Dave Gynn
Membership Chairman

Membership Information - Dave Gynn, Membership Chair


04-01-15 The PCRTA membership committee is making preparations to contact this year’s class of Portage County retirees beginning with a Preretirement Workshop intended to introduce retiring teachers to our local and state associations.  This event will be held from 5 – 7 p.m. on April 17 at the Channel 45/49 facilities in Kent and is being planned by Mary Ann and Richard Brockett. It will serve as our first formal approach to the newly retired; however, personal contact also produces promising results. If you are personally acquainted with a retiring teacher, or one who is already retired and not a member of PCRTA, please consider approaching him or her and sharing this information along with the reasons for your membership.

A few of those reasons might be:

 Opportunities to protect and improve teacher retirement benefits through our ORTA representation in Columbus and Washington DC and at STRS - because our numbers matter.

Opportunities for lifelong learning that comes from the excellent programs that are offered at our six bi-monthly meetings.

Opportunities to continue to serve and make a difference as participants in our many service projects where there is something for everyone to offer. Our numbers matter. If you have renewed your 2014 memberships, "Thank you."   There is still time to renew if you haven't. Let us hear from you soon.

Welcome new members:   (Dec 2013)  

Marilyn Sorrick 2010 KSU and Kent City, Sunshine Delaluz 2013 Trumbull Bd. DD, Wendy Cooley 2008 Southeast, Nancy L Smith 2013 Southeast, Leonard Suzelis 2013 Southeast, Carol Weigand 2012 Southeast

Bill Wilen 2004 KSU, Denise Craig 2013 Kent City, Jeri Thompson 2013 Southeast

A BIG THANK YOU to Martha Hatcher who so graciously invited some Southeast schools retirees to the November meeting.



Wow! What a huge retirement class this year! The schools were cooperative about giving us the names of retirees this year, but not their addresses. PCRTA retirement packets have been sent to those retirees whose addresses we were able to get. New retirees are offered a first-time free luncheon so they can come and see what we are about. If you know someone on this list, give him or her a call and invite them to come to a luncheon or to join ORTA and PCRTA - who else is looking out for the benefits for STRS members? No one!

AURORA CITY SCHOOLS Russ Bennett, DeAnna McCarrell 

CRESTWOOD SCHOOLS Natile Dean, Joseph Iacono, Jane Kennedy, John Vanags

FIELD SCHOOLS Renee Linnell, Barbara Mahoney-Kenney, Mary Powers, Diana Secaur

GARFIELD SCHOOLS Charles Klamer, Larry Kuhlman, Greg McDivitt, Mary Nelson, Patricia Scanalon, Carol Torda, Patricia Wetzel

KENT CITY SCHOOLS Jack Amrhein,Cynthia Baer, Carla Brumby, Nancy Bubenzer, Jolene Calhoun, Denise Craig, Cynthia DeMarco, Rebecca Dunlap, Chris Jones, Katrina Kelling, Jeff Kidwell, Mike McClure, Marsha Melton, Joe Paoloni, April Parks, Anita Romeo, Beth Schluep, Barbara Vasbinder, Diann Vogliano, Susan Walter, Debra Walton, Sue Yanchar

MAPLEWOOD CAREER CENTER Patricia Abbuhl, Edward Anders, Frank Jacobson, Michael Page

RAVENNA CITY SCHOOLS Amy Adams, Kathy Adler, Karen Balog, Teresa Bartoszek, Meg Calby, Linda DeLisi, Carol Donovan, Madonna Engelmann, Janet Gill, Linda Hellekson, Jennie Kekic, Becky Kirby, Terry Miller, James Neely, Barbara Schneider, Annette Speidel, William Sullivan, Jeanne Vidoni

ROOTSTOWN SCHOOLS Ed Bose, Connie Knopick

SOUTHEAST SCHOOLS Lynn Batch, Roy Burd, Tom Ciccolleli, Patty DeVault, Ann Marie Kline, Robert Noall, Susan Pinkerton, Nancy Smith, Leonard Suzelis, Ray Sheets, Jeri Thompson

STREETSBORO SCHOOLS Marjorie Arida, Carol Dohmer, Steve Hatch, Marcia Hopkins, John Natko, Denese Newman

WATERLOO SCHOOLS Barbara Burley, Nick Hulea, Katherine Kasper, Mary Leonard, Bonnie Strout

WINDHAM SCHOOLS Kathleen Braden, Jean Cuhlman, Jane Hill, William Pozsgai, Cindy Rockney, Laurie Weirich

KENT STATE UNIVERSITY William Acar, Ella Anaya, David Allender, Charles Baker, Johnnie Baker, Carole Barbato, Ran Barniv, Johnett Benson, David Booth, Egerton Clark, Thomas Cole, Mark Colvin, Christina Cook, Laura Davis, David DeBolt, Nancy Docherty, Francis Dorsey, Yoram Eckstein, Irene Edge, Robert Faley, Janet Formichelli, Andrea Gorospe, Patriia Grutzmacher, Margaret Haas, Charles Harker, Barbara Hipsman-Springer, Mary Louise Holly, Janice Hutchinson, Wendy Kasten, Jerry Kalback, Gommlich Klaus, Michael Kreyche, Molly Linder, Owen Lovejoy, Michael Kalinski, Ralph Lindeman, Lawrence Marks, Michael Mayo, Michael Mikusa, Bruce Morrill, Gary Mote, Willy Munoz, Christine Naylor, Robert Opper, Gene Pendetono, Beverly Reed, Noel Reifel, Barbara Schloman, Mark Seeman, Martin Simonsen, George Stephens, Donna Thomas, Chun-Che Tsai, Jeffrey Wattles, Stephen Zapytowski.


