
Dan McCombs

Legislature by Dan McCombs

04-01-2014 LEGISLATIVE: by Dan McCombs

While the past few months at the state level have been relatively quiet on the legislative front, except for the ongoing budget saga, the federal scene has gotten very interesting. It is time to get our trusty e-mails and phone calls ready for Tim Ryan, Rob Portman, and Sherrod Brown. It looks as though the federal government is considering implementing mandatory social security to newly hired state and local government employees. The latest issue of the ORTA Quarterly has a comprehensive article regarding this and several other options for reducing the deficit.  The only positive move coming out of Washington is the annual attempt to get rid of the unfair GPO and WEP rules that unfairly prevent persons with state pensions from collecting what they earned from social security.  It appears that we will never lose the need to keep our legislators’ feet to the fire when it comes to protecting our pensions.  This really underscores our mission to push membership so we can have clout with our representatives and senators.  Let them know how you feel about these issues.  Dan

August - September
Look at Changes in the Budget Bill - Promises Forgotten

How long before we get a budget bill from Columbus that will make retired teachers happy?  Bruce Hodges, the ORTA Legislative Chairperson shared the following tidbits from the latest budget bill.  Knowledge of the bill will enable us to better prepare for our futures.  We must continue lobbying and voting for people who respect our positions on legislation.   

The K-12 funding portion of the bill was increased in conference committee.  However, even with these additional resources, the budget is approximately $515 million short of restoring the $1.8 billion in reductions that school districts experienced as a result of the last budget cycle. 

Another major setback in the budget is the expansion of vouchers.  This proposal expands vouchers statewide even in the highest performing school districts. About 2,000 vouchers are funded for the 2013-2014 school year with the amount doubling in the following year.
The budget bill also included a section on teacher evaluation where student growth will make up 50% of a teacher's evaluation.

HB59 contains many changes to tax policy that will provide approximately a $2.6 billion tax cut over the next three years predominately for the benefit of higher income Ohioans.  This will reduce the available revenues used to fund vital state supported programs.  The top 1 percent ($335,000 and over) on average will get tax cuts of more than $6,000 a year and the bottom fifth of Ohioans will pay $12 more per year.
Finally, the new law limits the application of the 12.5% property tax rollback by not applying the rollback to newly voted/new or replacement levies that become effective in or after tax year 2014.  Earlier passed levies will still be subject to the rollback.  This will make levy passage much more difficult.  We need to remember that the legislature promised the rollback when they passed the state income tax!!! How times change and how soon we forget promises.

Remember how important our membership continues to be in letting our representatives know we represent a lot of retirees.  Keep up the good work and continue to contact our representatives with our opinions. 

June-July 2012 One Step Forward,Two steps back:  Avoid Federal Intervention

Here I was hoping for a relaxed summer after three long years of fighting the STRS Pension battles.  Dave Gynn sent me information regarding the Public Employees Pension Transparency Act (known as PEPTA).  Devin Nunes, a Republican Representative of California and others introduced this legislation on April 18, 2013. 

Currently state pension systems have rigorous regulations and accounting standards in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. PEPTA creates a worrisome precedent regarding Federal regulation of state and local governments and taxation of their bonds.  It does this by mandating a costly and complex layer of Federal reporting on top of what is already required. 

The legislation also requires state and locals to report as though they are invested only in U.S. Treasuries, not the diversified portfolios actually in use.  This will create a false picture of the true condition of public pension plans and mislead taxpayers, frighten investors, and confuse policymakers. Also, PEPTA does not lower taxpayer costs as suggested, nor does it increase transparency and understanding of pension systems. 

Ohio has made positive changes in our pension system over the past few years.  We don't need Federal intervention. It has also come to my attention recently that the Congress is revisiting the takeover of our retirement systems and potentially placing them under Social Security.
Please join me in letting our Representatives and Senators know that we are totally opposed to these two measures.  I guess we will never be able to relax our vigilance when it comes to watching our leaders in our nation's Capitol.

I will keep you posted regarding any changes in the two above-mentioned pieces of legislation.

April-June 2012 Legislative Report:  Should Ohio Be a "Right to Work State?"

