handed each person a raffle ticket for a chance to win an Applebee's certificate and/or the 50/50 drawing.

Ron asked who were first time attendees and new retirees.

New members present were Bob and Carole Stokes from KSU and Kathy Lawson from Streetsboro.

First time attendees were Diana Cain and Neil Jennings.

Ron announced that two more people are needed to sign up for the AARP Driver Safety course to be held here at the church and PCRTA is in need of a committee chairman for Retirement Planning.

There were fliers on all the tables for the PCRTA dinner at 5:30 on Tues., April 19 at the Pufferbelly and the Hamlet production at KSU Curtis Theater at 8:00 P. M. at a cost of $7.00 prepaid for no reserved seats. If interested, please mail your money and reservation to Kerstetters by April 4.

Vice-President Ken Granville introduced Ralph Payn, guest speaker, who portrayed our 16th U. S. president. 

"Abe" said that his father kept him home on the farm and he only attended school a few weeks here

and a few weeks there. He said the Civil War was a terrible war with Americans against Americans and sons against sons. When Abe ran for president, his name was not on the ballot in the southern states.

When Abe was elected president, a departure crowd saw him off on Feb.11, 1861 and it took him two weeks to arrive at Washington City. His train car was pulled by an "iron horse" and made many stops to get water. Abe gave talks at many of these stops with the basic theme that "we do not to go to war and promised not to interfere with slavery in the south".

His stops in Ohio were in Alliance, Ravenna(Feb. 15), Hudson, and Cleveland. During the Ravenna stop, the cowcatcher got caught on the platform. A salute to Abe broke the train window when someone overloaded the cannon.

Abe said he was the first president to communicate with generals on the field with the telegraph. The Pony Express carried news out west.

A lady wrote to him that since his face was so thin, he should grow chin whiskers (ladies did not vote at that time). When he was in Westfield , PA, he asked Grace Bedell in the crowd how she liked his chin whiskers.

The home of Frederick Loudon, one of the two slaves freed by Lincoln, is still in Ravenna.

General Grant, General Sherman, and General Sheridan were all from Ohio.

After his talk, "Abe" answered questions and returned to being Gerald Payn for personal questions.

Mr. Payn's wife was present dressed in costume of the day.

Mr. Payn said that he was a junior high science teacher. Once he became interested in being a Lincoln presenter, he visited everywhere Lincoln lived and the civil war sites. He is a member of the Association of Lincoln Presenters, attends conventions, and is a member of the Wayne County Historical Society.

Ron asked everyone to bring a friend in May and return in July with a new member.

Ken announced that Sylvia Armstrong won $92.50 from the 50/50 drawing.

Judy McKinney and Michelle Worthing won the Applebee's gift certificates.

Ron adjourned the meeting.


Members present: Ken Granville Nancy Granville, Dan McCombs, Saroj Sutaria, Past President Dave Gynn, John Kerstetter, President Ron Snowberger, Darlene Fetterhoff, Helena Parry, Ruth Weigand, Jim Montaquila, Barbara Cribbs, Kay Wise, Georgia Darrah, Edith Scott. Pat Gynn, Judy Morgan, Connie Evans, Norm Park, Evelyn Park

President Ron Snowberger passed out new directories, minutes from the November and December meetings, PCRTA bylaws, the meeting agenda, and Dave Gynn passed out the PCRTA 2010 Annual Report. Ron asked if anyone needed a new notebook.

Ron said that Art Fesemyer gave up his job as membership chairman. Helena Parry has become Membership chairman leaving a vacancy for Retirement Planning chairman.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ron said the minutes will be on the website and a summary in the newsletter.

One correction on the minutes was that John and Sandy Kerstteter are promoting the KSU play Hamlet, but are not in charge of the reading study groups.

Dan made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Connie Evans.

Barb Cribbs was thanked for taking the December luncheon minutes in Ruth's absence, which she recently Emailed to Ruth from Singapore.

Ron told everyone to look in the minutes for the proposed PCRTA 2011 calendar.

He asked everyone to take a look at the annual report that Dave sent to Columbus.

This report includes a summary of our stated purpose, governed by our bylaws, membership inclusions, and duties of the officers and the committees, especially community services, informative and protective, legislative, membership, public relations, and preretirement planning

He said Dave did a good job on the report.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Nov. 11, 2010 - Jan 26, 2010
 Dues,Luncheon,Scholarship             Donations$4,419.00  
 Transferred funds from CD 23,498.34  
 Total Receipts   $27,917.34
 Political Luncheon 32.72  
 Informative Services 33.31  
 Retirement Planning 31.00  
 Tree City Toastmasters 50.00  
 Luncheons 1,680.00  
 ORTA 1,020.00  
 Membership Brochures 160.00  
 Officer Gifts 75.00  
 Dec. Entertainment 50.00  
 Bank Fees 6.00  
Total Expenses    3,138.03
Total Receipts Less Expenses    24,779.31
Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:   
Ending Balance:    48,636.36
Restricted Funds     
   Scholarship Funds in Checking   18,350.24
Checking Working Balance   $30,286.12

2011 PCRTA Budget: 01/27/2011

Proposed by Darlene Fetterhoff, Treasurer

Carryover from checking account 2010  $25,220.02
Transfer from Life CD into checking account   23,498.34
Dues renewal of anticipated annuals 23x$10  230.00
Dues renewal of anticipated associates 9x$5  45.00
Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM  7,500.00
     TOTAL INCOME$56,493.36
General Scholarships funds (in Checking account) $15,950.24
Carol Myers' 2 scholarships  2,000.00
Teresa Bica  400.00
423 mailings of 5 newsletters 2,000.00
Printing of directories  100.00
Office supplies/postage/copying  400.00
Memorial service flowers and supplies  100.00
Sunshine fund  100.00
Auditing/990N fees  250.00
Bank fees and box of checks  53.00
United Methodist Church meeting room  50.00
Retirement Planning Workshop  200.00
Lunches for 6 scholarship winners and parents  180.00
Membership  500.00
Speakers and entertainment  300.00
Website  30.00
Possible investment of Life CD funds  23,498.34
Additional Scholarship funds  7,500.00
Miscellaneous(decorating for luncheons gifts for  
outgoing officers, awards, charitable donations)  2,881.78
     TOTAL EXPENSES 56,493.36

Darlene presented the 2011 budget along with the 2010 budget for comparison.

She said the audit info has been turned over to Alan Balog and he will also do the 990 N report.

She said the new membership brochures that Art Fesemyer had made are in color.

Darlene has to arrange bonding for herself according to our bylaws.

President Ron Snowberger said the treasurer's report is approved for audit.

Vice-Presidents' - Ken and Nancy Granville

Nancy said the main entrée for the March luncheon will be swiss steak. The entertainment will be

Abraham Lincoln portrayed by Gerald Payne.

She said for November there will be a science program, but so far there is nothing scheduled for September.

It was stated that the September meeting usually includes new retirees, so it would be good to plan something interesting.

ORTA Trustee - Dan McCombs

Dan said on Oct 28 he attended the fall ORTA conference in the STRS BUILDING. He said that Laura Ecklar from STRS talked about our pensions and the state budget. She said that there is a a 4-8 billion dollar state budget deficit. The new leadership seems to not be interested in our pensions. Also the health care in the state will be broke by 2021.

Dan said the minimum retirement age will be changed to age 60, there will be no bonus for 35 years and the final average salary will include the last five years.

Also the employer contribution will stay the same.

He said STRS has called in pension champions for training on how to present the wishes to the legislative representative. The drafted bill has language drafted from last fall except for no change in employer contribution and all five systems will be under the same legislative act.

Dan said that we need to continue to get new members to keep our ORTA trustee.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

Judy said on Mar. 25 KSU is having its Future Educators conference, entitled Building a Better Tomorrow. Volunteers are needed for judging.

For the March luncheon meeting, PCRTA members will be asked to donate items for Safer Futures and for the May luncheon meeting, it will be for Freedom House.

PCRTA received a thank you from the Center of Hope for the $136 donation and thank you notes from the four Portage County Schools who received school supplies.

She has to contact Maplewood Career Center to find out the date of the GED graduation.

She said that Adele Fussner will continue to take care of volunteers for the blood bank.

Informative & Protective - Kay Wise

When Kay and her husband went to Salem recently to attend an AARP Driver Safety Program, she found out that the program is offered at Robinson Memorial Hospital. Kay contacted the hospital and was informed that the next program will be offered on May 13 from 12:30 to 4:30 in Classroom 3A.

When she talked to the instructor, she suggested that PCRTA get as many as 6 people and she would hold the class at the Kent Methodist Church at a time of our convenience.

Members will learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, rules of the road, dealing with aggressive drivers and problem situations such as left turns, right-of-way, interstate highway traffic, trucks, and blind spots along with how to safely use anti-lock brakes, air bags, and safety belts.

The cost for AARP members is $12 and $14 for nonmembers. Some auto insurance companies will give a discount on your auto insurance. Each person will have to check with his/her auto insurance company to see if they would be eligible for a discount after completing the class.

Kay Wise will have a sign-up sheet at the March Luncheon for anyone who would like to have the class at the Methodist Church. If you are interested but will not be attending the March meeting, call Kay at 330-297-1110. If you are interested in the class at Robinson Memorial Hospital, call Tracie Martin at 330-297-2576.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that Ken Cardinal and John Gunyala are members of his committee.

He said that we all need to contact our representatives; namely, Tom Sawyer, Todd McKinney, and Kathleen Clyde, who is on the house appropriations committee.

Membership - Helena Parry

Helena Parry was present and will be membership chairman, since Art has resigned.

Membership committee members are Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Pat Eichler, Earl Kilchenman, Merrilu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky, Saroj Sutaria, and Kay Wise.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

It was stated that Ria Mastromatteo had her shoulder replaced.

Newsletter-Pat Gynn

Ron congratulated Pat on doing a good job on the newsletter.

Pat said that Connie helped her with a new computer and a new program for the newsletter.

Par passed a sheet around with the names of Executive Committee members and asked everyone to initial each item for personal information release.

For newsletter distribution, members were asked to write paper beside if they desire a paper copy rather than an Email copy.

Pat requested members to turn in information for the newsletter by the first of the month: namely, February 1, April 1, June 1, August 1, and October 1.

NEOUCOM Proctoring - Edith Scott

Edith said she has a revised NEOUCOM testing schedule for people to sign up.

She said thank you to everyone for volunteering.

Public Relations - Georgia Darrah

Ron welcomed Georgia, who is replacing Evelyn Park.

He asked everyone to take a picture of the important things we do and give the info to Georgia.

It was stated that photos have to be in jp format and no attachment, just paste on, and E-mail.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that his committee, which includes Harry Bowman, Dave Gynn, Norm Park, Jan Fencl, Kay Wise, and Lowell Myers will meet on April 8 to decide the nominees.

Travel - John Kerstetter

John said he needs suggestions for a bus trip with Paskey Tours as a fund raiser for scholarships.

He said he gave the names on the signup sheet for participation in a study group for the KSU play Hamlet to Hal Dubois.

John said to call him or Sandy with travel suggestions and ideas.

Communications - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj said she has had no calls for transportation of any members and she will arrange transportation if she receives a call.

Website- Connie Evans

Connie said some organizations have been contacting her on our website for volunteers from our organization. The Red Cross wants teachers to volunteer for safety classes.

Connie suggested that any time we submit an article to the paper to include our website, because it might help us to gain new members.

Ron asked everyone to bring new members to our meetings.

Other Business:

Ron, Dave, and Darlene recently met to discuss the best way to continually grow our scholarship fund, because of the concern that NEOUCOM has cut down on staff and perhaps PCRTA may in the near future have their volunteer hours with NEOUCOM drastically reduced.

Consequently, a representative from the Templeton Mutual Fund was contacted and after discussion with the Executive Committee, John Kerstetter made a motion, seconded by Jim Montaquila, to invest $40,000 with separate administration of $16,000 in the scholarship fund and $25,000 in the life fund which would be reported separately and with the knowledge that a fee is charged for a deposit and a withdrawal.

The motion passed 14-5.

Executive Committee members were invited to attend when Ron, Dave, and Darlene meet with the representative of the Templeton Mutual Fund to transfer the $40,000 to a mutual fund for PCRTA.

continuing growth of its scholarship fund.

Dave said that PCRTA will use the automated telephone system for a reminder for our March meeting along with notice of the luncheon reservation deadline.

He said PCRTA will continue meeting at the Kent United Methodist Church.

Darlene made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ruth.


Members present: Norm Park, Evelyn Park, Dan McCombs, Dave Gynn, Kay Wise, Ria Mastromatteo, Ruth Weigand, Helena Parry, Art Fesemyer, Edith Scott, Mary Jane Brannon, Barbara Cribbs, Nancy Granville, Sandy Kerstetter, Darlene Fetterhoff, Jan Fencl, Judy Morgan, Pat Gynn, Jim Montaquila, Saroj Sutaria, and President nominee Ron Snowberger

President Dave Gynn called the meeting to order.

He recognized Veterans Day and showed appreciation for our veterans.

Dave introduced Hal Dubois from Kent State Theater.  Hal said the Dubois Family Foundation was started by his parents.  He said Ingentsia wants to start a program on adult education by forming reading groups throughout the community in preparation for the first performance of the play Hamlet on April 15.   Kent Roosevelt High School will have an Adult Ed course on the play also.  He announced that the Riverside Readers Theater will have the voice of Shakespeare on Feb. 2 and reading and study groups will meet at Café Elsinore on April 13.  The PCRTA Social and Travel Committee have been assigned to be in charge of the reading and study groups.

Dave introduced John Yoho who represents Empower Portage in Ravenna. This organization is an effort to end poverty in Portage County. It consists of three components: the Bridges Training for organizations and employers, "Getting Ahead" classes for those seeking to transition out of poverty, and Circles Campaign to provide support for this transition.  John made a request for PCRTA members to give up 4 hours a month to form a friendship with someone in the program to help them with prepare a resume, to go shopping, and to move toward a more secure future.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Dave asked if there were any additions or corrections to the September 9th or Sept.16th meeting minutes.  Dave announced that the minutes are approved as written.