 If you know of someone who should be on this list of 2013 retirees or if you school is having a picnic or an event for retirees and you would be willing to pass out some PCRTA brochures, please call our Membership Chair, Dave Gynn at 330-678-8423 or send him an email at mailto:davegynn@aol.com.

Personal contact is the best way to invite new members. If you know any of these retirees, give them a call and invite them to come to our next luncheon. Dave

 August-September 2013  Say Hello to our Newest Member:
Diana Kenterner retired from Ravenna Schools in 2011.

Nancy Bubenzer retired from Kent City Schools in 2013.   

 August-September 2013  Say Hello to our Newest Member:

Julie Molitoris, who retired from Crestwood Schools.

 June-July 2013  Say Hello to our Newest Members:

Elaine Lumley retired from Akron Public Schools in 2006.

Kathy Wilen retired from Kent City Schools in 2001.

June-July 2013 Hey, Who Asked You?

Your membership in ORTA, the professional retired teachers' organization, is now more important than ever before. But some retirees don't "get" the significance of uniting to protect and improve our pensions and health care benefits.

So-who asked you to join?

Who invited you to attend a luncheon meeting? 

Who urged you to participate in a PCRTA project? 

Many members remember that it was a personal contact from a member or friend that encouraged them to join.
This year we expect a large number of retirees (perhaps due to the recent pension legislation). As usual, PCRTA will send or deliver an invitation letter, a membership brochure and ticket for a free lunch to each retiree.  The rest is up to YOU-to contact retirees and urge them to join us.

Some retirees decided to take a year or two off before joining any organization. Now is the time to again contact those retirees from the last few years who have not yet joined, and remind them that their future benefits depend upon the strength of our organization. Why don't you share Dan McCombs' legislative news with them (see page 3).

Remember who asked you. Be the person that other members will remember because you asked them to join. We need you and you need us!

 4-25-13 Curious people want to know! 

Q - Who is eligible for PCRTA/ORTA membership?

A - ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP is open to any retired teacher or administrator or any spouse who becomes a benefit recipient of STRS and any person in Ohio interested in education and the issues of retirees.

Q - Can active teachers join PCRTA/ORTA?

A - Certainly. Active teachers should be concerned about retirement benefits because they may be retired longer than they taught.

Q - Can someone be an associate member?

A - Since any person interested in education and retirees can join, there is not a need for associate membership. Spouses and non-retiree friends are always welcome at meetings. Current associate memberships have been grandfathered.

Q - Can I join just Portage County and not ORTA?

A - Only dual membership in ORTA and PCRTA is available. It is very important that our county organization supports the state organization and requests services from the state.

Q - What if an older member cannot afford to belong?

A - A long-time member may be considered for honorary membership status, if found to be in need due to personal circumstances. A family member or PCRTA member can nominate someone for this status. Membership is subject to approval by the Executive Board.

Q - When is the membership year?

A - January to December. When a new member joins, the rest of that year is free. New members who join in June are paid through December of the next year. If the code on your newsletter label says (life) or (ann) 2013, your dues are up to date.

Q - How much are the annual membership dues?

A - $40 a year (11 cents a day). $30 goes to ORTA and PCRTA retains $10 each year.

Q - What about life membership dues?

A - $650 (ORTA $500, PCRTA $150). Do the math. Life membership will pay for about 16 years at the current rate. Life members are paid up when dues increase. They never have to send the annual dues, and they demonstrate a commitment to the organization.

Q - How many members do we have in Portage County?

A - January 2013 membership - 430 dual members. Portage is the 7th largest chapter in ORTA and will retain a trustee so long as we are among the ten largest chapters.

Q - How many potential members are there in Portage County?

A - There are 2,126 STRS benefit recipients. How much can we grow? Do the math again. Anyone receiving benefits should be members. Just ask.

Q - I have retired from teaching but work at another job. I am too busy for organizations. I do not like meetings or luncheons. Why should I join?

A - We need you and you need us. We are the voice of retired teachers. We will be speaking up for your pension and health care benefits. Just like a teachers' association, there is strength in numbers whether the members are active or inactive.

Q - What has the organization done for retirees lately?

A - Plenty. For starters we worked with STRS and Ohio legislators to preserve and protect our defined pension benefits and adequate and affordable health care. In Washington we oppose mandatory Social Security coverage and work to repeal the unfair GEO/WEP programs.

Q - What does the local Portage County chapter do?

A - Again - plenty. Members reported over 10,000 hours of volunteering for non-profit organizations. We collect goods at every luncheon to support service organizations. We provide $1,000 each to six future teachers from Portage County high schools. We have interesting speakers and programs. We provide leadership experiences for members. AND - we have fun. Lots and lots of fun.  

Q - Where can I learn more about PCRTA and ORTA activities?

A - Go to pcrta.net or ORTA.org. Call any board member. Just ask.

Q - Is there any reason a retired teacher should not be a member of this fine organization?

A - None that I can think of.


02-01-13 Membership Matters!