I want to alert you to the direction the legislature is taking on a very important issue for unions. It appears that the legislature is looking at a proposal to make Ohio a "Right to Work" state. This means that private unions in our state will lose their ability to mandate that employees in union shops or industries pay dues or have to belong to the union. This will have a significant impact on unions having the ability to help finance election campaigns like the other Political Action Committees do. Let your representatives know that you strongly oppose such legislation. We need to keep a level playing field for elections. At its March meeting the STRS Retirement Board approved the following revisions to the organization's mission, vision and guiding principals as follows:                                                                                                                 

Guiding Principles:                                                                                                                                                                    

1. Make decisions that produce the greatest sustainable benefits for our members. 
2. Attract, develop and retain highly competent and motivated associates who have authority commensurate with their responsibilities.                                                                                                                                                                   

3. Continually improve through research, development, evaluation and risk management.                                                                   

4. Build an organizational culture that inspires a high level of professionalism and performance.

Strategic Goals:    
1. Implement STRS Ohio pension legislation into business rules and systems.                                                                      

2. Develop options for the Health Care Fund that supports the STRS Ohio Health Care Program.                                         

3. Ensure a level of quality service to STRS Ohio members.                                                                                                          

4. Attract, develop and retain a high quality STRS Ohio workforce.                                                                                            

5. Refine the STRS Ohio Defined Contribution and Combined Plans to maintain a quality retirement for members.                                                                                                                                                                                

6. Improve overall investment performance within acceptable risk parameters as set forth in the STRS Ohio Statement of Investment Objectives and Policy.

November-December 2012 Our Pensions are Solvent - Thanks to your effort!

After three long years of being involved in the future of our pension system, we can now announce that the Governor has signed into law a bill that will keep our STRS pensions solvent for the next thirty years. 

I want to thank the members of the legislature for adopting a bi-partisan approach to this much needed legislation. My fears that a defined contribution plan would replace our current defined benefits plan were not realized.  This will probably become the most important part of a bill in the future. 

There are so many people to thank for this outcome, including the leadership of STRS, ORTA and the other state pension systems.  Our own David Gynn deserves a real thanks for his behind-the-scenes work.  What a great leader he has been for ORTA and the retirees in Portage County. I wish that all retired teachers could see the tangible results of membership.  We cannot ease our vigilance on the legislature by sitting back and letting others do our job. 

Get your friends to join PCRTA and ORTA so we can continue to let our representatives in Columbus know that we represent a large constituency and expect their support regardless of political affiliation.  Finally, let me personally thank each of you who took the time to contact our representatives to let them know our feelings about the importance of our pensions.

August-September 2012 Legislative Report: Seak Out for Your Pension System's Solvency

I hope your summer has been as eventful and fun as mine has.  We really know that the legislature should be well rested for their fall session leading up to the election. It is time to let our representatives know how we feel about our pension system and ask them to support the STRS effort to make it more solvent. 

I had the pleasure to visit with a husband and wife from New Jersey last week and was amazed to find out that Ohio's pension systems for teachers and police are in a lot better shape than theirs.  The husband is a retired policeman and his wife is a retired elementary school teacher.  What the governor of New Jersey and many of the municipalities have done to balance their budgets, is to borrow money from the retirement systems and to not have any plans to pay them back. I hope Ohio doesn't follow this example!
We need to keep on top of our representatives and make our feelings heard.  Sooner is better than later.  Also, as I have preached many times to you, THE CHOIR, we need more members to be an effective lobbying organization representing retired teacher interests.  Get out and shake the bushes to get your non-involved friends to join our tremendous organization. All of us must be unofficial members of the membership committee. I hope to see all of you this fall with a renewed sense of enthusiasm for the task at hand!

June-July 2012 Legislative Report:  ORTA Supports STRS Pension Reform Positions

Hope you are having a relaxed summer before the hectic political campaigns inundate the airwaves.  Even though it is a long time until the November Presidential election, I am already tired of the negative political banter found on all stations all the time.

My major concern this year is that many people will not even vote in the upcoming election. Too many are getting turned off by the negative campaigning.  It still appears that the Ohio House of Representatives will not address our pension concerns until after the fall election. This delay in action on their part is costing the retirement systems millions of dollars in uncollected employee contributions. 

Please note that ORTA has supported the position of STRS regarding pension reform so we can continue to enjoy a stable and beneficial retirement. Even though it probably will result in a lowering of the COLA (Cost Of Living Adjustment) and larger employee contributions, it makes sense over the long run. 
Please join me in letting our Portage County House members know where we stand on the STRS proposal.  Have a great Summer and get ready to cast your ballot in the Fall.