Corresponding Secretary - Barb Cribbs

Barb said she has questionnaire from AARP wanting to know things we have done such as donating school supplies and food to food banks.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Oct. 1 - Nov. 11, 2010

Beginning Checking Account Balance $21,409.49

Income $3,470.00

Expenses $1,022.44:  Bank fees (2months) 4.00, ORTA 660.00, Newsletters-Matt Leedom 358.44

Ending Checking Account Balance $23,857.05

Scholarship Total (deposited in checking account) $17,611.24  Carole Myers Memorial Scholarships $2K) included

Actual Working Amount in checking Account $6,245.81

Note: Darlene stated that the income includes a NEOUCOM check.

Dave said the ORTA November Leadership reported that a survey that appeared in the fall ORTA Quarterly for members to fill out how the Government Pension Offset and/or Windfall Elimination Provision affects them as public pensioners. He said that the form appears on page 3 and for anyone who is affected by a social security reduction should fill out the form and send it in. The results will be published in the fall quarterly.

Dave said that ORTA annual reports are due from the following committees: community service, informative and protective, legislative, membership, public relations, and retirement planning. He said that he would like them to be finished in the next week or so.

Dave sent a sheet around for members to initial by their name if their home address, phone number, and Email addresses were correct and also by initialing it that you agree to serve in the position that you now have on the Executive Committee.

Vice -President's - Ken and Nancy Granville

Nancy said that greeters would be Ron Snowberger and Barb Geisey for the Nov. 19 luncheon meeting.

Dave said that he will announce at the beginning of the meeting that all members should take a look at the proposed bylaws revisions on the sheets on their tables and that there would be a vote on them after lunch.

ORTA trustee - Dan McCombs

Dan said on Oct. 28 he attended the fall ORTA conference in the STRS building.  He said that Laura Ecklar from STRS talked about our pensions' contentiousness and the state budget. She said that there is a 4-8 billion dollar budget deficit. The new leadership seems to not be interested in our pensions. Also the health care in the state will be broke by 2021.

Dan said that we want to keep our defined benefit and not allow the state to switch us to defined contribution(401K). He said for everyone to contact their legislators to let them know.

Unfinished business

Dave said there is a telephone calling system called Notify Now for 15 cents a minute will make a database reminder to our members if an urgent need comes along for all members to do something in a hurry. He said there is a $100 setup fee, but they're willing to wave for us.  Participation in this program was approved last year.  Barbara Cribbs will manage the Notify Now program.

Archival - Norm Park

Norm said that he took 85 pounds of PCRTA records and placed them on a shelf in the Portage County Historical Society in Ravenna. Anyone who wishes to look at them needs to call to find out the hours of the Portage County Historical Society.


Community Service - Judy Morgan

Judy said that we received good responses from the schools for the school supplies we donated to them.

A community flier called the Blue Notebook included our organization as a contributor to Freedom House.

Judy said for the November meeting to bring canned goods and/or donate money for the purchase of turkeys for the Center of Hope and gloves, mittens and hats for December.

Legislative -Dan McCombs

Dan asked the members to go to lunch at the Belleria to ask questions of Kathleen Clyde before any legislation occurs in the state legislature. A bill has been written about the pensions but no one has seen it and it will probably not be introduced until 2011. He said that there is a need to keep pensions as separate legislation and not have it placed in the overall budget bill.

Dave announced that Dan will be Legislative Chair for ORTA for one more year.  Everyone gave him a hand.

Dave announced that everyone is invited to Dave and Pat's on Sun., Dec. 12 from 2:00-4:00 P.M.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Art said there are 11 new members.  Art thanked Saroj, Darlene, Kay, and Dave.

He said in 2008 there were 345 dual memberships; in 2009, 418 dual memberships, and in 2010, approximately 474 dual members. He said 26 are associates,12 are PCRTA members only, and 2 dual members will be dropped by Dec. 31 with our final count being about 434.

He said Saroj gave him 36 people from KSU who can join by Dec.1. It was stated that they need to join by Nov. 15 before the dues increase.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

It was announced that Mary Lou Kosar passed away in 2009 and her obituary needs to be located and then her name will be included in the March Memorial Service.

Someone said that Dottie Emerick had surgery and she would probably appreciate a get well card.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said there were 421 newsletters printed and 394 mailed out at a cost of $358.44; 15 were given to Art Fesemyer for new members.

NEOUCOM Proctoring - Edith Scott

Edie said scheduling is going well and that there is one proctor needed for November and a few needed for December.  Ria said that we want to thank Edie.

Nominations - Jan Fencl

Officer candidates for January 20ll (two-year terms): President, Ron Snowberger; Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Cribbs; Assistant Treasurer, Maria Mastromatteo.  Jan said kudos to our president, Dave Gynn, for his excellent leadership. We owe him special thanks for establishing and transitioning our new team.

Jan moved to present this slate to the membership, seconded by Dan McCombs.  Motion Passed.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Helena Parry

Helena said 37 people attended the Pre-Retirement Workshop sponsored by PCRTA which was held at Kent Methodist Church. The workshop was held from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. on Oct. 19. She thanked Dave and the members who delivered the fliers to the schools. She said Dave Gynn presided over the meeting, welcomed everyone, announced the dinner service, and introduced the three speakers.

Attorney John Flynn from Kent covered the essential elements for getting your important legal documents in order such as a will, power of attorney for legal and health matters, setting up a trust, and other matters. An STRS representative from Columbus spoke about the current and upcoming changes about years of teaching service and health credit. Diane Hladky and Ronald Brown from the Legend group spoke about financial planning and investing which are offered through Legend Equities Corporation of Summit County. The supper served was gourmet potato soup, salad with mandarin oranges and/or olives , rolls, and desserts of cupcakes, applejack cookies, and cranberry bars. Most of the food was prepared by Helena Parry, Pre-Retirement Chairperson and desserts by Nancy Granville and Ruth Weigand with all three helping to serve the food.

The question arose if the pre-retirement seminar should be held yearly. It was decided to have it every other year unless there is a request from active teachers.

Public Relations - Evelyn Park

She said she had the notice for next week's meeting put in the paper.  She said for next meeting Pat can take pictures of the new officers and can submit it to the paper along with the write-up.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

He said he would gear up again after the first of the year.  He said he received a thank you from Miranda Titko.

Social/Travel - John and Sandy Kerstetter

Sandy said that the Beckwith Orchard tour was a lot of fun.  She said she would work on the Hamlet reading and study groups.She announced that for Paskey tours there are three tours for Christmas with tours to see Christmas lights at Olgebay and Hartwood Acres and a Hollywood Christmas show.

Telephone /Communication - Saroj Sutaria

She said that she would be away in December and to call Pat Gynn.

Website- Connie Evans

She said to send any important info to her.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay attended OELMA (Ohio Educational Library Media Association) in October. She has made copies of Dr. Carolyn Brodie's list of 2010 Favorite Picturebooks and Dr. Carolyn S. Brodie & Dr. Greg Byerly's Top Ten 2010 websites which will be available at the November 18 luncheon meeting.

Dr. Stacey S. Schneider, Pharm.D. from NEOUCOM called to confirm that she and 20 students will be available at 11:00 A.M. on November 18 to do Osteoporosis and blood pressure screening. She would like to do a brief five-minute presentation before the testing.

Dave suggested that we have elections at the November meeting next year. For our meeting location for next year, it was agreed to continue to have our meetings at the Kent Methodist Church.


Proposed 2011 Calendar


January 15 ORTA Reports due

January 20 - 9:30 Organizational Workshop

February 1 Newsletter Deadline

March 10 - 9:30 Executive Committee Meeting

March 17 - 12:00 Luncheon Meeting

April 1 Newsletter Deadline

May 12 - 9:30 Executive Committee Meeting

May 19 - 12:00 Luncheon Meeting

June 1 Newsletter Deadline

June Maplewood Career Center GED Graduation

July 13 - 9:30 Executive Committee Meeting

July 21 - 12:00 July Luncheon Meeting

August 1 Newsletter Deadline

September 8 - 9:30 Executive Committee Meeting

September 15 - 12:00 September Luncheon Meeting New Retirees - Program:

October 1 Newsletter Deadline

November 10 - 9:30 Executive Committee Meeting

November 17 - 12:00 November Luncheon - Elections- Program:

December 15 - 12:00 December Luncheon - Christmas Party, Installation

Location: United Methodist Church of Kent





Kay Wise, Informative& Protective Services scheduled Dr. Stacey Schneider, Associate professor from NEOUCOM with three graduating pharmacy students to perform osteoporosis and blood pressure screening for any PCRTA member who wished to volunteer for the screenings.

Kay announced that there were three sheets which are color coded; pink for Children's books , yellow for best websites, and green for holiday books on the table for lists of 2010 Favorite Picturebooks and Top Ten 2010 Websites.

Dave welcomed everyone.   He thanked Ron Snowberger and Barb Geisey for being greeters.

He announced our service project was donating food and held up a basket for money donations for the purchase of turkeys for the Center of Hope.

Dave asked if there were new retirees attending present today.  Jan Zimmerman from Crestwood, Pat Farley from Akron Public Schools - Windermere Elementary.

Kay thanked all the PCRTA members who had the osteoporosis and blood pressure screening.

John and Sandy Kerstetter announced that Paskey tours has 3 trips available for the holidays: Wed., Dec. 1 to Wheeling, WV, and to Hartwood Acres, PA to see Christmas lights. There is a 14-day trip to Alaska, starting on Sun., June 19, 2011 also offered by Paskey tours.

Dave introduced Hal Dubois from KSU Theater who is promoting the play Hamlet to be presented April 15, 2011 by asking PCRTA members to organize study groups. The info meeting will be Dec.1 and Dec. 2 at 7:00 P.M. at the Tannery in Acorn Alley. He announced that Kent Roosevelt Adult Ed will offer a course one hour weekly.  Feb. 2 is first performance of the Riverside Readers. He said the Head of the University Theater is open to the community through the entire creative process.

Dave announced the voting on the proposed changes of the PCRTA bylaws will take place today after lunch. He said the changes were published in the Desktop and copies will be placed on the tables for members to read, if they haven't had a chance to read them.




Darlene Fetterhoff
reported a balance of $21,011.20 ($5,597.96 working balance and $15,413.24 scholarship fund).  We have 34 new members this year, lost 5 members to death, and dropped 4 for non-payment.

Ken & Nancy Granville reviewed the luncheon programs for September, November, and December. Tree City Toastmasters will speak in November; Laura Echlar will talk about STRS in December along with a brass trio, officer installation, and Bingo.

Dan McCombs reported the Health Care and Pension Advocates is working with STRS to support an accessible, affordable health care program. The Ohio Retirement Study Council received the five public pension systems board-approved plans to strengthen their solvency. The systems haven't received a draft of a potential bill. The sponsor of the bill is term limited and will not be returning to the legislature in 2011. There are two vacant appointee seats on ORSC, but the Governor has not as yet made these appointments.

Norm Park contacted Portage County Historical Society about storing our archives.

Judy Morgan will collect school supplies for county schools at the luncheon meeting.

Kay Wise reported Dr. Stacey would lkie NEOUCOM students to conduct Osteoporosis screening and pharmacy students to talk  with senior citizens about medications at our November meeting.

Dan McCombs added Ken Cardinal and John Gunyula   to the Legislative Committee.  Dan and Dave are going to attend the update on the ORTA Legislative guidelines on Sept. 21 in Columbus. On Oct. 7 at noon at Bellaria's   restaurant in Kent, there will be 6 candidates speaking   at the candidates' forum.

Art Fesemyer announced the recent new members. The membership committee mailed 62 invitations to be guests at our luncheon to this year's retirees. Jeff Kirby is revising our membership brochure. Dave presented a request for PCRTA to pay membership dues for one year for two people who have lost their disability with STRS.

Mary Jane Brannon will send a get well card to Tom Campana who was in an auto accident.  Dave said that he sent information to the ORTA Quarterly about Rootstown Schools naming their stadium after Robert Dunn .

Pat Gynn said there were 400 newsletters printed and mailed. The Kent Historical Society is featuring "School Days in Kent 1880-1940" till December 31.

Edith Scott said there are 6 more proctors as a result of the summer orientation session. She has the new schedules available. She said there will be more computer testing this year.

Evelyn Park stated that the notice was in the paper for next week's luncheon meeting.

Jan Fencl reported that PCRTA is in dire need of a president next year.

Helena Parry showed the flier for the Pre-Retirement Workshop and asked board members to deliver them in person to the local schools where they live.

 Jim Montaquila read a thank you letter from Kyle Dreger, a 2010 PCRTA scholarship recipient. July's presentation of the scholarship recipients was reviewed. The format was well received and should be repeated.

 Connie Evans will make any changes to our website. She reminded members to sign up for the PCRTA outing Thurs. Oct. 14 at 1:30 at Beckwith Orchard.

Unfinished Business The Executive Committee members reviewed the proposed revisions to the PCRTA bylaws, discussed each proposal, and approved the changes to be presented to the membership at the annual meeting in November.


The PCRTA luncheon was held at the United Methodist Church of Kent. Ann Wiedeman and Ginny Buckley were the greeters. Les Bennett led the music. Ken Granville led the pledge of allegiance. Terrie Sargi gave the meditation.

Dave Gynn welcomed newly retired teachers. There are 62 new retirees in Portage County.

Georgia Darrah and Mary Ann Kasper, Kent; Linda Jahn, Linda McGinnis and Gail Danesi, Streetsboro; Sue Dyett, Ravenna; Sally Corbett and Marlene Strebler, Field, were introduced. First time attendees were Carole Myers and John and Eunice Michaels.

Judy Morgan, provided tubs for school supplies donated for Kent, Ravenna, Field and Rootstown schools and the County Clothing Center. Retirees were reminder to submit volunteer hours and sign up for Make-A-Difference Day.

Kay Wise announced that free hearing tests were given. Conn Drugan won the drawing for a Cracker Barrel gift card from Miracle Ear. NEOUCOM will conduct bone density scans for osteoporosis at the November luncheon.

"Farmer" John Kerstetter invited everyone to ride the Trolley Ride through Beckwith's Orchard and enjoy a slice of apple pie and coffee/cider on October 14 at 1:30 PM for $2.

Dan McCombs, reported that Ohio has an $8 billion deficit and may try to borrow from our pension fund.  He reminded members to attend the Meet the Candidates Luncheon on October 7.