Membership Matters. Membership should be everyone's concern.
Membership matters to the Ohio legislature. The recent pension reform legislation guarantees that we will continue to receive our defined benefits-- for now. Legislators listened to the ORTA members who contacted them with personal stories of the importance of this pension reform. They listened, and they responded in a bipartisan way. ORTA will continue to monitor proposed changes to insure our pension benefits remain.

Membership matters at ORTA. Only the ten chapters with the highest membership can appoint trustees to the ORTA Executive Board. We have always had a trustee and must increase our membership to retain a trustee. Our trustee helps form ORTA policies and activities.

Membership matters in Portage County. PCRTA members volunteer a huge number of hours for local organizations, as well as provide support through community service projects to local agencies. The value of our volunteerism increases as our membership increases.

Membership matters for future teachers. We can be pleased with our efforts to offer scholarships to high school seniors who will be future teachers. Our list of proctors for NEOMED tests must grow to insure volunteers for all tests, which results in contributions to our scholarship fund.

There is strength in numbers. Our membership numbers will grow when every member contacts a potential new member. Here's the deal for you: Bring a new member to a meeting and your name goes into a drawing to win a prize.


02-01-13  Say Hello to our Newest Members:

Alberta Caetta

Richard (Dick) Mitchell       1997 Hocking College

Virginia Kuyon                   Rootstown 2012

Shirley Dubetz                   Friend of education and wife of a deceased educator

10-15-12  Say Hello to our Newest Member:

Ruth Seton retired from Ravenna Schools in 2012

10-15-2012 PCRTA Membership Report

As an FYI, STRS Ohio currently serves more than 138,000 benefit recipients and pays out more than $5.8 billion annually in benefits. Benefit recipients include service retirees, disability benefit recipients, survivors of deceased members and refunds to terminated members. STRS was established in 1920, thus providing retirement benefits since before the dawn of Social Security. How lucky can we, the recipients, be?

This pension plan did not just happen without the work of those who had the foresight and concern for retired members. Locally, we have been blessed by the work of Dan McCombs and David Gynn, who diligently and intelligently represented the PCRTA in Columbus. This is one reason why your membership is so important so that we can continue to have a voice in Columbus. Membership does offer other opportunities, but none, in my opinion, as important as representation for its membership.

We owe Dan and Dave a great deal of gratitude for their trips to Columbus without reimbursement, except perhaps for mileage, to fight for our pension plan and health care benefits. When they speak on our behalf, they need the support of the membership to let the politicians know that they are speaking for all of us who belong to ORTA and PCRTA. I could not imagine trying to live without that pension-having to call upon social services, or Medicaid, or tax payer-funded public assistance to survive.
So if you think $40.00 per year is too expensive, please reconsider your decision. Membership numbers count for representation! Please renew if you have not yet done so. Ask other retired teachers to join also.


The new changes in our pension plan have been in the works since 2009, when our representatives and others realized that, due to the investment market downturn and demographic factors such as members living longer and the recession, the STRS pension plan could not remain solvent without some change. More detail about the process and changes can be found at www.strsoh.org/legislation/legislation.html.

Personally, I could not imagine trying to live without that pension-having to call upon social services, or Medicaid, or tax payer-funded public assistance to survive.

So if you think $40 per year is too expensive, please reconsider your decision. Membership numbers count for representation! Please renew if you have not yet done so. Ask other retired teachers to join also.

08-15-12 Invite Possible New Members!

If you know of someone who should be on this list of 2012 Retirees or if your school is having a picnic or an event for retirees and you would be willing to pass out some PCRTA brochures, please call Membership Chair, Helena Parry at 330-673-0577 or send her an email at www.hmparry@att.net.

Personal contact is the best way to invite new members. If you know one or two of these retirees, give them a call and invite them to come to the next luncheon. If they say yes, pick them up and bring them along.

Welcome to our newest members!

Theresa (Terri) Thomas retired in 2010 from Crestwood Schools.

Alan Balog retired from Ravenna Schools.

Cathy Steele retired in 1999 from Rootstown Schools.

Connie Leidel retired in 2005 from Ravenna City Schools.

June-July 2012 Membership News

Sixty-nine letters of invitation to join the PCRTA along with a free lunch ticket and a PCRTA brochure went out to recent retirees from the schools in Portage County. 
Mike Hardy hand delivered 15 to the Kent City Schools while most of the other schools permitted us to send the information through the Portage County Educational Service Center mail to various schools.

Thanks to the superintendents and their secretaries who distributed our information, free tickets and brochures to their retirees.

April-May 2012 Membership Committee REady to Gear up for new 2012 Retirees

In November, we completed our letter campaign inviting teachers who were listed by STRS as having retired from Portage County Schools within the past two years to join the PCRTA. 

During the next few months, we made phone calls to those who had received letters in November.  Next we gave handouts at the Retired Field Teachers and Rootstown Retired Teachers luncheons.

Last we handed out letters of invitation and our membership brochure to the thirty some teachers who attended the recent Pre-Retirement Workshop.

So now, it is time again to get ready to get membership information out to those teachers who will be retiring this year from the Portage County Schools.

If you are from the northern part of the county, I need people from the Crestwood and Garfield areas to help get a list of upcoming retirees.  Please contact me at 330-673-0577 or at hmparry@att.net if you know of people who are retiring from any Portage County school.