April - May 2011 Legislative Report:  Our Country Needs Your Involvement! 

The most critical issue facing us in the upcoming political year is what will happen to our pensions.  As you probably recall, the STRS pension reform proposal from 2011 no longer meets the 30-year funding period required by the Ohio Legislature.

At its March 22, 2012 meeting, the Retirement Board discussed several revisions aimed at meeting the 30-year amortization goal.

Among these changes being considered will be a potential cap on the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) that is paid in retirement, and/or a one year COLA suspension.

Staff was also asked to consider ways to smooth the transition to new retirement eligibility rules that will include a longer teaching career and an age requirement to qualify for retirement. STRS says that additional considerations will include member contribution phase-in, age and service eligibility and giving the board authority to adjust the plan in the future.

 Plan design changes has been presented to the STRS Board in April.  The staff is also to meet with the Healthcare and Pension Advocates (ORTA is a member) to provide feedback on their proposals.

I don't know about you, but I am getting increasingly frustrated with the negative direction the Presidential Primaries are  taking.  With the unleashing of huge amounts of money from the Super Pacs, I can only surmise how nasty the fall election will be.

Many people are becoming so discouraged that they will not even vote.  Even in Portage County, we had a small turnout in the Primary Election.  Can you imagine what will happen in the Fall? 

Please get involved in the process regardless of your party affiliation.  Our country needs your involvement.  Don't let the few determine the future for the many!      

January - March 2011 Watching and Waiting

Well, l here we go again, the start of a new legislative year.  Although this is a Presidential Election Year, we don't expect to see a great deal of legislation coming from Columbus until after the Fall election. 

The Republican House Caucus recently laid out its top priorities for the coming months, including workforce development programs; Jobs Ohio ll legislation; Bureau of Workers' Compensation  reforms; and another review process for K-12 education reform.  Rep. Ron Amstutz (R-Wooster) said he plans to launch a new round of conversations on education reform, including public hearings on how to fund and reform K-12 education in Ohio. 

This should prove to be very interesting and we will follow this very closely.  Pension reform is also going to be looked at by the caucus, however they are waiting on the Ohio Retirement Study Council's advice on the reform recommendations laid out by the five pension systems prior to taking any legislative action. 

The legislature is currently looking at prohibiting school districts from opening prior to Labor Day (Sub. HB191).  Also, Sub.HB 191 seeks to convert the minimum number of school days required in the school calendar to a minimum number of hours instead.  The number of days per week would not change, but the number of hours per day could.    

Don't forget to stay ready to react when you are needed.  Have a great year!!                                                        


November-December 2011  We Must Keep Our Defined Benefit Plan

Now that all the legwork has been done to assure a vote on the possible repeal of Senate Bill 5, our next important task is to see that our friends and members get out the vote this November.  I can't recall in the distant past a more critical reason to get to the polls.  If this doesn't energize the   electorate, then nothing will. 

I have been informed recently that the state legislature will not pass a pension reform bill  during this session.  It appears that they will delay action until the lame duck session next year. 

We cannot lose sight of this major legislation.  As retirees we must maintain our Defined Benefits system.  There will be a huge effort to change this to a Defined Contribution plan.  As we have discussed earlier, this has the potential to change our pensions from a plan that provides lifetime benefits we won't outlive, to a plan that is similar to a 401-K style defined contribution plan. 

Ohio's public pensions are not currently in a crisis and have not asked for state or federal  bailouts.  STRS reports that a 2008 National Institute on Retirement Security (NIRS) report found that a Defined Benefit Pension can deliver the same retirement income at almost half the cost as a Defined  Contribution plan. 

Remember, unlike many states, Ohio's public school pensions are funded by employee  contributions and board of education contributions.  Seventy-five percent of the retirement costs are paid by interest on investments by the STRS. 

We are truly blessed with the current system and should be willing to whatever is required to maintain it.  It is not too early to let our representatives know how we feel.  We must get involved before it is too late.  