Jan Fencl said that there is a need for a president to be nominated for the election of officers at the annual meeting. Dave announced that meeting will also include the membership to vote on the proposed bylaws changes.

Edith Scott said there is good news because we have five new proctors. She urged everyone to sign up and said many tests are now being given online. Dave announced that PCRTA received $7500 last year for scholarships by proctoring.

Roger DiPaolo, Record Courier Editor, gave a talk entitled "A Teacher Affects Eternity." He highlighted the careers of Lucretia Randolph, a teacher at Garfield; Phinneas Butler Thompson, a teacher at Shalersville; Amy Hariff, a Kent Central High School teacher; William Walls, a teacher and principal at Kent Schools; plus a Portage County sheriff, who was a teacher for a short time. He reviewed the history of the township schools and the school districts and their changes. Jim Spence, a PCRTA member, said that he had Amy Hariff for a teacher at Kent Normal School.  Hee graduated in 1944. Roger DiPaolo said that he has been doing the  Yesteryears' article for the Record Courier for thirty years. He has access information back to 1832. Sandy Halem from Kent Historical Society announced an exhibit on School Days in Kent. She said that Roger's book, Rooted in Kent, is being sold at Kent Historical Society.

Dave gave a plea for Art Fesemyer, chairman of the Membership Committee, for all members to help gain new members.

Judy McKinney won $62 for the 50/50 drawing and donated her winnings to PCRTA.


Barb Cribbs took minutes in Ruth Weigand's absence.

Mildred Price's family has been thanked for her remembrance to PCRTA.  Thank you notes are sent to family and friends who contribute to memorial scholarships.

Darlene Fetterhoff reported income of $4,255.00, expenses of $5,925.54 (ORTA - $580, Bank fee - $3.73, Matt Leedom - newsletters $341.81, Five Scholarships - $5000) and a checking account balance $18,515.89.  The scholarship fund has $13,038.24, The working amount in the checking account is $5,477.65. 

The Form 990 penalty of $1,200 has been removed.  It was decided not to pursue application for a 501(c)3 status.

Ken & Nancy Granville reported on plans for the July and September luncheons.  New retirees will be invited to be our guests (no cost) at the September meeting where Roger DiPaola will be the speaker. 

Dan McCombs said that there has been discussion of   borrowing from the STRS pension fund to decrease the state's $8 billion deficit. "Double dipping" is also a major issue that is being looked at.

The AdHoc Bylaws committee is proposing revising the PCRTA bylaws to align with the new ORTA bylaws. The executive board will propose revisions to be published in the November Desktop and then voted on at the November luncheon meeting.

Norm Park has arranged for shelf space at the Portage County Historical Society and will move some of the archives so that they will be available for reference purposes.

Judy Morgan reported that our September collection of school supplies will be part of NRTA's National Day of  Service.  She said we may designate our individual contributions for specific schools or we may allow our contribution to be used as needed.

Kay Wise sent word that hearing checks will be done at the September meeting. Testing will start at 11:00 am.

Dan McCombs will make arrangements for a forum with the Ohio House candidates. This will be held at Belleria's on the first Thursday in October at noon.

Art Fesemyer is continuing to send notices to the retiring teachers.

The memorial service held at the May luncheon was discussed. The flowers and displays were nice, and it was felt that we should make the formal presentation more personal by adding a few sentences about each person and recognize the family members who are present. If you have recommendations for a minister, priest or rabbi for next year's service, see Mary Jane Brannon.

Edith Scott has scheduled proctor orientation for August 12 at NEOUCOM.

Evelyn Park has requested a photographer to be at the luncheon next week

Jan Fencl said the nominating committee is still searching for someone to serve as President next year.

Helena Parry has arranged for a MetLife representative, an STRS representative, and attorney John Flynn to speak at the October 19 Pre-Retirement meeting. It was suggested that we might consider inviting another county to join us and share the food costs.

Jim Montaquila reported that one of the scholarship winners has changed her mind and will not be going into education. We will hold the money for her in case she changes her mind again.  The other five winners will be introduced and participate in a round robin discussion at the luncheon.

John and Sandy Kerstetter reported the details of the fall trip will be in the next newsletter.

Connie Evans said as of July 8, our website has had 2,224 visitors. The outside world is contacting our organization though our web site.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting July 15, 2010

The PCRTA luncheon meeting was held at the United Methodist Church in Kent.

The greeters were Jan Fencl and Kathy Lilley; Adele Fussner played the piano as members sang some patriotic songs; Ken Granville led the pledge of allegiance to the flag; and Ruth McKay read a meditation.

There was a display table with scholarship recipient write-ups and notes from past recipients. There was also a table for a book exchange.

Dave welcomed everyone and recognized Barb Habowski, NEOUCOM Administrative Coordinator.  He thanked  NEOUCOM for the decorated thank you cake.  He also  welcomed first-time attendee, Deborah  Scharlotte.

Community Service chair, Judy Morgan, noted the 2010 GED graduate display and requested members turn in their community service hours.  Dave announced that Ken Cardinal has been inducted into the Kent City Schools Hall of Fame. He said members can read the article honoring him in the recent ORTA Quarterly.

Jim Montaquila, Scholarship Chair, reflected that our schools turn out graduates that are active, show initiative, show passion, and a commitment to education. He read an excerpt from each of the scholarship recipients' applications.

Katelyn Alesci, Streetsboro, received the Gene Newton Scholarship;  She will major in Elementary Education at Ohio University.  Kyle Dreger, Rootstown, plans to study computers and Spanish and English at University of Mount

Union.  Molly McCleary, Kent Roosevelt, will major in  Music Education at the University of Akron. Miranda Titko, Field, will major in Math Education at Kent State University; Alex Wolfe, Waterloo, will study math at the University of Mount Union.

Jim led the five graduates in round robin question fomat; namely, their reason for college choice, most memorable HS experience, most rewarding HS activity, and teacher who had the greatest possible influence.  He thanked the recipients and thanked PCRTA members and families of deceased members who helped fund the scholarships.

Memorial scholarships were given in memory of Doris Wise, Teresa Bica and her brother, John Dobrilouic, former presidents Raymond Troxtell and Gene Newton, and from the Mildred Price estate.

Dr. Clint Snyder, NEOUCOM Associate Dean for Health Professions Education, thanked the proctors and announced that this past year 170 exams with 240 proctors were given this past year with 750 hours and $7500 for PCRTA. He said that he likes that the university and the community can work together.

Dave thanked Edith Scott for coordinating the proctor scheduling and the many volunteers who proctor tests.

Dave announced that the September 16 luncheon meeting speaker would be Record Courier Editor Roger DiPaolo, and that PCRTA members should bring school supplies .



Corresponding Secretary, Barbara Cribbs, mailed 22 letters to former scholarship recipients and received seven responses for the newsletter.  

Darlene Fetterhoff reported a treasury balance of $18,181.45 ($4,571.21 working balance and $18,181.45 scholarship fund). Expenses included newsletters, $347.76; scholarship printing and mailing, 95.37; postage, 24.40; 2010 audit and 990 form, 150.00.

Vice-Presidents, Ken & Nancy Granville, reviewed the luncheon programs. Dan McCombs will arrange a meeting to meet the candidates in the November election.

ORTA Trustee, Dan McCombs, reported that the revised bylaws were approved. The number of trustees will be reduced; Portage County needs a large membership increase to retain a trustee. He also reported that ORTA dues will increase to $30 a year; life membership will  increase to $500.

Results of a survey at the March luncheon show that most members are satisfied with the location, time, and program of PCRTA luncheons. Most members attend to meet people, legislative concerns, and programs.

Ten PCRTA members attended the ORTA Area Meeting in Canton. They reported on the workshops and how to improve PCRTA. Jim McGreevy and Bob Stein, STRS Board members, impressed delegates with their reports.

Unfinished Business: The adhoc bylaws committee will review the revised ORTA bylaws and recommended changes to the PCRTA bylaws.

Norm Park recommended that our records be stored in places such as Portage County Historical Society so they are available to interested parties.

Judy Morgan, announced that the Maplewood GED graduation date has been changed to May 27.  PCRTA members will supply cookies and act as hosts to serve  refreshments. We will also prepare congratulations cards for the graduates. She also reported that six PCRTA  members served as judges at the Future Educators Association contest in April at KSU.

Kay Wise said Bisslers will provide estate and funeral planning brochures for the memorial services luncheon. Miracle-Ear Hearing Center will offer hearing checks at the September 16 luncheon.

Legislative Chair, Dan McCombs, said not to expect  retirement legislation until after the election. There is a need to stress that STRS pensions should remain as a defined benefits program. ORTA is supporting a push for the US Congress to pass the GEO/WEP legislation.

Art Fesemyer reported that there are 60 retiring teachers in Portage County this year. He sent membership packages and will send notices about the dues increase.

Mary Jane Brannon, said everything is ready for the memorial service luncheon. She asked to be notified of any member illnesses or deaths.

Pat Gynn reported that 410 newsletters were printed and 370 mailed at a cost of $347.76.  Thirty newsletters went to Membership for recruiting new members.

Edith Scott reminded members to sign up for NEOUCOM proctoring. The next orientation will be in August.

Jan Fencl reported that Ria Mastromatteo (Assistant Treasurer) and Barbara Cribbs (Corresponding Secretary) have accepted nominations for 2011-2012. There is no nominee for president at this time.

Helena Parry has scheduled the Pre-Retirement Planning seminar for October 19 at the United Methodist Church of Kent.

Jim Montaquila said 23 applicants from nine Portage County high schools were considered for scholarships.  The committee selected six seniors to each receive a $1,000 scholarship. He also received a check from the estate of Mildred Price which she designated for our scholarship fund. Jim met with the Portage Foundation and learned that by investing our funds with them, we would give up the principal and be entitled to withdraw only the interest.

New Business: It was suggested that we have a mini-fair at one of our meetings. Each committee would have an exhibit to show what the committees do and to encourage volunteering on a committee


The PCRTA luncheon meeting was held at the United Methodist Church of Kent.

Ken and Joanne Cardinal were the greeters. Music  was led by Les Bennett.  The invocation was given by Rev. Heller.

President Dave Gynn announced that today's community service collection was for Freedom House, a residence for homeless veterans. He asked members to write some congratulations cards for Maplewood GED graduates and to sign up to bake cookies for the GED ceremony.

Jerry Weingart spoke on behalf of AMBA, Association Member Benefits Advisors, who are endorsed by ORTA.   He said they offer long-term health care, cancer,  insurance, a travel program, and many other services.

Bissler's Funeral Home provided estate and funeral planning brochures.

Mary Jane Brannon prepared a table with obituaries for the deceased members from the past year.  Rebecca Heller, First Christian Church minister in Kent, led the memorial service by using rocks as a symbol for  remembering our loved ones.

There was a moment of  silence for each of the ten deceased members; namely, Mary E. Baker, James Caniglia, Dorothy L. Franks, Irene George, Clinton H. Hobbs, Eric May, Mildred P. Price, Raymond Troxtell, Dorothy A. Turk, and Doris T. Wise.
Dan McCombs said there is a major concern in Columbus because the state of Ohio has a deficit of 8 billion dollars and we need to watch closely for their  attempts to borrow from the pension funds. He noted that the stimulus money is helping this year. He stressed that it is vital that STRS members realize that they want to maintain the defined benefits retirement plan and not switch to a defined contribution plan.
The 50/50 drawing in the amount of $54 was won by Nancy Granville who donated back to PCRTA.

Dave thanked everyone on the Executive Committee for helping to make our organization successful.  He thanked everyone who attended the meeting and asked them to each recruit one or two retirees to attend our meeting and also to thank the legislators for our defined benefits retirement plan.

Treasurer's Report by Darlene Fetterhoff

Report for May 11, 2010 to June 6, 2010:

Beginning Checking Acct. Balance:  $ 18,181.45

Expenses:                                         1,243.02

ORTA dues                                            340.00

U M Church-luncheon                              700.00

Bank fee                                                  3.62

UMC Church-Oct. seminar fee                    36.00                      

MJ Brannon-memorial flowers                    42.68 

D Fetterhoff-Quicken software                   32.03    

A Balog-fee for 990 form complications       50.00  

D Fetterhoff- postcards, postage, labels      38.69 

Income:                                        $   3,248.00

Ending Balance:                             $ 18,798.98

Scholarship Funds in Checking           15,128.24  (2011 Carole Myers funds $965 included)

Checking Working Balance              $   5,058.19


Members present: Kay Wise, Ria Mastromatteo, Saroj Sutaria, Mary Jane Brannon, Evelyn Park, Norm Park, Nancy Granville, Ken Granville, Edith Scott, Sandy Kerstetter, John Kerstetter, Judy Morgan, Barbara Cribbs, Ruth Weigand, Jim Montaquila, Art Fesemyer, Dave Gynn.

Dave called the meeting to order and passed out PCRTA membership directories and ORTA leadership bulletins.

Ruth Weigand - Recording Secretary

The November, December, and January minutes were sent to all board members.

Dave asked for any corrections or additions to the minutes.

Art Fesemyer said that he won $62.50, not $123, in the reverse raffle at the last luncheon meeting. Norm Park requested that his last name be spelled Park, not Parks.

A motion to accept the corrected minutes was made by Kay Wise, seconded by Edith Scott. Motion passed.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Treasurer's Report February 1, 2010 to March 10, 2010

Beginning Checking Account Balance $16,608.78

Income $868.00

Expenses $691.02:  ORTA 260.00, Newsletters 341.92, 50 Directories 57.00, Supplies-labels 28.69, Bank fee 3.41

Ending Checking Account Balance $16,785.76

Scholarship Total (Deposited in Checking Account) $11,588.24

Actual Working Amount in Checking Account $5,197.52

The Treasurer's report would be filed for audit.

Assistant Treasurer - Ria Mastromatteo

Ria copied all the Treasurer's files. She said there is $258 in the Ray Troxtell Memorial fund.

She said that Darlene reported that there are eight new PCRTA members:  Kathy Lawson, Ed Hall, Peg Hall, Bob Wolf, Ron Snowberger, Judy Kirman, and Raymond Harcar.

Corresponding Secretary - Barbara Cribbs

Dave thanked Barbara for sending November, December, and January minutes to the others.