Our recruiting efforts have brought in a few members in the past few months.  This is a good thing, but we still need everyone to continue to think of at least one retired teacher you know who is not yet a member of the PCRTA and give them a call.  If there is someone who wants our new brochure, please let me know.                                                                                               

January-March 2012 Membership Committee Hard at Work

The task of recruiting and retaining membership is a huge project.  We appreciate members who are willing to call teachers who have retired and not yet joined PCRTA, or who are   willing to invite a new retiree who has not yet joined PCRTA to one of our luncheons, or invite them to check out our website at http://www.pcrta.net/.

This past November, Ron Snowberger, Adele and William Fussner, and I addressed 175   letters to prospective retirees for membership.  Now we have several members making    personal phone calls as a follow -up to those mailings.  Those helping with the phoning     include Dave and Pat Gynn, Ron Snowberger, Marlene Strebler, Adele Fussner, Nancy Granville, Kay Wise, Mike Hardy, Darlene Fetterhoff, Jan Zimmerman, Betty Davis and myself.

Betty Davis, membership committee member, is meeting with retired teachers from     Rootstown in March at an informal luncheon where she will distribute brochures, letters, and offer a personal invitation to join PCRTA . 

Lifetime PCRTA Members, Barb Bryner and Judy Hendershot are also willing to recruit at the informal luncheons of the Field Local Retirees.  This plan seems to be a good idea, so if some of you meet with former retirees on a social level, please let me know if you need   materials to hand out.  Membership forms are posted on the web site as well.

Contact me at hmparry@att.net or at 330-30-673-0577 with questions or suggestions for the Membership Committee.


Welcome to our new members who have joined us since November, 2011

Jerry B. Clavner retired in 2010 from Cuyahoga Community College.

Norma Jackman retired in 2010 from Green Local Schools.

Linda Little retired in 2011 from Ravenna City Schools.

Theresa Schoettler retired in 2011 from Cleveland Metropolitan Schools.

Debra L. Thompson retired in 2011 from Waterloo Schools.

Barbara Watkins retired in 2011 from Green Local Schools.

Patricia Yountz retired in 2011 from Southeast Schools.

June-July 2011 Help Us Find New 2011 Retirees!

As always we need everyone helping us to recruit new members. There is nothing more powerful and inviting than to receive from a friend or acquaintance a personal invitation to join a group.

To date our committee has sent out or has delivered 45 invitations to those we know of who are retiring from the Portage County Schools this year. The envelope the retirees received  included:

  • a letter of congratulations and information about the PCRTA,
  • one free lunch ticket to a PCRTA luncheon,
  • our local PCRTA brochure, and
  • an ORTA brochure.

Ten additional PCRTA brochures were sent out at the suggestion of Kathleen Eldridge, a committee representative from Rootstown, to teachers who had retired from Rootstown Schools at an earlier time.

Many thanks to Adele Fussner, who calls
all new members to welcome them; Marge Conroy (Field contact); Kathleen Eldridge and Betty Davis (Rootstown contacts); Mike Hardy (Kent contact); Kay Wise (Ravenna contact); Carol Rudlosky (Southeast contact); Earl Kilchenman (Waterloo contact); Saroj Sutaria ( KSU contact); and Jan Zimmerman (Crestwood contact).

I delivered packets to Streetsboro,
Maplewood, and to the Portage County Educational Service Center courier for Windham and Aurora. We have had no response as yet from Garfield. One of the problems we are having this year is that some of the schools were very cooperative and asked for a certain number of packets to distribute to their retirees; however, they did not supply us a list of names of the retirees. We do have a list of names of retirees for Ravenna, Field, Rootstown, and Crestwood. If you can help get a list of names of retirees from other county schools not mentioned above, please email me at hmparry@att.net or call me at 330-673-0577.


Say Hello to Our Newest Members:

Bonnie Harper
               Retired from Field                  2009
Patricia Pownall             Retired from Crestwood          1995

April-May 2011 The Value of Personal Contact

Dave Gynn, Ron Snowberger, and I met to look over some of the best practices in recruiting and retaining membership. Much of what was done in the past by the PCRTA Membership Committee has proved to be very successful.

We are looking to continue many of the procedures and practices; however, the best method mentioned in recruiting new members is to make a personal contact.

If you know of someone who is retiring, or who retired earlier but who has not yet joined the PCRTA, let them know about our websites www.pcrta.net, and www.orta.org. Let them know that it is important to keep our local voices heard at the state level, which is dependent upon our local membership.

We are also working to find more people who are willing to help get names of retirees from the various county schools. Thus far, Kay Wise is handling Ravenna City Schools, Marge Conroy is taking care of Field Local Schools, Saroj Sutaria will handle Kent State University,
Kathleen Eldridge and Betty Davis will contact Rootstown Schools, Mike Hardy will cover Kent City Schools, Carol Rudlosky will take care of Southeast Schools, and
Earl Kilchenman will handle Waterloo Schools.

A few other former committee members have not yet replied to my request for them to continue helping to get name lists. If you still have contacts from your school who could help, please contact me, Helena Parry, at hmparry@att.net or call 330-673-0577.

The committee will soon be launching a membership drive sending or handing out a packet with our PCRTA brochure, the ORTA brochure, a letter of congratulations to newly retired teachers, and one free luncheon ticket for the PCRTA luncheon of their choice if they cannot come in September.

Therefore, you see, the membership committee needs your involvement for it to be successful. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

Retiring Membership Chairman
Art Fesymer

January-March 2011 Membership Status

Many thanks go to Art Fesemyer who has been the past membership chairman and  has worked hard to build up the number of our members.  He devised the attractive membership brochure that we now use.  He also built up his committee by involving one person to represent each school district. Many thanks to you, Art, for your dedicated work.