Volunteer to fight SB5 in Portage County!  Volunteers are need to make phone calls or go door-to-door.  Contact Brad Cromes at 330-501-9960 or

September-October 2011  Pension Legislation on Hold

The Ohio Retirement Study Council Chairman, Senator Keith Faber (Rep-Celina) has put any pension legislation on hold until next year.  He had stated that he would hold public hearings this August, September and October around the state to get public input on proposals to strengthen the financial condition of the five pension systems. 
If these ORSC meetings take place, we need to be present to voice our support for the STRS position to insure the long term solvency of our pension system.  Our concern stems from the distinct possibility that persons will be there that will push for the Defined Contribution Plan that is in opposition to our current Defined Benefit Plan that most of us support.  We need to be alert to what is happening even if the legislation is put off until next year.

On a positive note, I am really pleased to announce that the referendum vote on SB5 will in fact be placed on the ballot where a "yes" vote will mean that you approve of keeping it, and a "no" vote will be a rejection of SB5.  Jon Husted, the Secretary of State for Ohio has       listened to the public and has agreed to the verbiage that we believed was the clearest way to present it on the ballot.  Don't hesitate to thank him for this very important move.                                           

Thanks from WE are Ohio

On behalf of We Are Ohio - the bipartisan, citizen-driven, community-based effort to repeal SB5, I would like to thank PCRTA for your help in circulating petitions against this unfair attack on Ohio teachers, and ask for your help in continuing the fight.

Together we gathered nearly 1.3 million signatures statewide - more than five times the number needed to reach the ballot. The numbers in Portage County are even more impressive. With over 14,000 signatures gathered, we surpassed our goal nearly ten times over-and an unheard of 85% of those signatures were valid!
Still, much work remains to educate voters about the bill and the need to repeal it. By just talking to your neighbors in person or on the phone, writing a letter to the editor, or putting a sign in your yard, you can do a lot to help make sure this bad law never goes into effect. We'll have phone banks and "walk and talk" events every week, so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.


Thanks again, and we look forward to sending a message by defending Ohio's teachers with you this November!  

If you can help, please contact We Are Ohio Field Organizer Brad Cromes at 330-501-9960 or                  

Brad Cromes                                                                               

June-July 2011  In Numbers, There Is Strength!  Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Thanks to all of you that took the time to contact our legislators regarding both SB5 and

the budget bill. At the current time, the 12% employee and 12% employer split has been removed from the senate version of the budget bill. How long it will stay out is anyone's guess. We need to keep the pressure on them until the bill finally passes. Hopefully you have had a chance to sign the SB5 referendum petition. Remember, this only means that the issue will be placed on the ballot this fall for us to vote it up or down. This attempt to restrict collective bargaining for the public sector has far-reaching consequences for current and future retirees.

The 129th General Assembly has been moving bills at a very fast pace. You can track them at or Remember that Teach for America educator licensure has already been passed and signed by the governor. This permits inner-city and rural districts to hire non-certified teachers at the expense of certified ones. Finally, we want to keep a close eye on SB3 and HB69 known as the pension reform bills. Keep up the good work and get others involved in our membership campaign. numbers, there is strength!

Link to The Ohio Consumers Counsel Needs Our Help

Link to Subcommittee Appointed by ORSC to Seek An Independent Actuary to Examine Pension Proposal Figures

Link to Social Security Fairness Act

April-May 2011  Legislative Chair: It's time to speak Up!

Thank goodness for the Internet.  I have been in North Carolina for the past six weeks, but I have not missed any news.  My subscription to the Record Courier has kept me current.  I am sorry to say that the news doesn't look any better down here in North Carolina than it does to you in Portage County.

This is not a good time to be a public employee in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana or New Jersey.  Fights over collective bargaining and public pensions have dominated the news. I, for one, never thought when I became a teacher back in 1961 that people would be jealous over my pension...especially when my friends in the private sector were making considerably more money than I was.

I stayed in a relatively low paying occupation because I loved the job and the security that came with it.  Please believe me when I say that the battle over keeping our Defined Benefits Pension is worth fighting for.  We must defend this position with our every fiber!  If the legislature changes our retirement to a Defined Contribution Plan, our profession will lose one of its most significant features.  We CANNOT let that happen!

Dave Gynn and I attended a very important ORTA Legislative Committee meeting in Columbus on April 19.  We are developing a strategy to combat what is happening in the legislature.  I also will report what ORTA's take is on collective bargaining (SB5) at our luncheon. 