Barb said that PCRTA received a thank you note with four memorial cards from Ray Troxtell's family which included thank yous from his children and his wife Emily.

She said we received a letter from the Portage County Parks District wanting a donation for their April 10th Awards Benefit dinner.  No action was taken.

Barb said she needs addresses of past scholarship winners to keep track of their HS activities.

Vice-Presidents - Ken & Nancy Granville

Nancy said that for the March 18th luncheon meeting Sally Hershiser and Dottie Emerick would be greeters and the planned program would be Gary Harwood's presentation on his book, "Growing Season--The Life of a Migrant Community."

Nancy said that Memorial & Sunshine chair, Mary Jane Brannon, arranged for Rev. Rebecca Heller to give the invocation and the memorial service for the deceased PCRTA members at the May luncheon meeting.

Nancy said that the July program is scholarship awards and talks; the September program would be speaker, Roger DiPaolo; and the November program may be the Alliance for Senior Action.

She said the VP will do the meal planning for the luncheon meetings.  Dave said that it is also necessary for the VP to call and confirm the number of lunches to be served, to post the welcome sign on the entrance door before the luncheon meeting, and to make sure someone is selling raffle tickets for the 50/50 raffle.

Greeters will dismiss tables for going to pick up their dinners.

Dave said that he will ask all the Executive Committee members to be introduced at the meeting and will distribute a PCRTA survey for all members to fill out for likes, dislikes, suggestions, and to volunteer to be on any committee.

ORTA Legislative Chair & Trustee - Dan McCombs

Dave, reporting for Dan, asked everyone to write to their legislators to thank them for our defined benefit retirement plan and our COLA because we like the security of knowing what we are going to receive each month. He said that we are thankful for not having to work and take jobs from other people. He said that ORTA representatives attend every STRS board meeting.

Unfinished Business

Dave announced that the ORTA District 9, 10, 11 meeting in Canton will be April 14 and will cost $20. There is a registration form on the ORTA Leadership Bulletin, and a sign-up sheet was sent around.  He said Pat is doing newsletter and PR at that meeting.

Dave sent a sign-up up sheet around for needed judges at the KSU Future Educators Conference on April 23rd  at Kent State University.

An Ad Hoc By-Laws Committee has been formed to review our present bylaws. Saroj Sutaria, Pat Gynn, and Darlene Fetterhoff will serve on the committee. This committee will not meet until the ORTA bylaws are passed.

Reservation Chairman - Les Bennett

Nancy Granville called Les Bennett to find out the number of luncheon reservations which Les said was 49 so far, and she will call Stacey at the church.

Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

Sandy presented tours that Paskey Tours has already scheduled for PCRTA members for social gatherings with the following choices: April 28th play "Love, Sex, and Desire;"  June 14-17 tour of NYC; July 2nd band concert at Blossom Music Center; or July 9th Tall ships in Cleveland, Good Time III luncheon buffet and cruise and shopping at West Side Market.

On our own we could attend Porthouse Theater production of "Bye Bye Birdie," choosing a date from July 22 to August 8, 2010.

Fundraiser tour choices are Amish Country in the fall or Pittsburgh at Christmas time for the lighting of the downtown trees in late November or early December.  John and Sandy will talk with Ron Paskey to plan an appropriate trip.

Pre-retirement Planning - Helena Parry

A date is not yet scheduled for this fall.

NEOUCOM Proctoring Schedule - Edith Scott

Edith said that things are going very well. She needs many proctors for Tuesday., May 25th and to please sign up.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

Mary Jane thanked everyone for the get well cards.

For the May memorial program, there are nine deceased members; namely, Clinton Hobbs, Mildred Price, Eric May, Irene George, Ray Troxtell, Mary Baker, Doris Wise, Dorothy Lenore Franks, and Dorothy Ann Turk.  Mary Jane will send invitations to family members to be remembered for the May memorial luncheon meeting.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

Judy said that PCRTA members are asked to bring in toiletries and other personal items to the luncheon meeting for Safer Futures for abused women and children. She said she will contact Diane Bowman to be on her committee.

Telephone & Communications - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj said she can arrange transportation for anyone who needs a ride. Dave suggested that Saroj call Hilda Rohlf to see if she needs a ride.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim said that applications and information for the 2010 PCRTA scholarships were mailed and/or hand delivered to all 12 high school principals and guidance counselors in Portage County during the last week of January. A follow-up post card was mailed to the schools on March 5. All applications from those applying are due by Friday, April 2.

The PCRTA Scholarship Committee will meet at the Brimfield Steakhouse on Friday, April 16 to consider the scholarship applications. Members of this year's committee are: Jan Fencl, Dave Gynn, Jim Montaquila, Norm Park, Harry Bowman, and Kay Wise.

The Scholarship Committee is once again awarding $1,000 scholarships to six deserving 2010 graduating seniors who intend to pursue careers in education. Jim said he made scholarship presentations at some of the schools last year.

Recently, one of the 2009 recipients, Emily Mason, a James A. Garfield graduate, sent a letter to PCRTA saying that she had just completed "a wonderful first semester at Mount Union College. She stated that she had made the Dean's list and is intent on dedicating her life to education. She concluded her letter by saying that she will "continue to work hard to prove that your support and help is not wasted."

Public Relations - Evelyn Park

Evelyn said that she did not request a Record Courier photographer for the March luncheon meeting.  She did have the announcement of the next meeting put in the Record Courier.

Nominations - Jan Fencl

The office of President, Assistant Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary will be elected this year.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn/Website - Connie Evans

Dave said that Pat and Connie were attending a state meeting on website design today in Columbus.

Dave, reporting for Pat, said PCRTA is still working with Matt Leedom for printing and postal permit.  Pat changed the format of the newsletter and the color was good on the website. The deadline for news items for the newsletter is April 1.  Art said that he likes the newsletter.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Art has a new colorful brochure to send to potential PCRTA and ORTA members. His goal is to keep members and to recruit new members. Art still wants to send extra PCRTA newsletters to school principals and new retirees. Dave said that the extra printing cost could come out of the budget for membership.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay has 30 copies of the RSVP volunteer handbook. The opportunity for a free day at Disney for volunteers is over for this year.

The Mentor Mentee Program is for KSU students to mentor junior and senior high school students who are interested in education.

A T & T Classroom Summer Tech Camps for kids are being offered in the A.M.

Reed Memorial Library Authors in April on Sundays will include Regina Brett, "God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours," Roger DiPaolo, Post Card Book, and Arsenal Book.

Archival-Norm Park

Norm needs a copy of the newsletter for the archives.

One of the two PCRTA gavels Ray Troxtell had will be placed in the archives. It would be good to know on what two occasions PCRTA received them from ORTA. The other one will be used by the PCRTA president to open a meeting.


Dave suggested PCRTA take a tour of Ravenna Arsenal.

Mandy Zantow will attend the luncheon meeting to sign up PCRTA members to volunteer for RSVP.

Dave adjourned the meeting.



PCRTA luncheon meeting was held at the United Methodist of Kent.

Greeters: Dottie Emerick and Sally Hershiser

President Dave Gynn announced that today's collection was for Safer Futures for abused women.

Dave asked the executive committee members to stand to be recognized and asked for a round of applause for their hard work. (Each of these members was given a gold medal to wear during the meeting.)

Dave asked everyone to notice their green agenda for today's meeting and stated that at the end of today's meeting there would be a prize for anyone who had a shamrock sticker on the agenda.


Dave said that lunch would begin at 12:15.

He said that judges are needed for the Ohio Future Educators Conference at KSU on April 23 and a sheet would be passed around for members to sign up.

John Kerstetter on the Travel & Social Committee is working with Paskey Tours for travel events.  Trip details will be in our next newsletter.

July 9 the Tall Ships will be in the Cleveland harbor and buffet lunch will be served on the Goodtime III with the cost of $59 and sign up by May 28. Leave Kent at 10:00 A,M. and return at 5:00 P.M.  August 4 is "Phantom of the Opera."

Our fundraiser trip will be in the fall.

Paskey tours has a 17-night Mediterranean cruise from September 30 - October 17.

Paskey Tour motto is "Bringing Friends Together."

Mandy Zantow, program manager for Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Portage county was present at the meeting to sign up volunteers. The free Day at Disney offered to the first million volunteers to sign up was over by March 1.

Kay Wise announced the Local Author Series at Reed Memorial Library in Ravenna will have the author of "The History of the Ravenna Arsenal" on April 11, and the author of "God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours" on April 25. Also the portrayal of Jackie Onassis on April 17 will be presented. Due to limited space, call for an admittance ticket 330-296-2827 ext 200.

Les Bennett led the music.

Vice-President Nancy Granville led the pledge of allegiance and gave the invocation with a meditation.

Edith Scott said that there have been a few schedule changes with the NEOUCOM proctors in April and May. She the next Orientation session is to be announced. Dave said that the money earned for proctoring NEOUCOM exams goes into the scholarship fund.

Vice President Ken Granville introduced Gary Harwood, a four-time national award winner and who is presently teaching at KSU and author and photographer of the book, "Growing Season: the Life of a Migrant Community" with text by David Hassler. Gary spoke about the five-year project and showed incredible photographs.  Getting permission from the farmer to take photographs of the families took a lot of persuasion.   

The farmer assured him that these 160 migratory workers are not taking jobs from Americans because no one wants to work that hard and these fragile crops, such as lettuce, can not be harvested with machinery. Families and relatives work in crews of 10 with a goal to keep constantly moving without damaging crops. They work for minimum wage and pool their money.

The families live in separate buildings with bathroom, shower, and laundry facilities and phone in one main central area. The children go to school and are fluent in English, but their education is interrupted, because the families return to Mexico as soon as the growing season is over. There is a medical clinic on site and a doctor comes once a week. There is a community church and service as well as baptisms, first communion, and weddings which Gary was eventually able to photograph. There are also big birthday celebrations. These faith-based families seem very happy and get along very well and have the support of the Hartville Migrant Center. This book tries to show the joy, dignity, and the richness of their lives."

Gary Harwood made a notebook of the photographs with permission releases on the back of each picture for each family to sign. The kids were able to go to KSU and see the book with their pictures before their parents saw the book. KSU students made lesson plans based on key themes.

The opening for the book was in the Canton Museum of Art with 700 people in attendance at $50 a ticket with half of the proceeds going to the museum, the other half going to the farmer, Jeff Zellers, for the migrant center. During the book opening, the migrants were there to sign their picture pages.

The National Council of Social Studies chose this book as one out of six to be published in textbooks. This book is to experience our country through the eyes of the visitor.

Gary said the cheapest way to get a copy of his book is to go to and he really enjoyed the experience of meeting these families. Members who would like an autographed copy of the book should contact Nancy Granville.

Dave asked if there were any first-time attendees.  They are as follows: Ron Snowberger, taught in Ravenna and Stow; Jeanne Pisegna, Roosevelt; and Evelyn Colville, KSU.

Dave announced that ORTA is the only organization dedicated to protecting our pensions.  Increasing membership is very important.

Dave asked members to sign up to volunteer with RSVP and said that it's a way to get involved in our community.

He asked everyone to hand in their surveys before they leave today.

Dave said that anyone who had a shamrock sticker on their agenda could come up to receive a gold medal for attending today's meeting.

Barbara Cribbs won the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $48.

Dave said that we would meet again in two months for our memorial service.

Dave adjourned the meeting.

2010 PCRTA Schedule

April 23              Future Educators State conference

May 20              Memorial Service

June 17             Maplewood GED Graduation

July 15               Scholarship Recipients

September 14  NRTA National Day of Service

September 16  New Retirees - Roger DiPaolo

October 23       Make A Difference Day

November 18   Elections

December 16   Christmas Party


Members present: Dave Gynn, Ken Granville, Nancy Granville, Ruth Weigand, Barbara Cribbs, Darlene Fetterhoff, Ria Mastromatteo, Dan McCombs, Norman Park, Judith Morgan, Kay Wise, Art Fesemyer, Pat Gynn, Edith Scott, Evelyn Park, Helena Parry, Jim Montaquila, John Kerstetter, Sandy Kerstetter, Saroj Sutaria, Connie Evans, and Terrie Sargi

Dave Gynn called the meeting to order at the United Methodist Church of Kent in the absence of President Ray Troxtell.

He recommended the offices of President, Corresponding Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer be declared vacant. Saroj made the motion to declare the offices of President, Corresponding Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer vacant, seconded by Dan McCombs. The vote was unanimous. Dave said that President Ray Troxtell is in hospice in the Cleveland Clinic, the corresponding secretary has been unable to serve, and the assistant treasurer's position was changed at the November executive committee meeting.

The motion was made to accept a one-year term with Dave Gynn as President, Barbara Cribbs as Corresponding Secretary, and Ria Mastromatteo as Assistant Treasurer as suggested by the Nominating Committee, seconded by Kay Wise. The motion passed.

Dave said that anyone who attends the executive committee meeting may vote on motions.

Dave introduced Helena Parry who is chairman of the PCRTA Pre-Retirement Planning committee.

He introduced Mandy Zantow, who is program manager for RSVP, a program of Family and Community Services for Portage County. Mandy introduced the program "Give a Day - Get A Disney Day" which is offered to inspire people to volunteer a day of service in their communities. Each volunteer needs to pre-register on - Click on Parks to receive a voucher for a 1-day, 1-theme park ticket to the Disneyland Resort or Walt Disney World Resort, free. You must complete your service at an eligible volunteer opportunity in the United States to receive a ticket after verification of service. She said that our NEOUCOM volunteering qualifies. She gave Judy Morgan, Community Services chairman, four RSVP handbooks. Dave Gynn planned to have RSVP tie in with JA For A Day, but said that it may not be organized for this year.

Dave asked all board members to introduce themselves. He passed notebooks and copies of the by-laws to everyone, noting that the by-laws were revised in 2007. He asked everyone to read the duties of their jobs, to keep the by-laws in their notebooks, and to make a list in their notebooks of regular things they do for a succession plan.

Dave passed around an Information Release for each member to initial to approve publishing their information in the newsletter as well as on the PCRTA website.

Dave reviewed the 2010 schedule with everyone. He also gave everyone a copy of ORTA's latest Leadership Bulletin and mentioned that the ORTA quarterly has included the full text of the revised by-laws to be voted on at the ORTA area meetings in April.