Welcome to Helena Parry who will be our new Membership Chair for 2011-2012.  We all need to work with her to increase our chapter membership.

The future of satisfactory retirement is in the hands of our Ohio legislature.  PCRTA and ORTA membership have always been an important influence on retirement legislation.  A recent change in our bylaws provides that only dual membership in ORTA and PCRTA are available to new members. Current PCRTA memberships will be grandfathered.

If you are a PCRTA/ORTA Life Member, thank you for your continued support. 

If you are a PCRTA-only Life Member, you may continue to renew your annual ORTA membership or join ORTA as a life member.

If you are an annual ORTA and PCRTA Member, you may continue to renew your memberships annually for as long as you like. 

If you are an annual PCRTA-only Member, you may continue to renew your membership  annually before December for the  following year.  You are encouraged to add ORTA to your membership as we are a stronger organization when we are united.

If you are an Associate Member, you may continue to renew your membership by paying annual dues.  Spouses or non-educators may attend luncheons as guests and do not need to become associate members or they may join PCRTA/ORTA.

Say Hello to Our Newest Members!

Beverly ColeTallmadge City SchoolsBonnie ShimmelPlain Local Schools
Patricia Farley Akron SchoolsJanet SnowbergerKent City Schools    
Carol FlexerUniversity of AkronCarol StokesKent State University
Donna HajekKent City SchoolsRobert StokesKent State University
Helen HolbrookGarfield SchoolsJacquelyn SwandaGarfield Schools
Carolyn MischlerField SchoolsHarvey WarnerRavenna City Schools
Jeanna PisegnaKent City SchoolsDolores WinklerRootstown Schools
Jean PorterKent State UniversityRichard WorthingKent State University
Marcena RogersSoutheast SchoolsJanet ZimmermanCrestwood Schools

November-December 2010  Recruiting, Retaining, and Reclaiming Members

    A big  thank-you is extended to the people who served on the Membership Committee this year. The last count I received from Darlene is that we have had 50 retirees join us this year, and that we now have 469 members in PCRTA.

 The members of this years committee are Tom Campana, Adele Fussner, Kay Wise, Saroj Sutaria, Carol Rudlosky, Merrilu Ritz, Jane Bridge, Pat Eichler, and Earl Kilchenmann. We also received powerful assistance from David Gynn.  The person who helped us the most and without whom we could not have had such a good recruiting year is our Treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff.  All of Darlene's efforts and the help of the committee members are truly appreciated.

Membership falls into three main areas: Recruiting new members, Retaining  current members, and  Reclaiming former members.

We learned this year that recruiting will be increasingly difficult as it depends so much on getting the names and addresses of those teachers who are planning to retire. School secretaries are very much aware of the privacy laws and cannot cooperate fully with our     organization no matter how much they might want to help.

This means that our pre-retirement workshops are going to be much more important now than they have been in the past.  In other years we received a list of all the school retirees who currently receive retirement checks and who reside in Portage County. We checked off the retirees who were already members of ORTA and PCRTA and then sent letters to the retired educators who had not joined.                                                

We did not get a master list this year; and  it is doubtful that will get lists in the future, making it more difficult to recruit new members.

The most important part of retaining members is to show them that what we do is relevant and important. It has been written often that "perception is reality" which means to me that we have to let present members know what we are accomplishing, and that they are part of it.

Members can take great pride in our scholarship program, our volunteer efforts, our collecting books and purchasing writing materials for students, the monitoring tests at NEOUCOM and supporting legislative efforts; but it also means having really good meetings where important issues are discussed, with stimulating programs, and where there is time for socializing. 

Reclaiming members who have let their memberships expire is important. First,  Darlene mails postcards to these people as a reminder, and if there is no response, the committee members start phoning. Most people do not mind being called, but with so many phone calls being made requesting funds these days, we sometimes are met with hostility. 

We want to give credit to the county school delivery system, as administered by the Educational Service Center in Ravenna.   The people there cooperated fully with PCRTA.  Information to the local and city schools was delivered without cost in a timely and efficient manner, and their help is gratefully acknowledged.    

Wecome to Our Newest Members: 

Sandra Silvidi 
BEDFORD CITY SCHOOL             Kenneth Smith
BOARDMAN SCHOOLS                Sally Sampson
CRESTWOOD SCHOOLS              Frank Ted Poole
FIELD SCHOOLS                      Charles Chylsta
GARFIELD SCHOOLS                  Barbara Keller
                                              Joan  Weber
KENT CITY SCHOOLS                 Keith Benjamin
                                              Georgian Darah
                                              Henry T. Hill
                                              Mary Anne Kasper
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY           Nancy and Richard Bredemeir
                                             Theodore Harvey
                                             Joanne Swasey
                                                                    Harold Williams 
                                             H. David Mohan
                                              Robert S. Zais
KENSTON SCHOOLS                   Martha Phillips
MAPLE HEIGHTS                       Jeanne Pavlik 
ORANGE SCHOOLS                    Barbara Ottinger 
RAVENNA CITY SCHOOLS           Susan Dyett
                                              Barbara Eaton
                                              Debbie Kiss
                                              Mary McCauley   

September-October 2010  Help Welcome the New Retirees to PCRTA

The Membership Committee is planning to   invite the 62 Portage County educators who retired this year to the September meeting. We decided to send personal invitations using their home addresses. All the names are listed in this newsletter. Members who know these retirees should phone them and extend       personal invitations.  The new retirees will need members to greet them and make them feel welcome at our September meeting.