As an organization, the Portage County Retired Teachers Association has a full plate.  It will take all of us to have a positive impact.  Please join us in sending messages  to our elected officials by phone, e-mail or letter that we need their support during this unprecedented attack on teachers’ rights.


January-March 2011  Legislative Chair Reports on Pension Changes 

This has been a very hectic new year as far as our current pension system is concerned.  Dave Gynn, Ron Snowberger and I attended a   meeting at the STRS headquarters on February 15 to meet with the Pension Champions Committee. This committee will address what our position will be in regards to the upcoming legislation dealing with our pension reforms. 

The pension bill (HB69) was introduced by Representative Wachtmann (R-Napoleon). There has also been some discussion of it at the Health and Aging Committee on February 2. Rumor has it that  the committee will address each pension system separately-ie. the age for retirement, final  average salary, and the COLA for all sytems.   To keep current, you can access the bill on the state web site:

The governor has made it clear that Boards of Education will not have an increase in their employee retirement compensation.  Only employees will be expected to have their rates increased. 
Also, the Ohio Senate has addressed the issue of Defined Benefits through the introduction of SB3, Senator Faber (R-Celina).  In the past Faber has favored Defined Contributions.  Hang on to your seats. We hope to be able to provide you with an update at our next regular meeting.Keep your powder dry and be prepared to contact your representatives when we call on you!!!                                

Candidate's Luncheon at Bellaria's on Ocotber 7th!

Over 30 PCRTA members attended.  The group had many questions and concerns for the candiates for the Ohio State Representive.

Todd McKenney, Dan McCombs (Moderator)
and Stephen Dyer, of District 43
Kathleen Clyde, Dan McCombs, W. Roak Zeller,
and Richard Duncan, of District 68

November-December 2010  How Will Election Changes Affect Retired Teachers?

By the time of our next luncheon meeting, the election results will be in.  I don’t possess a    crystal ball, but I suspect it wasn’t a very good election for the Democrats.

What will a change in state government mean to retired teachers and their pensions?

Our biggest worry will be how the lame duck legislature and the new legislature after the first of the year decide to handle the looming 8 billion dollar expected state deficit.

We need to remain on our toes and ready to act if they decide to tap into our hard-earned pension reserves. Even if the government says it will pay back any borrowed monies, we must vigorously oppose that potential action.

Based on what STRS is telling us, it appears that any action will wait until the next session to start in January of 2011.

I want to thank all of the members who took the time to meet with the candidates for the House of Representatives at Belleria’s on October 7th.  It is always good to let our  representatives know how we feel about issues that affect us.

I hope that we can continue this type of endeavor in the future.  It is a win for both the candidates and us. 

Your president Dave and I will be attending the ORTA Fall Conference in October.  I hope to share a more updated response to our medical insurance position at the November meeting.                                                  


September-October 2010  Who Will Represent Us in the Ohio House of Representatives?

It is that time of year again.  We need to talk to our potential representatives before this crucial election vote takes place in November. We have scheduled a Meet the Candidates Luncheon for the Ohio House of Representatives candidates from Portage County on October 7th. 

I will be asking you to sign up to attend at our next general meeting in September.  I hope we can get at least 30 volunteers to attend and listen to what these candidates have to say.     

I want you to come prepared to ask questions about their positions on the upcoming 8 billion dollar state budget deficit and what it might mean to our pension system.  This will be a great opportunity for us to get to know the candidates on a very personable level.   

Remember, no one is going to protect our pensions but ourselves!!! If we don't take time to ask tough questions to these potential representatives, we only have ourselves to blame for their actions. 

The cost for the meal including an excellent salad bar and a personal pizza is only $5 plus tax and tip.  Hope to see many of you volunteer to come.

The reason we are meeting so early, is because of the large number of absentee  voters in our organization.  We want you to hear the candidates before you cast your  ballot.                             

Mark Your Calendars Now!

June-August 2010  We Need to Keep Our Defined Benefit Pension System

We need to be ready to respond to the current financial shortfall in our State budget.  The  latest figure I have been hearing passed around Columbus is that we are facing an 8 billion dollar deficit for next year.

Since the State cannot operate with a deficit, cuts in expenditures will have to occur or new sources of funding will have to be developed.  When is the last time you recall a legislator or governor having enough backbone to utter the TAX word.  I don't think I will ever see it in my lifetime.