Dave stated that tomorrow is the deadline for the six committee reports to be sent to ORTA which includes Community Service, Membership, Legislative, Public Relations, Informative and Protective Services, and Retirement Planning.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Ruth said that the November and December minutes will be e-mailed to everyone after today's minutes are typed and then can be approved at the March Executive Board meeting. Dave announced that a summary of the minutes will be on the PCRTA website and in our Desktop.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Treasurer's Report Nov.5, 2009 to Dec.31, 2009

Beginning Checking Account Balance $12,702.23

Income $4,987.50

Expenses $3,144.95  (Alan Balog-990N fee 150.00, ORTA 660.00, OH Attorney General 990N fee 50.00, 2 months bank fees 6.37, Luncheons 1,907.00, Membership 240.00, Postage 8.08, Printing: Informative 20.29, Refunds: dues and luncheon 50.00, Entertainment 50.00)

Ending Checking Account Balance $14,544.78

Scholarship Total (Deposited in Checking Account) $9,320.24

Actual Working Amount in Checking Account $5,224.54

Summary of investments in Cds

Account 200-1400-9235    Total Value $22,836.97    LIFE    Interest Rate 2.46%    Year-To-Date Interest $982.56    Maturity Date 01/01/11    Term 12 months

Account 200-1400-9787    Total Value $4,129.36    Gene Newton    Interest Rate .2950%    Year-To-Date Interest $59.37    Maturity Date 05/19/10    Term 6 months

Account 1116-6000-0477   Total Value $6,282.95    Wendell Mary    Interest Rate .3450% (from 3.194% 12/03/09)   YearToDate Interest $294.16    Maturity Date 06/03/11    Term 18 months

Account 1135-0001-6804   Total Value $5,589.38    General Scholarship & T Bica    Interest Rate 3.19%    YearToDate Interest $175.48    Maturity Date 01/10/1    Term 18 months

2010 Proposed PCRTA Budget

Income $21, 981.78

Income carry over from 2009 $14, 544.78

Anticipated income from dues renewal  87 members @ $10 $870.00 15 members @ $5 $75.00

Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM 7,500.00

Expenses $21,981.78

General Scholarship Funds (Amount in Checking Account) 9,320.24, Five Newsletters($400) 2000.00, Printing(Directories) 100.00, Office Supplies/postage/copying 500.00, Pre-Retirement Planning workshop 200.00, Lunches for 6 scholarship winners and parents 180.00, Membership 1000.00, Speakers/Entertainment 500.00, Memorial Service Flowers and supplies 100.00, Sunshine Fund 100.00, Auditing/990 N Fees 250.00, Bank fees 42.00, Website 30.00, Miscellaneous (decorations for luncheons, gifts for outgoing officers, Reimbursements for workshop fees including mileage, awards to top Volunteers, additional number or larger amount per scholarship) $8,659.54

2009 PCRTA Budget February 3, 2009

Income $14,881.67

Income carry over from 2008 9,686.67

Anticipated income from dues renewal 114 members @ $10 1140.00 11 members @ $5 55.00

Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM 4000.00

Expenses $14,881.67

General Scholarship Funds 9997.94, Five Newsletters($366.37) 1831.85, Printing Directories 120.00, Office supplies/postage/copying 500.00, Retirement Planning Workshop 200.00, Lunches for 10 scholarship winners and parents 300.00, Membership 1000.00, Speakers/Entertainment 300.00, Memorial Service Flowers 20.00, Sunshine Fund 100.00, Miscellaneous (decorations for luncheons, gifts for outgoing officers, Reimbursement for workshop fees including mileage, awards to top Volunteers) 1001.88, Auditing Fee 50.00

Darlene said that the 2009 proposed budget is shown along with the 2010 proposed budget for members to compare and asked if there were any questions. After a question about the anticipated donations from NEOUCOM, Darlene changed the amount from $6,500 to 7,500 and misc. from $7,659.54 to 8,659.54.

Membership Notes: Lost 17 dual members and one associate member in 2009 due to non payment of dues.

Scholarship Notes:  Gene Newton Scholarship should be given in 2010. Money already withdrawn from CD.  As of this date, T Bica has $300 still in general scholarship total (checking account0 as a result of memorial donations for brother, John Dobrilovic. $470.20 will be withdrawn from CD to cover funds that were already used in 2009 Bica Scholarship.

Darlene reviewed the status of the scholarships and noted the low interest received. For the 990 report to be completed, with a lot of paper work and phone calls she finally received a letter from the state Attorney General that we are not a charitable trust. Dan recommended that a copy of that letter be kept in the treasurer's files and in the archive files.  Darlene thanked Norm Park for spending four hours going through the archives to help find info in order for PCRTA to receive that letter from the Attorney General. She said there is a yearly fee of $50 for filing the 990 report.

In discussing the proposed budget, Darlene suggested that we give more money for scholarships.  Dan suggested that there may be more money needed for office supplies in lieu of postage. Pat Gynn made a motion to accept the budget, seconded by Ken Granville. Motion passed.

Vice-Presidents - Ken and Nancy Granville

Dave, Terri, and Saroj met with the United Methodist Church and recommend that the church social hall be used for the March PCRTA luncheon meeting with the cost of $10 for lunch. Church members serve the food and members return their plates when they pick up their desserts. Nancy Granville made a motion that PCRTA hold their 2010 luncheon meetings at the Kent UMC Pierson Hall, seconded by Saroj. Motion passed.

Dave reviewed that the Executive Committee will meet at the KSU Williamson Alumni House for the next Executive Committee meeting in March. There was a question about enough parking at KSU, and members asked if the meetings could be changed to the UMC.  Dave said he would make the change if the room is available.

Ken and Nancy asked for program suggestions. They said that Roger DiPaolo is already scheduled for the September meeting. Some suggestions were a speaker on Tiffany glass, Gary Harwood on his book about the migrant workers in Hartville, and the author of a book on the Ravenna Arsenal.

ORTA Trustee- Dan McCombs

Dan said that at the ORTA meeting in Canton this spring we will vote on the recently rewritten by-laws. If approved, the new bylaws will reduce the number of ORTA trustees. He said that the STRS board is meeting today and tomorrow with retirement options being discussed.


Archival - Norm Park

Norm is ready to file all PCRTA materials in our archives. Ruth Weigand gave Norm Parks the obituary news on the death of Irene George, a Brimfield retired teacher who was 101.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

Schedule for community service items for 2010 luncheon meetings to be donated by PCRTA members will be toiletries and hygiene items for Safer Futures in March and items for veterans at Freedom House in May.  Adele takes care of the Red Cross volunteers. Judy said that PCRTA members donated almost 200 hats and gloves for the Portage County Clothing Center at the December meeting. She had a picture of some PCRTA members on Make a Difference Day.

Dave said that the Future Educators need retired teachers for judging state convention competitions on April 23 at Kent State University.  He said that he and Pat were judges last year. There is no Junior Achievement activities scheduled for PCRTA this year.

Terrie Sargi said that she stood in the cold for two hours to ring the bell for Salvation Army in front of Walmart. (It was noted that some stores did not allow bell ringers inside the store or if inside, they were not allowed to ring the bell).

Informative and Protective - Kay Wise

Kay said that she will put a picture of Ruth Weigand getting a flu shot at the November meeting in the next newsletter.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that the STRS proposal is for current retirees to receive a 2 % COLA.  He announced that he was selected as the 2010 Legislative Chair for ORTA. He received a round of applause. Art asked if anything was being done for GPO/WEP. HR235 currently has sponsors but this economy may prevent any progress on it.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Art said that there will probably be an increase in ORTA dues this year. He presented a newly developed flier designed by his grandson to recruit new PCRTA members . He thanked Saroj Sutaria, Tom Campana, and Jane Bridge for their hard work. He said PCRTA has 418 members but 388 actual paid members. There is a big push to recruit new retirees. 360 letters were mailed--14 members passed away. There were phone call reminders also.  Art stated two goals; namely, to enroll more members and to keep present members.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

It was announced that Mary Jane Brannon is in the hospital.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat said she needs all newsletter information by February 1. If there is anything to be submitted after that, please let her know so she can save space for it.

NEOUCOM Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith said that there will be a notice in the newsletter for anyone who is interested in proctoring and that they need to go through orientation.

Relations-Evelyn Park

Evelyn thanked Pat for taking the picture of the installation of officers for the newspaper. The picture and article appeared recently.

Pre-Retirement Planning - Helena Parry

Ria Mastromatteo, last year's chairman stated that last year only five people signed up for the Retirement Planning workshop. There is a plan for a fall Pre-Retirement Planning seminar which will be planned by Helena Parry, the new Retirement Planning chairman. Ria will assist Darlene in her work as treasurer.

Reservation Chairman - Les Bennett

Les will continue his job of taking the luncheon reservations.

Scholarships - Jim Montaquila

Jim developed a letter to the students with directions for the scholarship and a flier to be sent to all high school principals in Portage County. The applications are due April 2. Because of the growing amount in the scholarship fund, the executive committee discussed increasing the scholarship amounts, increasing the number of scholarships, consider multi-year grants, and building an endowment fund.  Ria made the motion to offer six $1,000 scholarships this year, seconded by Saroj. Motion passed with one dissension.  The scholarship committee will investigate establishing an endowment fund.

Social/ Travel - John & Sandy Kerstetter

This committee will plan the fund-raising bus trip and other social activities for members.  John asked what?  when? Where? and how often? Someone suggested KSU concerts with coffee hour before the event and a picnic in conjunction with Porthouse Theater plays. It was stated that Ron Paskey with Paskey Tours will do trips for us after we decide what trip we wish to do. We usually take a bus trip in the fall.

Telephone & Communications - Saroj Sutaria

On November 18, the day before our luncheon meeting, the opportunity arose for flu shots to be administered at the luncheon meeting. With the help of Ann Spence, Diane Bowman, Dave Gynn, Terrie Sargi, and Saroj Sutaria, calls were made to all PCRTA members to notify members about the flu shots.

Webmaster- Connie Evans

Connie said there have been 1,820 hits and also 223 E-mails for job and volunteer opportunities on our website She reported that Doris Ullman, ORTA webmaster, says that our website is easy to read.

Before Dave adjourned the meeting, he announced that one of our PCRTA members, Barbara Bryner, recently had a house fire and is temporarily living elsewhere.

Dave adjourned the meeting.

 PCRTA Luncheon Meeting December 19, 2009

Community Service Collection: Hats and Gloves for Winter

President Ray Troxtell welcomed everyone. He requested new members/first time attendees to introduce themselves; namely, Barbara Cribbs from Stark State College.

Les Bennett led the music.

Terrie Sargi gave the invocation.

She announced that today is Lois Stewart's 100th birthday and suggested that PCRTA members send her a birthday card. Her address has been placed on the table.

Kay Wise, Informative and Protective Services chairman, announced that there is free information on the best children's books on the table for members.

Ruth Weigand announced that Irene George, a Brimfield retired teacher, passed away at the age of 101.

Lunch was served at the American Legion by Special Moments catering.

Terrie Sargi introduced the Kent Roosevelt High School A.C.E.S., the choral group directed by Donna Crews. They performed eight songs very beautifully.

Business Meeting

Dan McCombs - Legislative - Dan said that he heard this morning that tax plan by the legislature will not have to cut education.

Dan McCombs, ORTA Trustee, attended the ORTA meeting in which Ray Troxtell, ORTA Past President, installed the 2010 ORTA officers; namely, President Bob Dengler, President Elect Karen Butt, Eastern Area Vice President Dave Gynn, and Western Area Vice President Bill Phillips. Dan said that we appreciate Dave for his service. He thanked the PCRTA officers for their hard work.

Dan McCombs installed Co-Vice Presidents, Ken and Nancy Granville; Treasurer, Darlene Fetterhoff; and Recording Secretary, Ruth Weigand.

Art Fesemyer won the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $123.

Pat Gynn ran the bingo and then adjourned the meeting.

PCRTA Luncheon Meeting - November 19, 2009

Greeters Nancy and Ken Granville

Community Service Collection: food and money donations for Thanksgiving turkeys for Center of Hope

Ray welcomed everyone. He asked for first time visitors or new members to introduce themselves which included Connie Oliver from Maplewood Career Center, Lynn Garver from Cuyahoga Falls High School, and Jerry May from Southeast High School.

Les Bennett led the music.

Terrie Sargi gave the invocation.

Ray thanked Les for taking the luncheon reservations and leading the music.

Lunch was served at the American Legion by Special Moments catering.

The program was Love on a Leash with LuAnn Rogers. The program included four companion dogs and their handlers who go to Robinson Memorial Hospital to visit patients, staff, and children at least twice a month. Three of the dogs were King Charles Cavalier Spaniels and the other was a Bichon Friese. The handlers belong to the Delta Society Pet Partners. The veterinarian checkup evaluation has to be sent to the Delta Society. The handlers as well as the dogs have to pass testing. Then the handlers and dogs have to be reevaluated every two years. The dogs have to be bathed and groomed on the day of their visit which usually lasts only an hour at the hospital.

The dogs’ obedience skills are to walk, sit, down, and stay. They receive treats during training. The dogs have to be calm, have to accept rough petting and being touched on the paws, ears, tail, and tolerate loud noises, and also no barking. Each patient receives a bookmark with the dog’s and handler’s names.

Business Meeting

Terrie Sargi awarded certificates for Let’s Make a Difference Day at the Kent Acme to Judy Morgan, Mary Jane Brannon, Adele Fussner, Pat Gynn, Dave Gynn, Charles Morgan, Terrie Sargi, and Saroj Sutaria. (It was noted now that there are more rules by the stores.)

There was a request by Salvation Army for bell ringers during the Christmas season.

Ray asked PCRTA members to show appreciation for Terrie Sargi’s hard work this past year.

Ray said that in the last week in October he heard on the news that Twin Lakes was closing.

Ken and Nancy Granville were on the committee to find a place for our November luncheon. The December luncheon will also be at the American Legion, but another place will have to be found for the 2010 meetings.

Pat thanked Terrie Sargi for being Vice-President this past year.

Pat reported for Jan Fencl, nominations chairman, that Ken and Nancy Granville have been nominated for Co-Vice-Presidents; Darlene Fetterhoff for Treasurer; as well as Ruth Weigand for Recording Secretary. Dan made a motion to make it unanimous to elect the full slate of nominations, seconded by Edith Scott. Motion carried.