The very attractive color brochure that the   committee is using for membership was designed by Jeff Kirby, the son of a PCRTA active member, Becky Kirby. When Jeff was in Portage County this past summer for a visit, he agreed to revise the brochure to include the increase in ORTA dues. Even though there was some question about including the Associate Member payment of $5, we decided to retain it. Now it looks as though the organization may vote to eliminate this.

The Ravenna Community Guide for 2010-11 arrived with the Record Courier. Listed on the cover is the price ($2.00) and the web address. Our guide was free since it was included along with the newspaper.

Just about every active organization in the city is described in the booklet. It disappointed me that PCRTA was not listed.  We thought that possibly this was because PCRTA is a county organization, but there are other county organizations that are listed.

Next year, the Membership Committee would like to have a PCRTA descriptive paragraph in the Community Guide. Can you picture what we could include for PCRTA?

We could stress that we have nearly 400 members and that meetings are held six times a year. The members are actively  involved with community activities, award scholarships, enjoy fellowship, proctor tests at NEOUCOM, provide volunteer services, influence legislation, and so much more.

Would this help to maintain or increase the number of members we have?  It may or may not, but at least the readers would know that PCRTA exists and is very active. 

Philip Dusenberry wrote, "I have always  believed that writing advertisements is the second most profitable form of writing. The first, of course, is ransom notes..." When we set PCRTA goals for 2011, I think we should seriously consider advertising PCRTA by  being included in the Community Guides.

June-August 2010  Keep Our Membership Numbers Climbing!

One of the very nice things that happened to the Membership Committee lately was to have Adele Fussner join the group.  The  first task Adele undertook was to phone  some of the latest PCRTA members and welcome them into the association.  It is so important that new members feel welcome.  No one else is better suited for doing this than Adele.  We want to thank Adele for volunteering to help.

The most important news from ORTA is that ORTA annual dues will increase from $20 to $30 after DECEMBER 1, and life membership will increase from $300 to $500 after SEPTEMBER 1.

Talk about change!  This is a large increase in ORTA's dues; however, it is the first increase in ten years. We were reminded of Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, when he wrote "nothing endures but change."  Or even my wife's favorite Robert Burns' quotation from To a Mouse: "The best laid schemes of mice and men aft go agley."

Our original committee plan, in addition to contacting the 62 teachers who retired this year, was to concentrate our efforts on retaining our present members and to contact teachers who reside in Portage County and have not yet joined the PCRTA and to ask them to consider membership.

The sudden news from ORTA about the  increase in dues meant that we had to drastically revise our plans.  There was not enough time to assemble the entire committee, so Helena Parry, President David Gynn, and I met and made plans for making the changes.

The 62 new retirees had already received invitations to join the associations, but none were notified that there would be an increase in dues.  We decided that we needed a new package of materials to be distributed to every school in the county BEFORE the start of summer vacation.

In the packet for each school, we planned to include our "Ohio Major Newspapers Put Public Pensions Under Attack" collage, a copy of the latest ORTA quarterly, and  posters for the bulletin boards that listed the changes in dues.  We also included a letter from David Gynn with the title "Preparation for Retirement" and some of our current applications, where our current dues are listed.  We also added a notice for the upcoming Pre-Retirement Workshop scheduled for October 19 at the United Methodist Church in Kent.

Thanks to the cooperation of the staff at the Educational Service Center in Ravenna all the packets were delivered through their inter-school service.

One has to hope that the efforts of the  committee will help to maintain and even  increase our membership.        


April-May 2010  The Membership Committee and the Three R's

Webster's Dictionary defines collage as "an art form in which bits of objects, such as newspapers, cloth, pressed flowers, etc. are pasted together on a surface." 

In the mailing from PCRTA to potential members this year, we used a one-page collage containing parts of headlines and articles that have recently appeared in Ohio newspapers regarding Ohio pensions. We borrowed this idea from a mailing that went out state-wide from PERS and seemed to be effective. 

The headline at the top of the sheet we used screams: "Ohio Major Newspapers Put Public Pensions Under Attack." Below this headline the collage featured excerpts from The Akron Beacon Journal, The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Record-Courier, The Cincinnati Enquirer, The Toledo Blade, The Columbus Dispatch, The Canton Repository, and The Dayton Daily News. 

The message we tried to get across to  potential PCRTA members is that while our pension plan is being closely examined all over Ohio, you should seriously think about joining the only organizations that represent you where it counts - in the  legislative bodies.  

In addition to the collage, a color PCRTA membership brochure was included that emphasizes the theme: "We Need You....You Need Us." A list of services that are provided locally to members followed. This year we received some colored brochures from ORTA that answer the questions of "Why, What, Where, and When" that people ask about the organizations.  

President David Gynn wrote a letter that is part of the mailing too, and it begins: "Welcome to retirement and the next  chapter in your life." He points out that PCRTA and ORTA are the only organizations formed to preserve and improve benefits for retired teachers. In the package of  materials that we will provide for this year's retirees, we also included a copy of the most recent PCRTA newsletter.  

The goal of the Membership Committee is still the 3 R's: to Reclaim former members; to Retain present members; and to Recruit new members while we strive to protect and improve our STRS pensions. The members of the Committee hope that the materials we prepared this year will help to convince educators who are receiving STRS pensions that we need them and they definitely need us.   