So where might the politicians look to borrow the funds to cover the shortfall?  You've got it...our pension system.

We need to be proactive in letting our representatives and our Governor know that we will not permit them to raid our pension system.  Even though they will tell us that they will pay it back, I personally am skeptical that they would do so.

Now is the time to act, not when the horse is out of the barn.  Write, call, or e-mail them to let them know you want our pension systems protected at all cost.  There continues to be a lot of pension jealousy out there in the public regarding our system.

There is a movement afoot to get us switch from our current defined benefits plan (where we get a defined stable source of revenue) to a defined contributions plan (a 401K-type that depends on the market and the economy).
National studies have recently found that our defined benefit plan can be run for nearly half the cost of a defined contribution plan.  West Virginia made the switch only to lose money for teachers and chose to go back to the defined benefit plan.

In closing, I want to continue to remind you that we need to also continue our fight to keep our pension system out of Social Security.  These our tough times, but with your help, there will be better days ahead.

Wouldn’t it be refreshing to read about positive changes in education rather than these difficult economic realities.    

April-May 2010  Legislative Chair - Lame Duck Legislature Woes

I can't remember a time when I was so pleased to see the buds on my trees and the sprouting of my flowers.  This has really been a long and  tortuous winter for legislation. 

There was so much polarization and strife over health care at the national and local level. I wonder if there is anyone still sane in Washington or Columbus.  Why can't we be willing to work together for the good of the public? 

I have been told to not count on any progress in legislation from Columbus since this is an election year.  How dare we expect anything positive to happen with a "Lame Duck" legislature? 

We will be selecting people to run for the legislature soon.  It is our responsibility to ask potential candidates tough questions regarding their positions on education and on fiscal  responsibility.   

No one likes to hear the TAX word, but we can't keep spending without a source of income.  We Americans are faced with some very difficult and challenging issues ranging from our two wars and how to pay for them, to the restructuring of our education system here in Ohio.  It obviously is much easier to implement legislation than it is to pay for the same.  

No one said it was going to be easy, but   together we can make our voices be heard.  Please join me in talking to potential legislators at every opportunity including  local meet the candidates’ nights.

January-March 2010

In order for us to maintain our retirement pensions, at the level we are accustomed, it becomes necessary for us to propose some changes to the legislature. We are working with STRS and other education lobbyists to come up with a reasonable position.

While what I am explaining to you may or may not be adopted by the legislature, it does represent much of our current thinking. The recommendations are as follows:

Increase member contributions by 0.5% per year beginning July 1, 2011 up to a total of 2.5% on July 1, 2015. The same increases will be provided by employers at the same rate. The employer rates would be delayed for 5 years.

Final average salary calculations will be based on a 5-year basis rather than the current 3 years. ORTA would like the STRS Board to determine the number of years needed based on funding status at the time.

Increase years of service required for retirement beginning August 1, 2015. ORTA would like to phase in the change in retirement eligibility from 30 years of service to 35 years of service according to the following schedule: 30 YOS (Years of Service) until 8/1/2015; 31 YOS through 7/31/2017; 32 YOS through 7/31/2019; 33 YOS through 7/31/2021; 34 YOS through 7/31/2023; 35 YOS 8/2023 and beyond. Also allow early retirement at 30 YOS at any age, subject to an actuarially reduced benefit.

The new formula would be 2.2% per year for the first 30 years of service; 2.5% per year thereafter beginning August 1, 2015.

ORTA recommends no tiering of the Cost of Living benefit. Beginning in 2011, current retirees receive 2% annual COLA. New retirees receive 2% COLA-deferred for 36 months, and they must be at least 60 years old.

We have a lot of work ahead of us this year. I hope we can count on all of our members to keep in touch with their representatives and senators. Remember to ask your friends to join PCRTA and ORTA so we can make an impact on the legislature and keep our pensions solvent!!!


Know your Legislators

Representative Steven Dyer, District 43 77 S. High St, 12th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6111 Phone: (614) 466-1790 Fax: (614) 719-6943 Email:

Representative Kathleen Chandler, District 68 77 S. High St, 11th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215-6111 Phone: (614) 466-2004 Fax: (614) 719-3968 Email:

Senator Tom Sawyer, District 28 (Portage County) Senate Building, 1 Capitol Square, Ground Floor, Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: (614) 466-7041 Email:

August-September 2009

The past few months have been unusual and  hectic to say the least.  We have gone from being afraid of the state's potential pillaging of our retirement system to addressing cuts that have occurred in the new State budget.  I personally am getting frustrated by the lack of leadership from the members of the legislature up to and including the Governor's office.