The 50/50 raffle was worth $112 with the winner Ruth Weigand receiving $56 and donating $30 of it for the purchase of turkeys.

It was announced that the Walgreen’s in Solon has the H1N1 shot available.

On April 17, 2010 Reed Memorial Library will have the program presented by “Jackie Onassis.”

Edith Scott announced that there are 5 new proctors and that she has 7 slots left for proctors to sign up for December.

Terrie Sargi said that she would like to congratulate John Powers who will be celebrating his 90th birthday. She said reminded everyone to bring a white elephant or home-baked goods for Bingo prizes at the December meeting. She announced that the program will be the Kent Roosevelt High School choral group, ACES.

Terrie Sargi adjourned the meeting.


Members present; Edith Scott, Kay Wise, Dave Gynn, Saroj Sutaria, Jim Montaquila, Dan McCombs, Art Fesemyer, Darlene Fetterhoff, Terrie Sargi, Nancy Granville, Ken Granville, Evelyn Parks, Norman Parks, Pat Gynn, Jan Fencl, Judith Morgan, and Ray Troxtell

Absent: Ruth Weigand, Mary Jane Brannon, Ria Mastromatteo, Connie Evans, and Carol Kates

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

October 15 to November 5, 2009

Beginning Checking Account Balance $12,656.20

Income $590.00

Expenses $543.97

Newsletters 343.97

ORTA 200.00

Ending Checking Account Balance $12,702.23

Scholarship Total(Deposited in Checking Account) $7.395.24

Actual Working Amount in Checking Account $5,306.99

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Minutes of the last meeting were accepted with a motion by Dan McCombs, seconded by Terrie Sargi with unanimous vote.

It was announced that the meeting place for the November and December luncheons are affected by the closure of Twins Lakes Country Club. Dave researched a number of sites and an agreement has been made with the American Legion in Kent for November and December only. The cost is $12. As Les gets reservations, Saroj will call individuals to inform them of the location and cost changes. Collection of additional monies will be made at the luncheon. Other locations will be considered for the future.

Saroj suggested that in 2011 executive meetings should be at least two weeks prior to luncheons so there is more time to take care of problems. It cannot be done in 2010 because the present schedule has been reserved with KSU’s Alumni Center.

Dave will run bingo for the December luncheon. Pat asked members to bring a white elephant item or baked goodies.

Retirement Planning - Ria Mastromatteo

Ria was absent. The October Retirement Planning Seminar was cancelled due to only five planning to attend.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan, Dave, and Ray recently attended the ORTA Legislative committee meeting to come up with proposals. All three commented on the positive, open communications with legislators who want to know what we think. Handout attached is entitled Comparative Summary of Proposed Funding Plans. ORTA‘s legislative committee works closely with STRS executives allowing ORTA to be influential. Dan told of a number of proposals that were made which will be published in our March 2010 newsletter.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Art stated that he sent out over 200 brochures and letters in his campaign so far. He will have more of them printed and will stay within budget. Darlene reported that there are 23 members who will be dropped on December 31 if payment is not received. She passed a list to the committee to gain information about individuals. Also, some committee members will make personal contacts to ones they know. Darlene will send out the second round of post cards in November to these individuals.

Community Service - Judy Morgan

Judy said so far for 2010 there are two projects to be noted; namely, the Maplewood GED reception in late May and National RTA service day on September 11. On October 24, 2009 eight PCRTA members participated in Make a Difference Day. They collected five carts of groceries and $114.40. It was suggested that PCRTA members participate in bell ringing for the Salvation Army. There will be a signup sheet at the November luncheon.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Pat has been conversing with Rapid Mailing Services who recommended that we change the way we mail our newsletters. Pat is looking into getting a non-profit organization status from the post office. She has the form for the permit.

Social Committee

Suggestion: Contact other retired teachers’ chapters when we have a trip scheduled. Sometimes each chapter needs just a few more to make a trip a “go.” Dolores Ullman, ORTA’s webmaster, could be contacted to get info out to other chapters.

Scholarship Committee - Jim Montaquila

Jim stated that in January he will start contacting schools.

Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edie said we have six new proctors that will be trained in November. She said that we now have 25-30 proctors which is a good working number. Darlene mentioned that we had not received a check from NEOUCOM since last July. Dave said that he sometimes has had to remind them in the past. Edie will mention this at her next proctoring contact time.

Nominations - Jan Fencl

PCRTA elections occur in odd-numbered years for vice-president, recording secretary, and treasurer. PCRTA accepted with regret, the resignation of Terrie S. Sargi as vice-president as of 12/31/09. We commend Terrie for her outstanding service.

Nominations of officers for 2009-2010 include: Vice-President, Kenneth and Nancy Granville; Treasurer, Darlene Fetterhoff; Recording Secretary, Ruth Weigand. Daniel McCombs was unanimously elected at our September meeting to be our ORTA trustee for a two-year term.

Ray presented the PCRTA Meeting Schedule for 2010

December 17, 2009 Luncheon Meeting

ORTA Committee Reports for 2009 ---- due Jan. 15, 2010

March 11, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

March 18, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

ORTA Regional Meetings to be determined

May 13, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

May 20, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

July 8, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

July 15, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

September 9, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting

September 16, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

November 11, 2010 Executive Committee Meeting (subject to change--ORTA)

November 18, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

December 16, 2010 Luncheon Meeting

Service Projects

May, 2010 GED Maplewood

September 11, 2010 National RTA Service Day

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay attended OELMA(Ohio Educational Library Media Association) in Columbus. She acquired a lot of very good information. Kay will copy “Yet Another 100! Top Ten Great Websites” by Drs. Brodie and Byerly for the November luncheon meeting. Kay will attend Dr. Brodie’s presentation December 8 at the Hudson public library on picture books. She will copy the bibliography for the December meeting.

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

Due to Mary Jane’s absence, Darlene will inform her of the recent death of member Clinton Hobbs.


2009-2010 Updates;

Ray stated that all committee reports are due by Jan. 15, 2010.

On April 14, 2010, the ORTA Regional Board Meeting will be held at the McKinley Grand Hotel in Canton.

On November 12, 2009, Dan, Dave, and Ray will attend the ORTA Board meeting.

Darlene continued a discussion regarding needed changes for our treasureship which initially began at our September meeting. Regarding trying to get more interest for our investment, a motion was made by Kay Wise and seconded by Dan McCombs that we authorize Darlene to move accounts from First Merit Bank to other bank(s) at the treasurer’s discretion. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Some decisions were made that will affect our bylaws. An Ad hoc committee of Saroj Sutaria, Darlene Fetterhoff, and Pat Gynn was formed to handle the following changes: 1. Associate membership is open only to those who are not eligible for active membership. The motion was made by Dave Gynn, seconded by Kay Wise. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 2. The Assistant Treasurer’s duties will be defined as being able to actively assist the treasurer with duties and to be trained to fill the position permanently or periodically if the treasurer is incapacitated. The motion was made by Dave Gynn, seconded by Pat Gynn. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Other discussion led to an agreement that a voluntary committee position of Reservations Chairman would be created. Darlene will inform Les of these changes.

Dave has discussed with a local Brimfield business about a service of generating automated calls for PCRTA. There is no cost to set up for the services, but it will entail a cost of 15 cents per call up to one minute. The intent would be to limit its use for timely matters such as when we recently needed to inform luncheon attendees that the flu shot would be given at the luncheon. One person would be in charge of keeping the membership phone numbers on a computer and generating the sublists for the calls. Dave made the motion that we create a list and seek services as needed, seconded by Darlene Fetterhoff. The motion carried with one opposing vote.

Dan McCombs made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Evelyn Parks. Motion passed unanimously.



-Darlene Fetterhoff reported that the treasury has a working balance of $4,421.60.  The Scholarship account has a balance of $8,017.50.

-President Ray Troxtell presented the calendar for 2010. He reported that ORTA is restructuring and may be changing their by-laws and increasing their dues.

-Ria Mastromatteo reported on the Retirement Planning Seminar to be held on October 21 from 5-7 at Western   Reserve Public Media. She thanked Terrie Sargi and Kay Wise for serving on the committee.

-Dan McCombs, ORTA Trustee, presented information on the five recommendations that STRS was making to the Ohio Retirement Study Council regarding 1.Active teacher contributions to STRS;  2. Determining Final Average Salary  3. Eligibility to retire; 4.  Formula for determining benefits;  5. changes in COLAs.

-Art Fesemyer, Membership Chair reported that 210 membership packets had been sent out in September.

-Kay Wise, Informative and Protective Services chair, said she would look into the possibility of flu shots at our next meeting.

-Ray asked Ruth Wiegand if she would make a survey for trips and suggestions to be filled out at the luncheon.

-Webmaster Connie Evans told about some changes that had been made to our website.

-Jan Fencl, Nominations, reported that we need to elect a Vice-president, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary at the November meeting.

-Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff presented a report, titled "Recommendations to Promote a Better PCRTA," which she and Pat Gynn developed following some suggestions by President Ray Troxtell with three main points:   1.  Extensive duties of treasurer dictate too much time involvement for one person;  2. Loss of monies due to business based on status quo;  3. Examination of the scholarship program. Much discussion ensued. 

Jan Fencl moved and Kay Wise seconded to have the 990 IRS report be prepared by a professional tax person.

TREASURER'S REPORT by Darlene Fetterhoff

Report for September 18, 2009 to October 2, 2009

Beginning Balance:                   $ 12.425.38

Expenses:                                     1,225.00

   Luncheon Speaker                           165.00

   Luncheon at Twin Lakes                   900.00

   ORTA dues                                     160.00


Income:                                       $  1,452.00 

Ending Balance:                          $ 12,652.38

Scholarship Funds in Checking      $  7,380.24

Checking Working Balance           $  5,272.08

LUNCHEON MEETING - September 17, 2009

-The luncheon meeting was held at the Twin Lakes Country Club. 

-School supplies were collected to be given to the County Clothing Center.

-President Ray Troxtell welcomed new retirees: Sue Kepler, Kent Roosevelt; Rosemary Reyes, Crestwood; Elaine May, Ravenna; Sandra Rohrback and Pat Moore, Field.

-President Ray thanked Helen Eichler, Laura Kernit, and Barb Miller from Robinson Memorial Working     Partners, who administered flu shots to 31 PCRTA members before the meeting.

-Les Bennett led group singing.  Ray led the Pledge to the flag. Vice-President Terrie Sargi read a prayer in honor of teachers in the past and future.

-After lunch, Terrie Sargi introduced the guest speaker, Dorothy Fuldheim, portrayed by Carole Starre-Kmiecek.  

-President Ray encouraged all members to review hospitalization plans with Aetna, Aetna Advantage, and Medical Mutual by checking on co-pays, doctors, and lower deductibles.  He said to also look at wellness and gym memberships on http:/

-Legislative Chair and ORTA Trustee Dan McCombs  said that STRS submitted a recommended plan of five components on September 1, 2009 to ORSC, the Ohio Retirement Study Council.

-President Ray said that PCRTA needs a trustee for another two-year term to be in place by November 1.  Jan Fencl nominated Dan McCombs.  PCRTA members voted by a show of hands and he was elected.

-Contact Ria Mastromatteo for information on the   Retirement Workshop on October 21 at Western Reserve (formerly CH 45/49). Members were encouraged to tell friends who are still working and looking forward to  retiring in the next few years to attend.

-Since Saroj Sutaria, Social Committee Chair, was on vacation, Ruth Weigand placed surveys for trip ideas and suggestions on the tables for members to fill our during the meeting.  See page 6 for more information.

-NEOUCOM Scheduling Coordinator Edith Scott invited people to sign up for NEOUCOM proctoring.  She announced there would be another orientation scheduled for new proctors in the near future.

-50/50 Raffle:  Maria Davidson won $72 out of the $144 collected.  She very generously donated it back to PCRTA.  Thanks, Maria!


Members present: Terrie Sargi, Dan McCombs, Jim Montaquila, Connie Evans, Saroj Sutaria, Ruth Weigand, Dave Gynn, Evelyn Park, Norm Park, Edith Scott, Jan Fencl, Ray Troxtell, Judy Morgan, Darlene Fetterhoff

President Ray Troxtell called the meeting to order.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand 

Ruth reported that there were two corrections for the minutes of the May luncheon meeting; namely, that the Giant Eagle gift certificate for the PCRTA website contest was for $25, not $50, and Emily Troxtell won $44.50, not $89 in the 50/50 raffle.

Dave Gynn made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Saroj Sutaria. The motion passed.

Vice President - Terrie Sargi

Terrie presented the following agenda for next week's luncheon meeting:







LUNCH - Twin Lakes Country Club


Judy Morgan and Dan McCombs volunteered to be greeters.

Legislative - Dan McCombs

Dan said that Governor Strickland suggested that the contribution for public employees should be reduced from 14% to 8%, 5% of which is for health care. This morning news reported that the suggestion has been dropped. Ray will make copies of the important info for PCRTA members to contact their legislators and will distribute them at the meeting next week  if there is a need to protect STRS pensions from the same kind of plan.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

May 17, 2009 to July 9, 2009

Beginning Checking Account Balance                      $14,514.87

Income                                                                  1,228.90

Expenses                                                               7,411.02

Matt Leedom (newsletters)                                          349.93

D Fetterhoff (stamps)                                                   18.10

ORTA dues                                                                220.00

M Brannon (sunshine/memorial)                                     39.63

T Sargi (luncheon)                                                      710.00

S. Gardener (luncheon overpayment)                               20.00

Six 2009 Scholarships                                                6000.00

Bank fee                                                                       3.36

Ending Checking Account Balance                              8,329.36

Scholarship Total (Deposited in Checking Account)       3,140.44

Actual Working Amount in checking Account              $5,188.92

Darlene announced that Teresa Bica's brother passed away.  She said that the Bica family donated enough money to make the $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to Courtney Spellman from Ravenna High School. She also stated that Kaitlyn Briggs and Taylor Polatas from Kent Roosevelt High School would receive the Mabelle Apley scholarships.

Darlene said that we have $8,000 in the scholarship fund.

Darlene announced that we have acquired three new members; namely, Joseph Vince Kocin, Bonnie Oliver, and Judy Bills.