Say Hello to Our Newest Members:

Lynn Garver      Cuyahoga Falls Schools

Jerry May         Southeast Schools

David Moulton   Maplewood Career Center

Maryann Ray     Akron City Schools


The PCRTA Membership Committee is gearing up for another year. I want to thank Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Pat Eichler, Earl Kilchenman, Merrielu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky, Saroj Sutaria and Kay Wise for serving on the committee this year. It is really an uplifting experience when people accept this responsibility. After all, it is a voluntary position with no compensation except the feeling that you will be helping your colleagues who have retired or who will retire to a future that is secure and, hopefully, comfortable. We also have an "ex officio" member without whom we could not possibly be successful. That, of course, is our treasurer Darlene Fetterhoff.

If ever there was a year when we really need to increase our membership, this is the year. All of us who benefit from the retirement system we now have should join together to show the public and the legislators that our present system is working well. It really is.

We read in our newspapers statements such as "some taxpayers are irked as they watch the guaranteed benefits of government employees" and "government employees' pensions are guaranteed." Tom Ash, the lobbyist for the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, claims that in private meetings legislators are seriously talking about converting our Defined Benefits Retirement Plan to the 401K-type system.

Yet we as ORTA members with our defined benefits can look forward to a lifetime benefit that we will not outlive while those enrolled in the 401K retirement plans do not have that assurance as recent financial events show. Envy is not a good reason for the editors to criticize our retirement plans.

Somehow, we have to convince the non-members who are retired and living in Portage County and drawing pensions that our strength comes from unity, and we need them to help by joining the 388 PCRTA AND ORTA members we now have.

The committee will appreciate anything you can do to convince non-members to join us and let them know how dependent we are on legislative processes. All of us should be involved with keeping our retirement system strong.


HOW TO GET NEW MEMBERS   November-December 2009

After distributing packets of membership information to this year's retirees, the committee mailed an additional 210 letters and brochures to retirees who reside in Portage County and receive STRS pension checks.  We hope that some of these will choose to join our retirement organizations.

National Public Radio has a weekly program named appropriately "Science Friday."   The award-winning host of the program is Ira Flatow, who keeps his listeners informed about the latest developments in science.  Frequently when a guest is getting ready to leave, Flatow asks a question such as, "If you were granted unlimited funds, what would you use the money for to improve the research you are now doing?"

So we have been thinking, as they say, "outside the box" for what the Membership Committee could do to increase our membership if we had a blank check. 

Immediately we thought about using television commercials and purchasing full-page ads in the local paper.  We could hire a professional organization to phone the more than 1000 retires who reside in Portage County but are not members and invite them to join.  Of course, with unlimited funds we could provide gifts and free meals, too.  But realistically, we know we have to work with our budget.

Merrielu Ritz, a committee member, sent me an e-mail that perhaps illustrates the most effective way to increase our membership.  She wrote, "I may have found another new member, Marjorie Evans.  She said she doesn't know why she never joined; perhaps no one ever asked her.  She doesn't remember being asked. So I asked her and sent her an application. We'll see how this works."

In this the last newsletter of the year, I want to express my thanks and appreciation to this year's committee:  Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Merrielu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky,  Saroj Sutaria, and Kay Wise for their efforts.  Additionally all of us are grateful for the help we received this year from our treasurer, Darlene Fetterhoff.  Even though it is a little depressing to realize how many potential members reside in Portage County and haven't chosen to join the retirement organizations, we still have to live with hope and will keep trying.

Welcome New Members!

Judy Bills                    Ravenna City Schools
Joe Huber                  Streetsboro City Schools
Joseph Kocian            Shaker Heights Schools
Bonnie Oliver             Maplewwod Career Center
Orlando Reyes           Associate Member
Rose Mary Reyes
Carolyn Scherer         Associate Member

Welcome to the Retiring Class of 2009

AURORA CITY SCHOOLS- Linda Arnold, Becky Bell, Renee Caninoti, Sarah Hillyer,  Deborah Rogers

CRESTWOOD SCHOOLS- Jan Carnes, Sara Gardner, Rosemary Reyes, Ruth Wagner

FIELD SCHOOLS- Bian Bolls, Bonnie Harper, Joy Kettering

GARFIELD SCHOOLS- Stephanie Byrne, Debbie Cross (moved to Florida), Mike Hagans

KENT CITY SCHOOLS- Ed Becker, Bruce Hundt, Susan Johnson, Sue Kepler, Gigi Smolko


RAVENNA CITY SCHOOLS- Judy Bills, Carol Canfora, James Corrigal, John Keegan, Elaine May, Donna Roberto, JoAnn Stikes, Dorothy Waickman


SOUTHEAST SCHOOLS- Beth McEuan, Marcena Rogers


WATERLOO SCHOOLS- Carolyn Brakluch, Brian Broda, Dale Hartzell, John Herchek

All new 2009 teacher retirees are invited to attend the September  luncheon as our guests!  They all received letters, brochures, and a copy of the last newsletter, but they won't get a copy of this newsletter...so how will they know? 

Personal contact is the best way to enlist new members.  If you know one or two of these people, give them a call and invite them to come to the luncheon.  If they say yes, include them on your reservation form, pick them up and bring them along.

Like Ray says, if everyone just does a little part, we can really grow our association.  You don't have to be on the membership committee to be on the PCRTA membership team...we're all on the same team!

So...pick up your phone and give someone a call!