It seems that on both the State and National level, officials are more interested in fighting each other and bickering over what direction to go on the economy and health care system.    Instead of doing what is correct for America, they spend most of their time on one-upmanship and gotcha politics.  Neither party is interested in listening to their constituents.

As retired teachers, now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand; but we must keep our representatives feet to the fire by writing and calling on them to act like statesmen and not politicians.

If we as retired teachers don't get involved, we have no one to blame but  ourselves.  We must be ever alert to the possibility that some day, in the not too distant future, the Governor and or the  Legislature will revisit raiding STRS and PERS retirement funds.

I am asking each and every one of us to contact our retired friends who are not yet members of Portage County Retired Teachers' Association to ask them to join.

The only thing the Legislature and the  Governor understand is how many votes do we represent.  I'm sorry to say that right now we cannot deliver as many votes as we should.  Join me and our organization in making and taking our case to our non-member friends.

To repeat and old phrase, TOGETHER WE CAN!!

June-July 2009

Just a quick note to inform you that according to Jim Miller, STRS Federal Consultant, the Government Pension Offset Bill will not be addressed this year.  The chairman of the committee, John Tanner, of Tennessee, (a Blue Dog Democrat) and ranking member, Sam Johnson of Texas are not supportive.  There would be an 80 billion dollar cost for this program over a ten-year period.  This bill has been introduced each year since 1987 without passage.

Jim Miller was one of our speakers at the Spring ORTA conference in Columbus.  He tells us that a Health Care Reform Bill is on a fast track due to Senator Kennedy's own poor health.  Kennedy wants this bill passed as part of his legacy.  There are plans to have the bill on the floor for discussion as early as July.  It will only need 51 votes in the Senate for passage due to its fast track status.  Questions yet to be determined are:   
1.  Who will have access?                                
2.  What will be the cost?                                 
3.  What will be mandated? 
4.  Will it be a public or private plan (or a combination of the two)? and finally...       
5.  What will be the implications for STRS?

Did you know that an STRS retiree gets benefits for an average of 26 years after retirement?  Employee contributions pay for 3 years, while Board of Education contributions pay for 6 years.  The rest of the time is paid for by investment income. 

Finally, Jim tells us that Social Security reform will not happen this year, but  Medicare reform might.   On a scary note, as the funds of these agencies become depleted, the Federal Government will be looking for new ways to fund them.  This means that mandatory coverage of all teachers will probably be back on the table.

Have a happy summer.


April-May 2009

Please take the time to contact US House Representative Tim Ryan and ask him to support the Social Security Fairness Act of 2009 (House Bill #235).  Senator Sherrod Brown is a co-sponsor of the US Senate companion bill #484.  This legislation asks for the repeal of GPO and WEP. 

reduces or eliminates Social Security spousal and survivor's benefits for retirees who collect pensions that were not covered by the STRS program.  WEP slashes social Security retirement benefits for individuals who are eligible for them in addition to pensions from non-STRS-covered jobs. 

The latest ORTA quarterly (Spring, 2009) contains a sample letter that can be sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and to  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  We are still waiting for word on the new version of H.B.315 and will hopefully be able to address its status in the next newsletter. 

Remember, the Health Care Advocates are still working with STRS toward long-term fiduciary planning.  There is nothing more important for our retired teachers' organization to keep on top of.

January-March 2009

I'm sorry to report that HB315 did not pass legislative muster this past session.  We will look forward to a new bill being introduced during the next legislative session.

The upcoming year will find ORTA working on new guidelines for 2009.

I will be reporting regarding the future on the following topics:  health care; school funding; charter schools; rehired retirees; STRS pensions; communications and REO-PAC (Political Action Committee); and  Social Security.

We certainly have a full plate and with the problems facing our economy, we need to stay on top of the direction the legislature is headed.  We need all of our membership to be involved in this critical endeavor.

Stay informed and be willing to get involved.  It is your organization and your future.

Check the ORTA website,, for up-to-the-day information on current legislation; or go to and link to the ORTA site.