Dan made a motion to accept the treasurer's report, seconded by Connie Evans.  The motion passed.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim thanked Harry Bowman, Jan Fencl, Dave Gynn, and Norm Park for helping to review all the scholarship applications and to make the difficult choice of the final six recipients.  He said that letters were sent to the high schools of all the winners.

Dave attended the Honors Assembly at Kent Roosevelt High School to present the scholarships to Kaitlyn Briggs and Taylor Polatas.  Ray Troxtell presented to Emily Mason at Garfield.  Jim Montaquila presented to Cody Apthorpe at the Windham High School graduation.   (The others will receive their awards at the luncheon meeting).

Jim read a thank you note from Courtney Spellman and a note of apology from Taylor Polatas who will be in the Dominican Republic and cannot attend our luncheon meeting.

Ray said questionnaires for the IRS 990 report will soon need to be filled out by board members.

Newsletter - Pat Gynn

Dave reported that Pat wants all the newsletter info by July 31.

Darlene said that her address and phone number needs to be in the newsletter.

Dave said the September newsletter will include a letter to new retirees offering a free meal, fellowship, and a personal phone call along with stating that the program will be a Dorothy Fuldheim imitator.

Public Relations - Evelyn Park

Evelyn said that a photographer will attend the luncheon meeting and to please notify her when he/she arrives.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Since Art was absent, Darlene said that she sent 81 postcards for a reminder of unpaid dues. She said that there are 28 members remaining unpaid. So, she said she would send each of them one more post card. If there is no response, their names will be dropped from the PCRTA roster.

ORTA Trustee & Legislative Chair - Dan McCombs

Ray said there is an ORTA proposal to make bylaws change to drop the number of trustees to ten and there would be two trustees in each of five areas.

Dan said that there is a need for a letter to be sent to Ann Hanning for support for paying money from REOPAC for HPA expenses. Our members must do this to support our pension funds by contacting our governor, our legislators, and others from OEA, CORE, library, League of Women Voters.  He said that STRS is looking at reducing the COLA and requiring teachers to teach longer.

Community Services - Judy Morgan

Judy said that Freedom House thanked PCRTA for the supplies donated at the last meeting.

Judy thanked the PCRTA members who donated cookies, made and served punch, and cut and served cake and cookies; namely, Darlene Fetterhoff, Edith Scott, Pat Gynn, Ruth Weigand, Connie Evans, Saroj Sutaria, Adele Fussner, Rosemary, Hostler, Ann Spence, Jan Fencl, Judy Morgan, and Evelyn Park.

NEOUCOM Proctoring Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith said that NEOUCOM is working on a pilot program for giving tests online with students using their own computers. There would be an orientation session for all the proctors when the online testing gets started.

Telephone & Communication - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj asked if any one could take calls for her while she is out of town from July 30th till Sept. 26th.

Ruth Weigand volunteered.

Webmaster -Connie Evans

Connie said that PCRTA has to renew its domain name every three years and privacy domain every year (to prevent publishing credit card info).

Retirement Planning - Ria Mastromatteo

In Ria's absence, Ray announced that the Retirement Planning seminar will be Oct. 21st from 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Western Reserve Public Media (formerly PBS 45&49). He said there will be an STRS speaker, an attorney, and Ray will be an advocate for retirees for ORTA and STRS for financial estate planning.

Ray said that brochures will be sent to schools and by Email. Les Bennett will take phone calls or teachers can register online or mail their registration form.

Edith Scott will be there to help.


Ray said that we need to be diligent and be aware because there are proposed changes, such as teaching longer and changing COLA.

Ray asked for a motion to adjourn with Saroj making the motion to adjourn, seconded by Evelyn Park.  The motion passed.

PCRTA General Meeting July 16, 2009

Ray welcomed everyone, scholarship recipients, their families, and other guests.

He asked if there were any first time attendees and Joe Kocin said he retired from Shaker Heights as technology coordinator.

Ray thanked Judy Morgan and Dan McCombs for acting as greeters.

He reminded everyone to take a book from our book swap.

Ray asked Dan McCombs, ORTA trustee and legislative chair, to give a pension update. Dan said a couple of weeks ago, Governor Strickland, in order to balance the state of Ohio budget, wanted to change the 14% contribution down to 8% from PERS in the amount of $256,000,000. Last Thursday, Governor Strickland rescinded his position.

Dan said that we will contact everyone if there's a need to write letters to our legislators.

Ray told to everyone to read the latest ORTA quarterly, which shows the health care changes.

Ray led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Les Bennett led the music.

Jan Fencl led the invocation.


Jim Montaquila, scholarship chairman, thanked the Scholarship Committee members: Harry Bowman, Jan Fencl, Dave Gynn, and Norm Parks. He said that applications were received from 7 of our Portage County high schools and 6 scholarships are being awarded this year. He introduced each scholarship recipient along with reading some of the information in their applications offered by faculty members who have worked with them. Jim said to the graduates, "As you prepare to face the next chapter in your life, you might heed the words of one our former First Ladies, Eleanor Roosevelt," ‘Somewhere along the line of development we discover what we really are, and then make our own decisions for which we are responsible. Make those decisions primarily for yourself because you can never really live anyone else's life. The influence you exert is throughout your own life and what you become yourself.'

Ray Troxtell then presented each recipient with their scholarship money.

Jim said two of the $1,000 scholarships to be awarded are in memory of Mabelle Apley, who was a Kent Roosevelt teacher, and former dean of women.  She designated in her will for $2000 to go to PCRTA.  Her family members were introduced and they greeted the PCRTA members.

Before the presentations, Barbara Hobowski, from NEOUCOM, was introduced. She thanked the proctors for their hard work and dedication. She said to show appreciation for PCRTA proctoring that NEOUCOM was granting an increase of $2,500 for this year and she gave Ray the first quarterly payment of $2,500 for next year in advance. Three of the scholarships being awarded this year are from money from NEOUCOM test proctoring by PCRTA members.

Jim introduced Cody Ellis Apthorpe from Windham High School who thanked PCRTA for the meal and the scholarship. He said he was salutatorian of his class and feels teaching science in a middle school will be very rewarding for him. He plans to attend Bowling Green.  Ray awarded him one of the PCRTA scholarships.

Then Jim introduced Kaitlyn Briggs from Kent Roosevelt High School who said she learned a lot from her physics teacher and in working with Special Olympics in which everyone can accomplish their goal. Because she was active in track, cross country, and swimming, she plans to major in secondary physical education at Clarion University.  Ray awarded Kaitlyn one of the Mabelle Apley Scholarships.

Next Jim introduced Taylor Polatas from Kent Roosevelt who enjoyed the experience as translator on a mission trip in Mexico. Her trips to the Dominican Republic have given her the desire to teach English in that country. She has volunteered for Miller House, raised money for the food cupboard, and helped acquire blankets for the battered women's shelter. She plans to attend Olivet Nazarene College.  Ray awarded Taylor the other Mabelle Apley Scholarship.

Jim introduced Brandon Broadwater, a graduate of Southeast High School, who was first interested in being a premedical professional. After earning a dual major in French and Spanish and traveling abroad, tutoring informally, and enjoying his foreign language teachers, Brandon decided to become a foreign language teacher. He plans to attend Wright State University.  Ray awarded Brandon one of the PCRTA scholarships.

Then Jim introduced Emily Mason, a graduate of James A. Garfield High School, who thanked PCRTA and her family. Emily stressed that from her many leadership roles that her desire for teaching will require commitment, patience and teamwork along with responsibility and organization. She said that she looked up to her teachers when she was in school. She will become a high school English teacher after she attends Mt. Union College.  Ray awarded Emily one of the PCRTA scholarships.

 Jim introduced Lynn Duffy, Teresa Bica's sister, who has a daughter who is a six-year teacher.  Lynn read a letter in remembrance of Teresa who was chairman of the scholarship committee before her death. The letter to a first year teacher talked about respect, concern, and kindness for students.

Then Courtney Spellman, a graduate of Ravenna High School, was introduced. Courtney was in the Honors program, was homecoming queen last year, was youth cheerleader coach as well as varsity cheerleading and participated in band. As she studies integrative social studies at KSU, she plans to become a high school history teacher. She feels teaching requires compassion and responsibility.  Lynn Duffy awarded Courtney the Teresa Bica scholarship.

Jim thanked all the parents for their efforts. He ended with another quote by Eleanor Roosevelt by saying, "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift".

Jim thanked everyone for coming.  Ray thanked the scholarship committee.

Edith Scott announced that PCRTA completed 900 volunteer hours this school year by proctoring tests. She said that NEOUCOM will have third year pharmacy tests to be proctored starting this fall. She said there will be a signup sheet on the table in the other room for members to sign as they leave. She also stated that NEOUCOM is trying to develop an online test with students using their own laptops and this will require a separate orientation for all proctors.

Ray thanked all the volunteers who proctored tests this school year.

The 50/50 drawing was won by Alice Foldessy in the amount of $70 out of $140.

Ray announced that the next meeting will be September 17 with a speaker who will portray Dorothy Fuldheim.

The meeting was adjourned.


President Ray Troxtell called the meeting to order with 13 members in attendance.  Details were worked out for the May 21 luncheon meeting.

ORTA Reports:  Ray Troxtell and Dave Gynn attended the recent ORTA meeting.  Ray told about pension funding and benefit issues and the status of the retirement systems.

Unfinished business: A bus trip was discussed.  Some    suggestions were a winery trip, Amish country, or a  longer trip to Chicago.

Nominations:  Jan Fencl reported that Ruth Wiegand had volunteered to continue as Recording Secretary.

Legislative:  Dan McCombs reported that the cost of health care is reducing the principal of the health care stabilization fund, so that the cost of retiree premiums will probably be increased significantly.

Informative-Protective:  Kay Wise said Kathy Morris sent a thank you note to the person who paid her ORTA/PCRTA dues.  Her house is in foreclosure now.

Membership:  Art Fesemyer had brochures prepared and they are ready to send out to new retirees.  The cost   including envelopes and stamps was $306.98.  He needs to find out the names of this year's retirees.

Newsletter:  Pat Gynn reported that the cost of printing the newsletter went up ten cents per copy.

Retirement Planning:  The date for the seminar is October 21.  Kay Wise and Ray Troxtell will help committee chair, Ria Mastromatteo.  Dave Gynn suggested putting posters in the schools.

Community Service:  Judy Morgan reported the diaper drive for County Clothing Center was very successful.  Items for Freedom House will be collected at this month's luncheon meeting.

Legislative:  Dan McCombs said that the WEP bill had 199 co-sponsors in the House, but the companion Senate bill has none.  He urged contacting legislators.

Memorial/Sunshine:  Mary Jane Brannon reported that there are 13 deceased members to be honored at the luncheon meeting.

NEOUCOM Proctoring:  Edith Scott reported there will be 900 hours of proctoring this year and more next year.  She suggested we should renegotiate with NEOUCOM.

Scholarship:  Jim Montaquilla said that he and his      committee of Harry Bowman, Jan Fencl, and Dave Gynn evaluated 12 applicants from 7 different schools and chose 6 graduates to receive $1,000 scholarships each.

Webmaster:  Connie Evans reported that our website  domain name needs to be renewed and must be paid with a credit card. Dave Gynn will check to see if we can use the ORTA credit card.

New Business:  Ray Troxtell said there is need for a long-range planning committee.  Darlene Fetterhoff and Terrie Sargi are working on expanding the Treasurer's office as a committee.


President Ray Troxtell convened the meeting and led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Les Bennett led the group in singing.  Father Pentello gave the invocation.

Ray thanked Connie Evans and Ken Granville for acting as greeters.  First-time visitors included: Joe Huber from Streetsboro, Pat Mason from KSU, Jodi Johnson from Hudson, Gertrude Pierce from Kent, and Janice and Paul Stamm from Solon.

The Twin Lakes Country Club Banquet Manager, Crystal Katzenmeyer, invited PCRTA members to join and use their facilities.  She gave a short description of their membership features and prices.

The Treble Ensemble from Streetsboro High School, led by Miss Sue Spurlock, performed beautifully for the luncheon attendees.

Father Richard Pentello led the Memorial Service for the 2008 deceased PCRTA members.  Mary Jane Brannon had     prepared a lovely table with roses and the obituaries of the thirteen members who were being honored.

Emily Troxtell won $44.50 in the 50/50 drawing.  She   donated it back to PCRTA.

Terrie Sargi won the drawing for the $25 Giant Eagle Gift Card in the PCRTA Website Contest.

Dan McCombs, Legislative Chair, reported what had been discussed at the recent meeting of OCHER, the Ohio  Council for Higher Education Retirees.  He said that Email and phone calls were the best ways to contact legislators.

Announcements:  Darlene   Fetterhoff and Terrie Sargi will serve on the long-range planning committee.  Patricia Eichler, Saroj Sutaria, and Ruth Wiegand volunteered to  work on the newly formed Social Committee.

Treasurer's Report

Report for April 9 to May 16, 2009

Beginning Balance:                        $13,916.92

Expenses:                                        1,577.05

   D Fetterhoff office supplies                  22.17

   D Gynn copying & postage                   40.07

   ORTA dues                                      700.00

   M Leedom-Newsletter                       351.54

   J Montaquilla-Scholarship                    52.96

   A Fesemyer-Membership                    306.98

   T Sargie-March speaker                      100.00

   Bank Fee                                             3.33

Income:                                         $ 2,175.00

Ending Balance:                              $14,414.87

Scholarship Total In Checking           $  9,140.44

Checking Working Balance                $  5,274.43


Members present: Dave Gynn, Terrie Sargi, Connie Evans, Art Fesemyer, Evelyn Park, Norm Park, Jim Montaquila, Darlene Fetterhoff, Kay Wise, Saroj Sutaria, Jan Fencl, Mary Jane Brannon, Edith Scott, Ruth Weigand, and Judith Morgan.

Past President, Dave Gynn, called the meeting to order for President Ray Troxtell and had everyone introduce themselves, noting that Jim Montaquila is replacing Bob Dunn on the Scholarship Committee; Kay Wise replacing Hilda Rohlf on Informative & Protective Services; Saroj Sutaria replacing Barb Bryner on Telephone & Communications; Jan Fencl replacing Saroj Sutaria on Nominations.