June-July 2009

Many thanks to the following members who have  volunteered to be on the Membership Committee this year: Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Adele Fussner, Merrielu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky, Saroj Sutaria, Gordon Weber, and Kay Wise.

The PCRTA Executive Board suggested that some changes should be made to our new color brochure before the master went to the printer. We sent the board's  ecommendations to the designer, Jeff Kirby, who made the changes. The new brochure came back to us by E-mail in a PDF form that the printers requested. When we asked for  estimates for printing the brochures,  we were amazed at the difference in prices.  The lowest cost (and the one we chose) was 49 cents each, and the closest to this was 77 cents. But some of the estimates were over a dollar each.

We now have received the revised brochures and are ready to start our mailing. We are still hoping that we will receive an STRS updated list of those retired teachers who reside in Portage County, but if it does not arrive, we will use the list from last year and update it.

We are always looking for reasons to induce new  retirees to join our organizations. There is one reason that does not apply to all retired teachers,  but it does affect a sizable number, more than we  had suspected. We have had complaints not only from STRS members but also from PERS retirees who also worked under the social security program.  They feel that the legislation that reduces their Social Security payments just because they are part of a public retirement system is grossly unfair.

ORTA has been trying to get the Social Security Fairness Act of 2009 passed by the House of Representatives. We think potential members of PCRTA might want to help with this effort.  They can do this by joining the retirement organizations. The ORTA Spring Quarterly has provided a model letter that can be modified and sent to legislators, but this contact information was not available to non-members.  The Membership Committee feels that a unified effort is our best bet to get this legislation passed.

Other issues we ask potential members to consider when they are thinking about joining, are the rapidly rising costs of health insurance  and the fluctuations of the stock market that affect everyone's pension; plus there are services like  long-term care, dental and vision plans, and the newest insurance now available for emergency transportation that are available to members.

We realize that there is just no substitute for  personal contact when it comes to maintaining or increasing our  membership. And although this has a nice sound, it has proved to be a very difficult if not an impossible task. What we have done is to enclose a personal letter with each application; in the letter we emphasize the many benefits of membership. Near the close of the letter, we use the phrase that we hope will be effective again this year: "We really do need you, and you really do need us."

April-May 2009

Members of last year's Membership Committee certainly worked hard, and their efforts are truly appreciated.  We started 2008 with only 345 dual members, and ended the year with 418.  When we add the associate members, our membership total is 460.  Want to help this year?  Contact me at afesemyer@neo.rr.com.

Many thanks to the following members who have  volunteered to be on the Membership Committee this year: Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Adele Fussner, Merrielu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky, Saroj Sutaria, Gordon Weber, and Kay Wise. 

The PCRTA Executive Board suggested that some changes should be made to our new color brochure before the master went to the printer. We sent the board's  ecommendations to the designer, Jeff Kirby, who made the changes. The new brochure came back to us by E-mail in a PDF form that the printers requested. When we asked for  estimates for printing the brochures,  we were amazed at the difference in prices.  The lowest cost (and the one we chose) was 49 cents each, and the closest to this was 77 cents. But some of the estimates were over a dollar each.

Many thanks to the following members who have  volunteered to be on the Membership Committee this year: Jane Bridge, Tom Campana, Adele Fussner, Merrielu Ritz, Carol Rudlosky, Saroj Sutaria, Gordon Weber, and Kay Wise.

The PCRTA Executive Board suggested that some changes should be made to our new color brochure before the master went to the printer. We sent the board's  ecommendations to the designer, Jeff Kirby, who made the changes. The new brochure came back to us by E-mail in a PDF form that the printers requested. When we asked for  estimates for printing the brochures,  we were amazed at the difference in prices.  The lowest cost (and the one we chose) was 49 cents each, and the closest to this was 77 cents. But some of the estimates were over a dollar each.

We now have received the revised brochures and are ready to start our mailing. We are still hoping that we will receive an STRS updated list of those retired teachers who reside in Portage County, but if it does not arrive, we will use the list from last year and update it.

We are always looking for reasons to induce new  retirees to join our organizations. There is one reason that does not apply to all retired teachers,  but it does affect a sizable number, more than we  had suspected. We have had complaints not only from STRS members but also from PERS retirees who also worked under the social security program.  They feel that the legislation that reduces their Social Security payments just because they are part of a public retirement system is grossly unfair.

ORTA has been trying to get the Social Security Fairness Act of 2009 passed by the House of Representatives. We think potential members of PCRTA might want to help with this effort.  They can do this by joining the retirement organizations. The ORTA Spring Quarterly has provided a model letter that can be modified and sent to legislators, but this contact information was not available to non-members.  The Membership Committee feels that a unified effort is our best bet to get this legislation passed.

Other issues we ask potential members to consider when they are thinking about joining, are the rapidly rising costs of health insurance  and the fluctuations of the stock market that affect everyone's pension; plus there are services like  long-term care, dental and vision plans, and the newest insurance now available for emergency transportation that are available to members.

We realize that there is just no substitute for personal contact when it comes to maintaining or increasing our  membership. And although this has a nice sound, it has proved to be a very difficult if not an impossible task. What we have done is to enclose a personal letter with each application; in the letter we emphasize the many benefits of membership. Near the close of the letter, we use the phrase that we hope will be effective again this year: "
We really do need you, and you really do need us."

Membership Form

Copyright 2014. PCRTA.  All rights reserved.  Connie Evans, Webmaster