August-September 2009

The past few months have been unusual and  hectic to say the least.  We have gone from being afraid of the state's potential pillaging of our retirement system to addressing cuts that have occurred in the new State budget.  I personally am getting frustrated by the lack of leadership from the members of the legislature up to and including the Governor's office.

It seems that on both the State and National level, officials are more interested in fighting each other and bickering over what direction to go on the economy and health care system.    Instead of doing what is correct for America, they spend most of their time on one-upmanship and gotcha politics.  Neither party is interested in listening to their constituents.

As retired teachers, now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand; but we must keep our representatives feet to the fire by writing and calling on them to act like statesmen and not politicians.

If we as retired teachers don't get involved, we have no one to blame but  ourselves.  We must be ever alert to the possibility that some day, in the not too distant future, the Governor and or the  Legislature will revisit raiding STRS and PERS retirement funds.

I am asking each and every one of us to contact our retired friends who are not yet members of Portage County Retired Teachers' Association to ask them to join.

The only thing the Legislature and the  Governor understand is how many votes do we represent.  I'm sorry to say that right now we cannot deliver as many votes as we should.  Join me and our organization in making and taking our case to our non-member friends.

To repeat and old phrase, TOGETHER WE CAN!!

June-July 2009

Just a quick note to inform you that according to Jim Miller, STRS Federal Consultant, the Government Pension Offset Bill will not be addressed this year.  The chairman of the committee, John Tanner, of Tennessee, (a Blue Dog Democrat) and ranking member, Sam Johnson of Texas are not supportive.  There would be an 80 billion dollar cost for this program over a ten-year period.  This bill has been introduced each year since 1987 without passage.

Jim Miller was one of our speakers at the Spring ORTA conference in Columbus.  He tells us that a Health Care Reform Bill is on a fast track due to Senator Kennedy's own poor health.  Kennedy wants this bill passed as part of his legacy.  There are plans to have the bill on the floor for discussion as early as July.  It will only need 51 votes in the Senate for passage due to its fast track status.  Questions yet to be determined are:   
1.  Who will have access?                                
2.  What will be the cost?                                 
3.  What will be mandated? 
4.  Will it be a public or private plan (or a combination of the two)? and finally...       
5.  What will be the implications for STRS?

Did you know that an STRS retiree gets benefits for an average of 26 years after retirement?  Employee contributions pay for 3 years, while Board of Education contributions pay for 6 years.  The rest of the time is paid for by investment income. 

Finally, Jim tells us that Social Security reform will not happen this year, but  Medicare reform might.   On a scary note, as the funds of these agencies become depleted, the Federal Government will be looking for new ways to fund them.  This means that mandatory coverage of all teachers will probably be back on the table.

Have a happy summer.


April-May 2009

Please take the time to contact US House Representative Tim Ryan and ask him to support the Social Security Fairness Act of 2009 (House Bill #235).  Senator Sherrod Brown is a co-sponsor of the US Senate companion bill #484.  This legislation asks for the repeal of GPO and WEP. 

reduces or eliminates Social Security spousal and survivor's benefits for retirees who collect pensions that were not covered by the STRS program.  WEP slashes social Security retirement benefits for individuals who are eligible for them in addition to pensions from non-STRS-covered jobs. 

The latest ORTA quarterly (Spring, 2009) contains a sample letter that can be sent to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and to  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  We are still waiting for word on the new version of H.B.315 and will hopefully be able to address its status in the next newsletter. 

Remember, the Health Care Advocates are still working with STRS toward long-term fiduciary planning.  There is nothing more important for our retired teachers' organization to keep on top of.

January-March 2009

I'm sorry to report that HB315 did not pass legislative muster this past session.  We will look forward to a new bill being introduced during the next legislative session.

The upcoming year will find ORTA working on new guidelines for 2009.

I will be reporting regarding the future on the following topics:  health care; school funding; charter schools; rehired retirees; STRS pensions; communications and REO-PAC (Political Action Committee); and  Social Security.

We certainly have a full plate and with the problems facing our economy, we need to stay on top of the direction the legislature is headed.  We need all of our membership to be involved in this critical endeavor.

Stay informed and be willing to get involved.  It is your organization and your future.

Check the ORTA website,, for up-to-the-day information on current legislation; or go to and link to the ORTA site.

Copyright 2014. PCRTA.  All rights reserved.  Connie Evans, Webmaster