Dave distributed name plates for members to bring to each meeting along with the 2009 Directory and asked members to make corrections on their E-mail addresses.

Dave asked everyone to keep a copy of the bylaws in their notebooks as well as notes on names of people or anything you do to help make your job easier. He said that the duties of members and committees are in the by-laws. He also stated that there would be end of year reports for Community Services, Informative & Protective Services, Legislative, Membership, Public Relations, and Retirement Planning.

There will not be an ORTA award for the best committee reports or fort the top newsletter.

Dave said for this year the offices of Vice-President, Assistant Treasurer, and Recording Secretary would be up for election.

Recording Secretary - Ruth Weigand

Dave asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Nov. 6th Executive Committee Meeting, or the Nov. and Dec. luncheon meeting minutes. Mary Jane Brannon made a motion to accept the minutes, Jan Fencl seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Dave said that Corresponding Secretary, Carol Kates, was on a mission trip.

He asked Vice-President , Terrie Sargi, to check on the luncheon reservations for next week at the Twin Lakes Country Club.

Vice-President - Terrie Sargi

COMMUNITY SERVICE COLLECTION: Disposable diapers or pull-ups for the Portage County Clothing Center

March 19 MEETING (proposed agenda)

Welcome - President Ray Troxtell

Introductions - New Members, First Time Attendees

Pledge of Allegiance

Music - Les Bennett

Junior Achievement Recognition - Denise Schafer

Don coffee (President of Shaker Heights Retired Teachers Association) with trip to China information

Inspiration by ___________

Lunch - Twin Lakes Country club

Program - Inspiration for Teachers by Kathy Baker

Business meeting

50/50 Raffle Announcements

May 21 Meeting

Speaker: Carol Starre Kmiecik - One-woman show featuring Dorothy Fuldheim

Memorial Service

July 16 - Dave Gynn (Terrie Sargi out of town)

Scholarship and Book Exchange

September 17

New Retirees Luncheon

?ORTA President (reschedule from March meeting)

November 19

Officer Elections

December 17

Christmas Party (Musical group, Bingo, gifts)

Officer installation

Discussion on the proposed agenda arose about switching the JA recognition and China trip presentation until after lunch and members agreed. Then the cost of speakers was discussed. It was stated that the Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff has budgeted $300 for speakers. Some members suggested that school groups, an STRS representative, or a legislator could be asked to come for some of our programs.

Treasurer - Darlene Fetterhoff

Feb. 4, 2009 - March 9, 2009

Beginning Checking Account Balance $10,784.67

Income $3,340.00

Expenses $787.88

Matt Leedom (newsletters) $320.25

D Fetterhoff(office supplies) $37.63

Alan Balog(audit 2008) $50.00

ORTA dues $380.00

Ending Checking Account Balance $13,336.79

Scholarship Total $8,022.94

Actual Working Amount in Checking Account $5,313.85

2009 PCRTA Budget: February 3, 2009

Proposed by Treasurer, Darlene Fetterhoff

Income $14,881.67

Income carryover from 2008 - $9,686.67

Anticipated income from dues renewal

114 members @ $10 - $1,140.00

11 members @ $5 - $55.00

Anticipated donations from NEOUCOM - $4000.00

Expenses $14,881.67

General Scholarship Funds - $9997.94

Five Newsletters ($366.37) - $1831.85

Printing Directories - $120.00

Office Supplies/postage/copying - $500.00

Retirement Planning Workshop - $200.00

Lunches for 10 scholarship winners and parents - $300.00

Membership - $1000.00

Speakers/Entertainment - $300.00

Memorial Service Flowers - $20.00

Sunshine Fund - $100.00

Miscellaneous (decorations for luncheons, gifts for outgoing officers, - $1001.88

reimbursement for workshop fees including mileage, awards to top


Auditing fee - $50.00

Dave said the treasurer's report would be filed for audit.

Darlene said PCRTA now has a new tax exempt number for non-profit organizations along with listing the name of the treasurer and his/her social security number.

Nonprofit organizations are required to file a dollar limit for the 990 report.

Darlene said that info about memorial donations should be put in the newsletter.

After Darlene presented the budget, Saroj suggested changing the miscellaneous amount to $801.88 and the amount for speakers to $500.

Saroj made a motion to adopt the budget with the changes. Kay Wise seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Darlene said quite a few members have not paid their annual dues.

Unfinished Business

For the Junior Achievement project at Brimfield Elementary School in February, Dave made 200 phone calls to get 21 volunteers. There was a planning session with a few Field School Business students and the retired teacher volunteers to work with elementary students to be good consumers. The HS students repeated the same lesson five times on one grade level with teacher volunteers assisting. The units were keyed to state standards for each grade level. As the result of a survey of the High School students who participated, most of them said they would like to do it again. They said that they needed more time planning and not as many teacher volunteers.

Julie Unitas, program director for National Retired Teachers of America, said the project was very successful and would like this project as a model for other schools in the future.

Richard Cordray, Treasurer of the State of Ohio, issued a Proclamation honoring JA OHIO and ORTA for bringing Mastering Money Management with the YOUTH Program in Ohio on Dec. 18. The proclamation was given to Norm Park for our archives.

Dave announced that the six PCRTA committees end-of-year reports for ORTA will be chosen for best practices. Their names will be entered into a drawing and the winners will receive cash awards..

There's been a proclamation honoring JA OHIO & ORTA for a grant to mentor a student in the College of Education with 300 students for Read across America.

Ann Hanning, ORTA Director, sent Dave a thank you for PCRTA working with JA Akron to plan and participate in financial literacy programs for young people. She said this was also recognized and appreciated by ORTA and NRTA.

Community Service - Judith Morgan

She said that Streetsboro has the bloodmobile every month.

Informative & Protective Services - Kay Wise

Kay wanted to know what her job entailed. She received suggestions for scheduling flu shots and blood pressure checks and announcing any scams at the luncheon meetings.

Membership - Art Fesemyer

Art passed around a new color paper brochure which may replace the present one to be sent to newly retired teachers. He said if we use the old heavy brochure that 2008 could be changed to 2009.

Last year ended with 418 PCRTA members of which 345 are dual members.

There are 97 delinquents payments.

Kathy Morris cannot renew her dues to PCRTA and ORTA and asked if someone could pay it for her,

Memorial & Sunshine - Mary Jane Brannon

She said Lucille Stamm died recently and also eight others.

Newsletter - Pat

The first newsletter of 2009 was given to Matt Leedom on February 16. He will print them at Newton Falls Printing. He will print 425 copies and mail out 398. Over 120 members have not paid for 2009 yet. They will have a little sticker on their newsletter that says "Time to Renew Your Membership."

The newsletter was sent to and on February 16, also to be posted online.

Pat also sent Connie the full set of minutes for the November and December Luncheon meetings so they can be posted online in full for members who want to read the entire minutes.

Dave said the that people whose pictures will be placed on the website will have to give permission, but their will be no personal info. If anyone has questions about this, contact PCRTA by E-mail.

Art questioned why we were not sending the newsletters to the county superintendents. Since it was mentioned that cost of postage and printing was the issue, he wants us to reconsider and that he would pick them up and take them to ESC, the Portage County Education Services Center, to be delivered.

NEOUCOM Proctor Scheduling - Edith Scott

Edith said that we started with 23 proctors and now only have 15 or 16. She said we need more proctors and there is a training session for new proctors at 10:00 A.M. on April 7th at NEUOCOM.

Public Relations - Evelyn Park

Evelyn said she had the notice for the luncheon meeting for next week put in the paper.

Retirement Planning - Ria Mastromatteo

Ria plans to design a brochure to advertise and will schedule a date for the Retirement Planning seminar.

Scholarship - Jim Montaquila

Jim is replacing Bob Dunn as chairman. Bob will collect info sent to him and send it to Jim. The PCRTA scholarship applications were placed on line for students to apply by April 3rd. The Scholarship Committee has to decide how many to award. The members of the committee are Bob Dunn, Sandy Stefanik, Julie Ries, Harry Bowman, Dave Gynn, and Norman Park.

Last year the scholarship recipients were given their awards and certificates at the July meeting. Then letters were sent to all the schools to inform them who had won the scholarships.

Carol Kates, Corresponding Secretary, contacts past recipients and asks for feedback of their present circumstances.

Telephone & Communications - Saroj Sutaria

Saroj is the new chair of this committee.

Webmaster - Connie Evans

Connie has announcements on the website about legislative and community services and archives some of the past info. She requested everyone present to fill out and sign or not sign in order to give her permission for using pictures and names of the Executive Committee on the website.

She said to contact our website, to have your name placed in a drawing to win a $25 gift certificate for Giant Eagle.

Dave adjourned the meeting.


March 19, 2009

President Ray Troxtell welcomed all 82 members and/or guests. He thanked Art Fesemyer and Kay Wise for being greeters.

He introduced first time attendees: Judy Church, Field Schools and her husband Thurman; Dottie Emerick, Streetsboro Schools; Pat and Dick Wilson, Kent Schools; John Kerstetter, KSU and his wife, Sandy Kerstetter, Aurora Schools.

Les Bennett led the music.

Vice-President, Terrie Sargi, led the pledge of allegiance.

She led the invocation with an Irish blessing.

Ray announced that the raffle tickets were for the 50/50 drawing with the proceeds going to membership.

He also announced that contributions were being accepted for the Portage County Clothing Center.

Past President, Dave Gynn, talked about the rewarding experience at Brimfield Elementary School in February for JA in a Day Event from a $6,000 grant. It involved some planning with the Field High School business students and retired teacher volunteers. He introduced Denice Schafer, the JA director.

Denice especially thanked Dave for getting volunteers. Denice said that the lessons were for teaching financial literacy and work readiness to students in grades one to five.

NRTA sent a gift for each of the teacher volunteers.

Denice awarded certificates of appreciation and the gifts to the following: Pat Gynn, Nancy Paulus, Diane McMasters, Al Henderson, Sandy Kerstetter, Diane Bowman, Judy Church, Dan McCombs, Judy Calcei, Harry Bowman, Diane Bowman, Marge Conroy, Carol Kates, Ellen Arena, Gino Calcei, Elden Reibold, Jeanna Pisegna, John Kerstetter, and Dave Gynn.

There were 24 Field High School Marketing Education students who taught the same lesson to each class in a grade level.

Ray introduced Don Coffee, a retired KSU professor and president of the Shaker Heights Retired Teachers Association.

Vice-President Terrie Sargi said that Don Coffee was present to promote a 16-day trip to China on October 20th by his English-speaking Chinese wife, Xiao Ying.

Don said that this trip was specifically planned for retired teachers. Don said he taught in China and his wife taught English there 12 years ago. He said that the trip would include 3 school visits, historical sights, Beijing, Shanghai, Hang Zhou close to Shanghai, and end in Hong Kong. He said that add-on trips for either Tokyo or Hawaii were available.

Terrie introduced Kathy Baker, Speaker, news writer, and author of Leaving Adversity Plaza.

Kathy's talk was entitled, "Inspiration for Teachers." She felt that it takes a lifetime for a person to become real. She said that real is something that happens to you, something you become. She talked about some of her children's teachers and the ways in which those teachers helped her children become real. Then she read part of the chapter, "A Child Shall Lead Them" from the book, Velveteen Rabbit, that stressed there is hope for the future and love and peace for our children.

Edith Scott made an announcement that some PCRTA members proctor tests at NEOUCOM to help earn money for our scholarship fund. She said presently there are only 15 or 16 and there is a great need for more proctors. She said there will be an orientation meeting on Tues., April 7th at 10:00 a.m.

It was announced that Milly Keller won the 50/50 raffle in the amount of $67.50 and she donated it to the scholarship fund.

The meeting was adjourned without having a business meeting due to the sudden illness of the president.

[Note: President Ray was taken to the hospital, treated and released. He and his wife, Emily, left the next day to return to Florida. We appreciate everyone who assisted, especially Linda Solnick, who used her medical background to tend to Ray until the paramedics arrived.]



—President Dave Gynn thanked Terrie Sargi for completing the term of Vice-President for one year.

—Ray Troxtell will wear the ORTA volunteer pin for his excellent job conducting the Retirement Planning  Seminar at the November luncheon.  Darlene Fetterhoff will wear the pin in December for all the work she does as our as our treasurer.                                  
—ORTA Trustee, Dan McCombs
reported that the Governor has been trying to get a handle on school  funding.  He said the yearly local reports will be judged for best practices and are due in to ORTA by January 15.          
Dave Gynn reported he filled out a grant request for Junior Achievement for teaching economic literacy to  elementary students.  Retired teacher volunteers will be paired with high school marketing students.                                   
Adele Fussner reported that PCRTA volunteers collected 16 grocery carts of food at the Ravenna Giant Eagle for Portage County food cupboards as a community service project for Make a Difference Day.

Norm Park reported that he has been sorting the archived material and removing duplicate documents.       
Art Fesemyer said he has some brochures left from last year’s membership drive, but will need to rewrite the membership letter because of the dues increase.            
Edith Scott reported that Irene George will celebrate her 100th birthday on November 18th.  We will send her a card and announce her birthday at the luncheon.            
—Newsletter Editor, Pat Gynn reported that Newton Falls Printing did the last newsletter at a savings of $28.             
Jan Fencl and Mary Jane  Brannon
, Memorial and Sunshine chairs, would like to be told of any deaths or of people who should receive a get well card.  It was decided that our memorial service for deceased members will be given at the May meeting this year.
—Legislative Chair Dan McCombs thanked board members who attended the breakfast to hear Rep. Kathleen  Chandler talk about the education funding bill.               
Ray Troxtell reported that 27 people attended the Retirement Planning Workshop.  He thanked his wife, Emily, Ruth Wiegand, and Edie Scott for making and serving cookies.

 Webmaster Connie Evans would like to have a contest in the spring to get more people to use our website.          

—Saroj Sutaria volunteered to be the chair of the Telephone/Communication committee.

—The 2009 PCRTA Calendar was presented.  The Committee decided to have the 2009 meetings at the Twin Lakes Country Club.                                                

Dave Gynn reported we earned $400 on the bus trip to Fallingwater.  We sent Ron Paskey a thank you note with a $50 gift certificate.

Copyright 2013. PCRTA.  All rights reserved.  Connie Evans, Webmaster